I hate to make a wow reference but it's basically putting a warlock and pally together. I played pally, which was an amazing survivable healer when played right but it didn't have the added fact of being the best pure healing class and very good sustained dps along with it's survivability. It's like BW decided the class should have no downsides.
I agree that's a problem. Like I said, it was dumb to put the Mage and Priest class in the same AC. Nerfing healer survivability is not the answer though. Make the DPS guys unable to keep themselves up while dishing out consistent damage.
If people still die a lot it's because you're a bad healer or the only healer on your team. Healers are RETARDEDLY powerful in pvp. The abundance of sorcs is the single largest factor that causes empire to win more warzones on average (via that post bioware made a bit ago) I'm almost positive - 3 or 4 sorcs that are ACTUALLY casting heals during a match makes everyone essentially unkillable. They don't have to be remotely healer specced, which is the issue, all specs of sorcerer/sage are extremely durable (moreso than ANY other class in my experience, even tanks) and interrupts are too feeble in this game to prevent them from keeping each other topped off.
You play a lot of WoW right?
A healing Sage/Sorc in this game right now is pretty much like a Holy Priest.
I'll decrease my healing ability for survivability by spreading out my talents on all 3 trees for damage reducers to try to get more like a Disc Priest.
I agree that there is an issue with Sorcs/Sages being able to damage and keep themselves up. That's not my argument. Nerf the hell out of that if you want.
My argument is that whatever is going to be nerfed, it should
not be the survivability of HEALING Sorcs/Sages.
I'll accept that I'm a bad player because people die in WZs and I can't keep up 10 people with 600 Force, cast times, GCD, interrupts, CCs, and disproportionate DPS/burst.
Now please, go roll a Sorc/Sage, spec healer, and go do a few WZs. Then come back and tell me how you managed to never die and keep your entire team up because your survivability and ability to heal others while being focused is so awesome as a Sorc/Sage.
My solution would be to move the talent that increases the shield absorb by like 20% to a high tier in the healing tree. Give the trees bonuses (ala WoW), so that you can only heal effectively in the healing tree. Going another tree with give you bonuses in other areas.