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Star Wars: The Force Awakens video release date, editions announced

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I'm such a sucker lol. I bought it on AP because I couldn't wait and now I got it on BR too! That's that for my entertainment budget.:p the video and audio quality are fantastic! I'm really satisfied with my purchases!

*the BB-8 cover of course!


I wish more companies did what Disney does with Disney Movies Anywhere. So nice to be able to have options on where to play Digital copies.


Had no plan today. Went to target and geeze that special edition packaging looked like shit.
Bought the regular one no ragrets.


Picked up the Target exclusive blu-ray since I wanted the extra content...this flimsy pos cardboard case is driving me nuts...I'm probably going to go back tomorrow and buy the regular edition blu ray too like a damn fool :/


I preordered the steelbook from best buy because I didn't feel like driving 40 minutes to pick it up, now it won't be delivered until thursday. Thanks best buy.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
People kept saying that Finn's
spine got wrecked but in theaters it looked to me like the cut was up his right side. Sure enough framing through the Blu-ray it's even further to his right side than I thought it was.

Now to see how much of Kylo Ren's
brain Rey should have scooped out... EDIT: The saber would have gone about halfway through his head.
Picked up the Target exclusive blu-ray since I wanted the extra content...this flimsy pos cardboard case is driving me nuts...I'm probably going to go back tomorrow and buy the regular edition blu ray too like a damn fool :/

The regular edition's plastic case isn't very good either. It's very cheap like a knock-off blu-ray case.

It's probably better than the Target one...but...
I wish more companies did what Disney does with Disney Movies Anywhere. So nice to be able to have options on where to play Digital copies.
Yeah for real, I was surprised by this. At first because I thought that it only let me redeem my code on iTunes but once I synced all my accounts I even had it on amazon and Google.

Got it for $16 thnx to Best Buy $5 off :B


The regular edition's plastic case isn't very good either. It's very cheap like a knock-off blu-ray case.

It's probably better than the Target one...but...



The main documentary is excellent. I wish it were longer, as they clearly had a lot more material, but then I'm not through all the smaller pieces yet.

I actually teared up a bit when the crew was saying farewell to Ford after his filming was done; everyone there knew it was the last time he would be involved with a Star Wars film. In that moment you can see that sink in on Ford, too. Pretty amazing to see that moment captured, really.

Watched the saber fight extra tonight, and will hit the others tomorrow. The set design was really incredible; the extent to which they pushed the practical effects and set actually surprised me. Things like the trees and logs that were chopped by light sabers, falling in pieces to the ground, were practical effects with real logs actually breaking apart when the actors hit them, complete with sparks flying. When Rey and Ren have sabers locked toward the end, the lighting on the swords is pulsing and strobing so they get proper light and shadows playing across the actors and set. The look of the entire scene, even before effects are added, is just stunning.

For the ending sequence, where Kylo and Solo face off, they built a huge proportion of the building where they are setting charges. Perhaps it was because I got used to seeing how the prequels did things, with their ocean of green screens and a few props floating in them, but here they really used the green screen for set extensions - with large, proper sets in front.

Well put together materials all around. Can't wait to watch the other ones tomorrow. Oh, and see the actual movie again.


I got one of the stacked cases from Amazon so I wound up just swapping it out with another Blu Ray case I had lying around with proper sleeve to house all 3 discs.

I found it a bit funny when I opened the original case that the one disc that wasn't properly secured in there and popped right out was the actual Blu Ray with the film while the DVD was nicely secured in there. To be fair, doesn't look like it took any damage and it does appear that the middle disc button thing that secures the disc on both sides of the original case are thick enough to house 2 discs on each side, though I personally am not a fan of having to stack up 2 discs on top of each other like that.

I really like the Disney Movie Anywhere though letting you download the digital copy to Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, and Microsoft (does this let you download a copy of the movie to an Xbox?). Pretty convenient.
The main documentary is excellent. I wish it were longer, as they clearly had a lot more material, but then I'm not through all the smaller pieces yet.

I actually teared up a bit when the crew was saying farewell to Ford after his filming was done; everyone there knew it was the last time he would be involved with a Star Wars film. In that moment you can see that sink in on Ford, too. Pretty amazing to see that moment captured, really.

Watched the saber fight extra tonight, and will hit the others tomorrow. The set design was really incredible; the extent to which they pushed the practical effects and set actually surprised me. Things like the trees and logs that were chopped by light sabers, falling in pieces to the ground, were practical effects with real logs actually breaking apart when the actors hit them, complete with sparks flying. When Rey and Ren have sabers locked toward the end, the lighting on the swords is pulsing and strobing so they get proper light and shadows playing across the actors and set. The look of the entire scene, even before effects are added, is just stunning.

For the ending sequence, where Kylo and Solo face off, they built a huge proportion of the building where they are setting charges. Perhaps it was because I got used to seeing how the prequels did things, with their ocean of green screens and a few props floating in them, but here they really used the green screen for set extensions - with large, proper sets in front.

Well put together materials all around. Can't wait to watch the other ones tomorrow. Oh, and see the actual movie again.

Great, thanks. Now I want to watch this right now but I have to get ready for work. ;)
Watching it again and I forgot just how amazing BB8 was.

Whoever created and controlled that thing are geniuses.

Watching the behind the scenes stuff was kinda eye-opening. I actually thought most of the filmed stuff was remote-controlled, but apparently a lot of it had puppeteers that were CG'ed out. Pretty cool stuff.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Someone brought this up before, but having watched the movie in the theatre thrice, they definitely altered the credits sequence for this release. It's a little longer and the music arrangement has been changed drastically e.g. Rather than the end credits fanfare segwaying into a concise version of Rey's theme as heard in the soundtrack, it just outright starts playing the full theme in general. Also it was followed by Kylo Ren's theme in the theatre, but it's followed by Scherzo for Xwings in this one


Black bar at the top of the covers made me think they were putting it out on 4k Bluray. Now I'm disappointed that they aren't.

Not sure how many have agreed since this is my first time in this thread. But I thought the same thing.

Pretty annoying.

That and the lack of atmos sound track.

okay i'm done.

Watching the blu last night and I gotta admit I agreed with the audio section. It's very nicely mixed, but it doesn't have much oomph where you think it should. I know filtering the low end happens on some titles but even the high-end felt weaker than it should. It was a big contrast from hearing it in imax and later atmos where the highs and lows were almost punishing.

I run my subs a little hot, but was pretty impressed with the LFE. Anything that shakes the doors upstairs makes me happy :)


I'm still so bugged by that crappy Target packaging. It's just the biggest blu-ray disc release of all time and they shove it into a flimsy cardboard sleeve. No big deal, right? Oh, it's also $5 more expensive for their "collectible packaging."



So Disney Movie Club just finally shipped mine today, REALLY tempted to pick it up on my way home tonight from Target


Cross posting from the Star Wars OT:

The TFA documentary is so fucking good. Brought me the same joy I felt watching the behind the scenes video for the original trilogy all those years ago. So much wonder and amazing practical effects shown.

It's also the complete antithesis of the episode 1 behind the scenes documentary. That documentary was a sterile, quiet, awkward thing to watch. Almost like a funeral. Whereas this one is colorful, musical, joyful and a celebration of everything that is Star Wars. Amazing to see how much JJ just gets it, when Lucas himself did not back in the late 90s.

It's a must watch, everyone.


Anybody notice how bad the quality is on the DVD bonus disc? I get that DVD video quality is poor, but why does the label have to be? It looks like a bootleg disc


Someone brought this up before, but having watched the movie in the theatre thrice, they definitely altered the credits sequence for this release. It's a little longer and the music arrangement has been changed drastically e.g. Rather than the end credits fanfare segwaying into a concise version of Rey's theme as heard in the soundtrack, it just outright starts playing the full theme in general. Also it was followed by Kylo Ren's theme in the theatre, but it's followed by Scherzo for Xwings in this one
Awesome. I feel Rey's Theme is too concise on the CD. And it's great to have Scherzo in there. I'd sub it out for the Falcon ostinati music if it were up to me.


In the theater, I noticed at the beginning Kylo was very hard to understand, but in the home release, it seems like the audio was redone a little? Kylo's crystal clear now.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
In the theater, I noticed at the beginning Kylo was very hard to understand, but in the home release, it seems like the audio was redone a little? Kylo's crystal clear now.
Kylo seemed always fine to understand to me no matter where I watched.

It's possible that the theatre you saw it in might be the one that messed up the audio? It's not an unheard of scenario - I know my dad got screwed in this regard when he went to watch Gravity


i definitely didn't have any issues at all hearing kylo ren in the theater both times i saw it, but i will say when watching the blu-ray last night i felt like his dialog was a little higher in the mix than everyone else?
not bane levels, but slightly louder than the other characters


Neo Member
Kylo Ren was understandable in theaters but I could see both sides of the coin. His voice is muffled out a bit from the helmet and there is so much going on with theater sound systems.

On another note, lack of commentary is super disappointing. Luckily, the guys at Collider Movie Talk did commentary which you can sync to the blu ray, which can be found here



Watching the blu right now. I really do love this movie. Kylo is such a great villain imo. I hope he stays evil.

I like Kylo because he seems distracted, emotionally conflicted and determined to impress Snokes.

I hope they don't turn him into some drone-like super villain and remove all his depth in the next couple movies.

Vader seemed like a very cliche villain until Empire Strikes Back - that's when I started feeling something deeper within him than just the standard, "Kill all the opposition" nonsense.

I DEFINITELY want to see more between Kylo and Ren, and not just fighting either. Just more mental battles and verbal debates alone would be awesome.

The scene where he's trying to read her thoughts and she turns around and starts picking up hints of his thoughts was awesome.


Watching the behind the scenes stuff was kinda eye-opening. I actually thought most of the filmed stuff was remote-controlled, but apparently a lot of it had puppeteers that were CG'ed out. Pretty cool stuff.
Can't wait to see it!

This movie is incredibly beautiful.

Kind of makes me want to upgrade my home theater system. Though I don't watch a ton of movies so that would be very impractical but this movie makes me at least want to consider doing it so I could get that theater sound again...

Back to BB8. What is the best toy version of him to get? I don't think getting a real one is in the cards so I will have to settle for something cool to stick on my desk next to my R2.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Kylo Ren was understandable in theaters but I could see both sides of the coin. His voice is muffled out a bit from the helmet and there is so much going on with theater sound systems.

On another note, lack of commentary is super disappointing. Luckily, the guys at Collider Movie Talk did commentary which you can sync to the blu ray, which can be found here


Can second this, was really good.

Rebel force radio will do a commentary soon aswell which is a must listen, their commentaries for the prequels/OT are gold and have alot of behind the scenes stuff, also Witwer is really good to listen to and he was in TFA :D.
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