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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


If this is the excuse you want to peddle for the game being an incomplete mess that's fine, but being an MMO isn't a very good reason for a game to be incomplete.

And if you don't see the corners being cut here you are being very generous to Bioware. I cannot count the number of quests where my characters dialogue is the same cut and paste generic responses.

Well you have pretty much invalidated any weight you carried on swtor criticisms. You are literally making mountains out of less than mole hills. Use some common sense. If every dialogue option was unique every time the client would be 100gb.


I would really appreciate it if Bioware would add a way to reset your advanced class choice. Even if it's a super long quest that cost a million credits, I'd much rather switch my gunslinger and jedi shadow to their healing counterparts than reroll and play through Tython/Coruscant etc etc again.

Oh and Hoth sucked.

I was thinking about this the other day. I think the Legacy system would be a great way to implement something like that... say you can "buy" 1 advance change for x number of legacy levels. That way you can earn a advance switch by investing time in the game, but it's limited and time consuming, so you don't have people switching back and forth.

I know I would consider switching my BH from Merc to Powertech. I just hit 50 this week and feel bored with the class's mechanics, both healing and dps. I was aware of it through the 40s but I slogged through it since I was close to 50.


Water is not wet!
I haven't tried out Lethality so I can't speak on that but as far as Concealment is concerned I'd say wait until 36 when you'll get Hidden Strike and have maxed the talent Jarring Strike which causes Hidden Strike to knock the target to the ground for 3 seconds. Up until then you're better off being Medicine specced. One tip for playing a dps spec is learn to dismiss your companion if it's low and then resummon it. It serves as a .5 second full heal. Once you hit 40 though and pick up Acid Blade you'll finally feel like a complete class. Up until then it's pretty janky. That's something that Bioware should really work on.
i concur with this. PvE Concealment DPS is fine all the way. PvP its frustrating until level 36.


There is def latency issues involved (and I ping ~50 ms to my server), they've said so themselves and said they plan on fixing it soon. It's not horrible or anything but it doesn't feel as smooth as it should be and it fucks with a few animations to be sure (Carbine Burst comes to mind)

Warcraft had far worse issues at launch though, I question if anyone who says otherwise was actually there. Sky-high latency, server crashes constantly, gigantic queues for ages on a sub million userbase. Even when you did get in and managed to get some play in the game, especially classes, were outstandingly bug infested and downright incoherent in design. I still laugh when I see those launch talent trees or think about the fact that like HALF of my shit on Warlock was broken.

The things we put up with back in the dark ages! That was then and this is now though, and this is a pretty solid launch for now. Very feature complete, plenty of frills and mostly polished. I just hope Dual Specs aren't too far out.

Was it that long? Man, that was some fun stuff back in the day though. You had to walk all the way out to Ashenvale to play, and it was fun but all of the MMO trappings is what made it REALLY fun back then. Server rivalries and more importantly: fucking with people.

Mind controlling Horde into their War Master for durability damage or the BEST: Mind Controlling Horde, inside of the BG out of the gate and back to a 30 minute queue... MMO trolling is the best trolling.

WoW was perfectly playable on all but a select few servers. I was literally playing the minute the servers went up, and yeah there were periods of lag, but they weren't that long. This perpetual myth that the game was basically not playable is a bit ridiculous, obviously it was or people would have all quit.

And I remember before the LFG tool in WoW I could wait much much longer than an hour for a group.

The LFG discussion makes me laugh the most. As if somehow the LFG tool could possibly have made groups take longer?

Either way it's idiotic to say that there shouldn't be some sort of lfg system. You can set an lfg comment, which is never used by half the players in the game since it's never mentioned. You can make a chat channel, which suffers the same problem.

OR Bioware could not be lazy as fuck since it's 2012 and put in some sort of rudimentary window, or some sort of default channel. That's ALL it would take. We don't NEED the dungeon finder, but we at least need tools that existed back in god damn Everquest. I should be able to be anywhere in the world, and type /lfg Any hardmode Flashpoint, and anyone else looking for groups can see it pop up in their miracle LFG channel. Or write a comment and someone hits 'lfg' and they see everyone that is also LFG.

That's not some like WoW-like innovation nor will it hurt the community, it will only help foster it.


WoW was perfectly playable on all but a select few servers. I was literally playing the minute the servers went up, and yeah there were periods of lag, but they weren't that long. This perpetual myth that the game was basically not playable is a bit ridiculous, obviously it was or people would have all quit.

Even picking lower pop servers latency spikes to 300+ were common in our guild, our server crashed almost nightly and we still had our own baby queue constantly because of the low threshold they had on their shitty vanilla-era hardware.

No one quit because Ultima Online was dead and unplayable WoW was still better than Everquest.

OR Bioware could not be lazy as fuck since it's 2012 and put in some sort of rudimentary window, or some sort of default channel. That's ALL it would take. We don't NEED the dungeon finder, but we at least need tools that existed back in god damn Everquest. I should be able to be anywhere in the world, and type /lfg Any hardmode Flashpoint, and anyone else looking for groups can see it pop up in their miracle LFG channel. Or write a comment and someone hits 'lfg' and they see everyone that is also LFG.

Agree for worldwide LFG channel. WoW used to have a proper one too until Blizzard fucking gored it and kept goring it despite being bitched at non-stop.

LFD I'm still iffy on. I like the convienence and power of that system , it's nice in a pinch I just don't want it to do what it did to content and community in WoW. It's easy to hold a cross up to it now and proclaim it to be evil but as SWTOR ages it's going to be annoying to get groups while leveling and for older content.

Just don't turn it into a dumbed down hypergrind and coral all of the engaging content into a singular raiding mode and I'd be fine.


How many GB's is this game to download/patch up?

My buddy let me use his account to try it out, but I swear I've downloaded over 15GB and it keeps going....


Has anyone else had /stuck throw them out into into the skybox? Admittedly we were going for the +10 all attributes datacron which is a bit glitchy in itself, but still. I typed /stuck and it chucked me into what I can only call the space skybox for the fleet. There was a sort of checkered floor(I presume it was like that because it was an untextured model, I know in WoW untextured models were a pink checkered pattern). If I tried to /stuck again it would just plop me out on the same floor again in the skybox. I eventually had to jump off the edge of the checkered floor and kill myself. Which caused me to wind up dead next to the medical droid in the Ziost Shadow museum. Was definitely an experience, I can say that much.

Edit: A screenshot here -


Even picking lower pop servers latency spikes to 300+ were common in our guild, our server crashed almost nightly and we still had our own baby queue constantly because of the low threshold they had on their shitty vanilla-era hardware.

No one quit because Ultima Online was dead and unplayable WoW was still better than Everquest.

Even on the servers that didn't get multiple days of their play time refunded out of the gate for being total shithouses, everyone else was still playing Gumby about half the time. Shit was not perfectly playable by any stretch of the imagination, and didn't even start to get there until round 2 of servers had traction.


Water is not wet!
Even on the servers that didn't get multiple days of their play time refunded out of the gate for being total shithouses, everyone else was still playing Gumby about half the time. Shit was not perfectly playable by any stretch of the imagination, and didn't even start to get there until round 2 of servers had traction.

Gumby. Holy hell does that bring back bad memories. That and that freaking loot bug where you were perma bent over.

The thing i remember most from early Wow was Retrieving Character List. That and playing UT and talking with friends on Vent while waiting to log on. i firmly believe if Wow wasnt by Blizzard and guaranteed a success by the diehards the game would have failed.

i also just remembered EQ2s World of Waiting ad campaign going on at the time.


Has anyone else had /stuck throw them out into into the skybox? Admittedly we were going for the +10 all attributes datacron which is a bit glitchy in itself, but still. I typed /stuck and it chucked me into what I can only call the space skybox for the fleet. There was a sort of checkered floor(I presume it was like that because it was an untextured model, I know in WoW untextured models were a pink checkered pattern). If I tried to /stuck again it would just plop me out on the same floor again in the skybox. I eventually had to jump off the edge of the checkered floor and kill myself. Which caused me to wind up dead next to the medical droid in the Ziost Shadow museum. Was definitely an experience, I can say that much.
Any reliable datacron guides? I need to start hunting them down.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Quick question:

When your companions come back from a quest (ie: Slicing) and you have to "accept", it pops up a dialogue box. Is there anyway to make those go straight to "pending" in the top corner, rather than flash on my screen. It's killed me a couple times in PvP already, and it's just irritating to deal with in the heat of battle.



Any reliable datacron guides? I need to start hunting them down.
I used a mixture of them admittedly. A lot of the ones on the net are incomplete, or have incorrect information. Consequently, I'd argue the video uploads are the most accurate and most useful since they actually show you what do to.


LFD I'm still iffy on. I like the convienence and power of that system , it's nice in a pinch I just don't want it to do what it did to content and community in WoW.

The only thing "wrong" with the WoW LFD system is the cross server aspect of it, where 1) nobody is held accountable for their actions because you'll likely never see those people again and 2) a lack of constant doing of content with people on your server doesn't allow for community building through doing that content. Easy fix is don't make LFD cross server.

The "dead world" problem can't exist in TOR the same way it did in WoW because the flashpoints aren't out in the world.

Other problems I've seen mentioned about the LFD system (and why TOR shouldn't have it) mistake correlation for causation. These should be rightly ignored.
Quick question:

When your companions come back from a quest (ie: Slicing) and you have to "accept", it pops up a dialogue box. Is there anyway to make those go straight to "pending" in the top corner, rather than flash on my screen. It's killed me a couple times in PvP already, and it's just irritating to deal with in the heat of battle.


Not that I know of. Those are annoying as hell when they close your GTN, bank, mod window, ect. I've been in the middle of of comparing and taking out and putting in mods when all of a sudden "THERE WERE COMPLICATIONS, MASTER! PLEASE, DON'T DEACTIVATE ME!".
WoW was perfectly playable on all but a select few servers. I was literally playing the minute the servers went up, and yeah there were periods of lag, but they weren't that long. This perpetual myth that the game was basically not playable is a bit ridiculous, obviously it was or people would have all quit.

I was right there at launch and I would definitely say the game's launch was anything but smooth. You may remember a great time but don't chalk up other peoples recollections as "myths" just because they don't align with your own. As for the reason I didn't quit? Because I saw what Blizzard was going for, and the core game was so damn solid and fun. I expected Blizzard to iron out the problems and they did just that. It's a similar feeling to this game, I could probably rattle off a large list of things that annoy me or design decisions I disagree with, but I find myself heavily invested in my character and enjoying the core of it. I'll give Bioware the same benefit of the doubt and hopefully they won't let that "good faith" down. So far they've been pretty on the ball with pumping out updates and tweaking things, so hopefully they continue in that direction.

That said I'm right there with everyone on a LFG channel. Some of the dungeons are really well done imo, and I found it sad that alot of my guildies ended up skipping them because of the large hassle to put together a group.


I thought it was total BS when Bioware mentioned that this game would be KOTOR 3,4,5, etc rolled into one. But I have to hand it to them... The SW story is pretty good so far and the companion conversations while quiet limited in numbers are all well done. If the other stories are of similar quality then this game has amazing replay value.

I'm on Tattooine and just finished the segment were you must
defeat yourself
and I loved it. I've been playing a neutral-good kind of characters and it was interesting being called out on all my decisions. Does this change if you are heavy dark/light?


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Not that I know of. Those are annoying as hell when they close your GTN, bank, mod window, ect. I've been in the middle of of comparing and taking out and putting in mods when all of a sudden "THERE WERE COMPLICATIONS, MASTER! PLEASE, DON'T DEACTIVATE ME!".

Exactly! Drives me nuts! Hopefully that gets a fix soon.

Anyhoo... what is the freaking deal with people displaying no teamwork WHAT.SO.EVER. in warzones?

Look - I know I'm not great at this game, and I know I'm a pretty poor PvPer. But at least I try, I listen, and I use common sense. It just blows my mind how much people just seem to do the opposite of teamwork every chance they can get.

I'm a JK, and my DPS typically sucks quite a bit. But man, on "Civil War" (turrets) I'm with a team that ALL rush left; so I ask for someone to rush right with me. Nobody will do it. Somehow I still snag right by myself. I say "hey, got right... need help." Nobody comes. I get rocked by 3 guys 45 SECONDS later. In 45 sec, nobody could come help me?

So, I sneak around and am about to get mid. No enemies see me. I type "hey, I'll have mid in 10sec; head on over." Sure enough, 10sec later, I get mid. But since there are a bunch of people around, and none of my team came to help, we lose it momentarily.

I sneak mid again about a minute later. As I'm capturing, I type "should have mid again in a few sec, need help." Nobody comes. 30 sec pass, and two guys kill me. They recapture mid.

Mind you, every single time outside of me capturing one, we were losing with the enemy having all three turrets :-/

I just don't get it.

I've now lost about eight Warzones in a row.


My PVP proposal:

1) Make WZs cross server. Yes, this will lose the sense of community, but it HAS to be done. People who lose a bunch of WZs will be less likely to keep trying and that only exasperates the problem on servers that are uneven in skill.

2) Allow same faction fights on all WZs. Call it "War Games" or whatever if you need to explain it away fiction wise. This will alleviate some of the pressure on the inevitable Imperial over-population.

3) Create a Starcraft-esk bracket system based on personal performance.

4) Put pre-mades (any group with four or eight players -- and yes, allow more than four players to group) into their own queue.

You should be playing along side and against people your skill level as much as possible.


My PVP proposal:

1) Make WZs cross server. Yes, this will lose the sense of community, but it HAS to be done. People who lose a bunch of WZs will be less likely to keep trying and that only exasperates the problem on servers that are uneven in skill.

2) Allow same faction fights on all WZs. Call it "War Games" or whatever if you need to explain it away fiction wise. This will alleviate some of the pressure on the inevitable Imperial over-population.

3) Create a Starcraft-esk bracket system based on personal performance.

4) Put pre-mades (any group with four or eight players -- and yes, allow more than four players to group) into their own queue.

You should be playing along side and against people your skill level as much as possible.

Or roll on a PvP server.


My PVP proposal:

1) Make WZs cross server. Yes, this will lose the sense of community, but it HAS to be done. People who lose a bunch of WZs will be less likely to keep trying and that only exasperates the problem on servers that are uneven in skill.

2) Allow same faction fights on all WZs. Call it "War Games" or whatever if you need to explain it away fiction wise. This will alleviate some of the pressure on the inevitable Imperial over-population.

3) Create a Starcraft-esk bracket system based on personal performance.

4) Put pre-mades (any group with four or eight players -- and yes, allow more than four players to group) into their own queue.

You should be playing along side and against people your skill level as much as possible.

My main problem is that yeah, PvP should not be so population demanding of a server. It basically forces anyone who wants to enjoy PvP to roll to whichever side has the strongest players instead of playing the side you want. Hell, it's why I stopped playing my consular and am leveling up an IA instead. The only sense of community I get from my community is that they all suck at warzones.


Or roll on a PvP server.

I play on a pvp server. Not sure what you think this has to do with anything. I mean, I just LOVE how imps are 3:1 and can basically shut down any and all low level republic questing areas for my friends that aren't 50, and look forward to being forced to kill them in ilum where I'll never finish a daily again, but it affects warzones in no way.


Not that I know of. Those are annoying as hell when they close your GTN, bank, mod window, ect. I've been in the middle of of comparing and taking out and putting in mods when all of a sudden "THERE WERE COMPLICATIONS, MASTER! PLEASE, DON'T DEACTIVATE ME!".



My PVP proposal:

1) Make WZs cross server. Yes, this will lose the sense of community, but it HAS to be done. People who lose a bunch of WZs will be less likely to keep trying and that only exasperates the problem on servers that are uneven in skill.

hell no. go play WOW if you want this
Gumby. Holy hell does that bring back bad memories. That and that freaking loot bug where you were perma bent over.

The thing i remember most from early Wow was Retrieving Character List. That and playing UT and talking with friends on Vent while waiting to log on. i firmly believe if Wow wasnt by Blizzard and guaranteed a success by the diehards the game would have failed.

i also just remembered EQ2s World of Waiting ad campaign going on at the time.

The loot lag thing still happens occasionally. I think it peaked at its worst in my experience sometime around the Onyxia re-release in Wrath though. There were some serious issues on the release of that patch especially with everyone killing and trying to loot her at around 11:15 PST, right after the servers were up.

I think it's server lag though, more than a bug. Unless you mean it used to occur permanently. However, even in my experience, it could last pretty indefinitely at times, even through a logout. In another instance, it might only last a few seconds.

The only thing "wrong" with the WoW LFD system is the cross server aspect of it, where 1) nobody is held accountable for their actions because you'll likely never see those people again and 2) a lack of constant doing of content with people on your server doesn't allow for community building through doing that content. Easy fix is don't make LFD cross server.

The "dead world" problem can't exist in TOR the same way it did in WoW because the flashpoints aren't out in the world.

Other problems I've seen mentioned about the LFD system (and why TOR shouldn't have it) mistake correlation for causation. These should be rightly ignored.

I'm not sure how you would do it, but I feel that an in-server LFD tool or system (or galaxy-wide chat channel!) would be okay, but that cross-server functionality could be used as a measure of last resort. A system that puts a significant priority on in-server matches (somehow) before expanding its search.

Perhaps a disincentive to group with people from another server (aside from their possible behavior), or an incentive for waiting for people from your server, if there wasn't a full party available immediately/quickly.

It's an interesting design problem.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
For those playing JK Sentinels:

Like a lot of people, I struggled quite a bit tackling the Act 1 final boss at level 33. I decided to play quite a bit of Warzone over the last couple days while also taking a break from the game in general.

I'm now lvl 35 and about to ding 36. So long as I dropped a fair bit of coin on some nice armor for me and my companion, I should be okay for a while starting up Act 2, right? I think another huge difficulty spike will turn me off from the game, and I don't want that.
Gumby. Holy hell does that bring back bad memories. That and that freaking loot bug where you were perma bent over.

The thing i remember most from early Wow was Retrieving Character List. That and playing UT and talking with friends on Vent while waiting to log on. i firmly believe if Wow wasnt by Blizzard and guaranteed a success by the diehards the game would have failed.

i also just remembered EQ2s World of Waiting ad campaign going on at the time.
I will always remember the queue times just because of this:


The Queue Dance


Sorry to ask this again but no one answered last time:

Anyone have a the IP addresses/ports for the servers individually?

Alternatively, anyone have a way to bypass server port blocking? I've been using Hotspot Shield but it just randomly stopped working and the only other options I can find are subscription based.



There aren't enough players who do WZs on a single server to make brackets based on skill worthwhile.

roll on a PvP server.

I play on a pvp server. Not sure what you think this has to do with anything. I mean, I just LOVE how imps are 3:1 and can basically shut down any and all low level republic questing areas for my friends that aren't 50, and look forward to being forced to kill them in ilum where I'll never finish a daily again, but it affects warzones in no way.

It does when you play on a carebear PvE server and expect PvP to be thriving.

I play on The Crucible Pitts, There are no issues with republic queuing for warzones and the win/loss ratio is a little under 50/50 in favor of the imps. In regards to world PvP - they have one of the largest guilds on the republic, spanning over 4 guilds and there is no feeling of it being 3 : 1.

Sorry your servers suck, but don't cry for the game to change because you rolled on the wrong server.


It does when you play on a carebear PvE server and expect PvP to be thriving.

I play on The Crucible Pitts, There are no issues with republic queuing for warzones and the win/loss ratio is a little under 50/50 in favor of the imps. In regards to world PvP - they have one of the largest guilds on the republic, spanning over 4 guilds and there is no feeling of it being 3 : 1.

Sorry your servers suck, but don't cry for the game to change because you rolled on the wrong server.

You are an idiot. There are ZERO servers that aren't at least 2:1 emp/republic. My server is one of the most even, and has some amazing republic guilds, I'm just pointing out that people don't roll on pvp servers BECAUSE of how shitty they are. If factions aren't balanced a pvp server is basically just an epeen waving thing to talk about, because pvp always comes down to numbers in open world settings. It has NOTHING to do with quality of warzones. But of course you can keep talking about how your server is amazing and how you never lose a match (oh wait, you said you lose more than half, same as every other server).

The changes they're making in regards to the pvp post they put up are NOT encouraging. There's absolutely nothing there that doesn't make it better to be on the 'dominant' side of the server. That is idiotic.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
It does when you play on a carebear PvE server and expect PvP to be thriving.

I play on The Crucible Pitts, There are no issues with republic queuing for warzones and the win/loss ratio is a little under 50/50 in favor of the imps. In regards to world PvP - they have one of the largest guilds on the republic, spanning over 4 guilds and there is no feeling of it being 3 : 1.

Sorry your servers suck, but don't cry for the game to change because you rolled on the wrong server.

You don't sound like a very fun person to play with...


I'd also like to add that I'm 90% convinced that the issues with pvp only stem from class balance. Not the actual balance of class power, but the balance of class popularity. It's rare to see a team of imps that isn't at least 6/8 Sorcs/BHs, because those are the 'cool' classes that everyone plays. On the flipside, you see SHITLOADS of guardians and Sentinels as republic. Very few sages or troopers. This is also partly why I think they need to nerf the piss out of bubbles for non-healer specced sage/sorc, when there are 6 of em on a team they can have 0 healer specced sorcerors and still be nigh unkillable due to how overpowered shields are, it's impossible to burst people down and CC that much healing potential.


Wait what? 50's only bracket and trying to fix piss poor ilum aren't encouraging?

"Fix" ilum how? There are 3 times as many imps as republics on most servers, how are pubbies supposed to get these kills necessary for the dailies again? 50s only bracket is good, but it's more of an obvious fix and isn't going to solve the larger issues as for why Republic is just bad right now. Too much incentive to be empire. In WoW if your side was super populated back in the day you had massive pvp queues and things like that, now you get FASTER pvp queues as empire, albeit mainly huttball, and you will never lose in world pvp and get your dailies done with ease. GG.

(and yes, queues are faster, when there are only 16 republic players queueing up at a time you get stuck waiting for a game to open up, no matter what map. When there are 40 empire players queueing up, you're likely to get huttball but your queue will pop instantly every time. This is most noticeable at off hours, republic can get really shitty pvp queues sometimes).


What can they really do about faction popularity though?

I'm actually quite surprised at how much popular the Empire side is. I thought there were a large group of people that dreamed of being Jedi and living through all that preachy crap. I guess most Star Wars fans just like being badasses and acting like assholes to NPCs. I know I do.
"Fix" ilum how? There are 3 times as many imps as republics on most servers, how are pubbies supposed to get these kills necessary for the dailies again? 50s only bracket is good, but it's more of an obvious fix and isn't going to solve the larger issues as for why Republic is just bad right now. Too much incentive to be empire. In WoW if your side was super populated back in the day you had massive pvp queues and things like that, now you get FASTER pvp queues as empire, albeit mainly huttball, and you will never lose in world pvp and get your dailies done with ease. GG.

(and yes, queues are faster, when there are only 16 republic players queueing up at a time you get stuck waiting for a game to open up, no matter what map. When there are 40 empire players queueing up, you're likely to get huttball but your queue will pop instantly every time. This is most noticeable at off hours, republic can get really shitty pvp queues sometimes).

To say something to your class balance post, on my server most of the republic I run across at high levels are troopers and smugglers so go figure. I can't speak for every server, for that's obviously just my experience but I'd like to point out that what you see on your server as a republic may or may not be what everyone else is seeing.

As for the post I quoted above, you stated "there's NOTHING encouraging" about the pvp post, so I obviously questioned why some of those changes aren't "encouraging" to the state of pvp in this game. Your focusing on ilum now, but they clearly stated these are just some tweaks and they have larger plans over the coming months. I personally don't expect these new changes to "fix" the planet, if anything I think it will go from trading points to most just outright ignoring the dailies. As for side popularity and such, what can you really do? On my server pvp is pretty even and both sides supposedly queue pretty fast(again I'm empire so I just have to take my pub friends at there word), but obviously this is a problem for other servers. And where are you seeing the 3:1 ratios for most servers? Is there a site with detailed server breakdowns? Serious question btw, not doubting you.

And finally, whats with the GG? Were you getting pumped up in your reply and felt like you decisively finished me off or something? Were we...were we dueling and I didn't know? :(


What can they really do about faction popularity though?

I'm actually quite surprised at how much popular the Empire side is. I thought there were a large group of people that dreamed of being Jedi and living through all that preachy crap. I guess most Star Wars fans just like being badasses and acting like assholes to NPCs. I know I do.

Im not. People don't care about Jedi, Sith are basically the same thing. They have lightsaber too and are evil so there you go.


What can they really do about faction popularity though?

I'm actually quite surprised at how much popular the Empire side is. I thought there were a large group of people that dreamed of being Jedi and living through all that preachy crap. I guess most Star Wars fans just like being badasses and acting like assholes to NPCs. I know I do.

Dialogue and story is better on Imperial.


To say something to your class balance post, on my server most of the republic I run across at high levels are troopers and smugglers so go figure. I can't speak for every server, for that's obviously just my experience but I'd like to point out that what you see on your server as a republic may or may not be what everyone else is seeing.

As for the post I quoted above, you stated "there's NOTHING encouraging" about the pvp post, so I obviously questioned why some of those changes aren't "encouraging" to the state of pvp in this game. Your focusing on ilum now, but they clearly stated these are just some tweaks and they have larger plans over the coming months. I personally don't expect these new changes to "fix" the planet, if anything I think it will go from trading points to most just outright ignoring the dailies. As for side popularity and such, what can you really do? On my server pvp is pretty even and both sides supposedly queue pretty fast(again I'm empire so I just have to take my pub friends at there word), but obviously this is a problem for other servers. And where are you seeing the 3:1 ratios for most servers? Is there a site with detailed server breakdowns? Serious question btw, not doubting you.

And finally, whats with the GG? Were you getting pumped up in your reply and felt like you decisively finished me off or something? Were we...were we dueling and I didn't know? :(

GG is because you'll never get your dailies done, as is 'you as a republic player are now fucked'

Queues are instant at primetime, but at off hours they can take up to 10 minutes. Nothing huge, but it's just one more small thing to make empire more appealing. There are LOTs of things that indirectly affect faction balance, and by making Empire more attractive none of it gets addressed. For instance, in wow at one time pvp queues were generally awful for alliance and instant for horde, a great deal of heavy pvp players rerolled to horde so they could actually play more. It's not elegant, but it works - the population sorts itself out. When you say 'here, empire we're going to GIVE you all world pvp due to your popularity, OH, and we're going to give you faster queues, and we're going to add more maps cause you don't like huttball so much' it really calls into question if they understand that unless you make something attractive about republic people aren't going to switch.

Yeah, it's easy to say "I don't WANNA switch though waaah" but nobody is forcing anyone to, a fair amount of players would do it all on their own over time and all would be right in the world. I actually think the 2 faction pvp system is just inherantly broken in general to be quite honest, Blizz probably could have forseen it if they'd thought it out enough, but didn't, and now WoW is so successful that every game copies them blindly. The only mmo that ever had world pvp worth a damn (besides just FFA style of course) was DAoC and it was precisely because the tri-faction system was self balancing. With 2 factions once one exerts dominance you have little to no reason to play an underdog faction.

Oh, and there aren't hard stats yet, you have to manually /who each AC on a server to see the population at any given moment, but I encourage you to do it and see what happens. Pre-release though it was quite clear what the trends were and have always been. Unless there's one magical server where every republic player lies, the balance is absurd in favor of imps. This is accomplished by looking at the prerelease guilds that were assigned to each server. It's actually why I chose the one I'm on, it had a fair amount of strong looking (IE: not just zerg levelling guilds) guilds assigned to republic, where most servers would be 5-6 huge imperial guilds and maybe 1 republic.

Helm of Graush (Standard pop, 1:25 am PST, for reference basically every server is standard or light at this time of night)
Vanguard - 35
Commando - 52
scoundrel - 38
Gunslinger - 34
Sage - 59
Shadow - 54
Sentinel - 38
Guardian - 49

Powertech - 60
Mercenary - 133
Operative - 59
Sniper - 42
Sorcerer - 148
Assassin - 91
Marauder - 86
Juggernaut - 83

That's almost exactly a 2:1 ratio total population, and as I suspected it's slanted heavily towards the two most powerful classes (moreso on imp than on republic that is)
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