Guys important question: Is there an option I missed or a .ini tweak to disable the camera from resetting behind me when I move?
Downloading the game now for early access. I'm a MMO newb... should I just do a PvE server? I plan on playing casually. I'm going to be a bounty hunter (despite my Gaf nick).
Don't be shy, show us what's underneath the helmet
Do you want to be able to kill people in open world PvP (When you into enemy players while questing) or do you want to quest in peace.
That's pretty much the question. If you play PvE you can only kill enemy players in specific instanced battlegrounds.
Thanks... I prefer to quest in peace I imagine.
I'd leave this server as soon as I get the chance. Sadly I'm just not that rich in spare time to create a new character from scratch.
I know it sucks but no one is a paying customer yet and you have only had your character for 5 days. Saying you arent time rich enough kindof doesnt make sense. If you aremt time rich you shouldnt be that far in rendering time lost rather minor.
I have very very limited MMO experience (just a short time in lotro after it went free to play). My cousin convinced me to play on a PVP server and I'm afraid I'm going to really regret that decision once I get off my capital planet.
Dickish Imperial Agent assholes > Dickish Sith assholes
The accent makes it!
You'll have quite a bit more time before running into enemy players. The first shared area is on the 4th planet, but only for a short time. The 5th planet is easy to go through without meeting an enemy player at all, though they can get to you if they really want to. 6th planet on is when the encounters are supposed to ramp up, though that's where I stopped in the beta.
Technically you are a paying customer as early access is granted to anyone who pre-orders and redeems a pre-order code.
People in Europe would probably have or are getting their boxed versions as well (like myself) do that makes them a paying customer regardless even if you aren't paying monthly 'yet'
Eh no release date is the 20th and we all knew the early release would be a rocky pre release event. I know many people who havent paid or are just freeloading. Come the 20th thats launch day. Anything else is looking a gift horse in the mouth imo.
So people who have the box that they paid for are freeloading? That makes plenty of sense!
You didn't have to pay any money to get access to early access. Whether you did or not is irrelevant.
I did ? As i am not living in one of the "chosen countries", i was not allowed pre ordering through Origin, so the "quality of service could be held high", so i pre ordered from shopto, paid in full, and got my early access from them.
You didn't have to pay any money to get access to early access. Whether you did or not is irrelevant.
I dont think you understand. Early access was to guage the community and make for a smoother launch on the 20th. This was stated and understood. Its not release. Payment was not necessary just preorder.
I dont think you understand. Early access was to guage the community and make for a smoother launch on the 20th. This was stated and understood. Its not release. Payment was not necessary just preorder.
That said, at this point, the 18th... a lot of people will have their boxes of the game and therefore will have paid so yes, we are paying customers regardless.
Well when I ordered from Shopto, I was told I was not allowed to cancel after getting access to and redeeming my pre-order code (since those codes are only supposed to be for those who do pre-order and people cancelling may leave a shortage of codes for legit pre-orders).
That said, at this point, the 18th... a lot of people will have their boxes of the game and therefore will have paid so yes, we are paying customers regardless.
And if it is not a smooth launch on the 20th? This was all a waste of time?
You guys think they'll make a space expansion similar to what SWG did?
They already hinted at that. Especially with how negatively the space "content" in the game was accepted in beta.
I just wish it played more like Star Fox and not a bad imitation.
i wish it played more like x-wing, tie fighter etc.. Give me real space combat, not this on rails bullshit.