Alderaan is really boring, at least from the Imperial side. Tarkin did everyone a favor when he smashed this rock to smithereens. I almost fell asleep in my chair while questing there yesterday evening.
What you might be seeing is a character's legacy surname. You unlock that after one of your characters finish Act I.I thought that you couldn't have names with spaces? Can you add custom titles?
I had to bail out on Alderaan. Skipped at least 2 camps with quests and rushed to the end of my class quest. Terrible.
What you might be seeing is a character's legacy surname. You unlock that after one of your characters finish Act I.
You can't create custom titles.
Does anyone else have a problem seeing Light/Dark responses? I can see it on my IA, but they are absent on my Inquisitor, makes me pick filthy Light Side answers!
Any way to fix that?
I think you might have to turn it on in the settings.
Indeed. Majority of the settings are (who idiot desinged this?) character specific without ability to make them default. Keybindings included.
Well I use very different bindings for my Jedi than for my smuggler. Certain options should be universal though.
I'm lvl 19 on Taris right now and I'm thinking about doing the same thing. I hate this fucking planet.I had to bail out on Alderaan. Skipped at least 2 camps with quests and rushed to the end of my class quest. Terrible.
Well I guess it could be considered a sort of "custom title." You can display a Legacy name two ways.Legacy name can be used as "legacy title" right? How does it appear?
Legacy title
Legacy title Name /Name Legacy title?
Oh ffs, so annoying trying to save for my speeder. I got up to about 35K, could see the light at the end of the tunnel, then I dinged 26 and had to drop over 15k on training... for two freaking skills! I think one (technically the level 25 twirling baton o' death saber strike) was fucking 12k alone. Thanks for nerfing slicing Bioware, heaven forbid I make any money at it, much better to make me succeed at like 60% of the 30 minute long crew missions and then get rewarded with augments that don't sell to anyone.I'd do something other than slicing but 2 of my 3 companions as a Consular are good *only* for slicing.
So now I'm trying to sell shit on the still moribund AH but it's taking forever. So I'm stuck running running running around Tatooine like a chump and questing is grinding to a halt because I have to hoof it 10 minutes to get anywhere. Just getting from the cantina to the spaceport in Anchorhead is a surprisingly long hike, what a joke.
Wow, Bounty Hunters get the best partner ever![]()
Did as little of Tatooine as possible. What a god awful place, couldn't leave soon enough. Way too big with absolutely nothing going on, and the story for all the quests felt very irrelevant to anything bigger.
Alderaan has saved me though. Loving everything about it and it's washing the bad taste of sand out of my mouth.
So they are the anti-Consulars then.
I'm not sure about any of the other classes, but even not playing the rest I'd bet cash that the Consular's have the worst companions, and it takes so long to get them too. I only got my second one at the end of Nar Shadaa, and while slightly less useless than the lizard dude he's still no great shakes. And it's great how his crew skills are basically the same recently nerfed skill as your ship droid.![]()
Just installed, wondering how active the EU Gaf guilds are at the moment? From the OP I see the Republic side seems to have more members?![]()
There's three books tied in with the game which are Deceived, Fatal Alliance, and Revan. Whether they're actually good or not I do not know.Any good books for back story and world building?
I picked up Old Republic today, despite being a MMO noob. The game is doing its massive install now, but should be done soon. Can anyone be kind enough to suggest a starting point for me in terms of choosing a character and any tips of developing said character? Looking to do a light side character initially if that matters. I have no preference in terms of playstyle, I just want something that is easy to get into until I learn the ropes on my own.
I am not expecting a novel or serious time commitment here, just a few lines of helpful advice. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help or guide me to better resources.
Also, I want a spoiler for the Imperial Agent questline! Still in Act 1 at the moment, but I'm wondering...
I was told you can eventually get all companion characters? Am I being trolled?
If you play all 8 classes through sure.I was told you can eventually get all companion characters? Am I being trolled?
i ordered a ssd drive recently. This game is like WoW where you can just move the installation file wherever right?
While I'm digging the IA story through the first planet, I'm more than a little disappointed with my companion. It's like being forced to use Jack in ME2. I hope that either she gets a little less lame or I get a better on soon =/
i ordered a ssd drive recently. This game is like WoW where you can just move the installation file wherever right?
Hey everybody! It's stupid question time! Today's stupid question is: What's the little meter around my character portrait in Warzones? I've tried searching for information on it, only to find gems like this:[IMG][/QUOTE]
yep, can't wait. Arrives on Friday.Welcome to the future
Any good books for back story and world building?