Asked this a while back but didn't get a response - anyone know how to get a purple lightsabre crystal?
When someone knows, you'll find out here:
Asked this a while back but didn't get a response - anyone know how to get a purple lightsabre crystal?
Asked this a while back but didn't get a response - anyone know how to get a purple lightsabre crystal?
Comments are from beta, I'm guess this is the item you need but as to where you get it from details seem a bit sketchy. I assume you've checked the GTN?![]()
just cancelled.
gonna play out the rest of my time to see if it grows on me more and maybe resub, but as of now it's just not what I'm looking for in an "MMO"
here's hoping GW2 fits that bill
Are there any good crafting guides floating around out there? I picked slicing, but I have no idea what it does. Basically I picked my crafting stuff based on the PC Gamer guide as I wasn't paying much attention and thought I might go to an alt. Now that I am 15 and enjoying the story, I guess I should figure out what I am doing.
Are there any good crafting guides floating around out there? I picked slicing, but I have no idea what it does. Basically I picked my crafting stuff based on the PC Gamer guide as I wasn't paying much attention and thought I might go to an alt. Now that I am 15 and enjoying the story, I guess I should figure out what I am doing.
Anyone know if they sell gametime cards at Target? Got a giftcard there and can't think of anything better to use it on
I saw them at my local Target.
How's that possible when bioware said they're coming out in spring?
I'm just telling you what I saw. They were $30.
Next question. I know you can get better version schematics of items by reverse engineering them - going from green to blue... but can you get better than blue by reverse engineering blue items?
How's that possible when bioware said they're coming out in spring?
Yup, I bought one game time card at Target on launch day since GameStop was sold out of them.I'm just telling you what I saw. They were $30.
Edit: I couldn't find them on Target's website but Amazon has them listed.
Next question. I know you can get better version schematics of items by reverse engineering them - going from green to blue... but can you get better than blue by reverse engineering blue items?
I haven't actually tried it myself, but from everything I've read the light armor will have less armor than the heavy one, given the same armoring mod.Is there a huge difference between moddable light armor and heavy armor? If I use the same level Armoring mod how much of a difference does it make? I ask this because my BH would look really hot in that light armor slave gear.
After I finally decided on my first character, a sith assassin, I am once again afflicted by choice paralysis. Now at level 10 I need to decide between being an assassin and sorcerer.
Any differences with regards to ease of soloing or story? Any advantages/disadvantages/advice?
The ingame codex does an alright job at explaining the basics of crewskills (crafting/gathering). Slicing basically just gives you straight credits and was rather heavily nerfed.
Story should be the same. Gameplay would be different, though. Sorc can spec for ranged DPS and/or healing, Assassin can go for tanking and/or DPS. Both classes are pretty powerful. Probably comes down to if you want to heal or tank, or if you want to DPS whether you want to do it by lightninging dudes or swording them with some lightning on the side.
Shallow reason, but I only picked Assassin because I wanted a double bladed lightsaber lol.
Honestly that was the reason I rolled an Assassin before a Sage lol. Playing it a bit more today and it gives me this weird feeling of playing a Shadow Knight from EQ, only squishier. Self heals, lots of weird procs and magic. It's a fun class. Wish the first companion was better though.
This isn't true at all. The Wiki is just incredibly incomplete/incorrect.Looking at the TOR wikia page right now, pretty shitty that the number of Republic flashpoints is almost double that of the number of Imperial ones.
Grapple, stun into poison pools is a good feeling man![]()
Way to miss the point entirely, while stealth bragging and throwing some elitism in there for good measure.
I DID do the Mu'ru fight albeit in the 2.4.3 nerf, even then it was too easy because the fight just requres gear. The game should be about raid cohesion and intelligence instead of farming for gear. Anyone can get well geared, even when it was super hard. Mu'ru was a super easy fight, you just had to not stand in voids and kill adds.
Try to go into WoW and do a SWP group, people will still die on Kalec and Felmyst because the mechanics themselves are hard. Shit should be about who is playing, not what their character is geared with. Like it is now in WoW.
Anyone know how health is determined?
I'm a level 33 Juggernaught with exactly 7k of health
Edit:Wow so TOR is crashing on me in the Cademimu flashpoint. It's like the netcode there is especially bad.
Level 8 still on Tythoon. This planet is so much fun I don't even want to leave.