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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"

The planets are definitely too long and too large. Belsavis is absurdly huge. Hopefully whenever there is an expansion, they add a significant number of other mid range planets to provide some variety.

I am not sure why people are so opposed to just abandoning quests and moving on though. If you're bored of the planet, just leave it. Do your class stuff and GTFO.

Quest OCD syndrome. I think its because theres too many quests in the game, you can skip and do what you want really, other MMOs you generally will find that you have to do every quest you find or you are stuck grinding, or the questing is designed that it gives you just exactly how much you really need to level and move forward. Most MMO players are not used having tons of quests they can just skip and feel like they are going to be screwed later down the line if they do skip.


I generally just try to do the planet quest line and the story quest line. I'll do any side quests along the way as long as it's not a huge detour.


I don't leave because I have to do every quest that I come across in a zone.

I've always been this way, feels kinda bad man


I am not sure why people are so opposed to just abandoning quests and moving on though. If you're bored of the planet, just leave it. Do your class stuff and GTFO.

gamers are OCD lol

I think part of the problem is by the 4th outpost, all the fluff quest givers give the same missions.... plus the planet line quests become anti-climactic.

"We need you to destroy bad ass weapon/satellite etc"
Ok cool

"Awesome, you totally kicked ass and you are a hero"

"Now go help some noob base in the middle of nowhere with their shit"
For me, I always did all of the quests in WoW because the easiest, fastest, and least boring way to make cash was to do quests when you were max level, since they paid out extra gold, and you got plenty of greens to vendor.

I am hoping it is similar in SWTOR.


Keep in mind, it's instancing based off of the number of players on both factions. You can easily have say, 75 and 75, or even 150 and 25 and then get a split. Also, as noted by other posters, the people who say 'Oh THAT's why it's barren' are full of shit, there are RARELY instanced versions of planets beyond the first couple on any of the servers I've been on. There aren't like 5 magical versions of ilum with a dozen people each, there's REALLY only one instance, and it REALLY only has 4 people on it in my experience.

Wow, just tried that and I'm stunned lol. They've let some truly facepalm worthy issues through. That's not major of course, I assume most people use B or I to open their bags, but like...how does that even exist as a bug.

I wonder if the reason later worlds feel empty is avg level progression is way behind. For example I see lfg black talon 24/7 in fleet every day. Its rare that i see lfg boarding party and almost never for the lvl 48-50fp's.

Edit: i find myself pvping more and more. Seeing the same op'd 50s and other repub gaf players makes it fun and interesting. More so than the sp contdnt in belsavis. Im just doing my main story and pvp now.

Hari Seldon

I'm doing absolutely every quest I can get, because I don't want to miss out on any titles / cool looking moddable quest rewards.

However with my alt I definitely plan on skipping stuff.


Finally a dev is giving some feedback on the Warrior/JK class that so many are complaining about, they have some ideas they posted on the forum:

"Here are some of the things we're planning to roll out in the short term specifically regarding Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights :

* Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.




Also, @Alex, pugs were just as awful in Vanilla WoW and it sucked because it took ages to get your awful pugs to the instance only to wipe. Bad players aren't some new development created by modern WoW.

Not in my experience, bud. Outside of the occasional "lol hunters" type of moments during BC largely our group quality, conversation, etc was much better than it is today.

LFD and modern content design in WoW took an already mediocre player base and turned it into almost a full swing collective of greedy, anti-social and overly entitled people who don't need to know anything about the game or their class to do anything. It's harder to fail than succeed in anything prior to proper raiding and it's all anonymous. Combine those two with the nature of grinding and loot whoring and it makes for a rough scene that just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Even Blizzard acknowledged the cause and effect of things during the beta and even in a big post shortly after Cata launched. Remember things like the "Dungeons are hard!" post where GC scoffed that folks would have to suck it up and deal with the return of CC and difficulty? Yeah that vanished quickly when the subs started dropping. Same with triage and most other inklings of actual game design.

Anyhow, SWTOR is going to have a shitty player base too, through. The damage to the genre is done and games in GENERAL are so coddling nowadays. Still, it was fun that in the first pug we did we had people CCing on their own, minding their AoE, attacking proper targets, off healing. Haven't seen that shit in so long outside of guild groups. That kind of thing is totally anecdotal though, but it was nice. Reminded me of the good groups from BC heroics.

If you're bored of the planet, just leave it. Do your class stuff and GTFO.

yeah, that's what I do. We've skipped all of Balmoora and all of Tatooine. I prefer to come in a bit below the quoted level range and to save something for the future. No point in doing everything on your plate when you don't need it. If I ever needed a smidge of padding, it'd come from dungeons, space missions or PvP.


I think I get tired of most planets just cause everything on a planet is the same. There's no major scenery changes. There's no day/night cycle. There isn't even weather. It's just the same thing for hours and hours and hours.

I know I can leave or whatever, but then I'd be under-leveled. Even when I was over-leveled I had some issues with encounters. I already have to use the rest/quick heal thing after every battle.

Ugh. I'm so conflicted. What's good in this game is really enjoyable, but the moment to moment game play is sooooooo bad for me. I don't know. I'm conflicted about whether I want to pay after my free month. The good elements in this game are good enough that I would really miss them if I went back to some other MMO.

EDIT: I have to take on every battle with full health basically. If I don't, my companion will die and then I die in like 3 hits.
In other MMOs, I can fight even at half health. Or 25% health even. So I have to rest longer, but I don't have to do it EVERY BATTLE. I much prefer that.

EDIT2: It just seems Bioware's idea of difficulty is to have more mobs. More and more mobs. More groups. More MORE MORE.
The battles feel a lot like DA2 for me. That's a bad thing. Very bad.


I'm level 32 now. I did all of Balmorra but skipped a large chunk of Nar Shadda.

I did all of Tatooine and I'm on Alderaan now, but I plan on skipping even more content there because mobs seem to be 3-4 levels below me.

Will I be the correct level (between 34-35) for the next planet my class quest takes me to?

As a side note: I plan on doing more of Nar Shadda and Alderaan on an alt, and doing less of Balmorra and Tatooine.
There are areas of Alderaan that will actually be higher level than you (bonus series there starts at 40). When you left Nar Shaddaa, same deal - there was an area that had mainly level 31 enemies even thought he planet was largely lower level than that. You're much higher level than it now though.

I was in the same boat as you - being a bit overleveled for the main areas of the planet I as on, but it wasn't really an issue.


I'm a little late to the party on the sniper talk in pvp, but here is my experience. The only class that routinely puts out more damage then the sniper is the Operative class(at least when Jamews is that Op). Granted, I'm a 50 in a half of a champion set, but I found this held true before that as well to some degree. The sniper just has to be in cover to dish out good damage, try and get at the max range to what ever group you are engaging. Any time you aren't in cover you should spam overload shot. The biggest problem is people breaking LOS, so just try to position yourself some where that mitigates that issue.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I guess I'm probably done with this game for good now. The tuning is just the complete antithesis of fun on Voss. Even appropriately geared, I am running into quests that I simply cannot win. Guys will spawn in on me and there is just nothing I can do as a Sniper to win the fight. I'm not bad at MMOs, and I've got everything hotkeyed, but the game is just too frustrating, unresponsive, and obtuse in its presentation of combat information.


Oh, and they nerfed Biochem on the test server. Rakata level craftables(at least the medpack, stim and adrenals) now require Biochem to use. Before you could craft the ones you wanted then drop it for another profession. I imagine this will be applied to the grenades Cybers can make as well.
I think I get tired of most planets just cause everything on a planet is the same. There's no major scenery changes. There's no day/night cycle. There isn't even weather. It's just the same thing for hours and hours and hours.

I know I can leave or whatever, but then I'd be under-leveled. Even when I was over-leveled I had some issues with encounters. I already have to use the rest/quick heal thing after every battle.

Ugh. I'm so conflicted. What's good in this game is really enjoyable, but the moment to moment game play is sooooooo bad for me. I don't know. I'm conflicted about whether I want to pay after my free month. The good elements in this game are good enough that I would really miss them if I went back to some other MMO.

EDIT: I have to take on every battle with full health basically. If I don't, my companion will die and then I die in like 3 hits.
In other MMOs, I can fight even at half health. Or 25% health even. So I have to rest longer, but I don't have to do it EVERY BATTLE. I much prefer that.

EDIT2: It just seems Bioware's idea of difficulty is to have more mobs. More and more mobs. More groups. More MORE MORE.
The battles feel a lot like DA2 for me. That's a bad thing. Very bad.

What class are you playing that is giving you such a hard time? The two I'm playing never have their health constantly going down to 25% in every battle. Are you playing around with your companions to find what works, and also gearing up your companions?


I guess I'm probably done with this game for good now. The tuning is just the complete antithesis of fun on Voss. Even appropriately geared, I am running into quests that I simply cannot win. Guys will spawn in on me and there is just nothing I can do as a Sniper to win the fight. I'm not bad at MMOs, and I've got everything hotkeyed, but the game is just too frustrating, unresponsive, and obtuse in its presentation of combat information.

I literally just finished Voss and I was in the proper level range. I did not find anything out of the norm with the mobs with the exception of the last mob in the planet questline. That was the firstime I ever needed help and from speaking to guildies he is apparently bugged.

I level as a BH healer with my oompanion in a tanking role

I'll hit 48 tonight, what is the minimum level to start running dailies?


What class are you playing that is giving you such a hard time? The two I'm playing never have their health constantly going down to 25% in every battle. Are you playing around with your companions to find what works, and also gearing up your companions?

I'm a Gunslinger.
I've tried all my companions and found my ranged tank works best. He has the gear from quests on the last planet and his companion reward gun. He's adequately geared. I'm wearing orange gear with mods from commendations from the previous planet.

I think I'm having a lot of issues dealing with groups. I think I just have issues handling like 5 enemies. Especially when they're a mix of ranged and melee. I'm always being CC'ed or interrupted or knocked out of cover by the enemies. And they hit REALLY hard. Even normal ones. Sure I can kill them in like 2 shots, but there's just so many of them every fight.

AoE doesn't work since the groups are a mix of ranged and melee. My AoE would hit like 2 mobs. And they die slower than if I focused on one at a time.

I don't know. I guess I suck? I've played way harder MMOs but have been way less frustrated.

I also have a Sage. I have issues on that character too. My companion can't hold threat on more than 1 enemy, even if I don't touch the other ones. They just attack me anyway. Most fights on my Sage, I end up with less health than my companion...

Maybe this game is just "not for me". But I really enjoy the story stuff... Like a lot. If I go to some other MMO now, I"ll just be annoyed at their wall-of-text quests.
The thing I love the most is that my character is a character. She's not just some blank avatar. She has a personality that differs from my own and a story and everything.


I literally just finished Voss and I was in the proper level range. I did not find anything out of the norm with the mobs with the exception of the last mob in the planet questline. That was the firstime I ever needed help and from speaking to guildies he is apparently bugged.

I level as a BH healer with my oompanion in a tanking role

I'll hit 48 tonight, what is the minimum level to start running dailies?

That last Voss boss for snipers was ridiculous. I also had to get someone to come help me (thanks Gyrs). In regards to the daily quests, you have to be 50 to start them.


I'm a Gunslinger.
I've tried all my companions and found my ranged tank works best. He has the gear from quests on the last planet and his companion reward gun. He's adequately geared. I'm wearing orange gear with mods from commendations from the previous planet.

I think I'm having a lot of issues dealing with groups. I think I just have issues handling like 5 enemies. Especially when they're a mix of ranged and melee. I'm always being CC'ed or interrupted or knocked out of cover by the enemies. And they hit REALLY hard. Even normal ones. Sure I can kill them in like 2 shots, but there's just so many of them every fight.

AoE doesn't work since the groups are a mix of ranged and melee. My AoE would hit like 2 mobs. And they die slower than if I focused on one at a time.

I don't know. I guess I suck? I've played way harder MMOs but have been way less frustrated.

I also have a Sage. I have issues on that character too. My companion can't hold threat on more than 1 enemy, even if I don't touch the other ones. They just attack me anyway. Most fights on my Sage, I end up with less health than my companion...

Maybe this game is just "not for me". But I really enjoy the story stuff... Like a lot. If I go to some other MMO now, I"ll just be annoyed at their wall-of-text quests.
The thing I love the most is that my character is a character. She's not just some blank avatar. She has a personality that differs from my own and a story and everything.

This might be a dumb question, but do you have all your companions' abilities enabled on their hotbar?


This might be a dumb question, but do you have all your companions' abilities enabled on their hotbar?

Yes. I turn off his grenade thingy if there's a droid I can CC (I can only CC droids) because he's always breaking it.

I also turn off his grappling thing sometimes. But it's bugged and turns itself back on whenever he reloads/zones/whatever.

On a related note, I hate pet classes. So maybe that's the problem. Every class in this game is a pet class. Stupid.


That last Voss boss for snipers was ridiculous. I also had to get someone to come help me (thanks Gyrs). In regards to the daily quests, you have to be 50 to start them.

It is the first time I have ever died more than once. I woud break the first CC and use every interrupt I had and still get stunlocked and in that time my companion would die
I'm a Gunslinger.
I've tried all my companions and found my ranged tank works best. He has the gear from quests on the last planet and his companion reward gun. He's adequately geared. I'm wearing orange gear with mods from commendations from the previous planet.

I think I'm having a lot of issues dealing with groups. I think I just have issues handling like 5 enemies. Especially when they're a mix of ranged and melee. I'm always being CC'ed or interrupted or knocked out of cover by the enemies. And they hit REALLY hard. Even normal ones. Sure I can kill them in like 2 shots, but there's just so many of them every fight.

AoE doesn't work since the groups are a mix of ranged and melee. My AoE would hit like 2 mobs. And they die slower than if I focused on one at a time.

I don't know. I guess I suck? I've played way harder MMOs but have been way less frustrated.

I also have a Sage. I have issues on that character too. My companion can't hold threat on more than 1 enemy, even if I don't touch the other ones. They just attack me anyway. Most fights on my Sage, I end up with less health than my companion...

Maybe this game is just "not for me". But I really enjoy the story stuff... Like a lot. If I go to some other MMO now, I"ll just be annoyed at their wall-of-text quests.
The thing I love the most is that my character is a character. She's not just some blank avatar. She has a personality that differs from my own and a story and everything.

Your tank should be getting all the attention for the most part, they have threat generation abilities to help. Also it's always important to have the companion attack first and draw the mobs away from, while you pick off one at a time. Gunslinger should be mowing through enemies one a time quick. CC certain enemies to make things more managable too. Tank geared up should be able to take quite a beating and even if they get beat up... well thats what they are for as long as you come out just fine from the fight.
Yes. I turn off his grenade thingy if there's a droid I can CC (I can only CC droids) because he's always breaking it.

I also turn off his grappling thing sometimes. But it's bugged and turns itself back on whenever he reloads/zones/whatever.

On a related note, I hate pet classes. So maybe that's the problem. Every class in this game is a pet class. Stupid.

I also use the leg shot to keep melee enemies further away for as long as possible, and wait to thermal grenade them when they get a bit closer. Also, it can help to use your stun grenade.

Are you hunkering down to avoid CC?

Also, make sure your companion is in tank stance. I was getting wrecked last night and couldn't figure out why until I realize he wasn't in his tanking stance.


Your tank should be getting all the attention for the most part, they have threat generation abilities to help. Also it's always important to have the companion attack first and draw the mobs away from, while you pick off one at a time. Gunslinger should be mowing through enemies one a time quick. CC certain enemies to make things more managable too. Tank geared up should be able to take quite a beating and even if they get beat up... well thats what they are for as long as you come out just fine from the fight.

My tank doesn't do a good job at getting all the attention on multiple mobs.
I always send him in first, but he's a ranged companion so he stands right beside me anyway. I always run off a bit to the side though so I don't get hit with AoEs focused on him.

I can only CC droids.
I kill things fast enough, but my companion still takes a beating.

Most fights I get hit to about 80% health or so and my companion is at like 25%. I must rest/heal because next fight, my companion would just die and then I'd go like 3 seconds after him.

I also use the leg shot to keep melee enemies further away for as long as possible, and wait to thermal grenade them when they get a bit closer. Also, it can help to use your stun grenade.

Are you hunkering down to avoid CC?

Also, make sure your companion is in tank stance. I was getting wrecked last night and couldn't figure out why until I realize he wasn't in his tanking stance.

I use Leg Shot but it doesn't do that much. It's not like I can slow down the enemy and get up and run and kite. I have to stay in cover to do damage.

My companion is definitely in tank stance.

I'm not using Hunker Down or whatever. I guess I should. I usually break out of CC with that one ability that breaks CC.
My tank doesn't do a good job at getting all the attention on multiple mobs.
I always send him in first, but he's a ranged companion so he stands right beside me anyway. I always run off a bit to the side though so I don't get hit with AoEs focused on him.

I can only CC droids.
I kill things fast enough, but my companion still takes a beating.

Most fights I get hit to about 80% health or so and my companion is at like 25%. I must rest/heal because next fight, my companion would just die and then I'd go like 3 seconds after him.

When you tell the companion to attack they stand their ground instead of following you, so you just have to tell it to attack and then run off to a safe spot to the side. If your ranged tank has a ranged aoe or spray ability, it should be on as its what generally is what keeps most of the mobs on him. Once he pulls he draws full aggro because it's the attacker, with aoe/spray attacks he will keep that aggro while you are generally safe to murder the fools.

As long as your not dying your doing fine. Every class will usually rest up after a battle with a group and it only takes a couple seconds. May seem like you are resting alot, but really compared to other MMOs, you have very very little downtime in TOR


You want to talk companions using abilities they shouldn't?

Dorne loves using her CC ability on the exact mob I'm fighting. The CC ability that immediately wears off if they take damage. Even if there's like a group of five mobs around me.

I love her because she heals me, but she can be SO STUPID at times.
You want to talk companions using abilities they shouldn't?

Dorne loves using her CC ability on the exact mob I'm fighting. The CC ability that immediately wears off if they take damage. Even if there's like a group of five mobs around me.

I love her because she heals me, but she can be SO STUPID at times.

Companion AI sucks, if you want them to CC something you basically have to manually turn off all their abilities and have them CC a target, then tell them to attack another target. Otherwise they don't make sense in the use of CC


I was over-leveled but it evened out.
Note that even being over-leveled, the game is never as "easy" as WoW and other WoW-likes. The difficulty for me is because each encounter is designed so that you're fighting groups all the time. I can only CC droids. My tank companion can't keep threat off me on more than 1 enemy.

I do every normal quest I come by and I do bonus series (except for Nar Shaddaa, which I didn't find until it was already grey to me). I do the Space Missions if I happen to be on my ship, but there's no convenient way to travel to/from your ship if you're in the middle of a planet. So I don't do them every day.

I don't do Heroics because I can never find a group.
I don't do Flashpoints because I can never find a group.
I don't do Warzones because Republic GAF is always complaining about non-50's in WZ so I don't want to be "part of the problem".

Note: I know if I spam /1 enough, I can find groups, but I don't want to do that. I don't have a lot of time to play and I don't want to spend what little time I have spamming /1 on the fleet. I won't spam /1 on a planet for heroics because there's no auto attack. My choice is either to 1) fight 2) chat. So you know... I choose to fight.

I feel every planet overstays its welcome.

I'm a Gunslinger.
I've tried all my companions and found my ranged tank works best. He has the gear from quests on the last planet and his companion reward gun. He's adequately geared. I'm wearing orange gear with mods from commendations from the previous planet.

I think I'm having a lot of issues dealing with groups. I think I just have issues handling like 5 enemies. Especially when they're a mix of ranged and melee. I'm always being CC'ed or interrupted or knocked out of cover by the enemies. And they hit REALLY hard. Even normal ones. Sure I can kill them in like 2 shots, but there's just so many of them every fight.

AoE doesn't work since the groups are a mix of ranged and melee. My AoE would hit like 2 mobs. And they die slower than if I focused on one at a time.

I don't know. I guess I suck? I've played way harder MMOs but have been way less frustrated.

Why don't you use Bowdarr instead of Corso, and send him towards a ranged attacker...that will force the melee to go towards him to attack him, and then you'll be able to use your AoE. He might be a little sqishy, but just keep him well equipped, and he'll be able to survive, unless you're taking on two elites.

You should also have Risha already, or will be getting her soon, and between the two of you, you should be killing mobs much quicker than with either Corso or Bowdarr, so that you won't need a tank.

What planet are you on? I haven't been CC'd or knocked out of cover nearly as much as you're making it out to be and I just finished Hoth. You also have an ability to get out of CC'd (though it has like a 1 min CD). Have your tank/DPS character attack first, so that the threat is focused on them, and then start picking up enemies from strongest to weakest. If you're using tanks, make sure their abilities are all turned on.

- Do Heroics. You don't have to spam the general chat, but keep on looking on general chat. Also, if you notice that somebody is spamming general chat asking to do heroics, drop everything you're doing and join up with them. While there have been times when it's difficult to get a group together, I've never had a super hard time, and have done all non-bonus series heroics on every planet. The XP is great, and the rewards are usually greater, and it's a lot of fun. Check the guild list to see if somebody is on the same planet, and ask if they want to join up with you.

Mobs are usually bunched together in groups of 3~4, you're not constantly killing one group, then heading towards the second group right away are you? You should have plenty of time for a simple /1 LFG.

- Do Flashpoints and their dailies. They are fun, and will also give you great XP and loot. Again, if you notice somebody on the guild chat around the same level asking if anybody wants to do a particular FP, drop everything and do it. Or if you notice somebody is @ the same level as you in the guild ask them if they'd be up to doing the FP Are you visiting the fleet after every planet? I usually try to do so, and I can usually get an FP or two.

You played FFXI right? Finding a group to play with on SWTOR is much easier than anything I encountered on the early stages of FFXI...I still remember spamming LFG for 2 hours + at the Dunes, trying to look for a competent party (mainly a healer :p) to level with. I, thankfully, haven't encountered the same problems with SWTOR.

- Do the PVP dailies every time you're on the fleet. Who cares if you're "part of the problem." The PVP itself usually gives decent XP, and coupled that with the dailies, you'll find yourself levelling so fast, you'd wish you'd slow down. And hey, you might get lucky and be grouped with the Goon Squad, and then you'll have an easy time.
When you're Reverse Engineering crafted items in an attempt to learn the higher tier schematic, is there only one possible schematic that can be learned from each lower tier item?


I have Armormech and some of the first few recipes are:

Stealth Gloves
Stealth Boots
Stealth Belt
Reinforced Mesh Gloves
Reinforced Mesh Boots
Reinforced Mesh Belts

Now, I made and RE'ed enough of these that I actually learned the blue version of every single one. They are:

Redoubt Stealth Boots
Redoubt Stealth Belt
Redoubt Reinforced Mesh Boots
Overkill Stealth Gloves
Overkill Reinforced Mesh Belt
Critical Reinforced Mesh Gloves

However, the fact that the little modifier word at the beginning changes between each item makes me think that there might be 3 versions of every single one. For example, maybe I can also learn both a Critical Stealth Gloves and a Redoubt Stealth Gloves in addition to the Overkill Stealth Gloves I already learned.

Does anyone know?

Second question: The 6 items above that I learned (blue) can all be RE'ed enough times to learn a purple version as well - is that correct?


Oh, and they nerfed Biochem on the test server. Rakata level craftables(at least the medpack, stim and adrenals) now require Biochem to use. Before you could craft the ones you wanted then drop it for another profession. I imagine this will be applied to the grenades Cybers can make as well.

Don't scare me like that.
Doesn't sound like a "fix" for the high texture issue will be forthcoming at any point in the near future: Stephen Reid's explanation

Figured as much. Still think they should just give players the option to turn it on and see how they like the game to run.

I know they dont like the idea of putting in setting that few people are going to be able to run well when the game was intended to run on a large variety of machines, but just give us the option of at least trying it out and dealing with the way it runs. Go Crysis on this and have us tweak it and upgrade till we get it going in a state we like while they continue to optimize the visuals
Doesn't sound like a "fix" for the high texture issue will be forthcoming at any point in the near future: Stephen Reid's explanation

From that post

Stephen Reid said:
First, the UI issue. The preferences menu as it is seen on the Public Test Server for version 1.1 of the game is correct - there are only supposed to be two texture choices, 'Low' and 'High'. This replaces the original three-choice preference of Low/Medium/High because in reality, there was never supposed to be a 'Medium' choice - that was a bug.

How can a choice being implemented into the game be a bug? The code didn't write itself one of the programmers put it there. Stephen Reid lies a lot....


Why don't you use Bowdarr instead of Corso, and send him towards a ranged attacker...that will force the melee to go towards him to attack him, and then you'll be able to use your AoE. He might be a little sqishy, but just keep him well equipped, and he'll be able to survive, unless you're taking on two elites.
I'll try again. He died a lot for me. He also throws guys all over the place.

You should also have Risha, already, or will be getting her soon, and between the two of you, you should be killing mobs much quicker than with either Corso or Bowdarr, so that you won't need a tank.
I just got her. I tried her on recommendation from someone in the GAF guild. She doesn't really work for me. I end up getting a lot of threat and taking a lot of damage. Sure fights go faster but I get hit for a lot. Normal fights are okay but anything with like 2 strongs or an elite, I'm dead.

What planet are you on? I've haven't been CC'd or knocked out of cover nearly as much as you're making it out to be and I just finished Hoth. You also have an ability to get out of CC'd (though it has like a 1 min CD). Have your tank/DPS character attack first, so that the threat is focused on them, and then start picking up enemies from strongest to weakest. If you're using tanks, make sure their abilities are all turned on.
I just started the planet when you start Act 2. I can't remember what's it's called. I'm fighting these green bug things that keep knocking me out of cover or freezing me in stone.

- Do Heroics. You don't have to spam the general chat, but keep on looking on general chat. Also, if you notice that somebody is spamming general chat asking to do heroics, drop everything you're doing and join up with them. While there have been times when it's difficult to get a group together, I've never had a super hard time, and have done all non-bonus series heroics on every planet. The XP is great, and the rewards are usually greater, and it's a lot of fun. Check the guild list to see if somebody is on the same planet, and ask if they want to join up with you.
I don't watch the chat log that often. I should keep an eye on people looking for group I guess. I don't think anyone has been on the same planet as me during my play time. But the guild list is broken 90% of the time so I can't really see.

Mobs are usually bunched together in groups of 3~4, you're not constantly killing one group, then heading towards the second group right away are you? You should have plenty of time for a simple /1 LFG.
I suppose.

- Do Flashpoints and their dailies. They are fun, and will also give you great XP and loot. Again, if you notice somebody on the guild chat around the same level asking if anybody wants to do a particular FP, drop everything and do it. Or if you notice somebody is @ the same level as you in the guild ask them if they'd be up to doing the FP Are you visiting the fleet after every planet? I usually try to do so, and I can usually get an FP or two.
I rarely visit the fleet. I guess I should take some time to stop what I'm doing and sit around a bit. I do that a lot on other MMOs. I'm not sure why I keep going forward in this one. I think the story pulls me forward. I don't know what level people are or what FP is my level. Broken guild list and all that. But it seems most people in our guild who ask for FP are usually lower than me or are the 50's.

You played FFXI right? Finding a group to play with on SWTOR is much easier than anything I encountered on the early stages of FFXI...I still remember spamming LFG for 2 hours + at the Dunes, trying to look for a competent party (mainly a healer :p) to level with. I, thankfully, haven't encountered the same problems with SWTOR.
I was a healer in FFXI. And I had statics most of my play time so it was never an issue for me. I guess I got lucky in that?

- Do the PVP dailies every time you're on the fleet. Who cares if you're "part of the problem." The PVP itself usually gives decent XP, and coupled that with the dailies, you'll find yourself levelling so fast, you'd wish you'd slow down. And hey, you might get lucky and be grouped with the Goon Squad, and then you'll have an easy time.
Okay. I did some at lower levels but once I heard the complaining in GAF, I just felt wrong. But maybe I'll suck it up and go ruin some 50's day.


When you're Reverse Engineering crafted items in an attempt to learn the higher tier schematic, is there only one possible schematic that can be learned from each lower tier item?


I have Armormech and some of the first few recipes are:

Stealth Gloves
Stealth Boots
Stealth Belt
Reinforced Mesh Gloves
Reinforced Mesh Boots
Reinforced Mesh Belts

Now, I made and RE'ed enough of these that I actually learned the blue version of every single one. They are:

Redoubt Stealth Boots
Redoubt Stealth Belt
Redoubt Reinforced Mesh Boots
Overkill Stealth Gloves
Overkill Reinforced Mesh Belt
Critical Reinforced Mesh Gloves

However, the fact that the little modifier word at the beginning changes between each item makes me think that there might be 3 versions of every single one. For example, maybe I can also learn both a Critical Stealth Gloves and a Redoubt Stealth Gloves in addition to the Overkill Stealth Gloves I already learned.

Does anyone know?

Second question: The 6 items above that I learned (blue) can all be RE'ed enough times to learn a purple version as well - is that correct?

For your first question yes you can learn multiple blue recipes for each item and for your second question if you RE the blue ones you can learn the purple recipe for those items as well.
For your first question yes you can learn multiple blue recipes for each item and for your second question if you RE the blue ones you can learn the purple recipe for those items as well.

I assume that you can learn multiple purples for each blue as well? This seems like a explosion of items :(

1 Green -> 3 Blues
1 Blue -> 3 Purples (?)

So... 1 Green -> 9 Purples? I had hoped to learn every recipe, but honestly that's more grinding than even I'm up for, considering how expensive it is to get materials.
When you're Reverse Engineering crafted items in an attempt to learn the higher tier schematic, is there only one possible schematic that can be learned from each lower tier item?


I have Armormech and some of the first few recipes are:

Stealth Gloves
Stealth Boots
Stealth Belt
Reinforced Mesh Gloves
Reinforced Mesh Boots
Reinforced Mesh Belts

Now, I made and RE'ed enough of these that I actually learned the blue version of every single one. They are:

Redoubt Stealth Boots
Redoubt Stealth Belt
Redoubt Reinforced Mesh Boots
Overkill Stealth Gloves
Overkill Reinforced Mesh Belt
Critical Reinforced Mesh Gloves

However, the fact that the little modifier word at the beginning changes between each item makes me think that there might be 3 versions of every single one. For example, maybe I can also learn both a Critical Stealth Gloves and a Redoubt Stealth Gloves in addition to the Overkill Stealth Gloves I already learned.

Does anyone know?

Second question: The 6 items above that I learned (blue) can all be RE'ed enough times to learn a purple version as well - is that correct?

For every base version (green) there are 3 Tier 1 versions (Blue) and 15 Tier 2 versions (Epic). Read this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=45866


massive swtor meltdown over the texture issue. lol

i do agree it's bullshit though. the dressing room preview looks like complete ass.

I think their reasoning is total bullshit. In ff14 i had zero slowdown with twice as many characters on screen and real textures. And that was ff14 ffs! The texture quality in this game for characters is flatly unacceptable.
I think their reasoning is total bullshit. In ff14 i had zero slowdown with twice as many characters on screen and real textures. And that was ff14 ffs! The texture quality in this game for characters is flatly unacceptable.

It's basically the engine they are using is .... crappy. It's obvious they are having issues, it took them how long to get AA working in the game? Still not yet.


I think their reasoning is total bullshit. In ff14 i had zero slowdown with twice as many characters on screen and real textures. And that was ff14 ffs! The texture quality in this game for characters is flatly unacceptable.

lmao for real? I'm sorry but ff14 ran like complete ass.. especially in towns with lots of people.

Anyways on another note. It really pisses me off that you can't add people to friends list if they aren't currently online.
I read his response, and I don't get why I am not allowed to decide at what level of performance I want to play the game. In reality, it sounds like the textures probably just aren't there.

I'm not going to defend their decision and say it was a good one, but I can almost guarantee you that the reason is that too many people with machines that they think are high spec (or are in fact high spec) will run with high res textures, experience poor performance, and then publicly bash the game.

In any case, I'll wait and see what kind of solution they come up with. As BattleMonkey said above, Hero Engine is a pile of shit. The fact that they shipped the game at all on it tells me that at least some of the people there are epic programmers. Hopefully whoever made the decision to use Hero Engine in the first place is no longer there.
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