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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

So the phasma book... a good read or not? Thinking about buying it.

As a person who has a whole shelf devoted to Phasma shit, it's okay. I'm reading Thrawn right now and it's retroactively making me hate the Phasma book more because it just wasn't well written at all, especially with the frame story and the very repetitious events that happen. It does give a better insight into the character and her actions in TFA though. I've hard the comic is good though so I might just stick with that.


Read Star Wars (2015) issue 1 and Darth Vader (2015) issue 1. Darth Vader (2015) is continued in the current ongoing Doctor Aphra comic. There's a new Darth Vader (2017) comic that's set after Revenge of the Sith that's currently running as well.

All four of these are essentially the mainline stuff.

Thanks you. Are these Marvel of Dark Horse? I am assuming the 2015 series is Marvel - correct?

Big One

Thanks you. Are these Marvel of Dark Horse? I am assuming the 2015 series is Marvel - correct?
It's Marvel, but the dates line up fine, lol. Dark Horse stopped doing Star Wars comics in 2014 iirc. The only canon Dark Horse comic is Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir which is based on a cut arc from the Clone Wars TV show. It's also getting reprinted by Marvel soon. All of the cut Clone Wars arc are considered canon by Dave Filoni, but that's a different story for a different time.



It's Marvel, but the dates line up fine, lol. Dark Horse stopped doing Star Wars comics in 2014 iirc. The only canon Dark Horse comic is Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir which is based on a cut arc from the Clone Wars TV show. It's also getting reprinted by Marvel soon. All of the cut Clone Wars arc are considered canon by Dave Filoni, but that's a different story for a different time.

Thank you both.

Ouch, I see Comixology subscriptions don't include back-issues. What a bummer. It's weird that I can go to Amazon and get the issues for half the price of Comixology. I rarely read single issues anymore, so a lot of this is new to me.


A guy that liked Vader Down is trying to write Episode IX god help us all.

Tell me this isn't awesome. My IX is going to be amazing. It'll change Star Wars forever.
Thanks guys. I think you've convinced me

Admiral Ackbar and General Grievous being merged into some weird thing to fight Darth Vader maybe isn't what I'd consider to be a selling point but maybe I'm just a traditionalist like that.


What about the books? Which one is the easiest to start out with? I've only seen the movies. So I don't know anything about guys like Thrawn. Is Leia the best one to start out with?

Leia, Princess of Alderaan is pretty good if you are a Leia fan. It's not really essential though, it's just how she got involved in the Rebellion.

Catalyst is good if you want a prequel to Rogue One specifically about Galen. Rebel Rising is also a super depressing prequel to Rogue One if that's your thing.

Battlefront II: Twilight Company is really great if you want a harder military approach.

Lost Stars is wonderful melodramatic young adult cheese.

Read Bloodline if you want more detail on the political situation prior to TFA.


ThinkGeek has these framed portraits for TLJ that include Rey, Luke, Hux and one of the guards for 14.99. I ordered Rey and received it today and immediately ordered Luke once I saw the quality. The print is textured and just feels really good for only 14.99.




Leia, Princess of Alderaan is pretty good if you are a Leia fan. It's not really essential though, it's just how she got involved in the Rebellion.
I've actually disliked Leia ever since my first Star Wars movie.

Catalyst is good if you want a prequel to Rogue One specifically about Galen. Rebel Rising is also a super depressing prequel to Rogue One if that's your thing.
Hmm, Rogue One was an alright movie, but not something I am more curious about.

Battlefront II: Twilight Company is really great if you want a harder military approach.
I don't like military approaches in my books. Fuck I sound so negative lmao.

Lost Stars is wonderful melodramatic young adult cheese.
This actually sounds most like me.

Read Bloodline if you want more detail on the political situation prior to TFA.
Hmm, this one sounds really intriguing.

I will read samples and check out impressions of Lost Stars and Bloodline before deciding. Thanks a lot for your input and putting up the books like that. :)
Rebel Rising is also a super depressing prequel to Rogue One if that's your thing.

I just started reading this (about 20 chapters in) and, first, yes to all of the above, it's a big ol' bummer but also adds a great deal more depth to Rogue One (and especially the movie's novelization, given that both books go DEEP on Jyn's perspective and thoughts) as a result.

I particularly like the bit where
the book teases Saw hunting down traitors to his organization, but in reality it's anyone who even has an inkling of Jyn's real identity who gets the ax. Dude's fucking torturing people because of this.


I just started reading this (about 20 chapters in) and, first, yes to all of the above, it's a big ol' bummer but also adds a great deal more depth to Rogue One (and especially the movie's novelization, given that both books go DEEP on Jyn's perspective and thoughts) as a result.

I particularly like the bit where
the book teases Saw hunting down traitors to his organization, but in reality it's anyone who even has an inkling of Jyn's real identity who gets the ax. Dude's fucking torturing people because of this.

It's a brutal book and it really puts Rogue One in a whole new light with just how awful Jyn's life is. I actually feel really happy for her by the end of RO now since she finally found purpose in her life.

Pachimari said:
This actually sounds most like me.

Hmm, this one sounds really intriguing.

Both of these are by Claudia Gray who also wrote Leia, so if you end up liking them you may want to read Leia after all. I forgot to mention though - Leia is the main character in Bloodline. Her handling of her character is probably what made LFL give her the Leia book next. LS is widely regarded as the best canon young adult novel and Bloodline is likewise usually regarded as the best canon adult novel.

Oh, if you like melodramatic cheese you may also like Dark Disiciple, but you should have seen The Clone Wars first before reading it since it's based on cancelled episodes.


I want a Monolith Soft Star Wars game.

OH! I want a Monolith Soft reboot of Jedi Academy. Cover from the end of ROTJ up to when Kylo comes and kills everyone.
Oh, if you like melodramatic cheese you may also like Dark Disiciple, but you should have seen The Clone Wars first before reading it since it's based on cancelled episodes.

Not necessary. You can read it without watching TCW.
I'm halfway done with Phasma. I've hit some slow parts now which has taken it down a notch but I still like it. Caught up with Poe Dameron also and it's been solid. Just have the Cassion and K2 one shot, Mace Windu, and yesterday's Vader and Phasma and I will be caught up with the comics for the first time in 3 months.


I just read chapter one of Bloodline, and I really liked that. It's actually super interesting following Leia Organa in her political quest. That said, I read on the wiki website that it takes place 6 years prior to The Force Awakens, but how many years are there inbetween Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens?

[edit] 30 years I see.

So if Leia is 19 in Return of the Jedi, she must be 43 years old in Bloodline.
I just read chapter one of Bloodline, and I really liked that. It's actually super interesting following Leia Organa in her political quest. That said, I read on the wiki website that it takes place 6 years prior to The Force Awakens, but how many years are there inbetween Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens?

Pretty sure it's around 30.
I just read chapter one of Bloodline, and I really liked that. It's actually super interesting following Leia Organa in her political quest. That said, I read on the wiki website that it takes place 6 years prior to The Force Awakens, but how many years are there inbetween Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens?

[edit] 30 years I see.

So if Leia is 19 in Return of the Jedi, she must be 43 years old in Bloodline.

Wasn't she like mid-20s in ROTJ? 19 seems like how old she'd be in ANH.


Wasn't she like mid-20s in ROTJ? 19 seems like how old she'd be in ANH.
I just searched "how old is leia in return of the jedi" on google and that's what I get as a result. But now I found this datapad, and yeah it seems she was 23 years old. So she is 49 in Bloodline.

I think I should stay away from Lost Stars for now, because I can honestly not remember any other events than the destruction of the Death Star in Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. I can't remember much, so I should rewatch the OT and PT before I buy Lost Stars. I will give the prologue, chapter one and two a go now, but I think I'm gonna buy Bloodline before going to bed.


I just searched "how old is leia in return of the jedi" on google and that's what I get as a result. But now I found this datapad, and yeah it seems she was 23 years old. So she is 49 in Bloodline.

I think I should stay away from Lost Stars for now, because I can honestly not remember any other events than the destruction of the Death Star in Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. I can't remember much, so I should rewatch the OT and PT before I buy Lost Stars. I will give the prologue, chapter one and two a go now, but I think I'm gonna buy Bloodline before going to bed.

Lost Stars is literally "Here's two new characters in love on opposite sides of the war during every important thing that happened in the OT." So the book is basically a refresher by itself.
Lost Stars is literally "Here's two new characters in love on opposite sides of the war during every important thing that happened in the OT." So the book is basically a refresher by itself.

Do people like Lost Stars cause to me that sounds ungodly cheesy even for Star Wars.


Lost Stars is literally "Here's two new characters in love on opposite sides of the war during every important thing that happened in the OT." So the book is basically a refresher by itself.
Oh, so it doesn't cover the PT. That's great. I can rewatch the OT again then, I'm gonna watch A New Hope tomorrow actually. And I'll see how these two chapters go. I really liked Bloodline, and the setting in chapter one, how Leia would think to herself, how Ben Solo was introduced and that end to chapter one was surprising to me lol.


Oh, so it doesn't cover the PT. That's great. I can rewatch the OT again then, I'm gonna watch A New Hope tomorrow actually. And I'll see how these two chapters go. I really liked Bloodline, and the setting in chapter one, how Leia would think to herself, how Ben Solo was introduced and that end to chapter one was surprising to me lol.

Yeah, LS starts about halfway between the prequels and original movies and then transitions into the movies themselves. Its really about Thane and Ciena so it's pretty self contained.

Do people like Lost Stars cause to me that sounds ungodly cheesy even for Star Wars.

I have the total opposite opinion of KoruptData in that I think it's cheesy and it knows it - that gives it genuine heart, as over the top as it gets (I mean the characters themselves even ask at one point "Isn't it kind of ridiculous that this keeps happening? Must be the will of the Force.")

It knows Star Wars is pulp and goes full bore into melodrama which makes it a fun ride.


Do people like Lost Stars cause to me that sounds ungodly cheesy even for Star Wars.
Some of the writing was interesting and exciting.

But the love story is PT levels of cheese. Forced myself to finish it. The mains are cardboard cutouts.

"Let's catch some sky."

Never forget


I wish the intro to the novels was more detailed or showed a timeline. I have to look it up every time. The intro says Lost Stars takes place 8 years after the fall of the old republic, and I take it the old republic fell or reorganized itself at the end of Revenge of the Sith. So I should take it the prologue of LS takes place 8 years after Episode III. I finished the prologue and it seems alright. I like the excitement in Thane and Ciena, and how this part of the Galaxy looks up and sees the Empire as a good thing. It really makes the Galaxy more grey than black and white which is nice.


I wish the intro to the novels was more detailed or showed a timeline. I have to look it up every time. The intro says Lost Stars takes place 8 years after the fall of the old republic, and I take it the old republic fell or reorganized itself at the end of Revenge of the Sith. So I should take it the prologue of LS takes place 8 years after Episode III. I finished the prologue and it seems alright. I like the excitement in Thane and Ciena, and how this part of the Galaxy looks up and sees the Empire as a good thing. It really makes the Galaxy more grey than black and white which is nice.

Yes, it starts 8 years after RotS. For some reason the story group doesn't want a universal calendar system anymore so it makes it kind if annoying to piece the timeline together, but you can always check the Wookieepedia timeline.


The thing I love most about Ahsoka is that she avoids the typical prequel fate of "wasn't in the original so must be dead". I'm concerned for the new characters in Mace Windu.


I just remembered that I got a pink kyber crystal in The Old Republic and now I want reinstall that game again. I wish it (and PSO2 and Secret World Legends) were on consoles by which I mean Switch.
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