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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


I just hate their Static Barrier in PVP. Every other person I run into seems to have it up, and it feels like it absorbs way too much damage. I wish they could give each skill different numbers for PVP and PVE.
Yeah, I agree. Especially noticable on my server because republic seems to have far more healing sages than we have healing sorc's.


Thinking about it more I'm now leaning towards a Vanguard instead of Commando for my alt.

How valid is Vanguard in PvP, and PvE in the game? I saw they could be set up as tanks is that right? Odds are I'd probably spec it as a tank for the GAF server if that's the case.


Thinking about it more I'm now leaning towards a Vanguard instead of Commando for my alt.

How valid is Vanguard in PvP, and PvE in the game? I saw they could be set up as tanks is that right? Odds are I'd probably spec it as a tank for the GAF server if that's the case.

In PVP, I'm having more fun with my level 20 Gunslinger than my level 50 Vanguard even in both pre- and level 50 brackets. Every time I enter PVP, it feels like I'm not doing enough damage to kill even the squishiest of characters, and that I don't have enough defense or HP to survive anything. Fighting a Mercenary, they'll just Tracer Missile me to death or if I get the jump on them, heal themselves to full even while I'm attacking them. The one thing I do like about the Vanguard, especially if you go up the Shield Specialist tree, is the amount of tools you have to chase or pull: Harpoon, Storm, and Cryo Grenade are all really nice for finishing off runners.

On the PVE side, Vanguards are a solid class for tanking. I rarely died doing my class quests or any other on-level quests. Once you get Elara (your healer), tanking mobs becomes even easier. However, if you're rolling on Kellers Void, Republic GAF seems to have a lot of tanks which might make getting into hard mode Flashpoints a little difficult. I leveled to 50 as a tank spec Vanguard but switched over to DPS Vanguard to join HM FPs. I have no idea how my DPS compares to other classes though.


For all the crap the Auction House gets I have found some really nice things on it and everything I put up to sell usually sells before I log off, so I guess its being utilized

I guess I am not a devout MMO player so I don't get how it should work but it seems to be functional for the most part, sadly it worked better in the Beta as I remember being able to search better


I'm having more fun with my 20 Gunslinger than my 50 Vanguard in PVP pre 50 brackets. The Vanguard just doesn't do enough damage to kill especially with all the Sorcerers and Mercenaries running about who can self-heal through all your damage.

If you're rolling on Kellers Void Republic GAF, I think we have too many tanks. I was tank spec Vanguard up to 50, but switched to DPS spec to get into HM flashpoints. Maybe when we get more 50s and have more HM parties running it'll change and we'll need more tanks.

Vanguard's great in PvE though, especially as a tank. I rarely died leveling.

Do you not like the Commando's trees? If AC switching was available, I probably would switch over to the Commando.

It's more that I don't trust myself enough to be the healer of groups. I've always been the DPS route kind of guy, and I enjoy the rifle weapons more than the giant assault cannons that Commandos get.



For all the crap the Auction House gets I have found some really nice things on it and everything I put up to sell usually sells before I log off, so I guess its being utilized

I guess I am not a devout MMO player so I don't get how it should work but it seems to be functional for the most part, sadly it worked better in the Beta as I remember being able to search better

Exactly that. It´s just a pain to use. And I´m not even starting with the 20 pages of underworld trading, of which 18 are silks.


So anyone find anything really OP or broken with Consulars/Inquisitors or does it just seem that way since it's easily the most played class in the game?

Their toolbox is way too big, they just have everything. I play a gunnery commando, which is in fine shape, but there's no way I can effect a match as well as a dps sorc. It's even worse when you get to 50, as lifegrip can win huttball matches pretty easily.

They do everything a gunslinger/sniper can do without any of the setup or limitations. I see no reason to play a gunslinger or sniper at all right now.


So anyone find anything really OP or broken with Consulars/Inquisitors or does it just seem that way since it's easily the most played class in the game?
I've been leveling a sage and they just never run out of force. My mando runs out of ammo extremely fast (especially Dps).

That said, my trooper can stay alive a long ass time. Even with multiple people on me.


No one ever seems to vote for tanks in Warzones. It's always highest healer and highest damage dealer. It makes up for healers having sod all medals to obtain, I guess.
No one ever seems to vote for tanks in Warzones. It's always highest healer and highest damage dealer. It makes up for healers having sod all medals to obtain, I guess.

If tanks are guarding the right people (usually healers) they'll be getting medals out the ass. What me and my friends do is we designate which one of us will be nominating the other so we'll get that extra commendation regardless of performance :p


The level 50 bracket in PVP sucks. In the lower bracket it seemed pretty even but in this ever game end up being massively one sided. Most games have been either 0-6 or 6-0.


For all the crap the Auction House gets I have found some really nice things on it and everything I put up to sell usually sells before I log off, so I guess its being utilized

I guess I am not a devout MMO player so I don't get how it should work but it seems to be functional for the most part, sadly it worked better in the Beta as I remember being able to search better

I used it all the time 10-50. Stuff sells and I'm on it buying mats all the time. Yeah it could be better but it will get fixed eventually.
The level 50 bracket in PVP sucks. In the lower bracket it seemed pretty even but in this ever game end up being massively one sided. Most games have been either 0-6 or 6-0.

Queues are much longer in the lvl 50 bracket so what you're running into is a bunch of premade groups because no one wants to wait 20 minutes to get in just to lose horribly. I find that I have the best success now when I only queue up with premades, I suggest you do the same unless you're just grinding commendations


The level 50 bracket in PVP sucks. In the lower bracket it seemed pretty even but in this ever game end up being massively one sided. Most games have been either 0-6 or 6-0.
I just hit 50, and am dreading hitting PvP as I suspect a lot of players will be fully geared and I haven't done a lot of PvPing beforehand...just valor rank 6.


The level 50 bracket in PVP sucks. In the lower bracket it seemed pretty even but in this ever game end up being massively one sided. Most games have been either 0-6 or 6-0.

I have found level 50 brackets to be much more evenly matched. Most rounds are close and down to the wire.

The occasional blow out still happens, queues are longer, and for some reason I've been playing a lot more Huttball versus other pubs -- but overall I enjoy it a lot more.


If tanks are guarding the right people (usually healers) they'll be getting medals out the ass. What me and my friends do is we designate which one of us will be nominating the other so we'll get that extra commendation regardless of performance :p

True enough, unless the team stupidly doesn't attack the healer, which happens more often than you would think. As for nominating each other, I do that when I play with friends, can't really do it when pugging though, hah. :p

I also agree with the premade issue. It was the same in WoW though, you really needed a premade if you wanted to win.


I think my T7 droid is malfunctioning. He's always detecting hostile life-forums after we've already killed them all.


I just hit 50, and am dreading hitting PvP as I suspect a lot of players will be fully geared and I haven't done a lot of PvPing beforehand...just valor rank 6.

Pretty much this, there's no real catch-up mechanic in Old Republic. If you were ahead of the curve farming gear/valor, you'll just have a ton more expertise/endurance than fresh 50's, and thus discouraging them from even trying. They really need to make centurion gear alot easier to get at this stage.


When my Jedi runs he doesn't hold the hilt with both hands. Is it just the larger model (4) that does this?



In some games that setup is fine but in TOR with how auto-attacks work (especially ranged basic attacks) having a lack of a backpedal puts someone at a serious advantage.

I turn the camera towards the enemy but strafe away from them. No movement penalty for backpedaling and abilities still work, none of that "cannot see target"


Hard Soa is buggy as fuck, also fuck lightning balls!
All of the raids are buggy as fuck.

After getting gypped out of our gear for the fourth time in EV my guild is done until BioWare decides to fix endgame.

Oh, and if you beat Soa, the official workaround for getting your gear is beating him again. :|
All of the raids are buggy as fuck.

After getting gypped out of our gear for the fourth time in EV my guild is done until BioWare decides to fix endgame.

Oh, and if you beat Soa, the official workaround for getting your gear is beating him again. :|

How did you get gypped out of your gear?


It's more that I don't trust myself enough to be the healer of groups. I've always been the DPS route kind of guy, and I enjoy the rifle weapons more than the giant assault cannons that Commandos get.


I'm pretty sure Commando is designed with DPS in mind, more so than the Vanguard. Another thing I've noticed that Commandos have over Vanguards is that they have a CC and a real knockback, which the Vanguard lacks. On FPs where you can knock stuff over ledges, a Commando seems to contribute more than a Vanguard. Can't help much with the preference for rifles over cannon though.


The level 50 bracket in PVP sucks. In the lower bracket it seemed pretty even but in this ever game end up being massively one sided. Most games have been either 0-6 or 6-0.

glad it isn't just me. the 50's prior to the patch have such a huge advantage. I'm fighting people with 15-17k hp and lots of expertise. Can't do shit.


Buy a razer naga.

Where do people place their thumb and dont' people use their thumbs to help drive the mouse around on your mousepad. IMO to many buttons on the left thumb side.

Saying that my Steelseries mouse is not supported atm for SWTOR so I'll prolly end up with a razor naga I'm just saying I've held the Razor naga in my hand at Blizzcon and it just feels like I can't push the mouse around on my mousepad because my thumb will be pushing down on those buttons as I push the mouse around.


glad it isn't just me. the 50's prior to the patch have such a huge advantage. I'm fighting people with 15-17k hp and lots of expertise. Can't do shit.

Im loading up all the points i can pre50. The one gripe i have about pre 50 pvp is the noobness of some players. My team scored on itself in two different games of huttball. I mean seriously....

Where do people place their thumb and dont' people use their thumbs to help drive the mouse around on your mousepad. IMO to many buttons on the left thumb side.

Saying that my Steelseries mouse is not supported atm for SWTOR so I'll prolly end up with a razor naga I'm just saying I've held the Razor naga in my hand at Blizzcon and it just feels like I can't push the mouse around on my mousepad because my thumb will be pushing down on those buttons as I push the mouse around.

The buttons are stiff enough that i rarely click them by accident. I would seriously consider it. Having an extra 9 buttons on tap makes pvp soooooo much better. (there are 12 buttons but i can only reliably use 9)


PvP gear remains an incredibly stupid concept that just makes it more insular and awkward to anyone who isn't diehard on it.


How did you get gypped out of your gear?
Chests are buggy, sometimes there's no epics in them. Other times, the epics are there but when you try and loot what is assigned to you, it comes up saying "Access Denied". I've had it happen twice in EV so far. Fortunately both pieces of loot which were assigned to me I didn't actually need, so I wasn't too fussed, still annoying though.

Speaking of which, I HATE auto assign. It incorrectly assigns loot. For example, a tanking lightsaber dropped, and it was assigned to a marauder. I'm sure he'll get a lot of use out of it. I've also lost "turns" because the game assigns me loot which is worse than I already have!


Had a great session last night. Ran my 31 Powertech through Boarding party twice, once with a guildie and the next time with 2 guildies. That dungeon is amazingly fun and aside from being a tad long the best design since the starting 2 player dungeon. And on top of it all, between stuff dropping and commendations, I'll have a new Gun, gloves, chest and legs at 33.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Teh clone wars.

Yeah, I was getting that bug with Risha. Sometimes she would be in 2 different rooms in my ship at the same time, the old place she stood during act 1 and then her new position from act 2 on. What was funnier is I had changed her appearance so she looked different in each room :p

Star Wars The Old Republic |OT|

Don't be silly. That's much too reasonable.


arg. Traded for two items last night. Trade complete. Checked inventory, nothing there. -_- Was hoping it glitched and found itself in my Mail or Bank, but nope.
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