I wish it played more like classic einhander. Star fox isnt epic enough.
Einhander is fine, too.
I wish it played more like classic einhander. Star fox isnt epic enough.
No im just saying the paying customer argument holds zero water right now. The 20th is release lets wait and see what happens. My bet is bioware will either close nad and other crazy servers on the 20th, offer transfers, or open more servers or a cominbination of those things. Its not like they want to piss off customers.
On the other habd if they do lock servers the complaining will still be there bc people dont like being shut out from people they know. I hope they just offer transfers.
Loving this game so much, playing on US West coast Server Mandalore the Indomitable. Really enjoying the Trooper so far. Game looks incredible, I tweaked a few settings in the ini
D3DFullScreen = true
Height = 1080
NativeHeight = 1080
NativeWidth = 1920
RefreshRate = 120
TextureAnisotropy = 16
Width = 1920
WindowX = 0
WindowY = 0
MeshLODQuality = 1
AntiAliasingLevel = 8
SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 1.25
DynamicLightsLimit = 4
TextureAnisotropy = 16
FarClipScale = 3.9371195
MeshLODQuality = 1
PlantDensity = 150
doShadows = true
doBlobShadows = true
UseMinSpecShaders = false
EnableBloom = true
VerticalSyncState = false
FullScreen = true
TextureQuality = 0
AllowDepthOfField = true
GammaRamp = 1.037854
SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 1.25
enableadvenvirolighting = true
DebugAdvEnviroLighting = true
They can't just MAGICALLY fix queues, locking servers isn't going to help any for the reason you've stated as well. There's no two ways about it, they fucked up by tiering the entry like this. An early release is one thing, but an early release with everyone getting in in a stream was idiotic.
sooo letting everyone in at the same time would somehow have been better? your logic makes no sense.They can't just MAGICALLY fix queues, locking servers isn't going to help any for the reason you've stated as well. There's no two ways about it, they fucked up by tiering the entry like this. An early release is one thing, but an early release with everyone getting in in a stream was idiotic.
It would have been this way at launch regardless. I really dont see your point how offering free early access is a fuck up.
I have a bit of a question.
Anyone know or recommend what crew skills I should look into getting? I actually don't know what they're for or what they do. =/
ehh, I doubt the population would have spread itself out. And they have those Full, Heavy etc.. warnings for a reason.If they had just let everyone in at the same time the population would have spread itself out among the servers. Because they tiered it, servers are overly crowded because no one knew they rolled on an overpopulated server. Also since they are now invested in the character they created and have significant levels in it they don't want to switch servers.
Thanks! And sorry, I glanced over it but didn't see it.In the OP!!!!
Slicing is the best. You usually get more credits back than you spent on the missions and lockboxes are pure profit. What's the point of crafting stuff when you're so rich you can just pay others for it?
If they had just let everyone in at the same time the population would have spread itself out among the servers. Because they tiered it, servers are overly crowded because no one knew they rolled on an overpopulated server. Also since they are now invested in the character they created and have significant levels in it they don't want to switch servers.
ehh, I doubt the population would have spread itself out. And they have those Full, Heavy etc.. warnings for a reason.
Yes it would. Sure, some servers would be more populated than others, but when your friends already have level 30-40 characters on servers that they didn't know would be overcrowded, they have very little chance of getting them to reroll by opening new servers. If it's day one and 5 of my friends want to play and there are queues, even if one of us got in beforehand he's only going to be like level 5 and rerolling is no problem. Instead they open new servers but anyone with ANY ties to anyone else is not going to play on them. Awful implementation.
This is almost exactly what happened to my friends and i with Wows launch. We started on Hyjal day one. After getting multiple hour queues for a week all of us (nine in total) rerolled first to Warsong and then one more time to Bonechewer (before the transfers opened up funnily enough).Yes it would. Sure, some servers would be more populated than others, but when your friends already have level 30-40 characters on servers that they didn't know would be overcrowded, they have very little chance of getting them to reroll by opening new servers. If it's day one and 5 of my friends want to play and there are queues, even if one of us got in beforehand he's only going to be like level 5 and rerolling is no problem. Instead they open new servers but anyone with ANY ties to anyone else is not going to play on them. Awful implementation.
Why would you need to see the future? With everyone in at the same time it's no issue. With everyone let in in a trickle like they did, THEN you need to see the future to be able to do it. In fact, seeing the future wouldn't even have helped in this case, if you got in day 1 of early invites the servers that NOW don't have queues, didn't even fucking exist because Bioware opened them reactively.Sure if you could see the future then your example might work. Otherwise your chances of being on an overpopulated server would be the same.
This is almost exactly what happened to my friends and i with Wows launch. We started on Hyjal day one. After getting multiple hour queues for a week all of us (nine in total) rerolled first to Warsong and then one more time to Bonechewer (before the transfers opened up funnily enough).
After all was said and done the whole affair wasnt that big of a deal.
Why would you need to see the future? With everyone in at the same time it's no issue. With everyone let in in a trickle like they did, THEN you need to see the future to be able to do it. In fact, seeing the future wouldn't even have helped in this case, if you got in day 1 of early invites the servers that NOW don't have queues, didn't even fucking exist because Bioware opened them reactively.
Exactly. Friends and I did the same thing in Rift, me and one other got in early in the morning and hit like level 12 or 13, friends tried to get in? 8 hour queue. rerolled np.
BTW, what's the policy with alts and the GAF guild? Is it just whatever? Or can I have both characters in the guild at the same time?
Slicing is the best. You usually get more credits back than you spent on the missions and lockboxes are pure profit. What's the point of crafting stuff when you're so rich you can just pay others for it?
who do we message on Keller's Void to join the guild?
Bought the game and currently downloading... thinking about going republic. I want to be a healer, any room?
i must be doing something wrong ill send em out for 100 they come back with an aug that vendors forl ike 80, so I lost 20?
does it get better later im at like level 65
message me (Kumar)
Always room for heals!
Are there any changes for going to the Light Side?
Kumar is Republic.
Nope, other than a glowly toon on the character sheet.
Message me in-game (Verigan) and I'll invite you. Just tell me your GAF name so I know it's you.thats for The Sith Empire?
Got my Mini Sandcrawler! Yay!
Also only now saw that relics are items to activate......like I have space on my bars for that, Bioware. I really feel trolled with that UI.
And since everyone posts his char, I will throw in my little Scoundrel too.
180 person queue on keller's? god dammit.
that's chump change.
I get 895 nightly on Dark Reaper.