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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

I think it's interesting to point out that the First Order is not technically the same as the Empire. The First Order is a splinter group that fled in secrecy apart from the Empire and the remaining Imperial leadership did not come with them. The Empire itself as an organization admitted defeat after the battle of Jakku and was officially dissolved in political discourse.

That's why the New Republic didn't take the rumors seriously and only humored Leia with her small military group. In the years since ROTJ, politics did as politics does and by then everyone either had their heads up their asses or were secretly Imperial sympathizers so Leia's findings went ignored.

They were incredibly secretive, operating through the black market and never directly. Leia was on their trail but still didn't know that much about them. It wasn't until the destruction of the Hosnian system that the First Order became known to the public.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Here's a brief summary:

  • After Return of the Jedi, the Rebellion formed the New Republic with Mon Mothma as Chancellor.
  • The New Republic destroys most of what's left of the Empire's forces at the Battle of Jakku, but a few important figures flee to the Unknown Regions with a plan to start over.
  • Fast forward twenty years or so and the New Republic is still in power but finds itself divided between Centrists (those who want a stronger galactic government with more military power) and Populists (those who think individual planets should have more control)
  • Some of the Centrist planets secede from the New Republic and secretly decide to back the First Order.
  • The First Order have grown in strength significantly with the backing of these planets and other unknown parties. They have a few Star Destroyers and eventually, Starkiller Base, but at the beginning of TFA they're concentrated in the Unknown Regions and have little territory to speak of.
  • After Leia finds evidence of a military force growing in secret, she asks the Republic for help but they're reluctant to do anything to incite another galactic civil war. She ends up forming the Resistance to try and combat this unknown threat.
I've not read some of the latest books yet so I've probably missed out a few things but you get the idea.

The main government of the Galaxy was The New Republic, which was a reorganization of the Rebel Alliance. The First Order was basically the remnants of the Galactic Empire, and retained control of some Outter Rim systems. The two governments had signed an armistice which imposed massive restrictions on the latter, though they continued to build up their military despite the terms of the agreement stating that they needed to heavily demilitarize. Additionally, they expanded pretty heavily into uncharted territory, annexing new systems and largely operating secrecy far from the core worlds.

The Republic kinda knew this was happening and many within kinda just allowed it to happen (and some in the Republic were outright Imperial sympathizers). The Resistance was a response to all of this, who basically acted semi-"illegally" to fight the First Order, with backing from elements within the Republic, again, despite the terms of the armistice and being publicly disavowed. There was no full scale war at this point though.

The Starkiller attack in TFA destroyed the current Republic capital system, the bulk of the fleet, and the Senate, crippling the Republic and kicking off a new war proper.

There is a lot of parallels to the buildup to World War II and the rise of Nazi Germany in the years between the two world wars.

was this stuff actually in the movie? i have no memory of this.
Unless they're saving it all for VIII and IX, I would have liked some in-movie politics deets in TFA, not for the actual info but to match the 'in media res' feel of A New Hope, which had a number of references to background events. TFA really felt like it was coming out of nowhere compared to the other films (except TPM I guess).
Also they're airing at 12:30am EST, with multiple reruns through the next day.

Sounds like something Disney XD does with their newer cartoons in general, though.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Considering that re-watch threads seem to be in vogue lately, should we do one for the all the films in chronological order in the weeks leading up to TLJ's release?


I need a complete Clone Wars boxset.

Absolute nonsense that the movie is OOP and 'Season' 6 has to be imported (depending on where you live).


If you are in the UK, all of the Clone Wars, Rebels and the movies are on NowTV to stream (on the movies subscription). I have been working my way through the clone wars myself.

Not interested in 720p/2.0 audio streams.

I resent having to watch GoT legally like that until the Blu-rays are out.
Not interested in 720p/2.0 audio streams.

I resent having to watch GoT legally like that until the Blu-rays are out.

I found importing Season 6 from Amazon Germany pretty hassle-free. Obviously I would have preferred to buy a version with English packaging, but beggars can't be choosers.



My Black Series Landspeeder arrived today! so much nostalgia : )



That timeslot is poison

That's where they sent TRON: Uprising to die when it was finally finding its legs

Still mad as hell about that


SW #36 and Aphra #12 are out. Aphra was fun as usual but I was more interested in SW, which has gotten way better ever since Aaron scaled back and has been doing these one shot issues. R2 was...unusually brutal, but endearing. The ending was a little hokey though.

Larocca does so much better when he's not drawing faces.


Entirety of canon in one month GO
Are there any good lists of highlight episodes for Clone Wars and Rebels? Trying to convince my gf to join me in a trench canon run but ~150 cartoon episodes is a big ask.

There's that one image that makes the rounds all the time but it's terrible. Haven't seen a Rebels one.

Plus, things have changed a bit since the new films (e.g. Saw is now somewhat important)

And a few blurbs about each of the stories contained within:

Saladin Ahmed, ”Rules of the Game"

”‘Rules of the Game' is a quiet drama about work and crime and corruption and pecking order, but it's also an alien buddy comedy with explosives. Interplanetary contract criminal Anglang Lehet and Vaporator Salesbeing Kedpin Shoklop have led very different lives. They have one thing in common: Each of them has spent more than a century following the rules of his trade. But one night in the glittering casino city of Canto Bight their paths will cross and, beset by gangsters, corrupt cops, and overpriced drinks, they will have to rely on each other to have any hope to survive."

Rae Carson, ”Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing"

”No one is better placed to overhear key information than Lexo Sooger, the star masseuse at an elite spa. But Lexo never gets involved, no matter what. In a dangerous city like Canto Bight, it's the only way to keep his family safe. But vile gangster Big Sturg Ganna will stop at nothing to acquire him as an asset, and when Ganna kidnaps Lexo's daughter, Lexo must call on secret, long-unused abilities to save her. The gangster doesn't know it yet, but he has messed with the wrong masseuse.

I spent a big chunk of my childhood in poverty, so I know that even the most beautiful, lavish places have an underclass, people barely scraping by in a system stacked against them. When I saw Lexo, a fantastically realized alien creature doing hard labor, surrounded by luxury that's never truly his, I just had to know more. For me, Lexo is Canto Bight's everyman, and I'm so glad I got to write his story."

Mira Grant, ”The Wine in Dreams"

”There's nothing better than a good con game, except for maybe a con game that takes place in the Star Wars universe. My story takes you to the glamorous night life and the glittering world of Ubialla Gheal, whose club is the place to see and be seen in Canto Bight. A lot of business happens there. A lot of deals. But when Derla Pidys, one of the most renowned liquor traders in the galaxy, shows up to purchase a bottle of wine that may or may not come from another dimension, things get complicated, fast. It was a joy to write, and I think you're going to enjoy it."

John Jackson Miler, ”The Ride"

”What do you do when everything you think you know is upended at precisely the wrong time? ‘The Ride' is some of the best fun I've had writing a Star Wars story, combining a look at gaming within the Star Wars universe with an adventure loaded with humorous moments. It's a chance to wallow in casino life, surrounded by memorable characters. The Lucky Three (Plus One) is more than a starting pazaak hand — it's a formula for a wild ride!

With statistics as his Force and card combinations as his lightsaber, Kaljach Sonmi fancies himself a Jedi Knight of the gambling halls, making short work of all who oppose him. Until, that is, he encounters something none of his knowledge and experience can help him with: The Lucky Three, a notorious trio and terrors of the casino.

Suddenly, with fearsome members of the Canto Bight underworld breathing down his neck, Kal launches upon the craziest — and possibly last! — night of his life, a frenetic odyssey during which fortunes are lost, won, and lost again. He's drawing dead with a deadline, and his only outs may be three diminutive lunatics named Dodi, Thodi, and Wobi!"
Are there any good lists of highlight episodes for Clone Wars and Rebels? Trying to convince my gf to join me in a trench canon run but ~150 cartoon episodes is a big ask.

There's that one image that makes the rounds all the time but it's terrible. Haven't seen a Rebels one.

Plus, things have changed a bit since the new films (e.g. Saw is now somewhat important)

Is there anywhere to stream Rebels, for that matter? How can I binge it?
It looks like Marvel's December solicitations leaked. There's a few interesting Star Wars books in there.

This December, the soon-to-be thrilling Star Wars: The Last Jedi rocks movie screens across the world...and the reverberations are felt all around a galaxy far, far away! First up, learn the secret of the mineral planet Crait! Long before it became a battleground between the Resistance and the First Order, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa led the Rebellion there in search of a new home! From writers Ben Acker & Ben Blacker (Star Wars Join the Resistance) and artist Marco Checchetto (Star Wars: Shattered Empire) comes the backstory to this winter's biggest adventure!
Rated T

And it sounds like Poe's series will be reaching the The Force Awakens soon.

Black Squadron and General Organa have teamed together for an extra-top-secret mission...
• ...and it's up to them to rescue Lor San Tekka!
• Meanwhile, what's Suralinda got up her sleeves?
Rated T
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