The way this game is structured up to lvl 32 I have seen 1 member of the opposite faction in non war zone content.
Tatooine is open world so you should have seen the opposing faction there.
The way this game is structured up to lvl 32 I have seen 1 member of the opposite faction in non war zone content.
Yeah I'm feeling the 'wasteland' issue as well. I think the main problem is interaction related. The places are too sterile and have very limited dynamic movement and next to zero objects to interact with that don't have a specific purpose, and what purpose they have is limited to a one time event. The only thing that changes this up is the datacrons but they are so few and far between that they hardly make up for the amount of space that is there. I like endless expanses, but only if there is something that can distract me and make me wonder 'what could have been' while going through them. Take even SWG for instance, you went through the land and came up with 'dreams' of owning a specific plot of land to make a house, or assist a guild in a city.
That is an extreme example, but there is something else I find sorely lacking that at first I was ok with given their 'explanation' for it. The lack of day and night cycles is something they NEED to rectify in the future. At first I didn't notice it, but as you stay on these planets for a good 4-8 hours or more you begin to feel like every place on the planet is the same, the experience no matter when you play it is the same, nothing changes. At least with a day and night cycle a planet can potentially feel different as you play in different areas. With the instancing of planets to only allow a certain amount of people in at a time, and the sameness feel going from place to place really makes this game feel like a cut out without a soul. There is nothing about these places that make them feel like an actual 'world' despite the careful attention to artistic detail, it feels like you are just in a large box with some very intentionally placed objects, and once you finish using those objects the planet becomes damn near useless.
I hope they bring some more "MMO" like elements into the game in the future, even during the lower level areas. Stuff where they are just there for you to interact with and may or may not advance your character in level, but are there to stylize the world and make you feel part of it, like you don't actually mind spending time on the world for something other then just leveling. Could be a mini-game, could be even some 'grind' quests you can do at the higher levels, something, anything to make the worlds feel more organic and less intentional and wasteful.
Why isn't there a GAF group on a non-carebear server? PVE realms are for old people
Tatooine is open world so you should have seen the opposing faction there.
Tatooine is open world so you should have seen the opposing faction there.
I know. I purposefully was looking for them and saw 1 during my time there.
I know. I purposefully was looking for them and saw 1 during my time there.
Where do I go to buy my riding skill once I hit 25? I'm like 10K XP away....
The way this game is structured up to lvl 32 I have seen 1 member of the opposite faction in non war zone content..
It's easy to go back to something you already have uber characters and total understanding of. I hope SWTOR doesn't loose too many people because of that.
That's why I think sub MMOs are doomed in America. I think there's a large crowd that's basically only playing WoW and if WoW ever failed, they would never play another MMO again. These people are completely against another MMO.
Not to derail but whats that make the people that keep going back to the easy button really like in life?
I for one welcome the fact that we are all running around with our heads up our asses on playing the classes and at the moment there is not a guide on how to insta play anything. Also who has not grown up wanting to be part of the Star Wars universe.
People can go back to their goblins, and space cows and wait to play pandas. I am having a blast in the unkown.
I totally get the "I'm getting bored" crowd. I love this game and it's very well designed, but I kind of feel like I'm going through the motions. I went toalmost right after leaving Tython and now it looks like I'm stuck here until I finish the story. WTF? In WoW I had the freedom to wander wherever I liked as soon as the game started. Sure, the enemies might rip me to shreds, but at least I could go.Coruscant
So what class should I roll if I want to mainly be a healer? I've always enjoyed healing in MMOs.
Once I get this hopefully today gonna go Empire and join gaf in their adventures in space.
So I tried a bit of Jedi Knight. The starting area is so dull for them. But all these random quests seem to make more sense.
On my smuggler, I'm finding most of these quests just don't really make any sense. It's like... I'm a smuggler! Why are these random military and political people asking a shady character like me for help with super important stuff? And why does my smuggler companion only like it when I'm super nice and non-jerky to people? Agh...
I'm mainly playing for the story right now. I'm enjoying the main story quests for my smuggler so far, but all these side quests really break the immersion for me. The Jedi story is... well... a Jedi story. Does it ever become something more?
They don't see you as any shadier than their current co-workers. Have you seen some of the sleazeballs that you end up helping?
Can higher level Gunslingers give me some feedback on my priority/rotation currently while leveling? Level 14 right now.
Open with Aimed Shot
Charged Shot + CS buff
Toss Sabotage Charge
Charged Again
repeat for the most part.
In AoE I'll open with Thermal and Blinding Grenade and then single target.
Am I missing out on really effective abilities?
US GAF is on Keller's Void, right?
Who do I talk to in order to join the Republic & Imperial guilds?
Hate to quote myself, but could someone please answer this?
GAF: North American Republic on Keller's Void
Leader: CzarTim (Jaina, Trooper)
Officer: Billychu (Saayli, Smuggler)
Officer: Trouble (Sylas, Jedi Shadow)
Officer: The_Inquisitor (CharName, Class)
Officer: Jbird34 (Jbird, Jedi Knight)
Officer: cartoon_soldier (Kumar, Jedi Consular)
I've run into plenty of opposing republic players on Tatooine from lvls 28-32 on my PvP server.The way this game is structured up to lvl 32 I have seen 1 member of the opposite faction in non war zone content.
hate to quote the OP but...
Hate to quote myself, but could someone please answer this?
so way b4 this game came out all i wanted to do was b a marauder...i got one up to lvl 33 and got so bored with that class....i mean the story so far is awesome but marauders take waayyyy too much damage even when ur using quinn ur still gettin messed up....i did every single quest so far which had me going to all the planets over leveled and i was still just getting messed up. so i decided to roll an inquisitor sorcerer lightning spec and now im just destroying everything in my path with no problem and ive gotta say im having a blast. way more fun than marauders imo. my marauder will deff b sitting in a cantina collecting rest xp until they get a much needed buff.
also i still see people asking how to join our gaf empire guild on KV since the OT still hasnt been updated to show who our officers are. just whisper either villeon (or his alt basif), sciion (which is myself and Dignus is my alt), Alicar (somnia is his alt), verigan, or sona. sorry if i forgot any other officers. just whisper any one of us in game and give us your gaf name so we can verify its you.![]()
In regards to all the empty space and similar comments: Did you all know that every single NPC that cannot be targeted (nothing happens when you mouse-over them either) are actually in your client and only because you have a decent rig. They do not exist in the servers at all and if someone is playing the game with a shitty steam-machine era computer, they don't see them. Kinda neat technology, but damn I'm glad my PC is a beast.
On my smuggler, I'm finding most of these quests just don't really make any sense. It's like... I'm a smuggler! Why are these random military and political people asking a shady character like me for help with super important stuff? And why does my smuggler companion only like it when I'm super nice and non-jerky to people? Agh...
So, I just got the game and looking to play on the same server. I was checking the main page and saw only two guys listed on the Sith Empire... is the gaf guild lacking or should I roll a republic character?
If the empire is thriving and kicking I'd like to go there. But if not, then I'd like to go with an active thriving guild with the republic.
Empire guild is alive and kicking. It's just that the the first post REALLY needs to be updated. It's been like that for a while now.
At first that shit was getting on my nerves now it's just an injoke to us.
*an hour later, a letter comes with 22 credits attached*
Empire guild is alive and kicking. It's just that the the first post REALLY needs to be updated. It's been like that for a while now.
I enjoy this gameNow, does anyone have a good mouse they can recommend to use for less than 35 dollars? Id rather not spend more than that if I can help it.
MX518 is always the answer! You can usually find one some where for that price.
the worlds are instanced and are very large. They usually have 2 instances on each planet. But i have noticed that there are no more instances on the Republic Fleet, feels like a very busy city nowadays.even other forums state the same thing, the worlds feel barren. what gives?
I'm on Infinite Empire, which is PVP.
the worlds are instanced and are very large. They usually have 2 instances on each planet. But i have noticed that there are no more instances on the Republic Fleet, feels like a very busy city nowadays.
the game has only been officially out for 9 days. Most people are still probably in the lower lvls.yea but , I was on tattoine the other day with 2 instances running with only 45 people each in it. why???