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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


hide your water-based mammals
just cancelled :(.

gonna play out the rest of my time to see if it grows on me more and maybe resub, but as of now it's just not what I'm looking for in an "MMO"

here's hoping GW2 fits that bill

Will it be F2P once you buy it like the first one? I am definitely waiting out on that one. That is the one and only MMO which I ever got into and actually bought.


Are there any good crafting guides floating around out there? I picked slicing, but I have no idea what it does. Basically I picked my crafting stuff based on the PC Gamer guide as I wasn't paying much attention and thought I might go to an alt. Now that I am 15 and enjoying the story, I guess I should figure out what I am doing.


Yea so Cademimu was buggy as fuck for me. I couldn't run 5 feet before running into huge lat spikes. Weird as hell.


Are there any good crafting guides floating around out there? I picked slicing, but I have no idea what it does. Basically I picked my crafting stuff based on the PC Gamer guide as I wasn't paying much attention and thought I might go to an alt. Now that I am 15 and enjoying the story, I guess I should figure out what I am doing.

The ingame codex does an alright job at explaining the basics of crewskills (crafting/gathering). Slicing basically just gives you straight credits and was rather heavily nerfed.


Are there any good crafting guides floating around out there? I picked slicing, but I have no idea what it does. Basically I picked my crafting stuff based on the PC Gamer guide as I wasn't paying much attention and thought I might go to an alt. Now that I am 15 and enjoying the story, I guess I should figure out what I am doing.

I got an insane amount of help from http://www.crewskillz.com/classadvisor

I keep it open almost all the time just so I know what to make next to level Biochem the fastest. I just wish it said what type and level the mats to make the items were.


Anyone know if they sell gametime cards at Target? Got a giftcard there and can't think of anything better to use it on

Hari Seldon

Is there a huge difference between moddable light armor and heavy armor? If I use the same level Armoring mod how much of a difference does it make? I ask this because my BH would look really hot in that light armor slave gear.


Next question. I know you can get better version schematics of items by reverse engineering them - going from green to blue... but can you get better than blue by reverse engineering blue items?


Modesty becomes a woman
Next question. I know you can get better version schematics of items by reverse engineering them - going from green to blue... but can you get better than blue by reverse engineering blue items?

I'm 99% sure you can, there are purple versions of the items. It seems you have a slight chance of getting them by RE the green items as well.


I allready begin to love my server mates ... not.

I played like ~10 Warzones as a lvl 17 Jedi Sage. Most of the time beeing top Sage in both healing AND damage. Jeez christ, those others guys were lvl 50!!!
Just stand somewhere and keep spamming your spells. If someone trys to kill you, aoe knockback or stun them. Also you have sprint to run away ...

Im really mind blown by those guys ...


Is there a huge difference between moddable light armor and heavy armor? If I use the same level Armoring mod how much of a difference does it make? I ask this because my BH would look really hot in that light armor slave gear.
I haven't actually tried it myself, but from everything I've read the light armor will have less armor than the heavy one, given the same armoring mod.


After I finally decided on my first character, a sith assassin, I am once again afflicted by choice paralysis. Now at level 10 I need to decide between being an assassin and sorcerer.

Any differences with regards to ease of soloing or story? Any advantages/disadvantages/advice?


I've had two Artifacts drop so far, one a mod and another a chest piece, neither that useful for me though. :( Was hoping for a pistol, heh.


After I finally decided on my first character, a sith assassin, I am once again afflicted by choice paralysis. Now at level 10 I need to decide between being an assassin and sorcerer.

Any differences with regards to ease of soloing or story? Any advantages/disadvantages/advice?

Story should be the same. Gameplay would be different, though. Sorc can spec for ranged DPS and/or healing, Assassin can go for tanking and/or DPS. Both classes are pretty powerful. Probably comes down to if you want to heal or tank, or if you want to DPS whether you want to do it by lightninging dudes or swording them with some lightning on the side.


This game needs combat logs so, so badly. Trying to do hardmode flashpoints and not knowing what killed you and why is irritating.


The ingame codex does an alright job at explaining the basics of crewskills (crafting/gathering). Slicing basically just gives you straight credits and was rather heavily nerfed.

Thanks, but I am kind of looking for stuff to read while not playing the game.


For a game with "the biggest budget ever," man does this game lack that last layer of polish I had taken for granted while playing World of Warcraft.


"Presence increases the effectiveness of your companion," reads the Presence stat tool-tip. Okay, so why does my companion's character sheet display this stat, which seems to be locked at 0. Was it too difficult to hide this line of text outright?

Every now and then I would see a "You must complete missions before you can do that." message displayed when attempting to obtain a quest from a quest-giver.
What I Thought It Meant for 25 Levels: "This quest has prerequisite quests that you have not completed yet."
What It Actually Means: "Your quest log is full."

I know these are nitpicky things, but there are just a couple of examples. A bunch of seemingly minor things like these added together has a large impact on the overall quality of a game.


Hey guys, just a little heads up if anyone is on Davik's Estate I've made a guild and have an open invitation to all gaffers. In game name is Arken so if you're interested, please send me a tell! Also, we're on the empire side.


Story should be the same. Gameplay would be different, though. Sorc can spec for ranged DPS and/or healing, Assassin can go for tanking and/or DPS. Both classes are pretty powerful. Probably comes down to if you want to heal or tank, or if you want to DPS whether you want to do it by lightninging dudes or swording them with some lightning on the side.

Shallow reason, but I only picked Assassin because I wanted a double bladed lightsaber lol.


Honestly that was the reason I rolled an Assassin before a Sage lol. Playing it a bit more today and it gives me this weird feeling of playing a Shadow Knight from EQ, only squishier. Self heals, lots of weird procs and magic. It's a fun class. Wish the first companion was better though.


Honestly that was the reason I rolled an Assassin before a Sage lol. Playing it a bit more today and it gives me this weird feeling of playing a Shadow Knight from EQ, only squishier. Self heals, lots of weird procs and magic. It's a fun class. Wish the first companion was better though.

I will feed you to Khem Val and he will feast.


Looking at the TOR wikia page right now, pretty shitty that the number of Republic flashpoints is almost double that of the number of Imperial ones.


Finished The Foundry Flashpoint today, got a speeder as a reward from the final boss (
spoiler! Revan! Was so good to see HK-47 again too

Best flashpoint I've done so far


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Looking at the TOR wikia page right now, pretty shitty that the number of Republic flashpoints is almost double that of the number of Imperial ones.
This isn't true at all. The Wiki is just incredibly incomplete/incorrect.


Just finished up the IA prologue.
Ciper Nine might be the coolest callsign ever. Bioware really needs to make a weird Hitman/KotOR crossover about the further adventures of this dude


Woah, the hardmodes are buggy. And anti-melee. Almost reminds me of the start of Burning Crusade.

But the npc you need to target with turrets in a gimmick fight going invisible is just fucking retarded.
Hmm. I like having a lightsaber as a Consular/Shadow, though I'm really digging the Imperial Agent more as a character, even though the weapon is worse (at least that I've gotten so far), and the voice acting is probably better on the Consular (female).

I think I'm gonna push on with the Agent though for now at least. Same name (Jacinda), and similar looks as a Chiss to my Dark Elf in Skyrim. So kind of a neat parallel there for me.

I'll message someone in the GAF Empire later tonight for an invite I suppose.

I do want to check out all the classes to at least some extent eventually though. My consular I almost feel as if I should reroll even though the starting part is kind of crappy (I hate the master you get) - I don't know why. Maybe I'll check out Inquisitor instead, but I'm not really attached to one side or the other right now, whereas I feel a strong alignment towards Horde in WoW (albeit built up over years now).


Have been 50 for a few days, but just finished the storyline. Overall a pretty even ride, no real craters but sadly only a few highs. Playing as a Trooper, btw. Female voice of Jennifer Hale is lovely throughout and the class itself is fucking baller. Vanguard really was the best choice for me. I love tanking and I can even pull my weight in PvP since I outlast almost every class. I used to think that Sorcerers were overpowered, but I've learned to fight them tooth and nail. The only troublemakers for me are high level operatives/scoundrels that can drop you in a single stun rotation, but that will balance out eventually.

Also did the first HM, Esseles. Man that is balls to the wall tough as nails. Quite fun, but don't expect to just waltz in fresh from 50 and think that you can clear it in one setting. It is hard, and you need gear from the other level 50 instances, badges and purple PvP stuff.


Grapple, stun into poison pools is a good feeling man ;)

Except that with the harpoon/grapple hook, it pulls them in an arc so the enemy can end up on the ledge above you. That really is something that needs fixing.

edit: I should say, the Trooper's harpoon works like that. Does the BH's grapple also pull in an high arc?


Way to miss the point entirely, while stealth bragging and throwing some elitism in there for good measure.

I DID do the Mu'ru fight albeit in the 2.4.3 nerf, even then it was too easy because the fight just requres gear. The game should be about raid cohesion and intelligence instead of farming for gear. Anyone can get well geared, even when it was super hard. Mu'ru was a super easy fight, you just had to not stand in voids and kill adds.

Try to go into WoW and do a SWP group, people will still die on Kalec and Felmyst because the mechanics themselves are hard. Shit should be about who is playing, not what their character is geared with. Like it is now in WoW.

None of this is true, in the least. You fought M'uru after he had a 30% nerf and pcs had like 50% buffs. M'uru was a coordination fight WHILE doing great dps. It was execution, not 'gear' that won the fight for you. You needed great tanks, quick CC, great dps, and amazing healers. Gear has always been an excuse bad players use as for why good players are better than them - that's not true and it never has been. It's certainly not true now. Good players do more with less gear because they are GOOD. Gear exists has a way for less good players to eventually come closer to what the first guilds did with none.

I'm not even sure what you're trying to say at this point, since it's already a blatantly false argument, let alone how it applies to ToR.


Anyone know how health is determined?

I'm a level 33 Juggernaught with exactly 7k of health

Edit:Wow so TOR is crashing on me in the Cademimu flashpoint. It's like the netcode there is especially bad.

I think it is a multiplier of your endurance. If you open your character window, and place the cursor over endurance, I think it will say how your health is calculated. I'm not sure.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Question for the MMO-regulars out there.

I'm starting to get a bit overwhelmed with all my abilities. I'm an MMO noob, and so I went looking on the internet for tips. What I found were people doing all their movement with their mouse, using WASD for hotkey shortcuts, and having layer upon layer of abilites, along with a variety of binds. Basically, all kinds of crazy stuff.

Maybe someday... but for now, there's no way I could handle that. Does that mean I don't/won't have a freaking prayer later in the game, or if I start getting more serious about PvP (rather than treating it like a diversion like a do now)?

Here's what I'm using:


1-7 for my most used abilities, and shorter cooldowns.
Shift + 1-7 for longer cooldowns/less used abilities (except S+1, which I use a lot).

On the right side, I keep all the buffs and stuff I'd use before a battle, so I can just point & click. I use middle mouse for force leap, a mouse button to cycle targets, and a mouse button for auto-run.

Am I even kinda-partially-close to doing this right? Or would people laugh me out of the cantina if they saw this?
Pretty much the only MMO I've played in which I didn't dread leveling alts. I made a Sorcerer alt named Tee'hee. Since I already have a Consular Shadow, I think I might roll a Juggernaut next, but with the complaints I've been reading, I might hold off on that.

Either Operative is the easiest class in the world to level or some of the other classes have serious class quest issues

For instance on Balmorra as a SI-Assassin, you have to go to Bugtown and kill the queen....I was level 27ish...that bitch raped me repeatedly, blowing cooldowns and all. But I had no problem with anything prior, it was weird. I look on the forums, everyone is having that issue.

On my JK-Sent, meeting with Kira's "brother"...dude rofflestomped me until I learned to cheat by having my back against the wall so he couldn't knock me away, and gave me enough time to get back in rage to interrupt him.

On my JC-Shadow, haven't had any issues

On my IA-Operative....pretty much roffletrucked Jadus with ease.

So right now I have

Level 37 Operative - Thursday
Level 26 Shadow - Empathy
Level 25 Sentinel - Prominent
Level 12 Sorcerer - Tee'hee


Crap, I wanted to edit my old post and quoted it.

Edit: I mean I simple dont get it. For one, why do you roll a Sage if you dont want to heal. On the other side he has only 25k more dmg. The real great thing for me is, I play solo. None of my friends are really into SWToR and my old DAoC and WoW guildis are 50 - and on another server.

You know what makes me mad all the time as well? Lvl 15 guys screaming in the /1 chat "LFG DD FOR XX". JEEZ CHRIST. It doesn´t matter what your group comp is at that level, just take the next best guy. And is it so hard to write"Does someone want to do ..." or smth ? I feel like I´m only playing with 15 years old who use "xDDD ^^^^ omg WTF" all the time. I really need to find an adult guild.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Level 8 still on Tythoon. This planet is so much fun I don't even want to leave.

Glad you're enjoying it! But honestly, I feel it's absolutely one of the weakest planets in the game. You're in for a REAL treat if you're already loving it.
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