I'm looking for a nice MMO and it's been ages since I really had something that stuck.
(Like Vanilla WoW times).
The leveling game in this is far more engaging than WoW's probably ever was, both from a gameplay and story/lore perspective, even back in WoW's vanilla when the world had a population and there were some actual reasons to group and explore.
I really like the way this is going so far with the story sharing/spectating, all of the heroic areas, the way crafting is setup and being able to meld a lot of content to our own terms. I'm just more interested in it as a co-op game than an MMO.
I'm not looking forward to cap though, I just don't want to raid anymore, so I hope they come up with something else as a serious form of progression in the future. And no, the answer to fix raiding isn't to bribe people who don't want to do it anymore back into it by making it ridiculously easy.
. Nor did it have much content for solo questing other than "bring me 20 golden murloc testicles." SWTOR still has fetch quests but so far the # of items requested is usually lower and the drop rates are much higher compared to WoW. And there is a lot of solo content if you don't feel like partying up for the heroic quests or flashpoints at that particular moment.
It has the same sort of filler quests but they're handled much better, is all. Leaving the conversations and presentation aside, there's just no (so far, for me) riding into an outpost and having to pick up a dozen !'s. Instead they cut the fat, give you ~3 or so ones that are meatier, or split into multiple evolving stages and it's just easier to manage and to find interest in.
Maybe this changes for the worse later on, but it makes the whole process feel more natural thus far.