Question for the MMO-regulars out there.
I'm starting to get a bit overwhelmed with all my abilities. I'm an MMO noob, and so I went looking on the internet for tips. What I found were people doing all their movement with their mouse, using WASD for hotkey shortcuts, and having layer upon layer of abilites, along with a variety of binds. Basically, all kinds of crazy stuff.
Maybe someday... but for now, there's no way I could handle that. Does that mean I don't/won't have a freaking prayer later in the game, or if I start getting more serious about PvP (rather than treating it like a diversion like a do now)?
Here's what I'm using:
1-7 for my most used abilities, and shorter cooldowns.
Shift + 1-7 for longer cooldowns/less used abilities (except S+1, which I use a lot).
On the right side, I keep all the buffs and stuff I'd use before a battle, so I can just point & click. I use middle mouse for force leap, a mouse button to cycle targets, and a mouse button for auto-run.
Am I even kinda-partially-close to doing this right? Or would people laugh me out of the cantina if they saw this?
You see my interface some posts up. I changed the lower buttons to "1,2,3,4" and so on and the top ones to shift+"1,2,3,4", but thats a personal thing.
I would advice to bind "next ally target"(shift+f for me as healer) and "target of your target"(hope thats the right translation, its f for me) so you can assist someone.
Can´t really help you with your skills, sorry. But everything else does look fine? Sidebars for buffs is just good.