I don't think Filoni thought it out that much at all is precisely what I'm arguing.
I mean, it's not even much of a secret that large chunks of Clone Wars are not much more than remaking his favorite films in a Star Wars milieu. You can describe a lot of 4-episode blocks as "Ahsoka in Hitchcock's ______________" "Anakin Skywalker in Kurosawa's _________________"
He has his own shorthand that he relies on, and his own shortcuts he likes to take from a storytelling perspective. This whole Maul thing was apparently an audible, and the three-episode coda he got in this season of Rebels feels like it only has any strength that it has because it managed to repurpose the ending of Phantom Menace, and closed with the Binary Sunset.
Honestly, it's dumb that I got so upset about this, because I don't like this show or Clone Wars. The only Star Wars animated show I've ever liked was the Gennedy one.
However, I've liked ideas from Rebels, namely this scene and the way they handled Ahsoka's relationship with Anakin now that he's Vader. I feel if there was a character Anakin should ultimately kill, it's not Maul, it's Ahsoka.
The main thing that upset me is that I don't know how to reconcile the fact that I liked Filoni's idea with your argument, which makes absolute sense to me. The way I work is that if an idea is stupid, I can no longer enjoy or like it. It's stupid, but that's who I am. So if Filoni's idea is actually shallow, idiotic, or recycled, and I like it, I don't know how to reconcile that. That's the real reason I even started this argument, and most arguments about movies or TV I like in general.
But this is Rebels, and Rebels is not something I really think of as smart usually, so that just makes your reading of Filoni's thought process more likely to me than mine, and that is frustrating. Because I like this scene! And I don't even know why or how to articulate it properly!
I feel like you just turned me into Darth Maul and Obi-Wanned me.