Don't tempt meNo character spoilers or anything, you could probably piece it together from re-watching the teaser a few times.
Damn you.
Don't tempt meNo character spoilers or anything, you could probably piece it together from re-watching the teaser a few times.
STAR WARS #38 & #39
Kieron Gillen (W) • SALVADOR LARROCA (A)
The Rebel Alliance turns its attention to the shattered planet of Jedha! Once the site of great significance to the Jedi, Jedha was left in ruins when the Death Star annihilated the Holy City there. Now, new series writer Kieron Gillen joins artist Salvador Larroca to bring Luke, Leia, Han, and the rest to the remains of the tragic victim of the Empire's fury!
As Vader takes his place in command of the Emperor's secret Inquisitorius Program, he sets his sights on one of the most dangerous Jedi remaining alive...and it's not who you'd expect.
I'm surprised all the Inquisitors from Rebels were already around right after RotS. I would have thought they'd want to use different Inquisitors so they could, you know, die during the course of the story.
The AT-M6 is stupidest walker name there is. The second part has always been descriptive, not a "model designation". "All-terrain armored-transport", or "all-terrain tactical-enforcer".
I mean, what the hell is this? "All-terrain model-six" ?
The U-Wing's still my favourite original ship from the new films. You can tell they put so much time into getting it right.
All-terrain Megacaliber 6 (because of the big-ass gun), according to the Star Wars Show.
In the interview Cross-Section posted above, they mention them being invulnerable to ropes in the same way the AT-AT was. I presume they'll just be hitting them with the Resistance bombers.Just more insanity. I could understand the Galactic Empire always going bigger and weirder because it was a Government in Control of practically all known space in the Galaxy.
Now we got the Gorilla Walker that seemingly has all the same weaknesses as the AT-AT just larger and with an extra gun.
In the interview Cross-Section posted above, they mention them being invulnerable to ropes in the same way the AT-AT was. I presume they'll just be hitting them with the Resistance bombers.
The Dreadnought looks weird, super flat and two giant guns poking out the underside. Can't say I'm a fan.
Yeah, the dreadnought is too flat for my tastes, but I appreciate that it's the most different looking variant of the Star Destroyer that we've had in ages.
Woulda liked something akin to these in the TFA concept art, but less tackier.
He has done an amazing job bringing all the old comic ships etc. into a realistic Imperial style especially considering how many ships were little more than shaped blobsThey should hire this guy.
to do all their designs.
TFA vehicle designers fucking suck.
If Andrew Hsiao is actually an artist on TFA, then I've just played myself.
They should hire this guy.
to do all their designs.
TFA vehicle designers fucking suck.
If Andrew Hsiao is actually an artist on TFA, then I've just played myself.
So I'm the only one that thinks we are brushing closer to old-EU-up-its-own-ass-insanity with some of this stuff?
So I'm the only one that thinks we are brushing closer to old-EU-up-its-own-ass-insanity with some of this stuff?
We are three months and some change away from The Last Jedi.
I wonder if we're only getting one more trailer.
It started promisingly but it did go downhill. I'd say the same for both crossovers.I powered through Screaming Citadel today after putting off due to baby, house flooding, exhaustion, lol. It was pretty bad. Characters did not have their voice and the story was so forgettable.
I'm surprised all the Inquisitors from Rebels were already around right after RotS. I would have thought they'd want to use different Inquisitors so they could, you know, die during the course of the story.
It was unfortunate because I loved the set up and the dynamic with Luke and Aphra but yeah.. it kinda collapsed for me.I powered through Screaming Citadel today after putting off due to baby, house flooding, exhaustion, lol. It was pretty bad. Characters did not have their voice and the story was so forgettable.
He has done an amazing job bringing all the old comic ships etc. into a realistic Imperial style especially considering how many ships were little more than shaped blobs
Oh look Andrew Hsiao also thinks the dreadnought sucks.
I've gotta say, I'm not really feeling the aesthetics of TLJ at all so far outside of Rey's new outfit and Snokes bathrobe. The Resistance Bombers are ok but everything else still looks pretty bland. The Dreadnought is ugly, the AT-M6 is dumb, the Praetorians are nowhere near as good looking as the Royal Guards...
Actually Canto Bight looks great.