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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
GG is because you'll never get your dailies done, as is 'you as a republic player are now fucked'

Queues are instant at primetime, but at off hours they can take up to 10 minutes. Nothing huge, but it's just one more small thing to make empire more appealing. There are LOTs of things that indirectly affect faction balance, and by making Empire more attractive none of it gets addressed. For instance, in wow at one time pvp queues were generally awful for alliance and instant for horde, a great deal of heavy pvp players rerolled to horde so they could actually play more. It's not elegant, but it works - the population sorts itself out. When you say 'here, empire we're going to GIVE you all world pvp due to your popularity, OH, and we're going to give you faster queues, and we're going to add more maps cause you don't like huttball so much' it really calls into question if they understand that unless you make something attractive about republic people aren't going to switch.

Yeah, it's easy to say "I don't WANNA switch though waaah" but nobody is forcing anyone to, a fair amount of players would do it all on their own over time and all would be right in the world. I actually think the 2 faction pvp system is just inherantly broken in general to be quite honest, Blizz probably could have forseen it if they'd thought it out enough, but didn't, and now WoW is so successful that every game copies them blindly. The only mmo that ever had world pvp worth a damn (besides just FFA style of course) was DAoC and it was precisely because the tri-faction system was self balancing. With 2 factions once one exerts dominance you have little to no reason to play an underdog faction.

Oh, and there aren't hard stats yet, you have to manually /who each AC on a server to see the population at any given moment, but I encourage you to do it and see what happens. Pre-release though it was quite clear what the trends were and have always been. Unless there's one magical server where every republic player lies, the balance is absurd in favor of imps. This is accomplished by looking at the prerelease guilds that were assigned to each server. It's actually why I chose the one I'm on, it had a fair amount of strong looking (IE: not just zerg levelling guilds) guilds assigned to republic, where most servers would be 5-6 huge imperial guilds and maybe 1 republic.

Helm of Graush (Standard pop, 1:25 am PST, for reference basically every server is standard or light at this time of night)
Vanguard - 35
Commando - 52
scoundrel - 38
Gunslinger - 34
Sage - 59
Shadow - 54
Sentinel - 38
Guardian - 49

Powertech - 60
Mercenary - 133
Operative - 59
Sniper - 42
Sorcerer - 148
Assassin - 91
Marauder - 86
Juggernaut - 83

I don't have much (anything) to add to this, as I'm still in the mid 30s and this is my first MMO, so everything is new to me. But I just want to comment that this is a really good, informative post. Thank you; I appreciate the insight :)
Incomplete mess? Please. Game is in the best shape of any MMO launch ive seen. This includes Wow.
Presumably you only played those two?

Rift is a great example of how to pull off a launch nowadays. Much fewer issues than either of those games.
You don't remember the game literally being unplayable for weeks?
Why do people (the same people) feel the need to exaggerate and/or flat-out lie about WoW's launch? Is it to create some sort of justification? It is a mystery to me. "Literally unplayable" is weird because I was playing it. Either that, or someone doesn't know what the word "literally" means.

The exaggerations have reached a point where the only place left to go is to claim that the game "literally" formatted your hard drive and made your CPU go up in flames.


Why do people (the same people) feel the need to exaggerate and/or flat-out lie about WoW's launch? Is it to create some sort of justification? It is a mystery to me. "Literally unplayable" is weird because I was playing it. Either that, or someone doesn't know what the word "literally" means.

The exaggerations have reached a point where the only place left to go is to claim that the game "literally" formatted your hard drive and made your CPU go up in flames.

Probably hearsay. I played on Arthas the day the game was released and while there was occasional loot lag and slight rollbacks it was very smooth.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
They really haven't given a shit about Knight/Warrior since the beta.

Man, I've been feeling it today as a lvl 35/36 sentinel.

I just couldn't do shit in warzones. No ability to heal, only one decent AoE, weak damage, etc, etc.

Basically every encounter is me running along, getting pulled into a battle I'm trying to avoid, get frozen... and frozen again... and then I die. Rinse, repeat. And if I do manage to get the drop on someone, it takes FOREVER to kill them, as my dps is, for some reason, lower than a lot many other classes. Ugh.


Man, I've been feeling it today as a lvl 35/36 sentinel.

I just couldn't do shit in warzones. No ability to heal, only one decent AoE, weak damage, etc, etc.

Basically every encounter is me running along, getting pulled into a battle I'm trying to avoid, get frozen... and frozen again... and then I die. Rinse, repeat. And if I do manage to get the drop on someone, it takes FOREVER to kill them, as my dps is, for some reason, lower than a lot many other classes. Ugh.

I've found that if you're anything besides a healer or (ironically) a gunslinger/sniper, pvp is basically pointless at anything below say...45ish. maybe even 50. Especially as republic for some of the reasons I've outlined (Team of 6 sorcs/commandos? You will NEVER outdps their survivability).
Gunslingers/snipers are garbage at huttball and moving in general, but their burst is strong enough with the scaling buff to actually be useful. I have a level 12 sniper I've pvped a few times on and I can hit 3 times as hard with that character as my 50 vanguard in full pvp gear -_-
The Sorc/Sage kit is just bad from a design standpoint (for PvP). Heals, ranged CC, burst within reach of a single spec is just pants-on-head stupid. It's like they realized the game has only one traditional caster class so they piled all possible caster goodies onto it. Especially when people stack the class in warzones, the power growth is exponential.

Then again PvP is drawing from the same talent that brought us Bright Wizards (with a very similar stacking problem) so it isn't that shocking.


The Sorc/Sage kit is just bad from a design standpoint (for PvP). Heals, ranged CC, burst within reach of a single spec is just pants-on-head stupid. It's like they realized the game has only one traditional caster class so they piled all possible caster goodies onto it. Especially when people stack the class in warzones, the power growth is exponential.

Then again PvP is drawing from the same talent that brought us Bright Wizards (with a very similar stacking problem) so it isn't that shocking.

All they need to do to fix it too is relax the power of base abilities and put more of it into talents, and put those talents higher up in the trees. force specialization onto people. Aside from isolated abilities for most classes you can be very effective with every button on your toolbar no matter what spec you are...so when your toolbar has heals, shields, CC, ranged dps, etc. Your class just becomes broken.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I've found that if you're anything besides a healer or (ironically) a gunslinger/sniper, pvp is basically pointless at anything below say...45ish. maybe even 50. Especially as republic for some of the reasons I've outlined (Team of 6 sorcs/commandos? You will NEVER outdps their survivability).
Gunslingers/snipers are garbage at huttball and moving in general, but their burst is strong enough with the scaling buff to actually be useful. I have a level 12 sniper I've pvped a few times on and I can hit 3 times as hard with that character as my 50 vanguard in full pvp gear -_-

Part of me is sad to hear that things aren't gonna get better for my main anytime soon... but another part of me is just glad to keep getting confirmation it's not just me - it's the class.

I occasionally mess around with my friends characters from time to time, and they just seem so much better in both PvP and in the story quests. They're just easier to play.

Eh, I know I'm beating a dead horse, and I'm sorry that I keep bringing it up. It's just tonight, when I lose 4 out of every 5 warzone matches, things get discouraging. :(

Eh, time for bed. I'm hopeful I can put a couple hours into this tomorrow and start up the Act 2 quests.


Bull on a Donut
<reads 1.1 patch notes>

Wow. No help for Jedi Knights. Oh well.

What's the complaint? Tanking? Warrior/Knight PVP damage/tanking and PVE damage is completely fine (at least perceived to be--won't know any absolutes until logs come out). If you're talking about pvp, try out rage; it's insanely fun, provides mobility, and great damage.


What's the complaint? Tanking? Warrior/Knight PVP damage/tanking and PVE damage is completely fine (at least perceived to be--won't know any absolutes until logs come out).

Guardians/Juggernauts are fine pvp tanks, and presumably pve as well, but the class as a whole takes almost until 50 to really mature, unlike others. The dps is complete crap while levelling even as a sentinel/marauder. The actual 'feel' of combat is pretty clunky. I mean the entire stacking buff system they added like a week before launch is pretty telling about how underdeveloped the class is. In ops their dps at 50 is good, that's not really the issue though. I haven't gone through the story yet but based on them getting a blue post about how people have to basically abuse the game systems to even beat their act 1 boss I'm going to assume the complaints about the tuning are spot on.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Also, a few quick screen grabs, as I just got some new ship missions, and wow do they look cool.



And also a pic of my Light II JK that somehow is able to use a red saber forbidden to Light I and above... But, unfortunately, it's getting a bit underpowered, and I might have to move on...



Worships the porcelain goddess
Lucky I'm attached to my Guardian. However, at 50, I'll be glad to not have to quest with him anymore and just do FP/PVP/etc. I think any questing time will be spent on my Scoundrel alt.

What's the complaint? Tanking? Warrior/Knight PVP damage/tanking and PVE damage is completely fine (at least perceived to be--won't know any absolutes until logs come out). If you're talking about pvp, try out rage; it's insanely fun, provides mobility, and great damage.

I would say was fine if the other classes didn't excel at these aspects with much less of a hassle. Shadows can tank better than Guardians as can Vanguards with much less hassle. Guardian tanking tree has some talents that are questionable to say the very least. These need adjusting. As for DPS? I can't say personally but sadly, in the dark times of MNK which spanned many years of FFXI, why would you bring a Guardian to DPS when other classes do it much better with much less of a hassle?


Bull on a Donut
Guardians/Juggernauts are fine pvp tanks, and presumably pve as well, but the class as a whole takes almost until 50 to really mature, unlike others. The dps is complete crap while levelling even as a sentinel/marauder. The actual 'feel' of combat is pretty clunky. I mean the entire stacking buff system they added like a week before launch is pretty telling about how underdeveloped the class is. In ops their dps at 50 is good, that's not really the issue though. I haven't gone through the story yet but based on them getting a blue post about how people have to basically abuse the game systems to even beat their act 1 boss I'm going to assume the complaints about the tuning are spot on.

I guess I agree that leveling was a pain in comparison to some other classes (depending on specs), and definitely that they don't hit their stride until later levels, but it just seems like a lot of people are complaining about level 50; or claiming a class needs overall buffs while they are level 15. I guess to fix leveling they could tune down the class quests a bit or buff warrior companions--but warriors have always been like this in most MMOs. They slowly build up slowly and then begin to scale exponentially with gear.

It's true that some of the other classes are much easier to play, but I think that's more of a problem with certain classes *cough* bounty hunters *cough* that give too much reward for too little input; if anything said classes should be made a little more complex. But as a marauder, I feel like I can 1v1 any class with equal gear just because of all the tools at my disposal.

I think in general guardian dpsers will always kind of be "discriminated" against--just because most people see them as a tank class or want them to tank (just because tanks are usually in need). Think this will stay the case even if DPS juggs/guardians do the same damage as every other class.
Two observations I made today:

1. DPS for Operative is no fun. Meh, always TA starved. Going back to uber healing.

2. Jedi Guardian is going DPS, no way in Hell I'm tanking with it now.


Bull on a Donut
2. Jedi Guardian is going DPS, no way in Hell I'm tanking with it now.

What level is he? If you're really against tanking, I would seriously go marauder. DPS Guardians/Juggs will just always be discriminated against/begged to tank or straight up not invited. Marauder has 3 dps trees with 3 completely different playstyles (bleeds, armorpen/burst, aoe damage and mobility). As a jugg/guardian you're kind of pigeon holed into one tree (vengeance) as it seems like rage sucks in pve.


DPS for Operative is great, I completely disagree with that assessment, I love it. The aesthetics and slightly less spammy play make me happy with it compared to the Rogue type in other games. After talents kicked in I never found myself starved for TA outside of horrible RNG and all you need to do is sub in an Overload Shot in that case.


DPS for Operative is great, I completely disagree with that assessment, I love it. The aesthetics and slightly less spammy play make me happy with it compared to the Rogue type in other games. After talents kicked in I never found myself starved for TA outside of horrible RNG and all you need to do is sub in an Overload Shot in that case.

I'm not sure I understand the spammy complaint, just an observation heh. Since literally every class in this game is suboptimal if you're not hitting a button every GCD.
What level is he? If you're really against tanking, I would seriously go marauder. DPS Guardians/Juggs will just always be discriminated against/begged to tank or straight up not invited. Marauder has 3 dps trees with 3 completely different playstyles (bleeds, armorpen/burst, aoe damage and mobility). As a jugg/guardian you're kind of pigeon holed into one tree (vengeance) as it seems like rage sucks in pve.

Level 10, I picked advanced class yesterday evening >.< Guardian simply looks more epic + I don't like 2 Lightsabers.
*Wall of text*

Queues on my server (Shadow Hand PVE) are less then 2 minutes for Republic and less then 5 for Empire as of a few minutes ago. This was tested with my trooper friend in vent, but whats odd about the times is that there appears to be more Empire on right now. Queue testing aside, I'm failing to see where your getting Bioware catering to the Empire from that new years post, and that theres nothing encouraging in it. A 50's only bracket is pretty huge, as a 50 operative I literally 3 shot most low levels. Thats not me "bragging," its an unfortunate truth, and I'm fairly certain that if the roles were reversed I would be incredibly frustrated to be knocked to the ground and killed in the 3 seconds it takes to get back up.

We've gone over the Ilum part, but here is an excerpt from that New Years PVP Post:

"We also have other exciting features coming in the near future including Ranked Warzone Matches, PvP Stat Tracking, Open World PvP Loot Drops, more Warzone medals for different objectives, Guard Optimizations and Target Optimizations.

Additionally we’re looking at ways to enable team vs. team, more level brackets and the ability to choose which Warzone you want to play in."

None of that sounds encouraging to you? If we disagree on enthusiasm towards that particular post fine, but how was it catering to the Empire? You wrote in an earlier post "There are ZERO servers that aren't at least 2:1 emp/republic." You could very well be correct for all we know, but without a site to track this, how do you know? Your method of finding faction numbers is pretty loose, granted its all we have atm if there are no real sites tracking numbers. I guess what I'm trying to get at is your posts in this topic have read as fact rather then what appears to actually be assumptions and speculation.

I'm also not a fan of the old WoW system of having the dominant side re-roll because they don't want to wait in queues. I hope if alot of servers are having the problem you're experiencing, that Bioware comes up with a better system to alleviate that. In my personal opinion, Empire probably is the more popular side on alot of servers, but I refuse to declare there are zero servers with even numbers or Republic favored. Without the facts, all I would be doing is speculating.


Queues on my server (Shadow Hand PVE) are less then 2 minutes for Republic and less then 5 for Empire as of a few minutes ago. This was tested with my trooper friend in vent, but whats odd about the times is that there appears to be more Empire on right now. Queue testing aside, I'm failing to see where your getting Bioware catering to the Empire from that new years post, and that theres nothing encouraging in it. A 50's only bracket is pretty huge, as a 50 operative I literally 3 shot most low levels. Thats not me "bragging," its an unfortunate truth, and I'm fairly certain that if the roles were reversed I would be incredibly frustrated to be knocked to the ground and killed in the 3 seconds it takes to get back up.

We've gone over the Ilum part, but here is an excerpt from that New Years PVP Post:

"We also have other exciting features coming in the near future including Ranked Warzone Matches, PvP Stat Tracking, Open World PvP Loot Drops, more Warzone medals for different objectives, Guard Optimizations and Target Optimizations.

Additionally we’re looking at ways to enable team vs. team, more level brackets and the ability to choose which Warzone you want to play in."

None of that sounds encouraging to you? If we disagree on enthusiasm towards that particular post fine, but how was it catering to the Empire? You wrote in an earlier post "There are ZERO servers that aren't at least 2:1 emp/republic." You could very well be correct for all we know, but without a site to track this, how do you know? Your method of finding faction numbers is pretty loose, granted its all we have atm if there are no real sites tracking numbers. I guess what I'm trying to get at is your posts in this topic have read as fact rather then what appears to actually be assumptions and speculation.

I'm also not a fan of the old WoW system of having the dominant side re-roll because they don't want to wait in queues. I hope if alot of servers are having the problem you're experiencing, that Bioware comes up with a better system to alleviate that. In my personal opinion, Empire probably is the more popular side on alot of servers, but I refuse to declare there are zero servers with even numbers or Republic favored. Without the facts, all I would be doing is speculating.

So speculate, I on the other hand have done as much as possible short of log onto every server and /who every class. But when every server has similar ratios of guilds for each side, I think it's a safe bet the population trends are pretty universal. I'm willing to wager there is not a single server that is 50/50 or republic dominant. Not one.

You're not a fan of people having to reroll? Fine, nobody HAS to reroll, nobody did in wow either. But as long as they cater to one faction, 'world pvp' will remain a joke in this game, and ilum is just going to be more retarded than it is now. Obviously Bioware can't FORCE people to play either side, but they sure don't give you any positives for playing Pubbies while there are a whole hell of a lot of them to playing Imps. Why even make pvp servers or world pvp objectives if you're not going to do a single thing to balance populations? It's one thing for someone to like an underdog, but I guarantee you NOBODY actually enjoys being underrepresented in this kind of game where the only dominant factor in pvp is numbers. More faction vs faction wzs? has no effect on me. More world pvp? Has a negative effect on me (and any other republic players). Level brackets? Has an effect but it's not really an important one (Since both sides suffer from having lowbies in their games at times currently).

You can try and downplay the faction balance all you want, but I'd say the overwhelming amount of data available supports what I'm saying. Short of actual numbers (Which I wouldn't expect Bioware to give, seeing as it's probably NOT useful for them to announce that kind of thing), this is the best you can do and I don't think it's flawed in the least.
DPS for Operative is great, I completely disagree with that assessment, I love it. The aesthetics and slightly less spammy play make me happy with it compared to the Rogue type in other games. After talents kicked in I never found myself starved for TA outside of horrible RNG and all you need to do is sub in an Overload Shot in that case.

I love my DPS Operative, I originally rolled him to heal but I ended up in the concealment tree and love the way it plays. Not sure what I'm going to do when my guild catches up and I'm called on to heal, it's doubtful a dual spec feature will be implemented by then, and I really don't want to have to ping pong and respec every day.

It's funny that you mention the Rogue comparison from other games, because playing various MMO's(including WoW for nearly 7 years) I never thought that type of class looked interesting. I stayed away from Agent in the TOR beta so that it would be fresh and exciting in live, and so I had just assumed that both sniper and operative used cover and were long range. It wasn't until the level 20 range--when I discovered Shiv, Backstab, and Laceration were basically the core of my rotation--that I realized "holy shit I'm the rogue class of TOR...and I like it!" :lol


Water is not wet!
I'm not sure I understand the spammy complaint, just an observation heh. Since literally every class in this game is suboptimal if you're not hitting a button every GCD.
With how Operative works you cannot spam your abilities otherwise you will really hurt yourself. The class uses Energy but if you go below 60% the regen drops.. the lower it goes the worse it gets. If you hit 20 Energy, you are screwed. At that point you get 2 Energy per second.


With how Operative works you cannot spam your abilities otherwise you will really hurt yourself. The class uses Energy but if you go below 60% the regen drops.. the lower it goes the worse it gets. If you hit 20 Energy, you are screwed. At that point you get 2 Energy per second.

I'm aware of that, it works exactly the same as ammo and heat. But again, in this game as ANY class, you are a bad player if you don't fill every GCD. Every class has a basic, free, attack that you can use when you need to manage resources.

Even a healer is not playing well if they're not shooting mobs between heals or doing SOMETHING every global. This game definitively could not be any spammier aside from having a shorter GCD. I don't have a problem with it, I think it's fun as hell, but it made me question the complaint about wow rogues, who in comparison have had free GCDs for most of the game's life ;)


I've found that if you're anything besides a healer or (ironically) a gunslinger/sniper, pvp is basically pointless at anything below say...45ish. maybe even 50. Especially as republic for some of the reasons I've outlined (Team of 6 sorcs/commandos? You will NEVER outdps their survivability).
Gunslingers/snipers are garbage at huttball and moving in general, but their burst is strong enough with the scaling buff to actually be useful. I have a level 12 sniper I've pvped a few times on and I can hit 3 times as hard with that character as my 50 vanguard in full pvp gear -_-

Luckily you dont really have to worry about sorc/commando survivability because the majority will never actually use a healing spell on themselves let alone others. Seriously my gunslinger is usually within the top 3 in heals using only medpacs.
You can try and downplay the faction balance all you want, but I'd say the overwhelming amount of data available supports what I'm saying. Short of actual numbers (Which I wouldn't expect Bioware to give, seeing as it's probably NOT useful for them to announce that kind of thing), this is the best you can do and I don't think it's flawed in the least.

I'm not downplaying it at all, but you keep saying "overwhelming data' and "LOOK AT THESE NUMBERS FROM MY SERVER!" but that's all you have. I'm just trying to point out that your speculating, and this is your opinion. Just like its your opinion that none of those changes would be interesting or exciting, or that the majority of republic pvpers are unhappy. You're just one person Yanger, you don't speak for the entire player-base. Lots of people are unhappy about various aspects in the game right now, including the pvp parts, but don't come into the GAF thread hee-hawing about guarantee's, wagers, and declarations when all you have is your own personal experiences and numbers from your server. PVP activity appears to be pretty healthy on my server, and I've gotten to know my fair share of some of the major Republic and Empire players. They seem pretty happy and enthused, but I wouldn't just broadly assume that because queues are short on my server and that the warzones are healthy that the other servers are the same.

As for World PVP, I felt instancing the planets and herding the various factions to different areas for quests hurt that section of the game far more then a possible faction imbalance. And as I said in an earlier post, the changes in 1.1 to Ilum will probably fall completely flat....but I find it ENCOURAGING that they acknowledge that the planets poorly implemented right now and even these changes are a step in the right direction, albeit a small one. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, as it's 5 am and I'm going to bed!


Water is not wet!
The reusable medpacs really need to change. Move them to a 5 or 10 minute cooldown. A non-healer should not get to heal to full twice in once fight for free, imo. It makes all the other crafting skills garbage by comparison.
Made an Imperial Agent.

Having fun.. They are pretty entertaining. I went Operative. I so far hate Hutta and the Coruscant equivalent for the Empire.. :( But.. I hope it gets better.

PvP though has been absolutely fun. I've only lost 1 out of like 14 warzones! :D


Water is not wet!
Made an Imperial Agent.

Having fun.. They are pretty entertaining. I went Operative. I so far hate Hutta and the Coruscant equivalent for the Empire.. :( But.. I hope it gets better.

PvP though has been absolutely fun. I've only lost 1 out of like 14 warzones! :D
i really like not only the storyline for the Imperial Agent but the dialogue choices. Some make me laugh hard. Remember if you press the escape key before the conversation is through you will reset it.

Nar Shaddaa i loved personally but i have always loved Nar Shaddaa in every game ive played it in. Something about a gigantic sleazy city with endless corridors. i can see why some people wouldnt enjoy it though. It is claustrophobic.

How is Gunslinger? Is it a mirror of Sniper, or does it actually play differently?
Mirror of Sniper. Afaik the mechanics are pretty much the same.

i just ran into the first really bad misread for Imperial Agent. On Hoth in the quest Spoils to the Victor the actor reads neural as neutral "i found this neutral interface" lol



Here's a tip for all those wanting to roll an Empire Inquisitor.

Don't do it.

There's way too much of them and going DPS Sorc means you're going to be fighting with half of the population. They are also not anything special once it gets to the endgame, or most are just flatout terrible with them.

Roll a Powertech or Operative instead. Better classes, better story, better in PvP.


Water is not wet!

Here's a tip for all those wanting to roll an Empire Inquisitor.

Don't do it.

There's way too much of them and going DPS Sorc means you're going to be fighting with half of the population. They are also not anything special once it gets to the endgame, or most are just flatout terrible with them.

Roll a Powertech or Operative instead. Better classes, better story, better in PvP.[/QUOTE]
i dont think having too many Inquisitors matter because if they are Sorceror then they can go heals and if they are Assassin they can tank. Its not like the class is one role only.

i just became an honorary member of a certain races House. No title makes me :(


Water is not wet!
Wow @ Sullust Intercept space mission. First mission ive failed.. and twice. There is a part where my shields and hull go from 100% to 10% hull. Like 50 shielded Ace fighters at one coming head on.. at least 100,000 laser blasts filling my screen. At least.

im going to have to go to Fleet and see about some upgrades.

wtb Robotech missile upgrade


That Bioware gave the Exile not only a canon gender but a name kind of pisses me off.

It made sense if they wanted to expand on the story.

There's a funny little line in the Revanite camp on Kaas about "some historical records are still confused as to Revan's gender".


Water is not wet!
It made sense if they wanted to expand on the story.

There's a funny little line in the Revanite camp on Kaas about "some historical records are still confused as to Revan's gender".
Exactly. They kept Revan untouched but the Exile was changed. i would have preferred some ambiguity. Oh well.

Imperial Agent Chapter 3 near end spoilers
Limit Break: Iconoclasm unlocked.. Hell yeah! i kept the spoiler as nebulous as possible just in case you highlighted this but havent played IA yet. And when i told Vector "Change of plans".. the kick-ass music started up.. im going to ruin those guys entire afternoon. No Lightside for this mission.


The game seems to be decent but it feels like the have done some big misstakes early on in the concept face.


Instead of having multiple servers I'm suggesting there should be just one place to sign in with your characters. With intelligent matchmaking you should be able to fix many issues like ques to servers, not being able to play with friends on other servers. The reason to have multiple servers feels feels just like a technical limitation back in the day we haven't got rid off yet.


Your companions were one of the most interesting things in Mass Effect.
There are 40+ companions in Old Republic, they are spread over each class. But the quality of the companions isn't good enough, they keep repeating them self, most of the companion quest has been awful and the content is too spread out.
Instead of having a huge amount of companions spread over the different classes they could lower the amount of companions and have around 10 companions in the game and make them each class have a handful.
This would make it possible to have more complex characters, stories and better side missions when everybody would be able to enjoy the content without making a new characters.

Telling story only in cutscenes

Some times it feels like they keep on talking and talking and there isn't actually any progression in the story and your decision doesn't really matter because you are just trying to understand the situation.
Sometimes you are watching a cutscene for the main, the side missions and the group missions and suddenly you stop caring. After the cutscenes you transport your character between the missions and when you actually arrive at your objective you don't have a clue of what you are doing.
By spreading the dialog to both cutscenes and ingame would make the game more enjoyable. You would still have the power to make your decision in cutscenes but you could have other kind of story telling ingame like explaining longer back stories for planets, stories ... for 5, 10, 15 maybe even 20 minutes. You could also just have shorter things like your companions pointing you in the right directions, pointing out things in the environment or just having a normal conversation with your character.

Is this a service or a product.

In a normal case you are paying a one time fee for a product and a monthly fee to get access to a service. For most MMO you are buying a product but to be able to use it you need to pay a fee monthly, which makes it a service.
If this a service you should be able to sign up and download the game for free but be able to play should cost you a fee. The game and all expansions should be free because you are paying for the service.

More tutorials

For a person who haven't played a MMO before this game is bloody mess. There are ways to dig up the information probably but is too hard. All of the core things should be explained multiple times for new MMO players. This is a licensed game and it shouldn't just be for MMO players who have probably already found there game.

Make it more user friendly

You took away most of the equipment in Mass Effect 2 and made the game a lot more user friendly. Same approach to a MMO would be nice too see. Some crazy examples.

- Takeaway the skill three and let users choose between 3 different builds.
- Take away your LVL and equipment in PVP.
- Less ability's, limit the ability's to maybe 10.

This should make the game easier to learn but remember it should still be hard to master.

Matchmaking for Flashpoints

You should be able to join a flashpoint in the same way you can join a PVP match. Also a intelligent matchmaking to find good groups.

Star Wars, really?

Why did you choose to make a licensed Star Wars game, the game cost a lot of money a profit margins will not be huge if you partner with Lucas. The only winner will be Lucas with zero investment, no risk and millions in his pockets if this is a success.
You could have used a of your own IP's like Mass Effect, Dragon Age and expanded the universe or made a completely new IP.

Better graphics, camera positioning and animations

If you compare a AAA game on a console and Old Republic you are not even coming close to the graphics, camera positioning and animations. The exceptions a lot higher today than 7 years when WoW launched. There are also many smaller titles who succeed to have amazing graphics with both a limited budget a smaller audience.

Journey Gameplay

Better gameplay

If you compare this game with the big e-sports titles like Starcraft 2, League of Legends and Dota 2 it doesn't even come close. Even if I compare the gameplay to last generation game like Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts Gameplay

You don't beat World of Warcraft by being it you could probably steal there customers which is probably the big plan behind Old Republic. (But I don't believe any one gives up there character after 5+ years of hard work. (Never played WoW))

What do you think, do you agree, disagree?


For those with responsiveness issues have you tried lowering the setting here?
No, but I'll have to try that and edit this post with my results. I just assumed this was a flaw with the way they programmed combat and would be fixed in a patch.


Water is not wet!
Just finished Act 3. Holy fuck is my reaction. Awesome ending.

Act 3 Beginning

Act 3 Ending

im totally pumped to get into the next part. Very, very well done Bioware.


Roll a Powertech or Operative instead. Better classes, better story, better in PvP.

Out of curiosity, why a Powertech or Operative? My friend is rolling an IA so I was thinking of rolling an Imperial as well. I already have a 37 Vanguard so I'm not too sure I want to play the mirror of it, and I don't really want to double up on the same class.
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