Argh... No idea if I should make a Commando or Vanguard... 
Been struggling on this idea for 24 hrs!
Been struggling on this idea for 24 hrs!
based on PVP queues, the Empire side is busier on KV
How do I move commendations from my inventory to my currency? What do I do with it? It doesn't seem to add to my total comendations.
Thats a bug I beleive, not much you can do.
I'm getting this weird issue where I go from 80 fps with max settings to 20-30 no matter what area I'm in or settings I'm using. The only temporary fix I've found is to reinstall graphic drivers, but it comes back soon after and now it's coming back immediately. Any ideas?
Using a GTX 460 with an i5@4ghz.
Has Bioware stated anything about adding Neutral gear?
They are working on a grey system.
Why is server response and visual latency at such ridiculous levels in Warzones?
I can deal with going from 100FPS to 15FPS, but I can't deal with a 5 second delay in everything I do, even when my ping is at 26.
In the AMA with Reddit, Stephen Reid said that the PvP team is hard at work, so i'm hoping we'll see something sooner than later. PvP in ToR has the potential to be really fun too, and they have some solid concepts in place. All they need now is the fine-tuning and responsiveness and everything will be butter.This is a massive problem and causes PVP to feel extremely unresponsive.
The problem is this. A player gets hit slightly before your bullet or saber physically hits their model in a visual sense. This gives the game time to calculate what is happening, and display it once it visually looks to you, as if you hit the person.
In PVP this is delayed. Visually you hit him, but you do not see signs of it until 0.5 to 1 second after the hit. Which is FOREVER in PVP. This means when you have a killing blow, the person won't instantly drop dead unless you are away from the pack in a 1v1 situation. There is a slight delay. This allows you to que up another attack, then the server recognizes the player you are trying to hit again is dead, displays the visual death animation, and cancels your current attack.
The server will also wait for your animation to finish before showing the person as dead. So if the person who got the killing blow, has a long animation, there is going to be a significant delay.
On the flip side, sometimes the server predicts in advance what is going to happen. So if you are a Sniper and snipe someone. They may drop dead before your bullet gets to them.
This is a problem WoW does not have. It is why WoW feels so much more smooth. When you look at the movement and animation, SWTOR is as good or better then WoW. Yet, for some reason in PVP something feels a bit clunky. What I wrote above is why, and Bioware should look into fixing it. I am sure they will.
Ran through Directive 7 on hard mode tonight, it's so full of jank it isn't even funny. Bunch of rooms you can just walk right through without getting any aggro, the clones from the Interrogator just stand there, and the last boss kept getting stuck in between phases, leaving us to continually run out and reset it to see if it would work next time.
I want to keep playing but it seems like I just need to take a break until they fix a lot of the hard mode stuff. Most of the flash points I did today didn't even have loot on the final bosses because the chests would bug and not open.
In the AMA with Reddit, Stephen Reid said that the PvP team is hard at work, so i'm hoping we'll see something sooner than later. PvP in ToR has the potential to be really fun too, and they have some solid concepts in place. All they need now is the fine-tuning and responsiveness and everything will be butter.
Argh... No idea if I should make a Commando or Vanguard...
Been struggling on this idea for 24 hrs!
This is a massive problem and causes PVP to feel extremely unresponsive.
The problem is this. A player gets hit slightly before your bullet or saber physically hits their model in a visual sense. This gives the game time to calculate what is happening, and display it once it visually looks to you, as if you hit the person.
In PVP this is delayed. Visually you hit him, but you do not see signs of it until 0.5 to 1 second after the hit. Which is FOREVER in PVP. This means when you have a killing blow, the person won't instantly drop dead unless you are away from the pack in a 1v1 situation. There is a slight delay. This allows you to que up another attack, then the server recognizes the player you are trying to hit again is dead, displays the visual death animation, and cancels your current attack.
The server will also wait for your animation to finish before showing the person as dead. So if the person who got the killing blow, has a long animation, there is going to be a significant delay.
On the flip side, sometimes the server predicts in advance what is going to happen. So if you are a Sniper and snipe someone. They may drop dead before your bullet gets to them.
This is a problem WoW does not have. It is why WoW feels so much more smooth. When you look at the movement and animation, SWTOR is as good or better then WoW. Yet, for some reason in PVP something feels a bit clunky. What I wrote above is why, and Bioware should look into fixing it. I am sure they will.
For the most part they're really easy, in just about every instance though there's some boss that's either broken (Directive 7), got busted enrage timers (Boarding Party, Foundry) or just needs to be adjusted. It's saying a lot though that despite all the jank I'm still having a blast seeing and experiencing all of the flash points.I just popped 50, and that is disappointing.
How easy is it to go fresh from 50 into the lower tier Hard Mode Flashpoints?
I'm also feeling very overwhelmed by the amount of skills I have. I'm only like level 12 and I already have most of my two bars full.![]()
I bought this a few days ago and have tried a few of the classes. I'm not sure what I want to stick with.
I was enjoying Smuggler (Gunslinger), but I just ran Esselles or whatever (with someone from the GAF guild! Vergil I think his name was). The first Republic flash point. The cover mechanic is kind of a nuisance. By the time I get into cover, the 2 troopers had things mostly dead.
And on the boss fight, I'd get knocked out of cover and have to go back in. On the last boss, he put a purple thingy right on my cover spot, so I ran out and went to crouch into cover elsewhere, but it rolled me right back into the spot and I got hit.
It just feels so... clunky. Am I just terrible?
I'm also feeling very overwhelmed by the amount of skills I have. I'm only like level 12 and I already have most of my two bars full.
When I tried trooper earlier, I didn't like her as a character. It was too... stiff. I'm not really into the whole military story thingy. And everyone is a Jedi so I don't really want to be one.
You will use only 4-5 skills anyway(may be a few more for skills with ~1 min++ cooldown)
I was annoyed by the cover mechanic, too, which is why I switched to Trooper. Once I accidentally rolled straight into a small army of badguys when I just wanted to enter the portable cover-thingy. :lol
So there's no way to go back and change your choice from Gunslinger to Scoundrel right?
Kind of regretting my choice.
What's the point of Valor from Warzones? Is it for gear?
You will use only 4-5 skills anyway(may be a few more for skills with ~1 min++ cooldown)
What's the point of Valor from Warzones? Is it for gear?
They could easily cut the number of skills in half. I feel like I have two of everything. One that's powerful with a long cool down, and one that is cheap and quick. But two CCs, two grenades, two channeled shots, two melees.
Some of the classes have too many, some seem just right though
I don't really use them binds. I just click on them. works for me.I'm a terrible gamer and I don't want to commit the time to learn TWELVE keybinds to use on a regular basis. That could be the "deal breaker" on this game for me.
I just don't have the time or patience for it anymore.
I do feel like there's skills just for the sake of skills though. It's like... I really don't need 6 different damaging attacks on different cooldowns with slightly different numbers.
I don't really use them binds. I just click on them. works for me.
I don't think this is true in general. As an Operative I find myself typically engaging at a close range when acting in a DPS role and at range when acting as a support healer. Up close I have about 6 skills to rotate through plus my main fire and as a healer there are another 5 or 6 skills that I need to use constantly. I also have about 3 or 4 skills that are more situational. ATM I have two bars filled and hotkeyed and find myself using most of them on a regular basis. Some of that space is fluff but I have more than 12 skills that I use constantly. I picked up the Razer Naga though and it makes skill management very easy even with 24+ skills.
Which classes are "just right" in your opinion?
I doubt we see a moddable UI this year, so it's going to be a while before it gets better.
oh, I haven't played that class. i'm a Jedi Sentinel and I only use 5-6 powers at most so it's not bad for me. I might mash 1-2 for more punch. I wish the game had autoattack.I guess I didn't really mean binds. It's not a huge thing pressing 1 - 5, ctrl+1 - 5, etc. It's just learning all those icons and which one does what and when I should do it.
Like I'm only level 12 on my smuggler but I'm already sitting there looking at my action bars and wondering if I should attack the guy this way or that way or AAAAGH.
Why can't it be just like this shot hits for a lot, this one has a dot, this one interrupts, etc. Instead it's like this one does 100 - 120 damage. This other one does 110 - 140 damage but is on a slightly longer cooldown! This third one is a shorter range, has yet another different cooldown, and does some damage inbetween the other 2~
I guess I didn't really mean binds. It's not a huge thing pressing 1 - 5, ctrl+1 - 5, etc. It's just learning all those icons and which one does what and when I should do it.
Like I'm only level 12 on my smuggler but I'm already sitting there looking at my action bars and wondering if I should attack the guy this way or that way or AAAAGH.
Why can't it be just like this shot hits for a lot, this is your main "spammable" attack, this one has a dot, this one interrupts, etc. Instead it's like this one does 100 - 120 damage. This other one does 110 - 140 damage but is on a slightly longer cooldown! This third one is a shorter range, has yet another different cooldown, and does some damage inbetween the other 2~
The smuggler is the republic version of the operative I thinkIn beta I found my operative to be just right with the skills it had, everything had a use, as well as my current main Sith Warrior Jug.
Now my trooper commando, I feel it has way too much with redundant abilities
oh, I haven't played that class. i'm a Jedi Sentinel and I only use 5-6 powers at most so it's not bad for me. I might mash 1-2 for more punch. I wish the game had autoattack.
Too many options! Call of Duty is thattaway!
You'll figure it out. I'm by no means an MMO expert but I have dabbled in WoW, Warhammer and DCUO enough to know that you don't need every single skill on your action bar. If you find ones that are redundant (and it seems like you have) then just remove them. The options just give different ways to play each class for each play style, ideally. I'm only level 5 so I haven't run into it in this game. DCUO was especially weird about it I thought, but you find a groove.
My hangup right now is finding the right UI layout.
I do that all the time. I just wish I liked the trooper story a bit more. Does it get less... dry? Or less war-y?
I've been subscribed to one MMO or another for like the last 10 years or something. So I'm not new to this at all. I'm not sure why I feel overwhelmed here when I've certainly played more complicated games. Maybe I'm just getting old or I played WoW for too long and got used to their 1-3 button combat or something.
I know if I stick with it long enough I'll get used to it but... learning sucks!
TOR is relatively light on skill bloat, I think. At least on Trooper (only 3 skills I don't have on my bar).TOR is pushing EQ2 skill bloat and you don't want to go there. You could say LoTRO did too, at least that's how I felt on my Rune Keeper.
It's not just you. As I've leveled I've figured out which actions are sidebar worthy, but my apparent rotation is made up of 7 abilities that are used often and 3 ~1M cool downs.
I probably can manage end game with that many, but it really is too many I think. They should have trimmed the amount of abilities down.