That's waaaaay too big a prize. I'm happy Finn likes it.
I didn't do the midnight thing. I went to my local Target this morning and while the action figure isle was devastated (I did find a Luke figure though). However, I did find a corner that people missed with a ton of merchandise and I got myself a $20 Porg that chirps. They scream "marketing", but gosh darn are they cute!!.
I'm definitely getting my girlfriend multiple Porg things for Christmas. She already loves them.
And to be honest, if I was in charge of writing and directing a Star Wars movie, you bet your ass I'd be trying to come up with something like Porgs.

Progressively cuter characters that everyone needs merch of is so much of a Star Wars thing, I'd
have to try and leave my mark, haha.
They had 30 years to produce all that. It's already been explained that they don't have the manufacturing capabilities of the empire, so they rely on quality instead of quantity.
Also I don't think it's fair to compare starkiller base to the death star. The death star was fully artificial, whereas starkiller base is a carved up planet.
The first order is similar to the empire, but they have different philosophies and while the empire controlled the whole galaxy, the first order doesn't.
Pretty much all of this, yeah. The First Order is
far smaller than the Empire was, just as the Resistance is basically nothing next to the peak, RotJ-tier Rebellion. The Empire had fleets of mass-produced Star Destroyers that covered significant portions of the entire galaxy, while the First Order is basically pumping everything they have into a far smaller collection of ships, that also come after decades of advancement and can lean on whatever Imperial research was leftover.
I doubt the First Order could pull together a fleet as imposing in scale as the one at the Battle of Endor, but they can pool all of their resources into a much smaller collection of top-of-the-line ships, land vehicles, and weaponry, since they have far less territory to cover and are far more desperate.