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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


lol, 14? Not even sure why you would want to play an MMO if you're going to give up about 10 hours into a game; especially a game that demands a good amount of commitment. I mean, I was personally hooked right away, but not going past the adolescent stage in any mmo is more a sign of you having a problem with the MMO genre more than anything.

I don't think so. I feel they have a point. I am going to continue to play because my friends enjoy the game but if I was alone I would have stopped. I am level 17 and about to finish up my second planet.


Then I guess that's my problem, haha. I'm too use to everyone having one role and depending on others. I'm going to stick with this game and hopefully it clicks.

What's funny, is now that I think about it, I remember back when I played AO and wishing everyone could sort of do a bit of everything and not rely totally on others. It sucked spending hours looking for a team and wishing I could just solo.

It's certainly an adjustment. Most of the classes don't have actual in combat healing, they've just given everyone a really fast OOC resource regen skill to minimize downtime and not tie it to buying food/consumables. It's fairly reasonable.

If you do stick with it just look for people in need of healers; particularly empire side it's the hardest role to find people for. The Heroic quest on Nar Shadaa that involves killing Jedi is VERY challenging and the vast majority of teams will need a player healer to work through it; just healed it last night and really enjoyed the chaos. I'm sure there are the same challenging missions on republic side if you stick with the smuggler.

So, after a Mage in WoW and a Healer in WAR I rolled a tank soldat and am lvl 12 right now.

I´m really curious how a ranged tank wll work. Hope they aren´t utter crap. Any experience ?

None of the tanks are purely ranged tanks. BH/Trooper can manage for the most part but their primary threat ability is a melee attack.


Does the story stuff work well when playing with other people? I liked the conversations and story in the beta but I don't know if it would be better or worse if you play with a friend all the time.

It works well. I was playing with a stranger last night that kept asking for help, but no one would help him so I decided to be a nice guy. We played together for over 3 hours and it was a blast. Was able to get to the point where he got his ship and that was awesome to see. When you are in someone elses story, it goes into a 'spectator mode' which is pretty cool.

It was a blast though!


So, after a Mage in WoW and a Healer in WAR I rolled a tank soldat and am lvl 12 right now.

I´m really curious how a ranged tank wll work. Hope they aren´t utter crap. Any experience ?

I already have to memorize the class mirror names. Now I have to learn the German names too? :p

Trooper tanks rely on close-range abilities for threat generation and damage mitigation, so they're not really ranged tanks. If you stay at range, you can't use your best tanking abilities.


Made it up to 7 with my sith inquisitor and it's ok so far. Since the game is soooooo much like WoW it doesn't surprise me to find that the beginning area is pretty sparse and boring (the inquisitor area reminds me of Durotar really). I am kind of having fun though.


Got my Jedi Guardian up to level 11 last night. The starting quests are really bad compared to the starting Sith Inquisitor and Imperial Agent quests. I had a hard time sticking with it but now that I am off of Tython things are better. I ran the Esseles flashpoint twice to farm some gear. The first time I was level 9 and while it was not very difficult (there were 3 of us - healer, sentinel, and me) it was a bit of a slog as I couldn't do much damage nor could I really generate and hold enough threat to truly be a tank.

The second time through (with the same group) I was level 11 and had acquired my specialization. Talk about a change. Now I was able to do some basic tanking as well as throw down a fair amount of damage. Where previously we'd have to bang away at some of the larger droid sub bosses for a few minutes we now just tore them to shreds.

On the down side we encountered several bugs. At one point I randomly fell through the floor and ended up beneath the world. I had to relog and when I came back it placed me all the way back at the beginning of the flashpoint. I had to remove myself from the group and relog a second time to be placed back into the correct point of advancement. One of the members of my group got randomly disconnected, too.

That said all in all I like my Jedi dude quite a bit. In PvP it looks to me like there are more skilled players on the Republic side on my server, but if general chat is any indication the Empire side is a little better in terms of retard to normal person ratio.

On the Empire side, my Sith Assassin is now cruising at level 32 after finishing the first act of the class story arc. That final battle was a real pain.
I tried it multiple times and failed - first as at level 29, and then again at levels 31 and 32. I could consistently bring Darth Zash down to a sliver of life remaining but then she would always pull off one last move to kill me. I'd do everything right in terms of interrupting her casts, avoiding her big spells, etc... but I still kept dying. After about an hour of intermittent requests for help I finally got a hand from a mercifully friendly fellow guild member. The hilarious part is that with his help Zash went down in about 30 seconds. He didn't even do anything other than hang back to cast heals if I needed them (I didn't) and throw a couple of bolts of force lightning. Our pets kept her stunlocked so she couldn't do any of her big casts and her health dropped like a rock. It was ridiculous how easy it was considering how much trouble it gave me alone.

So now that I'm in the second act I'm gonna take a little break from that character because I can only take so many quests that involve retrieving artifacts from ancient ruins. I was hoping that the end of Act 1 meant I'd be moving on from those quests but it doesn't seem to be the case at all. I think the "Assassin" name for this class is actually somewhat misleading. I thought as an Assassin I'd be, you know, assassinating people. I thought the Dark Council would be dispatching me on missions to infiltrate Republic space and then hunt and kill targets. Instead it's Tomb Raider, MMO style. I like the class abilities but I really am losing interest in the quests.
Made it up to 7 with my sith inquisitor and it's ok so far. Since the game is soooooo much like WoW it doesn't surprise me to find that the beginning area is pretty sparse and boring (the inquisitor area reminds me of Durotar really). I am kind of having fun though.

You'll have a better time once you live Korriban. I found my SI a little boring to play as until I picked the specialization for my girl. Now, I love her and her healing abilities.

The one good thing about entering a hiatus when school starts is the time I come back, dual specs should be a feature in TOR.


The Bounty Hunter on Alderaan is awesome. The super snobby nobels look down on me like I'm just rabble. So I insult them, punch them in the face, beat them, make passes at their daughters, steal their alcohol. And they way they react, just utterly disgusted and appalled. So good.

+1. There are some amazing lines too. I immensly enjoyed alderaan.


In regards to all the empty space and similar comments: Did you all know that every single NPC that cannot be targeted (nothing happens when you mouse-over them either) are actually in your client and only because you have a decent rig. They do not exist in the servers at all and if someone is playing the game with a shitty steam-machine era computer, they don't see them. Kinda neat technology, but damn I'm glad my PC is a beast.


I already have to memorize the class mirror names. Now I have to learn the German names too? :p

Trooper tanks rely on close-range abilities for threat generation and damage mitigation, so they're not really ranged tanks. If you stay at range, you can't use your best tanking abilities.

Haha sorry, I thought "Soldat" or "Soldier" were universal enough to be used as well. I tried to stay some kind of spoiler free, thats why I asked. So you are just walking into meele range and use your gun ?


So I started over after tanking the first real instance with my juggernaut. I realized I hate tanking in the game despite main tanking in WoW through all the BC content and Wrath hard mode raids. Maybe it's the lack of interface mods that help out, or maybe it's just how the trash is setup in this game, or maybe they just refuse to give you decent taking skills early in the game. I said screw it and rolled a Sorceress and have been going full lightning. Much more fun so far.




In regards to all the empty space and similar comments: Did you all know that every single NPC that cannot be targeted (nothing happens when you mouse-over them either) are actually in your client and only because you have a decent rig. They do not exist in the servers at all and if someone is playing the game with a shitty steam-machine era computer, they don't see them. Kinda neat technology, but damn I'm glad my PC is a beast.
That explains it - I see all these people complain about the world feeling empty and I always saw random pedestrians moving about (at least where it makes sense - Tatooine obviously would be pretty empty). High-end rig ftw.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
In regards to all the empty space and similar comments: Did you all know that every single NPC that cannot be targeted (nothing happens when you mouse-over them either) are actually in your client and only because you have a decent rig. They do not exist in the servers at all and if someone is playing the game with a shitty steam-machine era computer, they don't see them. Kinda neat technology, but damn I'm glad my PC is a beast.
I know all about this, but fake NPCs don't really do much to fill many of the zones. Especially on non-city planets.


I kinda want to roll BH as my alt...but I'm not really looking forward to tanking...OR healing =\

Then DPS? Just because you can do something doesn't mean you have to. My friend plays a sorcerer with me and the most healing I'll ever get out of him is a static barrier; some people just don't have the right mindset to fulfill those roles.


That explains it - I see all these people complain about the world feeling empty and I always saw random pedestrians moving about (at least where it makes sense - Tatooine obviously would be pretty empty). High-end rig ftw.
Untargerable, meaningless npcs don't make a zone less empty. Coruscant was filled with them for me and it was basically a wasteland. It's so weird to me that I have to wait in a queue to play the game, and then when I log on nobody is anywhere to be found. ONE time across all my characters so far have I seen more than 3 other people in a location. A cave on Taris had 5 people all trying to kill a few quest mobs. Two of them were me and my fiance.

I'm not saying competing for quest mobs is cool or anything, because it's not. But for a game with lengthy queues and record numbers, it feels extremely barren.


In regards to all the empty space and similar comments: Did you all know that every single NPC that cannot be targeted (nothing happens when you mouse-over them either) are actually in your client and only because you have a decent rig. They do not exist in the servers at all and if someone is playing the game with a shitty steam-machine era computer, they don't see them. Kinda neat technology, but damn I'm glad my PC is a beast.

That is kind of neat and I do have tons of NPCs around but I just wish you could talk to most of them, even if they only said like 1 line like most non-essential NPCs do in wrpgs.


There are a lot of NPCs that talk to each other also. Only issue is that unlike Mass Effect or Dragon Age, their dialogue doesn't repeat every time you go past them. They are on a timer and it can be pretty long.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Anywhere to submit bugs? Show Sith Corruption turns itself back on during every cutscenes/load, and it's starting to annoy the hell out of me.


Neo Member
Made it up to 7 with my sith inquisitor and it's ok so far. Since the game is soooooo much like WoW it doesn't surprise me to find that the beginning area is pretty sparse and boring (the inquisitor area reminds me of Durotar really). I am kind of having fun though.

Beginning area looks nothing like durotar at all. Other than the couple fetch quests none of the quests are the similar either.


Beginning area looks nothing like durotar at all. Other than the couple fetch quests none of the quests are the similar either.

It's the colors/color scheme and rock canyon-y things that do it really. I think it is reminiscent. The underground stuff though it totally different though.


Making a list of plausible character line ups. Anyone have any additions or changes?

Sith Warrior
Sith Juggernaut = Darth Vader
Sith Marauder = Darth Maul

Sith Inquisitor
Sith Sorcerer = Darth Sidious
Sith Assassin

Bounty Hunter
Mercenary = Boba Fett
Powertech = Jango Fett

Imperial Agent

Operative – Lando Calrissian


Jedi Knight
Jedi Guardian =- Luke SkyWalker
Jedi Sentinel

Jedi Consular
Jedi Sage = Yoda/Obi-wan
Jedi Shadow

Scoundrel – Han Solo


I totally get the "I'm getting bored" crowd. I love this game and it's very well designed, but I kind of feel like I'm going through the motions. I went to
almost right after leaving Tython and now it looks like I'm stuck here until I finish the story. WTF? In WoW I had the freedom to wander wherever I liked as soon as the game started. Sure, the enemies might rip me to shreds, but at least I could go.

I'm hoping that after I finish the story on this planet the game will open up more, so I'. blazing through the main quest line. Cool dialog options aside, I don't feel like I'm in control. More like I'm on an amusement park ride.

(To what extent are we spoilering things? I figure Tython is obvious because it's a starting area but I wasn't sure about the other planet.)

EDIT: I would assume Anakin for Jedi Sentinel, and maybe Mara Jade for Shadow/Assassin? These are just guesses, though.


I'd say solo is more of a Gunslinger, even though he's only used 1 pistol. Never saw him healing or doing anything more than shooting.


Making a list of plausible character line ups. Anyone have any additions or changes?

Sith Warrior
Sith Juggernaut = Darth Vader
Sith Marauder = Darth Maul

Sith Inquisitor
Sith Sorcerer = Darth Sidious
Sith Assassin

Bounty Hunter
Mercenary = Bona Fett
Powertech = Jango Fett

Imperial Agent

Operative – Lando Calrissian


Jedi Knight
Jedi Guardian =- Luke SkyWalker
Jedi Sentinel

Jedi Consular
Jedi Sage = Yoda/Obi-wan
Jedi Shadow

Scoundrel – Han Solo

Darth Maul is more like Assassin.


I'd also say Obi-Wan is more of a Guardian as well. Lian Neeson was more of a Sage (forget his name).

Also the Samuel L. Jackson Jedi could be a Sentinel?


Solo is definitely more of a Scoundrel than a Gunslinger. He never squatted in place to take up a firing nest, he was always on the move, pistol whipping bitches or sneaking around to get somewhere he shouldn't have been. He obviously had Shoot First trained, so we know he was at least level 36 in episode IV.


Posting this again on the new page:

(Jedi Consular) I'm so confused when gearing my companion Qyzen Fess. Why is his primary stat Aim when he is a melee tank? Shouldn't I be slotting stat bonuses for Strength and Endurance instead of Aim and Endurance?

Anyone see any Orange Techblades also?

I tried the swtor forums but I didn't really get a definitive answer over there. Should I be increasing aim if I'm using Qyzen as a melee tank?


I'd also say Obi-Wan is more of a Guardian as well. Lian Neeson was more of a Sage (forget his name).

Also the Samuel L. Jackson Jedi could be a Sentinel?

Liam Neeson = Qui Gan Jin i I think, of course i'm sure I have the spelling all wrong.
In regards to all the empty space and similar comments: Did you all know that every single NPC that cannot be targeted (nothing happens when you mouse-over them either) are actually in your client and only because you have a decent rig. They do not exist in the servers at all and if someone is playing the game with a shitty steam-machine era computer, they don't see them. Kinda neat technology, but damn I'm glad my PC is a beast.

Yeah, the autodetecting and adjusting stuff the client does is actually extremely irritating. It automatically downscales your character's appearance as well I believe, as on my machine with an ATI 6770 I look as good as I do in conversations, but on my friend's rig with an older card (which can run the game on medium/high, just with shadows on low) the character model is a muddy mess out of conversations. Changing available settings and the ini file don't seem to be able to control this.

Regarding the bored crowd, it's actually a fairly common occurrence for people to hit this odd wall just after the beginning but well before the middle of leveling a character. Seems to be in the mid teens to mid 20s in almost every MMO, even the older, slower ones.

I usually just stop playing for a week and it gets me the hype back I need to crunch through into the 30s and beyond, when most games start to feel like everything is samey but you feel motivated to max out the character you've already taken this far.

I'd just take a break. Certainly would recommend not starting more than a couple of characters until you get one capped.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Man the more I think about it, the more I wish I picked Scoundrel instead of Gunslinger.
I don't have meters to run numbers or anything, but Gunslinger/Sniper seems very capable both solo and in a group. They seem like a very strong DPS class to me, and when I'm grouping I don't see anyone matching my damage output.


I know all about this, but fake NPCs don't really do much to fill many of the zones. Especially on non-city planets.

Yeah I'm feeling the 'wasteland' issue as well. I think the main problem is interaction related. The places are too sterile and have very limited dynamic movement and next to zero objects to interact with that don't have a specific purpose, and what purpose they have is limited to a one time event. The only thing that changes this up is the datacrons but they are so few and far between that they hardly make up for the amount of space that is there. I like endless expanses, but only if there is something that can distract me and make me wonder 'what could have been' while going through them. Take even SWG for instance, you went through the land and came up with 'dreams' of owning a specific plot of land to make a house, or assist a guild in a city.

That is an extreme example, but there is something else I find sorely lacking that at first I was ok with given their 'explanation' for it. The lack of day and night cycles is something they NEED to rectify in the future. At first I didn't notice it, but as you stay on these planets for a good 4-8 hours or more you begin to feel like every place on the planet is the same, the experience no matter when you play it is the same, nothing changes. At least with a day and night cycle a planet can potentially feel different as you play in different areas. With the instancing of planets to only allow a certain amount of people in at a time, and the sameness feel going from place to place really makes this game feel like a cut out without a soul. There is nothing about these places that make them feel like an actual 'world' despite the careful attention to artistic detail, it feels like you are just in a large box with some very intentionally placed objects, and once you finish using those objects the planet becomes damn near useless.

I hope they bring some more "MMO" like elements into the game in the future, even during the lower level areas. Stuff where they are just there for you to interact with and may or may not advance your character in level, but are there to stylize the world and make you feel part of it, like you don't actually mind spending time on the world for something other then just leveling. Could be a mini-game, could be even some 'grind' quests you can do at the higher levels, something, anything to make the worlds feel more organic and less intentional and wasteful.


Posting this again on the new page:

(Jedi Consular) I'm so confused when gearing my companion Qyzen Fess. Why is his primary stat Aim when he is a melee tank? Shouldn't I be slotting stat bonuses for Strength and Endurance instead of Aim and Endurance?

Anyone see any Orange Techblades also?

I tried the swtor forums but I didn't really get a definitive answer over there. Should I be increasing aim if I'm using Qyzen as a melee tank?


Liam Neeson = Qui Gan Jin i I think, of course i'm sure I have the spelling all wrong.

Aim shouldn't be his primary. But take a look at his damage stats, and see how they're affecting things.

EDIT: Just checked my Consular alt, and aim does look to be his primary. That's.... odd.


It wouldn't surprise me if Fess' primary was Aim. Smugglers have a companion like that (uses a Technostaff but has Aim primary); companions do not follow any class' archetypal rules, and are generally a combination of two or more classes players can actually use.


Most of my friends have already gone back to WoW.

Frankly I find it pathetic. I'm so fucking bored of Warcraft and find TOR refreshing. might have to join the GAF guild if there is one and it's not dead already.
Most of my friends have already gone back to WoW.

Frankly I find it pathetic. I'm so fucking bored of Warcraft and find TOR refreshing. might have to join the GAF guild if there is one and it's not dead already.

It's easy to go back to something you already have uber characters and total understanding of. I hope SWTOR doesn't loose too many people because of that.


Why is this? As I play a gunslinger I am curious now.
First of all, don't get me wrong, I am playing a Gunslinger and loving it (level 14 currently).

I just feel like Scoundrel may have had more variety, and more options for play styles later on. Like if I wanted to heal or something.

Right now all I'm really using is Aimed Shot, Charged Shot, Sabotage Charge, and usually in that order. I am probably just double guessing myself.


I totally get the "I'm getting bored" crowd. I love this game and it's very well designed, but I kind of feel like I'm going through the motions. I went to
almost right after leaving Tython and now it looks like I'm stuck here until I finish the story. WTF? In WoW I had the freedom to wander wherever I liked as soon as the game started. Sure, the enemies might rip me to shreds, but at least I could go.

I'm hoping that after I finish the story on this planet the game will open up more, so I'. blazing through the main quest line. Cool dialog options aside, I don't feel like I'm in control. More like I'm on an amusement park ride.

(To what extent are we spoilering things? I figure Tython is obvious because it's a starting area but I wasn't sure about the other planet.)

EDIT: I would assume Anakin for Jedi Sentinel, and maybe Mara Jade for Shadow/Assassin? These are just guesses, though.

Finishing the second planet, you get your ship and can then go to any planet.


Why isn't there a GAF group on a non-carebear server? PVE realms are for old people

The way this game is structured up to lvl 32 I have seen 1 member of the opposite faction in non war zone content.

Most of my friends have already gone back to WoW.

Frankly I find it pathetic. I'm so fucking bored of Warcraft and find TOR refreshing. might have to join the GAF guild if there is one and it's not dead already.
Empire us gaf is never dead. Anytime of day I see a minimum of 15 people on. Did a flashpoint with 2 other gafers this morning.
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