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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


Don't understand why people are liking the stories here but ME2 gets so much hate for its story. Is it a different standard for a MMO? Because it's the exact same thing, lots of micro stories with no long term effect and a main story that moves at a glacial pace.

I'm a level 22 Bounty Hunter and not a damn thing has happened in the main story.
22 levels and I'm STILL not in this Great Hunt?


This thread is a mess of "Déjà vu" from WAR, Rift and Aion.

Are people going to finally learn, or we doomed to see this again when GW 2, Titan and other 2012 MMOs comes out ?

No we aren't going to learn and we're not going to be silent about it until someone gets it right.

Things such as locking down Full servers the first 30 days, giving preferential slots to pre-orders, having a system already in place to allow guilds a one-time move in the launch window in case of overcrowding, and better organization before launch are all viable alternatives to reducing and/or eliminating queue sizes. You aren't going to please everyone, especially the late comers, but some of these solutions do not add negative consequences to reducing queue size.

A late comer wanting to play with his friends, but can't get on a locked server, does not add a negative consequence. He can still fully play the game albeit on a new server. Letting a late comer onto an already overcrowded server ADDS a negative consequence because it compounds the already existing problem. I'm not saying to lock down servers permanently, but at least do it through the launch window, like the first 30 days, and then when people get settled in, servers get configured, and guilds get moved around to where they want to go (through the 1-time launch window move), then open them and allow anyone to go anywhere they want.

I just can't wrap my head around the thought that people who pre-ordered and had early access should be punished with queues that get larger, and larger and larger. Pre-orders have been open in this game since July 21st. Anyone interested in this game had 4-5 months to get their shit together, get the game pre-ordered and get organized with their friends. Those that did bother to do all these things should not be punished because of people who didn't.


Don't understand why people are liking the stories here but ME2 gets so much hate for its story. Is it a different standard for a MMO? Because it's the exact same thing, lots of micro stories with no long term effect and a main story that moves at a glacial pace.

I'm a level 22 Bounty Hunter and not a damn thing has happened in the main story.
22 levels and I'm STILL not in this Great Hunt?

What ? You are officially, in the great hunt as you leave Dromund Kaas


Crafting quesiton... reverse engineering a green item, gives the blue version, does reverse engineering the blue version you've learned, then give you the purple version??


Hmm what's the most useful crew skill for my healer operative?

Since my BH has cybertech, scavenging, and slicing, I wanna go armortech, underworld trading, and slicing so they work with each other.


I'm glad I'm off work in an hour so I can play (queue) for a couple hours (while napping) and then be refreshed for a night of gaming around 6ish. That is, assuming, the queue's are still as bad as everyone's saying. I can't see them getting better at prime time..

I am loving this game so far, SUCH a nice refreshing change of pace from WoW. Currently a 15 Bounty Hunter spec'd Powertech shield spec. Really liking the crafting system (sending my crew/slaves) out to fetch me materials while I pewpew to my hearts content. Although I burn things a lot more now...

And the storyline/questline is so much better than WoW - and while nothing "HUGE" has happened in terms of story, at least there IS a story that *feels* meaningful and interesting...and not "Hey, go kill a boar cause I want to make some ribs". It's more "This criminal syndicate is moving in on our territory and here are the steps we're going to take to bring them down" sort of thing. But overall, I'm so glad my friends convinced me to buy this game.

And to think, a couple months ago I finally cancelled my 2 WoW subs after 7 years (and 4 years of EQ before WoW came out)... Finally quit playing MMO's - START ANOTHER ONE!

Worth it.


What ? You are officially, in the great hunt as you leave Dromund Kaas
Ah yes you are correct. That should have said
still not through the Great Hunt. But really, what's the difference? I'm still doing the exact same thing as I've been doing since level 1, trying to prove I'm a good bounty hunter by taking on completely unrelated bounties that have no overarching story effect.

The only main story progression since level 1 has been trying to join Great Hunt > joined Great Hunt. Our only enemy and only recurring character other than the BH handler, Tarro Blood, hasn't even done anything of any significance since level 1.


Ah yes you are correct. That should have said
still not through the Great Hunt. But really, what's the difference? I'm still doing the exact same thing as I've been doing since level 1, trying to prove I'm a good bounty hunter by taking on completely unrelated bounties that have no overarching story effect.

The only main story progression since level 1 has been trying to join Great Hunt > joined Great Hunt. Our only enemy and only recurring character other than the BH handler, Tarro Blood, hasn't even done anything since level 1.

But but but... that is kinda the Bounty Hunter's sole being, highest goal to achieve. My inside Star Wars fan is crying ;_;


Anyone else crashing to desktop at loading screen? Running fixlauncher, hope that does it. Kinda crazy all the shit you gotta fill out just so you can play.

Ive never dealt with the security key thing... do you have to type code every time you log in?


Anyone else crashing to desktop at loading screen? Running fixlauncher, hope that does it. Kinda crazy all the shit you gotta fill out just so you can play.

Ive never dealt with the security key thing... do you have to type code every time you log in?

Yes, usually.

Oh, i can almost feel myself playing it for real now, 100th spot in the queue.


They just posted an update on the SWTOR forums

As many of you know, we're experiencing high load and corresponding queues on some servers. This is to be expected during launch, as a high number of people want to play the game, and for long stretches at a time.

We're monitoring all of our servers around the clock, and we're raising server population caps where required. However, to ensure our long-term goals of server stability and healthy populations, we do not want to raise population caps too rapidly. We want incoming players to populate lower population servers. At the same time, higher population servers will not be 'locked' because we want to allow people to join a server to play with their friends if they wish to.

With this in mind, we wanted to notify everyone of some consistently high population servers. These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.

We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play.

US-based servers

The Harbinger – US West Coast - PvE
The Swiftsure – US West Coast - PvP

The Fatman – US East Coast - PvP

EU-based servers

Bloodworthy – EU English - PvP
Frostclaw – EU English - PvE
Legions of Lettow – EU English - PvP
The Red Eclipse – EU English - PvE
Tomb of Freedom Nadd – EU English - PvP

Darth Revan's Mask – EU German - PvP
Darth Traya – EU German - PvP
Jar'Kai Sword - EU German - PvP

Hrakert Rift – EU French - PvP

Many of you who are already playing on these servers are asking for solutions, and we understand your frustration. At this time we can only ask for your patience. Population caps are being gradually raised on these servers, but raising them too fast will create an influx of new players and perpetuate the problem. We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.

Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.

Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.

Damn of course I am on the 1st one listed (Harbinger)


I just saw that update. While it's nice they're working on it, I'm not particularly happy that their solution to the queues for the time being is for us to just change servers. I have 2 characters, a level 20 and a level 30, they aren't something I can quickly redo. :/

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Damn hype is starting to get to me. Lots of people at work picking this up and a long vacation coming up... I really dislike the art style, but quite like Star Wars. I'll probably cave and pick this up on Friday or something.
I just saw that update. While it's nice they're working on it, I'm not particularly happy that their solution to the queues for the time being is for us to just change servers. I have 2 characters, a level 20 and a level 30, they aren't something I can quickly redo. :/

Translation: they are up shit creek without a solution other than encouraging people to roll/reroll on another server.


Translation: they are up shit creek without a solution other than encouraging people to roll/reroll on another server.

They already said they are increasing the cap. They aren't worried about the people already in the servers. They are worried about increasing the cap now and having new players just go to the most popular server. They want to encourage new players to go to the newer servers first, then they will increase the cap where necessary.


So anyone know what the hell 'Surge' and 'Alacrity' is, and why I'd want to boost my rating of it?

Alacrity is basically haste from wow. affects your cast times.
Surge is a crit multiplier. Crit increases chance to crit, surge increases damage bonus when you crit. Can see these ratings and what they do by mousing over the various 'stats' on the bottom (ranged, defense, tech, etc)


Damn hype is starting to get to me. Lots of people at work picking this up and a long vacation coming up... I really dislike the art style, but quite like Star Wars. I'll probably cave and pick this up on Friday or something.

Doooo it! :D.


Wait, is this really true ? People i asked this in-game said no D:

I'm not 100% sure how it works yet. But I don't think its entirely true. I think I remember RE'n a few blues and got a different blue pattern out of it. I think you will get the same or better rarity in the patterns, never worse.
So anyone know what the hell 'Surge' and 'Alacrity' is, and why I'd want to boost my rating of it?
Surge effects how hard your crits hit for, base of crit dmg being plus 50%. Alacrity I'm not completely sure on I think it's the speed of 'cast' and 'channel' abilities.

Edit: You can find the explanations of them by mousing over it in the character pane. They're secondary stats so you have to hunt for them in the dropdown menus with force/defense/melee


I decided to try out a republic trooper and I had a quick question. What are the key differences between the advance classes of the trooper? It seems like one heals and one just tanks correct?


I'm not 100% sure how it works yet. But I don't think its entirely true. I think I remember RE'n a few blues and got a different blue pattern out of it. I think you will get the same or better rarity in the patterns, never worse.

It's true. I've discovered a few epic items from REing blue items. Here's a screenshot. Click for bigger version



It's true. I've discovered a few epic items from REing blue items. Here's a screenshot. Click for bigger version

I haven't messed with crafting too much yet since I'm focusing on slicing for a bit to get credits for speeder training. So all I'd have to do is craft something, then RE it, then craft the design that I get out of it and continue the loop? I also noticed I can't RE a lot of my armor gear (I also have Armormech), I'm guessing my crew skill isn't high enough yet to RE some of that stuff?



This Jaymizu Poh NPC on Taris is voiced by the lady who did Colette in Tales of Symphonia. (._. )
The terrible memories are rushing back.

She'd better not trip on something.
I loved Esseles. It was my first four-person party in TOR, and it was fun watching different characters interact via dialogue choices. We had a male scoundrel (me!), female gunslinger, male Jedi Knight, and male Jedi Sage. We were all generally light side, but it made for an interesting time.

We plowed through the enemies, though, so I'm hoping the difficulty ramps up quite a bit for later flashpoints. Overall, I'm very pleased with it and I'm glad I didn't ruin the experience during the beta weekends.


Oh man, finally had my first mission where I felt like I was doing Real Sith Shit.

Imperial officer: My son is a Sith apprentice. He's been captured. If you don't rescue him I won't help you get what you need.

Me: I'm going to kill you for this.

Officer: WHATEVZ, go get my son.

So off I go to infiltrate the base, going cloaked and quietly sneaking past all of the troops. Made it into the command center, killed the guards near the cells. Confronted the guy's son and asked him what he was doing. Son reveals that he's on a mission for his own Sith master to retrieve a holocron containing information on the location of an ancient weapon. I tell the son to give me the holocron. The son starts talking shit, so in true Sith fashion... we fight for dominance. I win. I kill the son. I take the holocron and retrieve the weapon. I go back to the father and he is absolutely enraged. I tell him his son was a Sith and he died according to our traditions. Father freaks out and attacks me. I kill him, just like I promised I would. Then I confront the scientist who the father was denying me access to. I get the info I need and I kill him for good measure. Do not fuck with our plans or get in our way.


Latest Giantbomb podcast has some SWTOR impressions.

In a nutshell, Jeff played a ton of SWTOR over the weekend but isn't quite sure if he enjoyed it or not. Better reception than I expected, considering.

Ryan sounds like he's enjoying himself, but admits he enjoys MMOs during the launch window a lot more than at any other time.

Brad's having issues getting into it after having played WOW for so long.


Sailor Stevenson
I thought I was about to escape Balmorra (even though large parts of it were still hidden on my map).

Should've known better.


I thought I was about to escape Balmorra (even though large parts of it were still hidden on my map).

Should've known better.

I think I skipped those regions, but I did the bonus quests on Tatooine to help me level up a bit. I think most worlds have bonus quests.

Man, at the end of Chapter 1, the levels do matter. It does get hard.


Sailor Stevenson
The bonus quest series is hell, but there are good rewards for doing it.

yeah, into my neck on that now. Gotta run and record a podcast so I can talk about SWTOR (while wishing I was playing SWTOR). Game is so damn good.

Love using agent stealth to get/do shit I shouldn't be able to do alone.


I thought I was about to escape Balmorra (even though large parts of it were still hidden on my map).

Should've known better.

That definitely is a minor annoyance for me. at least 3 of the planets I've played so far (Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Tattooine) have had those "go back and finish the zone" quests that you pick up right as you're walking back to your ship. I understand that it makes sense story-wise, but it's just annoying to have travelled across the zone, only to find you have to travel back to where you just finished your last quest.


That definitely is a minor annoyance for me. at least 3 of the planets I've played so far (Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Tattooine) have had those "go back and finish the zone" quests that you pick up right as you're walking back to your ship. I understand that it makes sense story-wise, but it's just annoying to have travelled across the zone, only to find you have to travel back to where you just finished your last quest.

At least on Taris, they automatically give you the taxi point even though you've never been there.


i had a few of those yesterday. knocked out like 6 quests in one location. got back to town and turned them all in. then was ready to leave for the next loacation. hey, where did those 2 quests come from? let me go talk to them. argh! sendning me back to where i just was for the last hour. thanks! yes, there was speeder access, but it still send me into the heart of this place in the same exact 2 buildings i was just in. one more room over from the last quest target.

launch respawn is no loke either. think everything is on a max 2 minute timer.
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