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Star Wars: The Force Awakens video release date, editions announced

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Sailor Stevenson
Eventually, sure, but I don't think soon. The digital effects are mastered in 2K, so unless they're planning an extensive remastering already, it's probably a long, long way's off.

the DI for TFA is 4k... so it's not that far off at all in theory.

The black case for this blu-ray is a giant tease for the UHD/4k player folks.
Eventually, sure, but I don't think soon. The digital effects are mastered in 2K, so unless they're planning an extensive remastering already, it's probably a long, long way's off.
A lot of 4K masters/scans are done with upscaled CGI. (CGI tends to scale a lot better than actual footage.) Not all UltraHD Blu-rays use 4K masters either, as some of them are upscaled.

That being said, the better encoding, HDR (having seen The Force Awakens in Dolby Vision in one of my screenings I have to say it looked quite excellent) and Dolby Atmos should add a lot to it aside from the resolution increase.
A lot of 4K masters/scans are done with upscaled CGI. (CGI tends to scale a lot better than actual footage.) Not all UltraHD Blu-rays use 4K masters either, as some of them are upscaled.

That being said, the better encoding, HDR (having seen The Force Awakens in Dolby Vision in one of my screenings I have to say it looked quite excellent) and Dolby Atmos should add a lot to it aside from the resolution increase.

I'm not saying they couldn't do it or that it wouldn't look good if they did. I just think that if they're not releasing it now, they're probably holding off for an even more enhanced package down the line, which is probably not something they're immediately focusing on. I'm thinking sometime post-XI at the earliest.


TPM experienced some DNR and sharpening filters in its picture. AOTC looks too soft. ROTS is considered perfect. And although the OT generally has good picture quality, people were expecting a new remaster treatment similar to what Alien and Aliens got for their BD releases. Instead they reused the 2K transfers from the 2004 DVD releases as a base. So, not to say any of them looked looked bad on blu-ray, it's just that with the exception of Episode III, they should have all looked as good as they possibly could, with no expense spared.

AotC is always going to look soft, Lucas did that on purpose because he thought it looked too sharp since they were unused to filming with digital. That said, I like the softness. It gives it an interesting, older quality that fits with Anakin and Padme's romance (despite how badly that's done) and Obi-Wan's detective storyline. It's a really beautiful movie despite the bad CGI and some of the weird choices made during the lightsaber duels (that shot of Dooku standing there shooting Force lightning at Yoda from behind completely motionless is horrible and boring and I don't know why it's even there).

The most annoying thing about the AotC blu-ray is that they changed the color timing and now everything looks sickly.


Sailor Stevenson
I keep getting confused on this. I know someone updated imdb with that info, but I coulda sworn someone from ILM actually posted here saying it was a 2K DI? Or am I reversing that?

yeah - apparently my 4k DI info is wrong.

Though the film portions were scanned in at 4k... but the effects and DI were 2k.

Bummer. Though with the 4k source for all of the film stuff, there's still lots of detail in there that could make for a great eventual 4k master
Not a fan of the stacked BluRay discs. Will probably toss the DVD into a sleeve and move the Bonus disc over to that peg, although since the right peg is made for two discs it means the movie will be kind of loose... Damn. :\

Where did you buy your copy? My regular copy from Best Buy has a flipper tray and has 3 separate pegs.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I think SuperHD is just higher bitrate 1080p, isn't it?

Yes, that's why I used it as an example. Netflix's lower bit rate 1080p was just called "1080p".


I keep getting confused on this. I know someone updated imdb with that info, but I coulda sworn someone from ILM actually posted here saying it was a 2K DI? Or am I reversing that?

I have the American Cinematographer issue that talks about this so I'll double check when I get home in a few, but I'm pretty sure 4K is in the pipeline somewhere (and maybe 6K for the IMAX sequence?) but it's finished at 2K.


Walked into Target to get the exclusive set. Held it in my hand for two seconds, said 'nope', and got the regular edition.

The target exclusive is flimsy trash. Avoid like the plague!
Documentary is a must watch for Star Wars fans. JJ's enthusiasm was infectious. Can't believe Harrison Ford turned in such a good Han Solo performance. Because wow, he really doesn't seem nearly as invested in this stuff as everyone else was (which is fine). I feel like Brienne was as caught off guard as we were with how lame Phasma was. I love all of the newcomers.

The deleted scenes were awful.


I picked up the regular combo with the black slip case, which is fine. The Target was next to a Best Buy, and I ended up hitting both as I was looking for something else. Both had several empty racks for TFA at the front of the store, though with several more in back by the regular home video section. And that was early this morning.

Debating whether to watch the movie or the documentary tonight.

Ugh the deleted scenes suck. Why did they hold back so much ?

Guessing there are story or character beats they want to save for the next film(s), such as Maz using the Force, and how she got Luke's saber.


Wow. With my new job and work schedule I kind of lose track of what day it is. I completely spaced on this coming out today and I didn't know what the shipment amount would be like. I'm at work now and I called the GF and asked her to please run to Best Buy asap and pick up a steel book. She said no. I asked why not, and she said she already ordered it a couple days ago and it's being held for pick up and she'll get it later tonight.

So Caitlyn,

I picked up the regular combo with the black slip case, which is fine. The Target was next to a Best Buy, and I ended up hitting both as I was looking for something else. Both had several empty racks for TFA at the front of the store, though with several more in back by the regular home video section. And that was early this morning.

Debating whether to watch the movie or the documentary tonight.

Guessing there are story or character beats they want to save for the next film(s), such as Maz using the Force, and how she got Luke's saber.

Watch the documentary. It will get you hyped as hell to watch the actual movie.
Did anyone get the Walmart one? If so what was the character on the galactic thing it came with for you? Mine has Lando but the back of it says it should be a blue one with Boba Fett on it.


Okay here's what American Cinematographer has in their interview with Dan Mindel re 2K/4K:

The production's 35mm and 65mm negative was processed at FotoKem in Los Angeles; the geographical distance required what Mindel recalls as a "nerve-racking' two day turnaround for dailies. Company 3 London, along with sister company EFilm in Hollywood, produced 2K scans of the 35mm film, and FotoKem generated the 65mm-footage scans. Company 3 London colored and delivered digital dailies to the editorial offices at Pinewood. Toward the end of the production, 35mm processing moved to London-based lab iDailies to facilitate an overnight turnaround.

"We designed a workflow where iDailies processed and then sent the neg to Company 3 London, who would then stream the 2K session to Pinewood Theater 7 in real time," says Mindel. "I like to look at dailies in the morning first thing with the camera guys, so we know where we stand and where we're going to move to that day."

Deliverables for The Force Awakens included a 2D and 3D 2K DCP, a 2D and 3D Imax DCP, 35mm archival prints, and a small number of 70mm exhibition prints. Stereo D handled the stereoscopic conversion. The final color grade was performed at Company 3 in Los Angeles, where colorist Stefan Sonnenfeld, an ASC associate member, worked with 4K scans from FotoKem (65mm) and EFilm (35mm). "This project isn't as super-stylized as some of the projects Dan and I have done together," says Sonnenfeld. "If there were inconsistencies with weather or visual-effects shots, we'd smooth it out, but we weren't trying to create a new look. It was more about reinforcing Dan's work and enhancing the filmmakers' intentions."


It's so cool that if you have the Speero BB-8 it will watch and react to the movie with you. Time to dust the little guy off and charge him.


I wanted the Walmart version, but by the time I finally bothered to preorder, it was unavailable. So I ordered the "standard" version from Amazon.

But in the end, I'm satisfied.

I used to like to get the BestBuy steelbooks; but when I preordered the Mad Max steelbook the day of availability, and when it wasn't there for me on the day of release, I decided it wasnt worth the hassle.


I wanted the Walmart version, but by the time I finally bothered to preorder, it was unavailable. So I ordered the "standard" version from Amazon.

But in the end, I'm satisfied.

I used to like to get the BestBuy steelbooks; but when I preordered the Mad Max steelbook the day of availability, and when it wasn't there for me on the day of release, I decided it wasnt worth the hassle.

If you wanted the wal-mart BB8 cover you can just go to a store. There were tons at the one I got mine from.


I really hate the stickers that Best Buy places on the BD slipcovers. They always leave behind residue and I end up making scratch marks to go along with it.


Sailor Stevenson
Okay here's what American Cinematographer has in their interview with Dan Mindel re 2K/4K:

yeah. damn.

4k scans do exist, it seems, so that's good. Interesting they were used for the final color grading...

I got to see one of the 35mm archival prints and it was damn gorgeous


Had my brother pick up the steel book at Best Buy while I was at work. I think it is my favorite of the Star Wars steel books.
watching it now

man...this is a really gorgeous movie. Its got such a rich, filmic look with the film grain and the detail and the damn blacks you seem to only be able to get on film. The use of color is universally strong, the art and costume design are so sharp in their modernization of Ralph McQuire's iconic style. And the first 30 minutes are still SO GOOD.


Just got done watching it for the third time (saw it twice in the theaters). It holds up really well. Like ViewtifulJC said, it looks absolutely incredible. Maybe one of the best looking movies I've seen. The hype for VIII is unbearable now, especially with the recent


I got the Target edition coming in the mail. My GF got me the digital version on Amazon, watching it now. Daisy Ridley is so precious. Boyega is like a bumbling mixture of Luke and Han. Man this movie rules.


I really hate the stickers that Best Buy places on the BD slipcovers. They always leave behind residue and I end up making scratch marks to go along with it.

lol I hate this too. It's a huge pain if you like to keep/collect slipcovers for your movies. Best Buy's stickers almost always give me issues but the sticker for this one seemed to come right off. I don't know if it's because of the glossy slipcover or what.


Since this is a Disney movie it uses Disney Movies Anywhere. You can link that to iTunes, Vudu, Amazon, Google Play, & Microsoft. It will unlock the c
Digital version on all the services you've linked to your account. iTunes & Amazon both mentioned having bonus features when I redeemed mine
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