Love the game, but it's starting to bore me quite a bit. I lasted one week.
Same boat. Having trouble getting motivation to continue leveling my Sith beyond 14. I'm just not feeling inspired like back in the WoW days.
Same boat. Having trouble getting motivation to continue leveling my Sith beyond 14. I'm just not feeling inspired like back in the WoW days.
Same boat. Having trouble getting motivation to continue leveling my Sith beyond 14. I'm just not feeling inspired like back in the WoW days.
Love the game, but it's starting to bore me quite a bit. I lasted one week.
This is how I've been feeling. I keep making different characters and getting them to level 10, or 11, and I lose all interest and want to make a new one..
This is how I've been feeling. I keep making different characters and getting them to level 10, or 11, and I lose all interest and want to make a new one. The cycle just repeats itself. It's an awesome game and I get into the storylines but something just isn't hooking me. I wish there were more classes and species to choose from. I want to play as a Jawa so badly and I was excited to find out you get one as a companion with a Smuggler and Bounty Hunter but then I was letdown to find out it wasn't until level 40, lol.
I know around level ten is still the beginning but it's hard to push on when you just stop caring about the character and aren't having fun. Maybe MMO's just aren't for me anymore. It's been almost a decade since I've played once.
You're literally repeating by far the most boring part of the game over and over. The game has a slow start. No ship, average planet, it's easing you in. If it was Kotor 1, it would be like you repeating the first half of Taris over and over. Get off the 2nd world, get your ship and then see how it goes. Remember, this game is huge. I'm 50 hours in and am STILL in Chapter 1. Level 10 is a slither of this game. I'm liking Tatooine and Alderaan a lot. Dat Dune sea.
The first 10 levels are the most boring parts of the game... and you keep repeating them. lol
But it's not the quests, planet, or storylines I find boring. I'm actually liking all of that. It's the characters themselves. Maybe they're more fun to play at higher levels but I can't stick with it if I'm not having fun.
But it's not the quests, planet, or storylines I find boring. I'm actually liking all of that. It's the characters themselves. Maybe they're more fun to play at higher levels but I can't stick with it if I'm not having fun.
If you say so. The fact that this is an MMO and you actually play a character instead of a mute avatar or "toon" still amazes me.
Maybe you have to find the right class? Have you tried most of them? I played about 4 different classes to level 12-14 till I found the one I enjoyed the most. Now I'm sticking with it and having a blast.
But it's not the quests, planet, or storylines I find boring. I'm actually liking all of that. It's the characters themselves. Maybe they're more fun to play at higher levels but I can't stick with it if I'm not having fun.
What characters have you tried? Everyone fucking raves about Imperial Agent. I'm also loving Bounty Hunter.
My first character was a Jedi Consular that I chose as a Sage. Then a Imperial Agent that I chose as a Operative, then as a Bounty Hunter that I chose as a Mercenary, then as a Smuggler that I chose as a Scoundrel.
Does the story stuff work well when playing with other people? I liked the conversations and story in the beta but I don't know if it would be better or worse if you play with a friend all the time.
Does the story stuff work well when playing with other people? I liked the conversations and story in the beta but I don't know if it would be better or worse if you play with a friend all the time.
What didn't you like about the characters? You know that the Operative/Scoundrel are exact mirror classes, right?
Have you played MMO's before? How familiar are you with MMO mechanics and what type of playstyle usually clicks with you? That's the best way to decide what class to pick; particularly Empire side all of the stories have their positive aspects (I get to see them all grouping with a BH/Inquis and playing an IA/Warrior)
I just wasn't having fun playing as them. That's all I can say about why I didn't like them. Their stories were interesting. Do you mean Bounty Hunter/Scoundrel? I tried both because I wanted that damn Jawa as a companion so I thought maybe I'd get into the other instead, lol.
The only MMO's I've played are Phantasy Star Online and Anarchy Online. But as I said in a previous post it's been almost a decade ago for both. Despite that, I still understand the basics of how they play. In Anarchy Online I loved playing as the Doctor and just supporting.
It is also harder to be knocked off of, which is the REAL perk. It's amazing. It's also not that expensive, credits inflate rapidly as you level.Which I think is a complete joke because it's only a 10% speed increase. Like wtf?
This is so wrong it hurts.You will use only 4-5 skills anyway(may be a few more for skills with ~1 min++ cooldown)
I don't think you know what Skill Bloat is. It's not about worthless skills, it's about redundant skills where you use tons of them but they could easily have changed things around and had half as many to do the same shit. This game is AWFUL about it.TOR is relatively light on skill bloat, I think. At least on Trooper (only 3 skills I don't have on my bar).
LoTRO was awful about it, though. Every class by cap had around 50 skills, and regularly used maybe a fifth of that.
Even a 'simple rotation' is going to have full bars. Any dps that just sets up 5 buttons with some cooldowns is a terrible dps you don't want to group with. People who understand their utilities and strengths have always been better players.A DPS in TOR is only complicated if you make it so. Really you should only be using several abilities that work the best for you. Lot of the abilities are just situational or utility that you are not going to use often. For DPS you should just set up a simple rotation of abilities for yourself.
Tanking and healing is where it gets more complex as you have to manage lot more abilities and it's more like old school MMOs of having to be more attentive. Tanking is not simple aoe taunt spam here for example.
Does the story stuff work well when playing with other people? I liked the conversations and story in the beta but I don't know if it would be better or worse if you play with a friend all the time.
I just wasn't having fun playing as them. That's all I can say about why I didn't like them. Their stories were interesting. Do you mean Bounty Hunter/Scoundrel? I tried both because I wanted that damn Jawa as a companion so I thought maybe I'd get into the other instead, lol.
The only MMO's I've played are Phantasy Star Online and Anarchy Online. But as I said in a previous post it's been almost a decade ago for both. Despite that, I still understand the basics of how they play. In Anarchy Online I loved playing as the Doctor and just supporting.
The planets get progressively better, and then get progressively worse again in my opinion. Not a fan of Voss at all.
And you are not at the bottom yet. I found Corellia downright offensive. So much driving through empty streets and tunnels.
Corellia is long but I dig the look and feel of it. Conversely, I thought Voss would be awful because it looks so drab, but the plot was badass and the Voss themselves are really interesting as a race.
Bounty Hunter and Smuggler aren't mirror classes even though they both get Jawa companionsThey have very different playstyles. I'm surprised you had zero fun with the BH at all, they get powerful, fun, thematic abilities fairly early on. If Death from Above wasn't a fun ability to use then hotkey MMO's may not click for you at all :/.
I do know that the Scoundrel/Operative doesn't get its good healing tools till level 20 and 30, and the Mercenary until 20. I never played AO so I'm not sure how their healer/support classes operated to give you a better reccommendation, but personally if you wanted to stick with one I'd suggest the mercenary due to a more straightforward healing style and more entertaining healing theme (healing missiles/bullets are always good fun).
Same boat. Having trouble getting motivation to continue leveling my Sith beyond 14. I'm just not feeling inspired like back in the WoW days.
That's something that bothered me as a healer. When I played a Doctor in AO, right away I was needed and actually benefited a team. I felt like I contributed. As a healer in this I was feeling useless because everyone else was healing themselves just as well as I could.
I think most people hit what I'm calling the Story Wall. Levels 1 -15 have story quests pretty packed together because you level quite a bit faster and thus you get absorbed in the class story. After 15 your leveling slows way down and thus the stroy arc does as well. You get more misc side quests as well which though voice acted still have that grind feel.
1-15 your class story hardly even begins. You are mostly doing side plots then. The story doesn't get big until Act 2 for most classes.
I think it looks amazing, but there is so much wasted space it's insane.
A lot of that depends on the content you're doing. Running around doing story missions and basic side quests no one should need heals because it's designed to be done solo. That changes a lot when doing the quests marked as [Heroic 2] or [Heroic 4] and more significantly in the flashpoints or PVP warzones. When doing that content you go from a time saver to the person everyone blames for failing. I only like playing my healer in the hard content and he's the character that makes me miss dual spec the most.
AO was designed with a completely different mindset with far more stark specialization/role filling and much more mandatory grouping. Modern MMO's just don't cater to that playstyle anymore because the audience isn't profitable enough :/
If someone knows, there is something I really need to know about this game.
Will Bioware implement (or is there already) a way for user to set some simple macros for the game, like being able to cast heals on targets you are hovering over with your mouse?
I simply can't function without a way to do mouse hover healing.
Targeting and re-targeting and re-targeting, with my target sometimes witching while I'm spamming heals and I'm not sure why/how it happened drives me sort of crazy.
14? You barely have touched the game
Your story has barely become interesting, try making it to Level 20-21 and getting off your 2nd planet and things should pick up (space combat, broader story, better armors)
For me it was a drag to go from 14-17 on Trooper then it hit into high gear and I went from 17-21 in one night and had to force myself to stop playing