Oh look Andrew Hsiao also thinks the dreadnought sucks.
Eh, he also calls Rey a Mary Sue so he's not right about everything.
Del Rey have released the full Phasma cover. Pretty sweet.

Oh look Andrew Hsiao also thinks the dreadnought sucks.
TLJ is gonna be SHIT!
TLJ is gonna be SHIT!
TLJ is gonna be SHIT!
Didn't realize ANH had so many. Would have thought a prequel would have bested it.
Ep1 meaning Phantom Menace.
holy shit
how the fuck did i do that
Don't you ever confuse the two
Never again
I'm fucking shocked I managed to pull that one.
Will probably scar me for life.
holy shit
how the fuck did i do that
12 seem like a good amount, I dunno. Enough to remind us they're there but not overdue it.I am honestly somewhat miffed with Rian for this. Wipes are life. Why eat hamburger when you can have steak?!
Also at Star Wars Night @ Yankee Stadium and it just went into extra innings AND THIS DISPLEASES ME! Especially since I'm here by myself.
Making my way through the Star Wars/Darth Vader comics, just finished the End of Games arc and moving on to the Last Flight of the Harbinger. I'm really enjoying them so far, the art style can be hit or miss but the dialogue is good enough where I can read the lines in each character's voice.
The new characters are definitely the stars of the show for me. Aphra, 000, and Beetee are so much fun. In my head I read 000's dialogue as Creepio's voice from the Auralnauts videos. Can't wait to start Aphra's standalone.
Making my way through the Star Wars/Darth Vader comics, just finished the End of Games arc and moving on to the Last Flight of the Harbinger. I'm really enjoying them so far, the art style can be hit or miss but the dialogue is good enough where I can read the lines in each character's voice.
The new characters are definitely the stars of the show for me. Aphra, 000, and Beetee are so much fun. In my head I read 000's dialogue as Creepio's voice from the Auralnauts videos. Can't wait to start Aphra's standalone.
Jason Aaron is such a great writer but I dunno, it doesn't seem like he knows what he wants to do with Star Wars.
Lando will have a beard?
Lando will have a beard?
You're about to hit the point in the main Star Wars series where it nosedives in quality.
Aphra is a great followup to Vader though.
That's disappointing to hear. I'll probably still work through it to see what happens.
After I catch up with Aphra and Star Wars I'm planning on moving on to Lando and the other mini series, I've heard some of those are good.
Yeah. But the Resistance Bomber look like B-Wings.I dont think we're getting B-Wings boys
I'll sign for the audiobook.Thrawn in general is a good book. Don't know how the audiobook is
I loved all three, but if I had to rank:So as someone who has enjoyed the new canon books more often then not, Lost Stars and Dark Disciple being particularly great books in my opinion, what should be my next book I listen to? Been slacking after Catalyst, Rogue One novelization, and Empire's End.
Rebel Rising
Inferno Squad
Feel like I'm forgetting something, but I know Guardians didn't get an audiobook. Or should I finally push myself through my audiobook pile of shame with Dune and LotR
Ty for the recommendation, I'll start Inferno Squad today. If I really don't care for Thrawn ' s re imagining in Rebels is the book going to do anything to bridge the gap to his canon character? Note I'm not a Canon snob, my first Star Wars book I read was Darth Bane in early 2015.I'll sign for the audiobook.
I loved all three, but if I had to rank:
Inferno Squad
Rebel Rising
I'm not caught up on Rebels because I can read a book every two days but sitting my ass down to watch a video is crazy time commitment, but I enjoyed it without the rebels tie in. My only issue is that it feels like they talk around the show a bit, sort of a two halves in a whole.Ty for the recommendation, I'll start Inferno Squad today. If I really don't care for Thrawn ' s re imagining in Rebels is the book going to do anything to bridge the gap to his canon character? Note I'm not a Canon snob, my first Star Wars book I read was Darth Bane in early 2015.
Hi, I've been getting that yearly Star Wars fever and I've been thinking it's time to dip my toe into the new EU. Are the Poe Dameron comics very good? I loved all the X-Wing parts of VII and I loved the Aaron Allston X-Wing books in the old EU, is this a good place to start?
Ty for the recommendation, I'll start Inferno Squad today. If I really don't care for Thrawn ' s re imagining in Rebels is the book going to do anything to bridge the gap to his canon character? Note I'm not a Canon snob, my first Star Wars book I read was Darth Bane in early 2015.
I loved all three, but if I had to rank:
Inferno Squad
Rebel Rising
Just ordered the first volume so hoping this is good!The Poe comic is kind of slow but it reads better when you're not waiting for a new issue every month and just barreling through it. This is primarily because the plot is pre-TFA so they cant change the status quo and have to find a way to stretch things out, but the individual arcs are enjoyable. It just felt like it was treading water for a while there but it's coming together now.
It's probably the closest thing in the new canon so far to the old X-wing stuff, as well as Poe's part in Before the Awakening (also worth reading). If you want other military focused stuff the best book for that is Battlefront: Twilight Company.
I wonder if Rey is even going to leave that island in the film.
Simply had to gif the ending of the last one:
Is it recommended to read Twilight Company before Inferno Squad?
Somebody datamined the Find the Force AR app, found a bunch of new Blips shorts featuring porgs and the new BB units:
Hey You
Fan Droids
Simply had to gif the ending of the last one:
Damn, they spoiled Luke's last name.Damn.