a secret-boss
I'll give the show a season before I'll write it off just like the first clone wars
Inquisitor is not a sith, just like Ventress who wasn't either. The idea of Imperial Inquisitors has been around in the EU for a long time.
They needed to create a villain for the show, they couldn't use Vader. The show is not an anthology galaxy spanning series like the clone wars, its focused on a more linear storyline with recurring cast and characters. They can't have Darth Vader chasing the cast each week and failing like some episode of Dukes of Hazard. So they had to create a new villain to be the shows menace. Its an Empire of millions of world's , Vader can't be in a single place chasing the same cast for multiple years of a TV show
What Jedi are you talking about? Nothing in the books, comics, or video games is canon. This would be the first canon Jedi between trilogies.
Basically, the Clone Wars series completely supercedes the Genndy Tartatovsky series. To the point where Tartakovsky's series was allowed to go out of print and basically never existed
(although the whole thing is up in HD on YouTube. Lucasfilm knows, they just don't seem to give a shit, since they apparently have no plans on ever re-selling it or referring to it again)
So the computer animated Clone Wars is basically THE Clone Wars, and the other one you remember "doesn't count."
Inquisitor is not a sith, just like Ventress who wasn't either. The idea of Imperial Inquisitors has been around in the EU for a long time.
They needed to create a villain for the show, they couldn't use Vader. The show is not an anthology galaxy spanning series like the clone wars, its focused on a more linear storyline with recurring cast and characters. They can't have Darth Vader chasing the cast each week and failing like some episode of Dukes of Hazard. So they had to create a new villain to be the shows menace. Its an Empire of millions of world's , Vader can't be in a single place chasing the same cast for multiple years of a TV show
What Jedi are you talking about? Nothing in the books, comics, or video games is canon. This would be the first canon Jedi between trilogies.
and they couldn't use a Moff or Tarkin or somebody? give me a break. Marvel had a long ass running series of SW comics in the 70s and 80s that didn't involve new sith warriors chasing characters and rehashing the movies.
Uh where are you getting this idea that the books/comics/video games are not canon? Nobody of importance has ever said anything of the sort and in fact there has been evidence of the opposite. Some fan even asked Filoni if Starkiller from Force unleashed would show up and he was like "maybe!".
It's even funnier when you realize its basically the same team that made The Clone Wars which was loaded with EU stuff. They even brought back and tied it in with shit from old Kevin J. Anderson and Barbara Hambly novels lol
Basically, the Clone Wars series completely supercedes the Genndy Tartatovsky series. To the point where Tartakovsky's series was allowed to go out of print and basically never existed
(although the whole thing is up in HD on YouTube. Lucasfilm knows, they just don't seem to give a shit, since they apparently have no plans on ever re-selling it or referring to it again)
So the computer animated Clone Wars is THE Clone Wars, and the other one you remember "doesn't count."
Describing the approach to Rebels and the widespread potential audience, Weisman said, We're all very dedicated, and we know this show is going to be canon, so we take that responsibility very seriously. We know that on the one hand there's an audience who's going to be watching this that knows everything there is to know about Lucasfilm canon and knows beyond that tons of stuff from the Expanded Universe, which may or may not turn out to be canon once Lucasfilm decides what is official and what's not. So we want the show to work for that group, the most extreme fanboys out there. At the same time, we also have the responsibility that for a certain generation of kids, this is going to be their first exposure to Star Wars. By the time this comes out next fall, their kids were young enough that they won't have seen Clone Wars. Forget the movies, they won't have seen Clone Wars! So this will be the first Star Wars thing they're seeing, and we take that responsibility very seriously as well.
Unlike The Clone Wars, which moved around the galaxy a lot and also would switch focus between a lot of different character groupings, Rebels is taking a different approach. Explained Weisman, We have a character who's our focus character, and then five other characters that make up this group of six rebels. Even within the first season, that cast expands, and there are more people, but the focus is still on this small group of rebels who are basically gadflies from the standpoint of the Empire they're fighting. The amount of damage that six individuals can do is probably pretty limited. But as they begin to build alliances and find allies and expand, the show gets bigger and bigger in scope. Again, that's true even in the first season, but even the first season is just the beginning. It's not like by the end of the first season the Rebel Alliance exists. I'd call that a spoiler, except I think it should be obvious. It's not like we get to the end of the first season and suddenly there's the Rebel Alliance. It's going to take us awhile to build that organization that was able to destroy the Death Star in cooperation and go to Hoth and all that stuff. So we've got a ways to go, for sure, but our show's still going to focus on these six core characters I would think throughout the whole thing, even as the scope increases in size, which it will, gradually."
You seem to have missed all the stuff that's been going on. Pablo Hidalgo who pretty much is in charge of LF continuity for Star Wars went on twitter and specifically stated that TFU is not canon recently. Starkiller may get made or appear in the show or later on somewhere else, but still TFU is not a canon source.
Disney and LF are essentially tossing the entire EU under the bus, they are starting from scratch and anything in the past is essentially fodder and can and likely will be overwritten. The new canon for Disney will be whatever they make and any new EU they create.
The EU will be used as a resource and nothing more, like they did in TCW. While they took ideas from the EU, they also walked all over it and completely contradicted many things. With the movies and tv series, they will do whatever they want. This all was a big hoobaloo recently when it was announced by the folks at LF.
For the record i'm thrilled TFU is not canon since that game series was not very good. That being said I don't remember anyone specifically saying the EU stuff is no longer canon. In fact I have heard the opposite from Disney, Bob Iger has specifically mentioned on numerous occasions that the Star Wars universe has thousands of characters across movies, games, comics, novels that are ripe for exploitation just like the Marvel Universe and the Rebels team have said they are open to introducing popular EU concepts and characters over time.
Now as for stuff contradicting other stuff of course that is going to happen that's been happening since the beginning of SW with the Holiday special and the 70s Marvel comics. But that doesn't mean that suddenly Shadows of the Empire, The courtship of Princess Leia, the Thrawn trilogy or the Rogue Squadron novels are suddenly not canon. It would really be pointless to get rid of most of that stuff anyway since so little happens in those stories that affects the overall status quo and takes place prior to Episode VII. The only stuff that is really at risk of getting deleted is the garbage Lucas allowed to be shitted out over the past decade like the Del Rey novels, the force unleashed games, etc. but would anyone really care?
EDIT: Even the interview with Wiseman that was posted above he clearly says LFL is still deciding what parts of canon to include and what not to. That's been going on for 30 years now and doesn't look like it will change anytime soon.
I'll give the show a season before I'll write it off just like the first clone wars
As soon as Episode 7 crawl starts, the words are likely going to erase 20+ years of Star Wars comics and books.
As they stated, they have a ton of source material to use, because they own it now, but it has no relevance to actual story canon. As with TCW, they picked and chose to take stuff out of the EU and do with it as they pleased. They took Ventress backstory and copied it, and added to it while crapping all over the Dathomir background, as well as essentially erasing a ton of Clone Wars comic books in the process since they steam rolled the later content.
We will see they liberally take what they will and create their own canon, but no one is going to stop and bat an eyelash at walking all over what has come before in some obscure novel or comic that only a fraction of the hardcore Star Wars fanbase has even read.
There willingness to simply say that TFU is not canon so easily, just shows how the rest of the EU is going to be treated.
TFU is widely regarded as garbage so its no surprise that is the first thing being dumped. Even if everyone at LFL wanted to keep most of the canon intact they would have erased TFU it was that bad. My point was that a lot of the early EU stuff doesn't contradict anything for example I HIGHLY doubt LFL is going to deem Shadows of the Empire, KOTOR era games and comics, Courtship of Princess Leia, the ewok movies, the x-wing/rogue squadron stuff, Corran Horn, etc. noncanon. The only stuff impacted is New Jedi Order and beyond and whatever shit lucas had done to prop up the prequels. I don't even care either way because they can always recreate stories and characters in the new continuity just like Comic companies do. Characters like Thrawn, Mara Jade, Kyle Katarn and Rogue Squadron are too popular not to be milked by Disney at some point down the road wether in a new comic/cartoon/book/spinoff movie etc.
As a longtime Disney fan and follower of their business I know they will leave no stone unturned. This is the company that is making movies for super obscure Marvel characters like Guardians of the Galaxy and Big Hero Six, did everything they could to turn TRON into a megafranchise, and somehow managed to squeeze 5 movies out of Pirates of the Caribbean and 3 movies out of Aladdin. The EU concepts will come into play at some point.
Pablo Hidalgo said:Canon is only what's on the screen - Episodes I-VI, TCW and what's to come.
It's pretty obvious that they may reuse or adopt some (or many) ideas from the EU, but that nothing is canon anymore until THEY make it or they say otherwise. Assuming Thrawn as it already exists is canon is silly. They may make new stories with Thrawn concepts, but they will be new stories. Unless they come out and say they are considering the existing Thrawn stuff canon (which they won't, because there is more of a profit in just remaking it if that's the route they decide to go), then it is not official and it is just a source from which they can take ideas.
Basically they aren't going to handcuff themselves for future ideas by pussyfooting around existing EU, and if something is popular enough that they decide they want to include it in the canon, it makes much more business sense to just remake it and put their own spin on it. But you seem to agree on that point.
Yes I know. Disney is basically treating the new Star Wars movies like the Marvel Cinematic Universe cherry picking what they want from the comics (in this case the old stuff and EU) and not strictly adhering to them.
I actually wouldn't mind if Bad Robot and Disney took an even harder approach and just kept the original 3 movies (Star Wars, Empire, Return of the Jedi) as canon and fuck everything else.
Yes I know. Disney is basically treating the new Star Wars movies like the Marvel Cinematic Universe cherry picking what they want from the comics (in this case the old stuff and EU) and not strictly adhering to them.
I actually wouldn't mind if Bad Robot and Disney took an even harder approach and just kept the original 3 movies (Star Wars, Empire, Return of the Jedi) as canon and fuck everything else.
When we meet Ezra, he has little interest in becoming a revolutionary. The suave teen has been living on his own on the planet Lothal and is just starting to learn how to use his mysterious new powers. "To survive, instinctively every now and then when he's in a jam he uses the Force," exec producer Dave Filoni says in the exclusive preview video below. "He doesn't call it that. He doesn't know that's what he's doing. He thinks he's got some abilities that are a little strange every now and then, but they help him out. It's instinctive, it's reactionary."
As Darth Vader and Co. begin to expand their grip on the Outer Rim, Ezra will be drawn into the burgeoning rebel alliance. "With Ezra we see how a kid is reacting to this imperial rule," Filoni tells TV Guide Magazine. "That becomes a big question: What is imperial rule like? We've seen it in the movies with a big rebellion that ends up blowing up the Death Star, but do we just assume that when the Empire took over in Revenge of the Sith it was seen as a bad thing? I would challenge that. It wasn't this terrible thing that came in and was cruel to everyone all at once. It was slow to build its power base and spread out, and then we get to see the rebel alliance it affects, and the repercussions of that tyranny."
Ezra is played by Taylor Gray, who starred in the Nickelodeon series Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures. "I'm excited to voice the role of Ezra in Star Wars Rebels but I'm even more excited to be a part of the Star Wars legacy," Gray says. "I can't wait for fans new and existing to come together and see the next chapter in the most legendary tale known in the galaxy."
Rebels would have no point then if that's what they did.
JJ Abrams has even said the prequels have a massive fanbase and must be respected, since it is the Star Wars films many younger fans hold above the originals.
JJ is only saying that to let prequel lovers down easy. Mark my words the prequel trilogy will be the first thing Disney shits all over once they get started. Those films and their surrounding canon will be treated with the same level of respect that Lucas himself gave to the original trilogy in the late 90s/00s (meaning none).
Ezra is Luke Skywalker.
The Ghost is the Millenium Falcon.
Kanan is Han Solo.
You don't have to be an hyperspace scientist to know they're basically trying to remake the characters from the original trilogy, and play that out as a TV series.
I'm TOTALLY fine with this.
JJ is only saying that to let prequel lovers down easy. Mark my words the prequel trilogy will be the first thing Disney shits all over once they get started. Those films and their surrounding canon will be treated with the same level of respect that Lucas himself gave to the original trilogy in the late 90s/00s (meaning none).
Most Star Wars fans love the Clone Wars. Most little kids know it as Star Wars, not the original trilogy or the prequel trilogy. The know the Clone Wars Cartoon. Disney acquired Star Wars because they saw it as a wise financial investment. Shitting on the prequel era is unwise for Disney.
And Star Wars Rebels will have ties to Clone Wars, so they are already respecting that era as canon. And this is the first thing Disney is producing after the acquisition, so you are factually wrong in your assertion.
I will bet money that none of the movies have any ties to the prequels
Agent Kallus
Rebels R2-D2 and C-3PO
Inquisitor's TIE Advanced
Close up of box art with a female in Mandalorian armor on the Rebels' side
Are they introducing a six inch line or is that 3.75 BS they use?A few more characters and vehicles revealed/confirmed in toy form at today's NY Toy Fair:
Agent Kallus
Rebels R2-D2 and C-3PO
Inquisitor's TIE Advanced
Close up of box art with a female in Mandalorian armor on the Rebels' side
Are they introducing a six inch line or is that 3.75 BS they use?
Uuuggggggghhhh. If 3.75 is good for Hasbro it's good enough for the women I date....3.75 with almost no articulation anymore.
JJ isn't in charge of Star Wars AFAIK. He is a director for hire.
The way they are treating Gi Joe's 50th.....man....I like 3.75 because I collect GI Joe, Marvel Universe and such but Hasbro is trying to kill them lately.
Yup. Word is JJ won the power struggle and took charge when he manged to push his script over Arndt's. For good or bad, Star Wars is his now.
Here's a look at the Mandalorian character sans helmet:
Yup, I said in the figure thread that im probably done with it.The way they are treating Gi Joe's 50th.....man....
edit: UGH the Tie-Advanced was a custom made craft for Darth Vader using the latest and greatest technology. Now there changing it to they were made 30 years prior for various siths to use. I don't care about canon but why change something that made logical sense.
We have a name: Sabine. Quite similar to Satine, so I guess she's a real Mandalorian and not just wearing the armor.
I bet she's a smart ass attitude with that smirkYup. Word is JJ won the power struggle and took charge when he manged to push his script over Arndt's. For good or bad, Star Wars is his now.
Here's a look at the Mandalorian character sans helmet: