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Star Wars: The Old Republic [Early Access: December 13th] Thread 2

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One of a few screens I have without the HUD, on the starter planet. AA forced through inspector. Click for full size. -- it really is a game that looks better in motion, to an extent.

They really do.

That looks pretty damn solid. Biggest problem is the textures for armor. Bioware needs to get that shit fixed ASAP.


Has there been any word on if they are going to release a character creator prior to the launch of the game? Also, when is early-start for preorders happening?

EDIT: Imperial Agent story is boss. I played the Smuggler as well and it wasn't nearly as engaging. Revanite questline is pretty good too. It's a nice throwback to KOTOR.
That looks pretty damn solid. Biggest problem is the textures for armor. Bioware needs to get that shit fixed ASAP.

I'm hoping they do, it is odd as their is nice texturing on armor pieces, but then you have a bunch with horrid textures, it's very inconsistent.


Are there even enough options to warrant a stand alone character creator?

Not particularly. That's easily the most disappointing part about the game. Bioware's obsession with 'humanoid' storylines and romance options means you have 8 various colors of humans (Some with horns!) and 1 human with tentacle hair. You do get to be rail thin, normal, muscled, or fat though!


Not particularly. That's easily the most disappointing part about the game. Bioware's obsession with 'humanoid' storylines and romance options means you have 8 various colors of humans (Some with horns!) and 1 human with tentacle hair. You do get to be rail thin, normal, muscled, or fat though!

I'll admit, Chiss looks the sexiest. Just sayin'.


So from I hear, the general beta testers, get the retail release beta tonight?

The weekend test was basically the retail client. There won't be a major new build as they said they're just going to patch the client for live.


Reid confirmed on Twitter that those with the current launcher will be able to patch it for launch. No need to reinstall!
Not particularly. That's easily the most disappointing part about the game. Bioware's obsession with 'humanoid' storylines and romance options means you have 8 various colors of humans (Some with horns!) and 1 human with tentacle hair. You do get to be rail thin, normal, muscled, or fat though!

Doubt it really was to do with having humanoid storylines. It likely was just being simple with characters and making it easy for them to do armor and animations rather than having to do more work when dealing with aliens with different body elements that would conflict with the models they have. Just look at all the clipping issues they have right now with just the Twilek Lekkus.


One thing I desperately hope they fix is quests where you have to fight with other players in order to gather/use/take a certain objective. Like that stupid slave collars for the Senator. Having to sit around waiting for the fucking crates to spawn, is fucking annoying. Especially since they spawned so freaking slow AND there were usually other players waiting around too so you had to compete with them in order to get a freaking crate. Other than that, I can't wait to get going. Probably going Trooper again, but still trying to decide between Commando and Vanguard. The guns for Commandos look so awesome though. :Q Also hope they fix the weapon on back bug, though it was quite funny seeing bullets coming out from the weapon still on my back.

Also, what is the point of 'Flirting' in conversations?
New interview


Q: How is the story going to continue after users have reached max level - is there a conclusive finale?

MH: We have plans for post-launch that we're not really talking about, but we plan to satiate the hunger fans are going to have. We have plans but we can't really talk about it.

Wrong move...they should actually be talking about their post live plans right now.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Reid confirmed on Twitter that those with the current launcher will be able to patch it for launch. No need to reinstall!

How in the world does that jive with having the game on Origin? What I mean is, I got my early play code via preorder from Amazon, which I put into Origin. Now inside Origin, I see my SWTOR CE link in there. However, for the beta, I only downloaded the client and such.

I guess what I could do is, start the game upon early release from within Origin, close it out, copy the files from the beta over to the folder, then relaunch. Wonder if that would work...


Awesome op!

Me and my brother played the shit out of this past weekends beta, we both have a CE set preordered so a few weeks can't come soon enough


I'll admit, Chiss looks the sexiest. Just sayin'.

My character is an imperial agent operative chiss with the fat male character model and makeup. Yes I'm making a eunuch and he will be the scariest spy in the galaxy; if I can't make myself look interesting I'm going to be absurd sneaking around as a fat man.


My character is an imperial agent operative chiss with the fat male character model and makeup. Yes I'm making a eunuch and he will be the scariest spy in the galaxy; if I can't make myself look interesting I'm going to be absurd sneaking around as a fat man.

I'm kind of surprised the 'fat' model is in at all but it'll be nice to bounce around the universe as a fat jedi knight.


Some races just wouldn't work for story, especially the ones that can't speak the basic language. They could add more races though, especially since they are all already in the game. I don't see why Togrutas can't be playable, since they are fully modeled in the game already.

I got a feeling there might be unlockable races though, through Legacy possibly.


I'm kind of surprised the 'fat' model is in at all but it'll be nice to bounce around the universe as a fat jedi knight.

It's the funniest thing I've ever seen in terms of the Star Wars universe and this being an MMO. However I can't stand the look of the male models. Meh. I dunno. I'll probably have a full cast of females. At least they all pull the Miranda ass nicely.


Just found out I have an Email from Bioware asking me if I would like to test the game. Is this still possible? I have an account on swtor.com but how do I download the beta client? I can't seem to find it.


Doubt it really was to do with having humanoid storylines. It likely was just being simple with characters and making it easy for them to do armor and animations rather than having to do more work when dealing with aliens with different body elements that would conflict with the models they have. Just look at all the clipping issues they have right now with just the Twilek Lekkus.

I'll buy that but it's a joke considering the budget of this game that art assets are a limiting factor. If they had planned for some of the alien races at the beginning they would have put the manpower on them long ago.

It's just disappointing when many of the companions are far more interesting than any PC can be. All four sith classes have at least one unique companion (Warrior/Inquisitor have two IMO) that would be awesome to play as.

At least I can have
Doctor Lorkin
follow me everywhere and be awesome.


I'm kind of surprised the 'fat' model is in at all but it'll be nice to bounce around the universe as a fat jedi knight.

I'd have rather them gone with a standard human model (no tall, short, fat, skinny) and focused on making the armor look good instead. The fat model is stupid and a waste of development effort to get the armor pieces to work on it.


Some races just wouldn't work for story, especially the ones that can't speak the basic language. They could add more races though, especially since they are all already in the game. I don't see why Togrutas can't be playable, since they are fully modeled in the game already.

I got a feeling there might be unlockable races though, through Legacy possibly.

A lot of races are just humans with different heads attached to them though. That's why a lot of us don't really buy the selection we get. Sure you can argue that some races maybe won't be able to fit in because of language barriers or whatever, but you could just as easily wave that away by saying "they learned the language during childhood" or some equally plausible bull.

It seems to be a great failure of imagination to not include the Yoda race, Chewbacca race, or some of the other equally notable races in the game. Just no reason at all for it, and every explanation thrown out so far seems rather apologist.
So torn on this game at the moment. On one hand I want to play a Star Wars MMO. I enjoyed my time in SWG and the idea of playing in another one is appealing. However on the other hand what I played of the beta just had me going through the motions for the most part. I didn't even continue with the other phases as a result. 30gig redownload was also a turn off but would have gone through with it if I cared enough. It wasn't horrible but it was really a been there and done that situation. It was boring for a lack of a better word. It felt really linear, no exploration in my eyes. There is a serious lack of scifi mmos but I wouldn't suggest this to people looking for one.

The biggest negative for me is also perhaps the games biggest strength. The focus on story. I enjoy the lore in MMORPGs. I like reading the various books in games or reading up on the settings for the games. I did this a LOT with Everquest 1 and Everquest 2. If I'm given so much story (which is different from game lore) to play through, that I must play through, I don't want to be spending $15 a month on top of playing $50/$60. That's the biggest turn off for me. Star Wars: The Old Republic to me, from what I experienced, is a single player game (made up of kill and fetch task) that you need to pay $15 a month to access. It's really crazy and a rip off the more I think about it. Perhaps I'm just over the P2P model after all these years and no longer see the worth.

This was my biggest issue with my experience this past weekend but I am really conflicted with how I feel about it. On the one hand it is great to have a fully fleshed out story, I played BH and it kept me moving forward and interested in finding out what happened next. However it just felt like a populated single player game with everyone doing the same thing as you, no incentive to get together as group and go do something other than flashpoints. Now, my only reference as far as MMO's go is SWG which was a vastly different style of game but in that you were encouraged to go out in groups and do quests. They were storyless, boring and grind based quests but quests none the less that encouraged a group and engaged you with the community.

Something I didn't get to try out but what is the deal with playing with friends of different classes? If a friend and I both want to play different classes in the same faction at what point can we meet up and start doing things? Are you limited to just interacting with your class until you go off world?
The weekend test was basically the retail client. There won't be a major new build as they said they're just going to patch the client for live.

This weekend was a "patchable" client, but they are pushing a new build this week. Be interesting how large the "patch" is since the last one was what...18 Gb?


Speaking of races, how do the human-looking blind folk work as far as character creation? Do you have to pick their eye socket cover thing at the start and wear it forever, or is it like a vanity equip slot you can change later on?


Some races just wouldn't work for story, especially the ones that can't speak the basic language. They could add more races though, especially since they are all already in the game. I don't see why Togrutas can't be playable, since they are fully modeled in the game already.

I got a feeling there might be unlockable races though, through Legacy possibly.

That's an interesting theory. We still don't even know the full extent of what the Legacy System is giving us. I've always been curious to see if we'll get to the full know of what it involves.


the guild that i am part of is moving over to SWTOR. community, events, and RP are a huge part of what is planned. yet after playing the beta this weekend and seeing how the game is, i am beginning to wonder how possible this will be. the world seems even more static, linear, and boring than world of warcraft.

this isn't LOTRO or EQ, which both seem more suited for RP and community events IMO.
worried the floor will collapse under us early and it will be a failure coming to this game.


the guild that i am part of is moving over to SWTOR. community, events, and RP are a huge part of what is planned. yet after playing the beta this weekend and seeing how the game is, i am beginning to wonder how possible this will be. the world seems even more static, linear, and boring than world of warcraft.

this isn't LOTRO or EQ, which both seem more suited for RP and community events IMO.
worried the floor will collapse under us early and it will be a failure coming to this game.

Have you been to Tatooine yet? ;)


Speaking of races, how do the human-looking blind folk work as far as character creation? Do you have to pick their eye socket cover thing at the start and wear it forever, or is it like a vanity equip slot you can change later on?

You pick it at the start and that's your "head model" so it is there forever. Of course wearing hoods and stuff like that might cover it up so that you can't see it.


I'm quite upset I can't continue the Legacy of my Rodian smuggler from SWG.

I guess he will have to come back as a Zabrak smuggler with Nolan North's voice.


I'm quite upset I can't continue the Legacy of my Rodian smuggler from SWG.

I guess he will have to come back as a Zabrak smuggler with Nolan North's voice.

Ha! If there are many lines where he says "Oh crap." I'd be a Zabrak all the way.


You pick it at the start and that's your "head model" so it is there forever. Of course wearing hoods and stuff like that might cover it up so that you can't see it.

Interesting. I'll probably still make one of those guys since I really hate the faces they come up with usually, and I even hate making them in games like Skyrim where you have a million adjustment sliders.
The game changes a lot once you get to Tatooine, prior to that it's very linear and corridor-ish, but once you get to Tatooine is open world and huge.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
This weekend was a "patchable" client, but they are pushing a new build this week. Be interesting how large the "patch" is since the last one was what...18 Gb?

The last patch wasn't really a patch though, it was just the new build which you this time had the option of downloading over your existing build instead of uninstalling and reinstalling. Hopefully the next (todays?) patch will use actual patching functionality we can expect post-launch, instead of just pushing another entire build down the pipe.

Hari Seldon

So what is the best 1v1 pvp class? The story and shit is nice and all, but the long term appeal for me in this game is world pvp.


How in the world does that jive with having the game on Origin? What I mean is, I got my early play code via preorder from Amazon, which I put into Origin. Now inside Origin, I see my SWTOR CE link in there. However, for the beta, I only downloaded the client and such.

I guess what I could do is, start the game upon early release from within Origin, close it out, copy the files from the beta over to the folder, then relaunch. Wonder if that would work...
The site's down right now so I can't find it, but you only needed Origin if you wanted to buy the digital deluxe edition; you were able to enter the code for your Collector's Edition at http://swtor.com/preorder/code (in fact, you still have to do that for the Digital Deluxe edition purchased from Origin).


So what is the best 1v1 pvp class? The story and shit is nice and all, but the long term appeal for me in this game is world pvp.

I would definitely say that any of the melee classes are at a disadvantage but the rest is going to be changing even throughout release so no point worrying about it.


How in the world does that jive with having the game on Origin? What I mean is, I got my early play code via preorder from Amazon, which I put into Origin. Now inside Origin, I see my SWTOR CE link in there. However, for the beta, I only downloaded the client and such.

I guess what I could do is, start the game upon early release from within Origin, close it out, copy the files from the beta over to the folder, then relaunch. Wonder if that would work...
Your accounts are tied. If you have the launcher, you don't need Origin.

Are we talking another 20 GB "Patch"?
He didn't say, but probably.

But I just uninstalled it from my laptop! Grrr.... I hate convenience!
Oh Billy.


So what is the best 1v1 pvp class? The story and shit is nice and all, but the long term appeal for me in this game is world pvp.

I don't think class matters much. I base it more on the player. I played the Vanguard Trooper (tank) and I was able to easily kill people in a 1vs1 situation.
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