Ok, so I launched SWTOR a few mins ago, saw I was 2100+ in queue or something like that (tomb of freedom nadd) and then turned it off. Last time that happened, I waited 4 hours in queue... I'll just play late tonight when people start logging off.
Adding new servers is fine but it doesn't help when 1) there is no server transfers (I certainly don't want to restart my character on another server, if I was going to do that, I'd make a new character) or guild transfers (the latter since a lot of people may not want to move due to having their guild there) and 2) a lot of new people will go straight to the heavy/full servers as they feel more people = more fun and while that may be true, it doesn't help queues and it will only get worse on launch day which is in 3 days.
If Biowares solution is to add more servers, it certainly won't help current queues since some may just make a new character on another server but a lot of people will not want to restart the character they are playing on another server.
We'll see though...