Here's a clip from Seven Samurai:
Ah, I see. Thanks.
Been a long time since I saw that film, don't really remember much of it.
Here's a clip from Seven Samurai:
Me too.Hearing the JW original score while seeing the silhouette of little Luke running to the house, with Kenobi watching from afar, gave me chills.
That's what i meant in my last post.Here's a clip from Seven Samurai:
Wait, how did Obi-Wan know about Ezra?
Pablo "Uatu" Hidalgo‏
Ezra Bridger, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa are all roughly the same age.
Thank god he said something. He looked like a kid. Was wondering if it was a poorly placed flashback.
I have to agree. I'm really not a fan of any of the Clone Wars carry overs to Rebels. That show made so many awful decisions, and I'm not thrilled seeing them pull so much weight, here.
Maul's introduction was exciting, but that's really just because of what he did to Kanan. Since that is such an underdeveloped plot thread this season - he has two monologues about self doubt then proceeds to function totally unhindered - the whole affair is diminished. Vader might as well have been the one to do it instead of dragging Maul back into the mix just for this. Or just not do it at all if there's no signification impact.
I've had to stop watching this show since the Saw Gerrera episode due to overwhelming disappointment when waiting 1-3 weeks for these episodes, hoping that binging the rest of the season may assuage my negativity.
I kind of guessed through chatting with Yoda and Qui-Gon.
Wait, how did Obi-Wan know about Ezra?
I think it's just the framing, maybe? I have a decent size TV and I could barely see him at all.
It's been confirmed they straight up repurposed Shelagh Fraser's dialog from Star Wars, right?
Exact same take used from the scene where she asks Luke to get a droid that speaks Bocce, I believe.
Glad to see it end like that. Maul never should have been brought back in the first place but don't get me started.
So Luke is The Chosen One? I thought it was Anakin.
Also, Chopper had several hours with Obi Wan while Ezra was passed out.
So Luke is The Chosen One? I thought it was Anakin.
You really need to accept that Lucas was making stuff up as he went. Don't put too much weight on concepts that came from the prequels. A lot of that stuff directly contradicts the original movies.
Yup. Even with how light the original movies were and how much the characters were archetypes, actually outright using the term 'Chosen One' was incredibly lame.
That said, I always thought it was obvious that the intention in the PT was that the people thinking Anakin was the Chosen One were wrong, and that Luke was going to be that person. The audience knew that, but the characters within those movies didn't until it was too late. But yeah, lame storyline and not worth thinking about too much.
The switch to Luke as the chosen one seems kind of...sudden and out of the blue for Obi-Wan yeah?
I mean I get soon as Lucas sold off the company the concept of Star Wars being a 6 part film in which Anakin/Vader was the hero and saved the day and everyone lived happily ever after really couldn't work anymore.
But is Obi-Wan just going to switch to declaring whatever random next hope he has as the chosen one? lol. Luke didn't fix everything as TFA shows. So is now Rey the chosen one? Hah.
Well what messes with this is that Anakin was a "virgin" birth, conceived of the god damned Force literally. He wasn't just some random kid. He is space Jesus.
Lucas beats the viewer over the head over and over with Anakin = Force Messiah
That or Lucas didn't put that much thought into it, though i guess Leia could have been the back up.The fact that nobody ever even considered Leia can be put down to Obi-Wan being a bit of a sexist old jerk, I suppose.
Anakin is still the Chosen One. Obi-Wan just thinks it's Luke right now because he lost faith in Anakin after RotS.
Anakin is still the Chosen One. Obi-Wan just thinks it's Luke right now because he lost faith in Anakin after RotS.
Anakin is still the Chosen One. Obi-Wan just thinks it's Luke right now because he lost faith in Anakin after RotS.
Anakin is still the Chosen One. Obi-Wan just thinks it's Luke right now because he lost faith in Anakin after RotS.
I don't know what it was, that last scene, with Obiwan and seeing Luke on the farm, made me misty eyed. I just love how connected everything is becoming.
It's the song. Even RotS made its ending super emotional for me because of it.I don't know what it was, that last scene, with Obiwan and seeing Luke on the farm, made me misty eyed. I just love how connected everything is becoming.
You can blame the hype on the marketing promoting it as such that people expected an epic battle.I laughed out loud at that quick resolution but it made sense but that didn't deserve the hype and I also wish they'd just let Vader crash Maul.
Anakin is still the "Chosen One", what Obi-Wan may think doesn't change that but Luke was the catalyst.
Holy hell what are some of you even talking about? That was the most badass shit I've ever seen. Perfectly communicated what this era's Obi Wan is all about - True strength is strength under control.
Maul was quickly dispatched because he lacks a calm and control to his strength. Despite his age, he is still ruled by his hatred and anger. You can see it in the way he lashes out with broad slashes. Hell, he even tries the same attack he used on Qi Gon. He hasn't grown at all. He's still a child. Kenobi's age has not only made him wiser, but more a peace with himself and his capabilities. Don't forget he also fought through the rest of the Clone Wars and defeated Vader. But event with all that, he isn't even concerned with winning, getting revenge, or staying alive. He is concerned with protecting Luke and that alone causes him to draw his weapon. I may have even preferred one swift slash from Kenobi to finish things. Would have been perfect.
EDIT:I also think it shows just how far Obi Wan has come compared to Maul. Despite the fact that he's been living in isolation, he's moved on. Maul is a relic of an era long passed. He's been made obsolete by the power and the confidence Obi Wan has found in the Force.
Good point.
Whether you like the PT or not it's canon and The Chosen One concept is a real plot point.
Dude's name was Vader. Sorry man. I wish we got to pick and choose too.Kenobi didn't defeat Vader, he defeated a young Anakin Skywalker who just made the switch to the dark side.
Dude's name was Vader. Sorry man. I wish we got to pick and choose too.
Dude's name was Vader. Sorry man. I wish we got to pick and choose too.
You know who's getting short shrift in this episode's reactions? Our favorite dune sea rednecks, the Tusken Raiders. That was one of the more effective moments in the show, honestly. Made Tatooine feel alive/real again. And dangerous. Ezra got caught slipping and almost ate it. No sith, no stormtroopers. Just a bunch of yahoos with shotguns hork hork horking on a bluff about a half-mile.
It's terrible, but my nitpicking sense started tingling heavily when I noticed that their slugthrower rifles were shooting lasers (while still making bullet-shooting sounds to boot). Either DisneyXD censors got involved, or somebody realized that peashooters blowing up a flipping A-Wing was a tad ridiculous.