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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Hm, an entry level assistant position just opened up at one of the ILM studios here and I might fit the bill
i won't be your next Whitta, GAF

Update: I didn't end up getting this job. In fact, I never even applied.

But I did land one that's literally right across the street from them.



Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Another image of the Supremacy from that Sphero app:


I'd laugh if it had the same cloaking device as the Carrion Spike.

Some star destroyer shaped holes along the 'wings'?


I just finished watching the despecialized edition of A New Hope for the first time, and hat was pretty good. I forgot Tarkin was in it and I forgot about Han's comeback too. Nice film, although at times a bit boring. Still good though.

Also finished chapter two of Lost Stars. It's an easy read and quite good. Maybe a bit too much about Ciena and Thane but it seems like they're gonna meet new people at the royal academy, so there'll be more characters to explore.
Rian was at a fan event in Tokyo today and though no footage was revealed, he did reveal some interesting info. From someone that attended on Reddit:

  • Rian was repeatedly asked about the surprise twists in TLJ. He suggested there was more than one and was gratified that Daisy and Mark were "shocked" when they read the script, but he emphasized that he avoided writing any twists for their own sake. Everything had to follow naturally from the plot. When asked if there was any reveal on the level of "I am your father", he said no.
  • He said the film is "almost, almost, almost finished" and that he only has a few days left of work on it.
  • When asked if he wanted to direct Episode IX, he made it sound like he was not being considered for IX and was only focused on VIII. He said he was not thinking about IX yet and looked forward to seeing it in the theater no matter who makes it. No outright denial, but he is clearly a team player here.
  • When asked to reveal something about The Last Jedi that had never been made public, he said that his buddy Joseph Gordon-Levitt has a cameo as an alien's voice.
  • On Kylo Ren, he said that the character is a fascinating, layered character with lots of weaknesses, and in writing the script, he had fun prying apart all the chinks in Kylo's armor.
There's a video of it here.


Rian was at a fan event in Tokyo today and though no footage was revealed, he did reveal some interesting info. From someone that attended on Reddit:

  • Rian was repeatedly asked about the surprise twists in TLJ. He suggested there was more than one and was gratified that Daisy and Mark were "shocked" when they read the script, but he emphasized that he avoided writing any twists for their own sake. Everything had to follow naturally from the plot. When asked if there was any reveal on the level of "I am your father", he said no.
  • He said the film is "almost, almost, almost finished" and that he only has a few days left of work on it.
  • When asked if he wanted to direct Episode IX, he made it sound like he was not being considered for IX and was only focused on VIII. He said he was not thinking about IX yet and looked forward to seeing it in the theater no matter who makes it. No outright denial, but he is clearly a team player here.
  • When asked to reveal something about The Last Jedi that had never been made public, he said that his buddy Joseph Gordon-Levitt has a cameo as an alien's voice.
  • On Kylo Ren, he said that the character is a fascinating, layered character with lots of weaknesses, and in writing the script, he had fun prying apart all the chinks in Kylo's armor.
There's a video of it here.

Shock theory. Hmmm..

I'm in the Rey is a
I imagine every day that goes by without a director the odds of Rian being the next director grows. If somehow they get past the premiere of TLR without naming a director, it's a lock that it's Rian.

And no pick is going to start over from scratch. They probably have already spent 30-50 million already on prep including animatics.
I imagine every day that goes by without a director the odds of Rian being the next director grows. If somehow they get past the premiere of TLR without naming a director, it's a lock that it's Rian.

And no pick is going to start over from scratch. They probably have already spent 30-50 million already on prep including animatics.

Big reason why I think Rian won't take the job. He seems someone who wants full creative ownership.


The DLCs for Star Wars Battlefront are currently free in the german PSN store, I think this should also be the case for the other stores.


Same. Loved the energy he brought to TFA and he engages so well with fans.

I get the concern many people (GAFfers) will have but I expect he'll do something good with the what Rian serves up. He might not be my first choice (even thought I love TFA) but I'll easily take him over Trevorrow.
Lucasfilm's statement:

J.J. Abrams, who launched a new era of Star Wars with The Force Awakens in 2015, is returning to complete the sequel trilogy as writer and director of Star Wars: Episode IX. Abrams will co-write the film with Chris Terrio. Star Wars: Episode IX will be produced by Kathleen Kennedy, Michelle Rejwan, Abrams, Bad Robot, and Lucasfilm.

”With The Force Awakens, J.J. delivered everything we could have possibly hoped for, and I am so excited that he is coming back to close out this trilogy," said Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy.

The Force Awakens has its flaws but I still have a blast with it on every re-watch. I'm confident he'll do a better job of closing out the trilogy than Treverrow would have.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
i've only seen force awakens once, but i have a quick question about something that bothered me, and is probably the biggest reason why i didn't really like it. maybe i just missed something.

so what exactly is the situation in the galaxy? is the new order pretty much just the empire now, or are they the rebels now? are the old rebels the government now? is it just all out war all over the galaxy with various factions? that feels stupid considering return ended with what appeared to be a galaxy-wide celebration.

the original star wars gave a quick explanation that pretty much covered all that needed to be covered (there used to be a senate, emperor got rid of it, rebels sad now), but with episode 7 even at the end i really didn't feel like the story was grounded to anything.


Well we need a trailer now

I don't have the willpower for a resurgence in "UGGH TFA was so UNORIGINAL" feedback-loop-esque debates at the moment

I know. Feedback loop is exactly what it is.

I think the worst thing about JJ returning is that he's a solid, safe choice. He'll make something good but has less potential for greatness. I feel like Rian could potentially make a Star Wars to rival Empire but I don't think JJ could ever do that.
I know. Feedback loop is exactly what it is.

I think the worst thing about JJ returning is that he's a solid, safe choice. He'll make something good but has less potential for greatness. I feel like Rian could potentially make a Star Wars to rival Empire but I don't think JJ could ever do that.

Bingo. I genuinely like JJ and expect him to end the trilogy in a crowd pleasing way, but I'm of the mindset that TLJ is gonna be the best Star Wars movie to date and I wanted that man to follow it up.
If we have learned anything by now, Star Wars is way more than one person framing up a scene and cutting a movie in the editing room. It's a well-oiled machine that has many creative inputs and one person will not make or break it.

I should say, that Star Wars under Kathleen Kennedy is a well oiled machine.


While after the latest news, I've sort've reaffirmed my expectations that The Last Jedi should be the most unique of the trilogy, JJ coming to do IX is pretty neat as well. I think he did well with VII, and after I asked him to fill in for me, he couldn't be more ecstatic that he gets to close the trilogy he started.

Toa TAK disagrees, so you're almost certainly right.

That's not how this works.
i've only seen force awakens once, but i have a quick question about something that bothered me, and is probably the biggest reason why i didn't really like it. maybe i just missed something.

so what exactly is the situation in the galaxy? is the new order pretty much just the empire now, or are they the rebels now? are the old rebels the government now? is it just all out war all over the galaxy with various factions? that feels stupid considering return ended with what appeared to be a galaxy-wide celebration.

the original star wars gave a quick explanation that pretty much covered all that needed to be covered (there used to be a senate, emperor got rid of it, rebels sad now), but with episode 7 even at the end i really didn't feel like the story was grounded to anything.

Here's a brief summary:

  • After Return of the Jedi, the Rebellion formed the New Republic with Mon Mothma as Chancellor.
  • The New Republic destroys most of what's left of the Empire's forces at the Battle of Jakku, but a few important figures flee to the Unknown Regions with a plan to start over.
  • Fast forward twenty years or so and the New Republic is still in power but finds itself divided between Centrists (those who want a stronger galactic government with more military power) and Populists (those who think individual planets should have more control)
  • Some of the Centrist planets secede from the New Republic and secretly decide to back the First Order.
  • The First Order have grown in strength significantly with the backing of these planets and other unknown parties. They have a few Star Destroyers and eventually, Starkiller Base, but at the beginning of TFA they're concentrated in the Unknown Regions and have little territory to speak of.
  • After Leia finds evidence of a military force growing in secret, she asks the Republic for help but they're reluctant to do anything to incite another galactic civil war. She ends up forming the Resistance to try and combat this unknown threat.
I've not read some of the latest books yet so I've probably missed out a few things but you get the idea.
i've only seen force awakens once, but i have a quick question about something that bothered me, and is probably the biggest reason why i didn't really like it. maybe i just missed something.

so what exactly is the situation in the galaxy? is the new order pretty much just the empire now, or are they the rebels now? are the old rebels the government now? is it just all out war all over the galaxy with various factions? that feels stupid considering return ended with what appeared to be a galaxy-wide celebration.

the original star wars gave a quick explanation that pretty much covered all that needed to be covered (there used to be a senate, emperor got rid of it, rebels sad now), but with episode 7 even at the end i really didn't feel like the story was grounded to anything.
The main government of the Galaxy was The New Republic, which was a reorganization of the Rebel Alliance. The First Order was basically the remnants of the Galactic Empire, and retained control of some Outter Rim systems. The two governments had signed an armistice which imposed massive restrictions on the latter, though they continued to build up their military despite the terms of the agreement stating that they needed to heavily demilitarize. Additionally, they expanded pretty heavily into uncharted territory, annexing new systems and largely operating secrecy far from the core worlds.

The Republic kinda knew this was happening and many within kinda just allowed it to happen (and some in the Republic were outright Imperial sympathizers). The Resistance was a response to all of this, who basically acted semi-"illegally" to fight the First Order, with backing from elements within the Republic, again, despite the terms of the armistice and being publicly disavowed. There was no full scale war at this point though.

The Starkiller attack in TFA destroyed the current Republic capital system, the bulk of the fleet, and the Senate, crippling the Republic and kicking off a new war proper.

There is a lot of parallels to the buildup to World War II and the rise of Nazi Germany in the years between the two world wars.
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