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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

Has that upcoming Obi-Wan action figure with the possibly indicative description been mentioned in here?

Personally, I'd be ridiculously game for another Obi-Wan cameo in Last Jedi.

If Obi-Wan's ghost was going to appear in The Last Jedi, they probably would have held this back until after the release of the film. Rian's said they've careful with the toys to avoid spoiling things.

Include the droid from Rogue One, because why the fuck not.

More K2 is never a bad thing.
There's only one character on those stamps that even vaguely resembles a white male... and he's portrayed as evil and deformed! Star Wars has gone to the dogs.

I thought The Force Awakens was too similar to A New Hope!!!!

John Lewis' gender neutral clothing, etc.




Those are some interesting Phasma impressions haha.

Royal Mail are doing another set of Star Wars stamps for The Last Jedi.


Already pre-ordered them. The last set was really nice.
Snoke looks pretty damn menacing there
Finished Phasma. I dunno, part of me thinks it’s so weird I’m struggling to be negative on it cause I like that it’s different, but it was so slow at places, and some plot lines just weren’t resolved. Loved the very last chapter though.


I'm 75% through and I'm 100% on board with the story. Phasma is fucking hardcore and I love her in spite of how crazy weird the frame story is.

Oh and the sand line had me dying.


Also, this is amazing.


So, I'd say that Rae Sloane is the most important character from the books, Chelli Lona Aphra is the most important character from the comics, and Ahsoka Tano is the most important character in the TV shows.
They've posted an image of Poe's upgraded Black One from the magazine too.


The X-Wing (an Incom-FreiTek T-70, to be precise) has, according to Rian Johnson, been specially modified by Resistance engineers, with a temporary accelerator pod affixed to the aft section. According to The Last Jedi director, the pod, when primed, increases Dameron's speed, allowing him to outrun First Order cannon emplacements. It's just a temporary boost and will burn out quickly but it's enough to get beyond the barrage of turbo laser fire from First Order Star Destroyers such as the one depicted in the image.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Databank dump:

Rolling about the hangar bays of outposts and capital ships, or snug in the astromech sockets of X-wing fighters, BB units work tirelessly to keep the weapons and vessels of the Resistance in top combat condition.

The First Order benefits from the latest technology across all its activities. This includes having dark, gleaming BB astromech units of their own that keep their starships and machinery operational.

Now uninhabited, Crait is a mineral world dusted by a layer of white salt, reflecting the planet's sunlight. It was once the site of a Rebel Alliance outpost, and has become a haven for the fleeing Resistance forces.

Lumbering armored beasts that are the latest generation in walkers, these enormous transports help the First Order secure the worlds of their expanding territories.

The First Order Dreadnought looms over its doomed targets like an impossible iron thundercloud. Its massive ventral auto-cannons rain down fiery destruction.


Reminiscent in design of the Empire's TIE interceptor and Darth Vader's TIE advanced, Kylo Ren's TIE silencer is an angular fighter equipped with laser cannons and missile launchers. Ren is an expert pilot -- thanks to skills passed down from his father -- which he puts to use in exploiting his ship's speed and ferocity. There is no other First Order craft like the TIE silencer, and it is an effective tool in Ren's mission to destroy the Resistance.

Now reinforced with new combat craft, the Resistance fleet dispatches hardy bombers into battle with the First Order fleet. Escorted by swift starfighters, these munitions-laden carrier ships drop powerful proton bombs onto their Star Destroyer targets.


An older design pre-dating the Rebel Alliance, these low-altitude, high power ski speeders use a stabilizer strut to keep balance when zipping across alien terrain.

Small, flat-muzzled avians that flock about the rocks and roost in the cliffs of Luke Skywalker's secluded island, porgs are inquisitive creatures.
I haven't read much about the First Order's background so I might be wrong, but something I find quite interesting about them, is that they seem to have the potential to be more of an aggressive organisation that the Empire. In the movies, the Empire always seemed like an omnipresent and oppressive organisation, and whilst they governed harshly and ruthlessly, their presence and actions always seemed to be about consolidating and maintaining their power and control. The First Order on the other hand seems like it is more of a shadowy remnant of the Empire. Which, in the time between the OT and ST, have been secretly building their forces and strength. I kinda view the The Force Awakens as their big reveal where they are finally ready to start their assault (starting with blowing up the new Republic on those planets).

So, going into the subsequent movies it will be cool to see the First Order mobilising and actively invading new systems (hence all the flashy new walkers and star destroyers). Their tactics and actions will presumably be a lot more direct and aggressive.
I haven't read much about the First Order's background so I might be wrong, but something I find quite interesting about them, is that they seem to have the potential to be more of an aggressive organisation that the Empire. In the movies, the Empire always seemed like an omnipresent and oppressive organisation, and whilst they governed harshly and ruthlessly, their presence and actions always seemed to be about consolidating and maintaining their power and control. The First Order on the other hand seems like it is more of a shadowy remnant of the Empire. Which, in the time between the OT and ST, have been secretly building their forces and strength. I kinda view the The Force Awakens as their big reveal where they are finally ready to start their assault (starting with blowing up the new Republic on those planets).

So, going into the subsequent movies it will be cool to see the First Order mobilising and actively invading new systems (hence all the flashy new walkers and star destroyers). Their tactics and actions will presumably be a lot more direct and aggressive.

Phasma, curiously enough, gives us an interesting look into the thought processes of what the First Order is and their raison d'etre.
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