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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


I finished up some Revan related missions yesterday - does the Republic side have something similar? The KOTOR music stingers were a nice touch.


So... I always have a soft spot for MMO's, and really dig the visual of SWTOR, but I'm not still convinced about it.

Is the combat system wow-like or more action oriented a-la DCUO?
How much comitment does the game requires for end-game content, or even Heroic quests etc?

Combat is wow-like but faster, you can cut through 5-6 enemies at a time easily and pulls/aggroing other mobs hasn't been an issue. It's familiar, but loose and fun.

No clue about the end game, and as bill0527 mentions this one really feels more focused on the journey (for now). It's very much like KOTOR in the places that aren't standard MMO fare with Star Wars paint, and it's quite refreshing.

Now I'm not entirely sure making story the focal point really fixes the problems that give me MMO fatigue yet, nor am I convinced that simply focusing on the single player content and making a traditional KOTOR RPG wouldn't have been the better path to take. But what they have come up with has totally sucked me in for the past few days, that's for sure.


I don't get that feeling as a Jedi Consular.

Actually, the Consular story is pretty damn good.

I like it too and the Jedi lore it explores, but when you step back and look at it from the standpoint of
find these magical items. Oh you've found them? Great! They tell us.. you need to find more magical items. Also, you're special!
..it's not super compelling. Looking forward to trying a few other classes out and comparing.
I like it too and the Jedi lore it explores, but when you step back and look at it from the standpoint of
find these magical items. Oh you've found them? Great! They tell us.. you need to find more magical items. Also, you're special!
..it's not super compelling. Looking forward to trying a few other classes out and comparing.

For an MMO it's quite the story telling jump. I'll give it that.


I like it too and the Jedi lore it explores, but when you step back and look at it from the standpoint of
find these magical items. Oh you've found them? Great! They tell us.. you need to find more magical items. Also, you're special!
..it's not super compelling. Looking forward to trying a few other classes out and comparing.

Trust me.... Trooper starts a little slow, but the hook at the end of the first world is compelling.


Why does this game barely have any music when you're out doing quests. I'm on Hutta and some bits have music but I haven't heard any for a good 20 minutes+. There's like shit all sound except my blaster.
My girlfriend and I were playing this all weekend pretty solidly, and are a bit baffled by the roll system.

There seemed to be a huge disparity between her roll wins and mine, in that I was winning 2/3rds of the converation rolls and damn near all of the item rolls. We're playing together just the two of us, and with only two people the conversation system is a randomized roll for us as well.

Because of that disparity I'm getting the majority of the lewts, and my social level is rising a lot faster than hers. There's supposed to be something in place that gives roll bonuses to people who frequently lose the random rolls, but obviously that's not working well at all (or we've just seen three days straight of rotten luck for one of us).

Anyone else noticed this? Is it a known issue with the game in its prerelease state?
New page, but wondering if anyone else had seen this.


I always wanted to roll a Jedi, on the republic side..

However, Seeing a few images of the imperial Agent, is making me really want to play that.

I don't know what to pick.
I always wanted to roll a Jedi, on the republic side..

However, Seeing a few images of the imperial Agent, is making me really want to play that.

I don't know what to pick.

Pick both. You will probably want to play through the game at least with one character per side most likely to get most of the "experience"



Really liking my Bounty Hunter. Started a Consular first but the start planet was kinda meh. BH story is a big step up, the class is more fun to play as well.

So far I'm liking the game a lot more than I thought I would.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
This is probably a silly question, but your appearance is completely based on your gear and changes as your gear does, right? As in, you can't equip a new head armor item and keep the style of your old one on your appearance.

You can wear orange gear and keep using that. Orange gear quality is completely dependent on the mods you put it in so as long as you keep upgrading the mods you can theoretically keep wearing a piece you like the look of right through to level 50.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
How do you alter your companions appearance?

Open your character page, there is a tab at the bottom to access their gear.

EDIT: Unless you meant their character model. It's on the same page, you need a companion appearance item. I got one as a quest reward on the starter planet. I was able to pick from 3 different one. Apparently you can buy them later in the game.
So its is really easy to either go really good, or really bad when you play IA.

There is no set notion of how a IA works unlike the other Star Wars character templates people are used to. You really can play IA as either dark or light and it fits and feels right. Unlike a Sith Warrior who often the light side choices really make you don't seem Sith at all and scared that all the other sith are going to laugh at you for being a wuss.

Same thing with Bounty Hunters, since the most common ones people know from SW are presented as villains


Open your character page, there is a tab at the bottom to access their gear.

EDIT: Unless you meant their character model. It's on the same page, you need a companion appearance item. I got one as a quest reward on the starter planet. I was able to pick from 3 different one. Apparently you can buy them later in the game.

Yup, grouped with a fellow sorc to duo a 4 man instance (Dual whirlwind FTW!) and his Khem Val look kerazzzy with massive armour plates on his shoulder. He bought it for 12k credits from a vendor.


Surprisingly I'm having fun too. I'm only level 10 (Sith Assassin) right now but its pretty fun. I love how interactive the quests are. That alone makes a whole lot of difference, IMO. You feel much more integrated into the game than just reading quest texts.

I don't like the fact that zones are instanced. Takes away from making the world feel massive. Is it like that throughout the game or just the first few zones?

So far it's been like that throughout the game. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't. I like it because I'm not waiting around for quest mobs to respawn with a dozen other players. I don't like it because some parts of the world, especially the cities, feel pretty empty.

I tried doing Friends of Old with 1 other person last night and we couldn't finish off the boss. We tried twice and the closest we got was bringing her down to about 50% health. As an assassin I can't really tank very well. I'm actually surprised that as an assassin my physical attacks are kind of weaker than I expected. Even when I backstab someone it doesn't do the crazy damage I thought it would - maybe it's just because I'm still lower level. But right now force lightning is my most effective weapon.

About Hammerfall Station, it looks like going into stealth generates a ton of threat/aggro. As we found out the hard way last night when we pulled too many enemies at once. When we re-ran that section I didn't cloak and it was a cakewalk... lesson learned.


This game really takes off when you get your companion and leave the first planet. It feels a lot more like KOTOR than I was anticipating. Plus the voice acting adds a lot to the game.


Anyone else having issues with the focus target? I've been healing a bit in heroic quests the past few days and I keep losing my focus target randomly. The UI frame disappears sometimes but the keybind still works, then eventually it stops working completely and I have to reset it. It's really making healing a pain to do.
I probably just suck at this, but does anyone else find the space mini game too hard? Cant finish the first mission, poor guy is getting killed always shortly before the end. :(

Are there any tricks I don't know? When do I get to upgrade my ship?

I did find it pretty tough. It took me 3 tries to beat it. I think some of that might be that I went into it with no ship upgrades at all.

I really like the space combat though. It is kind of like Star Fox and I like that. I like that it's not just an extension of the main RPG game systems. WoW just made vehicles control like another character or something and it turned out like shit and everyone hates it.
Nope, has been pretty random for me in group situations. Just dumb luck I would say
Thanks all.

Yeah it's been interesting to track the randomness of the rolls. We're both bounty hunters, though we specialized differently at lvl 10. Over three days though it's been far from even between us for rolls. Very odd.
Well, my Wednesday has been eaten up by an outing. The next time I'll be playing this is Friday. You guys are going to be so far ahead of me. :/
16? Say what!

For my Sith Warrior I got mine at 16. *shrug*

So what triggers it, just keep doing class quests?

It's part of your class storyline when it is finished with that planet. If you just stick to doing the class storyline stuff you will get to it faster most likely than others. Heard others saying they didn't get theres till they were around 20, but guess they spent lot of time doing the 2nd planets side quests and such.


Got my first "gold and power leveling" spam this morning in a whisper. I reported it but it seems as though the report function doesn't have a built in ignore so I had to manually add the spammer to it.

Rest of the general chat was complaining about it too, so it wasn't just me getting it.


Thanks all.

Yeah it's been interesting to track the randomness of the rolls. We're both bounty hunters, though we specialized differently at lvl 10. Over three days though it's been far from even between us for rolls. Very odd.

Random isn't even though, it's just random. Humans attempt to apply patterns to everything they observe but that doesn't mean those patterns aren't random. The problem with randomness is you get chances for odd results. EDIT: Wasn't trying to be rude BTW, just noticed this might come off a bit jerky. Not my intention!

There is definitively a system that improves your rolls when you lose, however. My friend and I were spectators in my GF's one inquisitor story mission that had a good six/seven dialogue choices; since it was her mission we don't actually get a choice and she won them all. The next group dialogue option I won with a 267 roll, and his next roll was a 278. Haven't seen any numbers that high since.


Did a bunch of pvp with a full gaf group (In game names: Sandusky, Anduin and Deveraux). Was using my Sorcerer, Alicar. My healing + Anduin healing with the dps of Sandusky and Deveraux made our teams unbeatable lol. Was a blast.


Did a bunch of pvp with a full gaf group (In game names: Sandusky, Anduin and Deveraux). Was using my Sorcerer, Alicar. My healing + Anduin healing with the dps of Sandusky and Deveraux made our teams unbeatable lol. Was a blast.

Lol, Sandusky.
I almost want to do this, except that I'm way too much of a goody-goody. I just can't be evil.

One of the first game where I am playing as an evil character first. I didn't know Imperial agents could be truly light-side; I would have gone with that class first. Friends are playing as imperial. Oh well, my feisty Sith Inquisitor is still quite fun to play.

Trying to decide if I will go smuggler or typical jedi next. Though, this will probably be a decision for the summer. I won't be playing this game during the school year.


Got my Agent to 19 last night. Crafting is very smart in this game. You can have both companions grinding out craftables, or send one or both on a mission. And they you can RE all of your grind crafts to get better schematics and some mats back. Biochem is damn easy to level and gives useful consumables. I was going cybertech but didn't really like what I was making because the quest rewards were much better.

Huttball is awesome. My favorite BG for sure. Although it sucks if you aren't playing on a focused team. Guild pvp is the way to go.


For my Sith Warrior I got mine at 16. *shrug*

It's part of your class storyline when it is finished with that planet. If you just stick to doing the class storyline stuff you will get to it faster most likely than others. Heard others saying they didn't get theres till they were around 20, but guess they spent lot of time doing the 2nd planets side quests and such.

One of the things I learned in beta is that you can never be 'too' far ahead of a planets leveling curve. I got my ship at lvl 19 instead of 17 like I did in beta, and almost all of my extra EXP didn't come from quests, but queuing for PvP. The amount of EXP you can get from PvP (at least supplemental) is really nice. The nice thing about having so much EXP going into a new a planet is that it gives you the freedom to skip some quests if they are dull or don't give much reward and just take up time. Taris in beta was a huge time waster, I got sick of the world by the time I went to Nar Shadda (It was too big without a speeder, just an absolute pain walking across the map with all the various aggro mobs along the way). I'm level 20 now and already 1/4th of the way to 21 and I have only just now started on Taris quests, if I wanted to I could just do the class quests and be done with that world and hop on my ship to Nar Shadda.
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