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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"

An update to the OP list of officers in the NeoGAF Empire would be awesome. I'd like to avoid whispering at random strangers who come up in a Who search for the guild for an invite.


extra source of jiggaflops
I have to agree that the game feels pretty barren, but on my server it's not barren enough that for the quests that require things to be activated (that respawn on a timer) that I'm usually having to wait.

The most I've seen on screen at the same time must have been 50, at the PVP terminal on the fleet.
In the open world, fighting monsters, would have been maybe 15.

It isn't like in the WoW early days where each spawn was being attacked by 5 people.

I just hope that the way the instancing and server population works out is not limited by technology but rather by design. Because more than what I've had on my server and the questing in the open world would become annoying. (More so than normal MMO questing.)
If it's by technology, then open world PVP is going to suck.

the game has only been officially out for 9 days. Most people are still probably in the lower lvls.
The question is, why 2 instances a 45 and not one a 90?


Let my brother play tonight, thinking he'd just PVP or make a new character or something.

Nope. Did 3 hours of my main quest and a really interesting side quest line. Fucking awesome. So happy right now.


Yay!! Today I built my PC and I just installed the game and I'm creating a Republic character on Keller's void!

I want to do a DPS Jedi.. should I go Consular>Shadow or Knight>Sentinel??


Consular/Inquisitors have a easier time with leveling than JK/SW. It's a fucking nightmare when you get to lvl 30 and up for JK and SW. Especially for Guardians and Juggernauts.


It's not though, as Juggernaut your damage is piss poor. And as a mara you're too squishy.

I think it's a mob balance issue though; pulling even two "strong" mobs turns into a fight for dear life. And a elite? Forget about it.


Just wrapped up the Tatooine story line for IA. Oh man, had a Alpha Protocol-esque moment there with that last boss. So good!


What do we know about the patch? Better yet, where is everyone finding the information? I don't see it in the OP and I couldn't find it on the TOR forums.


It's not though, as Juggernaut your damage is piss poor. And as a mara you're too squishy.

I think it's a mob balance issue though; pulling even two "strong" mobs turns into a fight for dear life. And a elite? Forget about it.
It depends on which mobs really. I'm playing as a Sith Juggernaut, and I generally don't have an issue, apart from certain class quest mobs. Some class quest mobs are just absurd. I'd argue marauder have it worse. The friend who I'm leveling with is a marauder, and one of the class quests on Voss I had to go in and help him, because he was too squishy.

I think some of the cooldowns on Juggernaut are a bit too long though. With how much you need them on the more stronger mobs, you end up having quite a bit of downtime. Especially with the amount of 3 round bosses there are in class quests.


I wish the game had warned me to group up for the Flashpoint before I boarded that ship and got destroyed.

Getting to 10 was fun. Powertech time!


I wish the game had warned me to group up for the Flashpoint before I boarded that ship and got destroyed.

Getting to 10 was fun. Powertech time!

Well, it does kind of say in big red text " A full group is recommended" as soon as you enter it =P


Finish Act 1. Should be close.
Completionist in me is trying to complete all the quests I can find. I'm lvl 32 heading into Alderaan, assuming I don't clean up the heroics on Tatooine first as well as go back and do the lvl 30+ missions on Nar Shadaa.
Loving the game so far. I've only played Bounty Hunter up to level 18. Bioware has really out done themselves. I love the group convo. Options and even being able to call it in per se. Did a space mission tonight that I found to be a really fun diversion.


The guy that gives you the quest also says that it's recommended to go with a group of friends, and if you're alone, take the other shuttle.

I had Mako with me! She was enough for the heroic stuff on Hutta. Honestly, I wasn't really paying attention, just kind of walking to the quest marker.

Is there an easy way to group up (clearly I am not a big MMO vet)?


I had Mako with me! She was enough for the heroic stuff on Hutta. Honestly, I wasn't really paying attention, just kind of walking to the quest marker.

Is there an easy way to group up (clearly I am not a big MMO vet)?

Post in general chat at the Imperial Fleet, "[Your role (tank, healer, or DPS)] LFG [flashpoint]"

It's the best way.


Post in general chat at the Imperial Fleet, "[Your role (tank, healer, or DPS)] LFG [flashpoint]"

It's the best way.

And when he says post, he means spam the channel. Over and over again.

Nearly hour looking for a group for Cademimu with no luck. Guess I'll try again tomorrow.

I really wish they would at least give us a global LFG channel so I could do something besides sit in the fleet crafting my credits away while trying to get a group.
Is there an easy way to group up (clearly I am not a big MMO vet)?
You can either ask in general chat using /1 then your message or ask if anyone wants to group up for it in /guild. GAF guild should always have somebody around your level to group with for that flashpoint otherwise you have to ask in general chat.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
And when he says post, he means spam the channel. Over and over again.

Nearly hour looking for a group for Cademimu with no luck. Guess I'll try again tomorrow.
Terrible broken instance. Game did you a favor.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I haven't touched the game in about two and a half days, as I've been busy with family stuff and whatnot. Been waiting to get back, but could only put in a tiny bit of time this evening. I just dinged level 30 after about an hour on Alderaan.

Still loving the game - it's absolutely wonderful. But a few nagging issues are bugging, and things aren't *quite* as perfect as I thought they were.

- The world is feeling more and more dead as I progress. I figured the first couple days suffered from a low population because it was early and before release. Then I figured people were just lower level. But now I see a good majority of people are past level 30, and yet I'm still running past only a couple other people every hour or so. Excuses, excuses... but it's kinda sad when a planet is given a second instance when only ~45 people are on the first instance :-/ There absolutely has to be a better way to do this. I want to run into more people, make and hear more jokes in general chat, and run into more people to friend; or even help a guy out when I see he's struggling with a mob and vice versa.

-Planets are starting to get a bit repetitive. Nar Shadda was freaking awesome. I enjoyed Coruscant, and Tatooine is a visual classic if you like Star Wars. But all the other planets so far feel absolutely nothing like Star Wars... they're just forest-y lands that look like they could be ripped out of any fantasy MMO on the market. Let me re-iterate; with some planets Bioware absolutely knocked it out of the park - they're gorgeous, unique, very sci-fi, and "feel" like they belong in the Star Wars universe. But other planets just feel... lazy. And boring.

-Now that I have a better grasp of what I'm doing, have done some research online, and spent some time asking questions and looking into things, I can confidently say the Jedi Knight is kinda difficult to solo as you progress. Like I said, I'm a level 30 Jedi Knight Sentinel, who has recently arrived on Alderaan. I can't say I've seeked out every Datacron or maxxed out my character to it's absolute fullest - but I can say that I've done 90% of the solo quests in the game up to this point, recently dropped a lot of coin at the GTM getting top-of-the-line gear (for my level) for both me and my companion, and have found a pretty decent rotation on my abilities. But sometimes, I just straight up don't have enough HP to take an enemy mob on. With no healer, there have been quite a few occasions where I'm doing the best I can, but I still die. As a JK, you have to rely on lucky crits, lots of medpacks, and lots of stims. Basically any "big" battle requires a medpack and stim, and every boss encounter requires "Call on the Force", and with its 30-minute cooldown, can be frustrating if you die on your first attempt. Obviously, I'm getting by. And no, it's not the end of the world. I don't know the solution; but the fact that I'm dying continuously within the last 5% of an enemy's life makes me really wish I had a healer or some crowd control.

- Wish there was some cooler armor at the lower levels... or heck, from what I can tell, at all. I got myself a badass robe at level 20 or so, and while I've changed my outfit a good four times or so since, I still look exactly the same. Even some cool colors/patterns would make a world of difference.

... Anyhoo, like I said, I'm still in love with this game. It's taking me quite a while to level; I'm much slower than a lot of you. But there's just a few nags I have, in the rare case anyone is actually interested ;p
How is the Sith Assassin? I got both IA and SI to lvl 11, going to pick spec now. Was thinking operative for IA, but my brother is pretty beastly with his Sorcerer. How is Assassin compared to Sorcerer in DPS and survivability?


I started a Bounty Hunter even though I have some major problems with the Empire from a moral standpoint (I know... video games!).
I like the BH quite a bit. It's way less dry than the trooper story, and the animations are way more interesting. I love the resting animation!

I'll play a bit more before I decide if I want to stick with the BH or my Smuggler. The Jedi story was just too bland so I doubt I'll do that. I'll probably spoil myself a little on youtube or something to see if it gets better later. I don't like being an evil jerk in games so I have way too many issues with the Sith. I definitely won't be playing them.

There are only 15 people on Hutta right now.
I know it's super early in the morning but still... This game feels really really empty to me. Maybe most of the population is higher level than I am or something?

EDIT: The Imperial fleet is way more visually interesting than than the Republic fleet. But there's like no one here. 20 people.


I'm at 27 with my Sith Assassin, and damn it sure is hard keeping up with expenses. Between skill training, ship upgrades, crafting professions, gathering missions, and repairs, I'm almost always nearly broke. I'll usually run a bunch of missions to boost my bank account, but by the time I'm done I have gone up a level and any profits I make get eaten up by the Skill Trainer. Is there any secret to making money in this game? The auction house is so busted and annoying that I don't think anyone uses it. So there's not much point in trying to sell anything I craft. I'm thinking that I will just have to give up on professions for 5-10 levels so I can save up some money.


"....KILRAN OUT :mad:" Is becoming an injoke on our vent, that on a dime shift of tone is so hilarious and amazing.

I'm glad the empire has proper voice work with real accents and not phony ones.

- Wish there was some cooler armor at the lower levels

That's def true for some, like Bounty Hunter is a good example of cruddy low level armor barring a few quickly replaced items but man that cloak you get for the Agent during the Black Talon is lasting the whole damn game, just keep remodding it due to cool factor.


I'm at 27 with my Sith Assassin, and damn it sure is hard keeping up with expenses. Between skill training, ship upgrades, crafting professions, gathering missions, and repairs, I'm almost always nearly broke. Is there any secret to making money in this game? The auction house is so busted and annoying that I don't think anyone uses it. So there's not much point in trying to sell anything I craft. I'm thinking that I will just have to give up on professions for 5-10 levels so I can save up some money.

iv not had a problem with the auction terminals, pretty much every bit of loot i get goes on it so i probably make 4-5x what you are if your selling to vendors.

I was always broke until i picked up slicing, now i have at least 1 companion on a slicing missions from the moment i log on to when i log off.

Underworld trading seems like a good crew skill for making cash as well as some of the components on the auction house are quite pricey, i think i had a stack of 10-15 of a component that if i sold at the base rate i would have got 4-5K.


That's def true for some, like Bounty Hunter is a good example of cruddy low level armor barring a few quickly replaced items but man that cloak you get for the Agent during the Black Talon is lasting the whole damn game, just keep remodding it due to cool factor.

I had that armor for a long time, until I got some cooler gear in my mid 20s.



Those are my two main ones right now. I have so much more modable gear in my bank right now.


Where do you guys go to do the modding of your gear back to old looks? Is it the "Item Modification" npcs? I haven't been able to figure it out personally.
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