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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away

Keen to try out this game but damn am I having a hard time downloading it. Will download at a reasonable speed for around a minute tops then it will slow down to 0.1kb/s and give me the "Network error while downloading patch data. Retrying (310)".
Done a whole lot of searching but none of the potential fixes I have tried have worked so far.
I'm up to downloading the Main Assets 1 but I have to babysit the download by pausing then resuming every time it stops downloading.

Would there be much point in going out and buying the boxed version? For all I know when it updates after installing from disc it'll just have the same problems. Sorry if this isn't the best place to post this, figured it was worth a shot though. Thanks.
Sucks that you're having issues. I never had problems with the patching servers but a lot of people always have trouble downloading the game from it. I don't think the boxed version will help much since it'll just run off the same patching servers for the updates after it finishes installing the game.
Hey I just resubbed after not playing since a month after launch. I'm just curious what unlocks are? I'm having fun with the game I just get the sense I could be doing things faster and more efficiently, and I'm pretty unsure the best method of acquiring gear (questing, PvP, points?).

I left off as a 25 Sith Inquisitor so I continued that character. I like playing the class, just wish I understood the game better.
When the game went F2P they locked a lot of stuff for free players that subscribers get for paying. Things like artifact equipment (purple quality gear), hide head slot, quickbars, etc. You can buy all of that stuff off of the cartel market using cartel coins (which is currency that you buy with real money or get from achievements). All of those same unlocks could also be found on the Galactic Trade Network (auction house) to buy using the in-game currency called credits. You can buy most of them pretty cheap depending on the unlock.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Hey I just resubbed after not playing since a month after launch. I'm just curious what unlocks are? I'm having fun with the game I just get the sense I could be doing things faster and more efficiently, and I'm pretty unsure the best method of acquiring gear (questing, PvP, points?).

I left off as a 25 Sith Inquisitor so I continued that character. I like playing the class, just wish I understood the game better.

Just to expand on what HarryDemeanor said. If you subbed you have pretty much everything unlocked. There are some things you can buy with Cartel Coins that you previously had to purchase with credits to unlock like Legacy perks (for example Rocket Boost) or you can buy things like extra cargo bays and inventory slots. As he said, people also sell these unlocks on the GTN since they're tradeable.

As a subscriber you'll get at least 500 coins every month. If you download the free security key app (iOS or Android) you'll get an extra 100 coins per month.


Thanks guys that definitely clears it up for me a little bit. Looks like I need to pay the GTN a visit. I did subscribe and got an extra 500 coins, but that's not enough for the Rocket Boost which sounds like it'll be the most useful while leveling.

As far as speeders go, how do I know if I have the fastest one available to me? I bought the lvl 20 one back in the day. When's the next time I can upgrade that?

And thanks again for all the help. The game is oddly enjoyable. I like MMOs, but being able to zone out and have a pretty awesome single player experience is different than the other MMOs I've played.


And should I vendor the gear I get while questing or try to sell that on the GTN? It's a little inconvenient traveling back and forth.
Thanks guys that definitely clears it up for me a little bit. Looks like I need to pay the GTN a visit. I did subscribe and got an extra 500 coins, but that's not enough for the Rocket Boost which sounds like it'll be the most useful while leveling.

As far as speeders go, how do I know if I have the fastest one available to me? I bought the lvl 20 one back in the day. When's the next time I can upgrade that?
Rocket Boost should be 320 coins and then 120 twice to lower the cooldown.

If you bought the level 20 speeder then it'll only go as fast as it currently go with I think is 90%. You can purchase a speeder off of the GTN that will change it's speed when you buy the speeder licenses as you level up.
And should I vendor the gear I get while questing or try to sell that on the GTN? It's a little inconvenient traveling back and forth.
What I do is check to see if any of my companions can use that gear and if it's better than what they currently have. If they're set then you can sell that stuff. I don't think low level green pieces sell that well on the GTN.


Does this game wreak havoc on anyone elses build? I swear this game hard crashes my computer at least four times a week. I'll be playing and randomly the screen will turn into vertical plaid lines, either gray and black or green and blue. I have tried it with my GPU both overclocked and stock to no avail. And no other game has done this to me, I've put hundreds of hours into steam games with no plaid screen. Crash to desktop, sure.

When it happens I can't tab out or anything. Have tried unplugging the DVI cable and reconnecting and that doesn't work out. Weird thing is, if I'm in team speak I can still communicate with it, but nothing else is accessible.
Does this game wreak havoc on anyone elses build? I swear this game hard crashes my computer at least four times a week. I'll be playing and randomly the screen will turn into vertical plaid lines, either gray and black or green and blue. I have tried it with my GPU both overclocked and stock to no avail. And no other game has done this to me, I've put hundreds of hours into steam games with no plaid screen. Crash to desktop, sure.

When it happens I can't tab out or anything. Have tried unplugging the DVI cable and reconnecting and that doesn't work out. Weird thing is, if I'm in team speak I can still communicate with it, but nothing else is accessible.
I've only had the game crash to desktop during certain flashpoints. Nothing really graphics related. The way you describe it sounds like a dying video card but if it's working fine with other games then that's pretty damn strange.


Yeah I just bought this 7870 in December. It sucks because I love this game, but I get very irritated with it. Without a doubt the buggiest game I've ever played. 40+ hours in Chivalry, 40+ in FTL, ~30 in Sleeping Dogs, 20 in Dark Souls, the list goes on and on and I have never been able to replicate it.

I'm going to take it out this week and clean the fans. Then probably just do a fresh install of Windows on this comp and just reformat everything and see if it clears anything up.




On another note, how do you guys set up your binds? I have a good set for my scoundrel that I love but am having problems making a tanking and dps set that I'm comfortable with.

On my healer I have Q, E, C, and Z bound along with shift and control binds for each letter. Heals over time go on Q, channeled heals go on E, cooldowns on C and Z.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
On another note, how do you guys set up your binds? I have a good set for my scoundrel that I love but am having problems making a tanking and dps set that I'm comfortable with.

On my healer I have Q, E, C, and Z bound along with shift and control binds for each letter. Heals over time go on Q, channeled heals go on E, cooldowns on C and Z.

Get a Naga ;)

I actually use this keyboard which I had before I got the Naga:

I love it because most skills are within easy reach with all the customizable keys in the left section.

On my Naga I put the skills I can use while moving, especially my stuns. Nothing is more satisfying than running past someone and kicking them in the nuts as you continue to run by.


Yeah, I use my naga buttons for most of my abilities. All 12 buttons, shift + 1 to 12 and then alt + 1 to 12(Most of these are abilities not used a lot though, due to alt being more of a pain to press). Then I also use some letters for stuff, q, e, f, g, b and then v as my push to talk key.
Redownloading this right now. Hoping I can get back into it.

Edit: Also considering picking up a Naga since I plan on playing a few more MMOs this year.


Looked up the naga... homersimpsondrool.gif, I must own that one day. Wish I had known about it when I built my rig back in december, bought an el cheapo Xornet which works well but only has two buttons. It would be so much easier to have all those keybinds right there.


That Jolee Bindo armor is pretty awesome!

Thana Vesh's armor is a nice variation of Battlemaster too.

Pretty awesome cartel update...



Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
That pack is seriously awesome.

def sim

Those new items look pretty good, but I'll wait until they pop up on GTN. Buying cartel packs and hoping for the best sounds like an awful idea to me.


Those new items look pretty good, but I'll wait until they pop up on GTN. Buying cartel packs and hoping for the best sounds like an awful idea to me.

I used to just take my allowance, buy packs, and list them on the GTN. But last night I said screw it, opened four enforcer contraband packs, and got generally shit except for a derelict purple hawkeye crystal which made it all worth it because that thing sells for at least 800k. Also got an indestructible purple crystal which is another ~120k.

Have yet to spend real money on the packs though. I just can't see myself doing it when its such a gamble.
Underwalker Drones are quite possibly my most hated enemy in the entire game. On your speeder trying to get through the volcano and these bastards just chase you to make you rubberband in place.


Gamestop's Twitter page is tweeting 2400 CC codes all day apparently. I tried to get a few earlier but there were some bots or something snagging them instantly, so they've switched to tweeting images with like 7 codes on them each, and I just got one off the last one. Pretty neat.

Edit - I guess they're already out.

On another note, the patch is now scheduled for tomorrow.
Underwalker Drones are quite possibly my most hated enemy in the entire game. On your speeder trying to get through the volcano and these bastards just chase you to make you rubberband in place.

They also draw aggro to other mobs and fight amongst themselves. Yet while they fight each other, it keeps you in combat.


Sucks that you're having issues. I never had problems with the patching servers but a lot of people always have trouble downloading the game from it. I don't think the boxed version will help much since it'll just run off the same patching servers for the updates after it finishes installing the game.

Cheers for the reply :)
I ended up getting it to finally hold a steady download speed without stopping by running my PC in safe mode with networking. Downloaded at like 200kb/s for the majority. Damn painful compared to the near 2mb/s I get elsewhere lol.

I have a 3 day weekend this weekend and the weathers meant to be poor so i'll get a decent chance to try this game out then, can't wait :)
Cheers for the reply :)
I ended up getting it to finally hold a steady download speed without stopping by running my PC in safe mode with networking. Downloaded at like 200kb/s for the majority. Damn painful compared to the near 2mb/s I get elsewhere lol.

I have a 3 day weekend this weekend and the weathers meant to be poor so i'll get a decent chance to try this game out then, can't wait :)
Yeah the speeds on the servers are all over the place. Hopefully it'll pick up for you so you can play.


How does the relatively low number of subscribers affect the end game? I'm having fun going through the single player and playing my characters story, but what keeps the max level guys around?
How does the relatively low number of subscribers affect the end game? I'm having fun going through the single player and playing my characters story, but what keeps the max level guys around?

There isn't a problem with relatively low numbers of subscribers. Population of that is quite healthy and remember before it went f2p, the game has more than half a mil subscribers still. Also even if you don't sub, you can take part in various endgame functions still. Lot of guilds will take a person on and help them to join in by getting them any weekly passes they need using community credits. As with most games, if your going into endgame content, being in a guild is almost a must as dealing with pugs is just going to give you headaches and lots of waiting around for a group that is willing to take a random with them.


There isn't a problem with relatively low numbers of subscribers. Population of that is quite healthy and remember before it went f2p, the game has more than half a mil subscribers still. Also even if you don't sub, you can take part in various endgame functions still. Lot of guilds will take a person on and help them to join in by getting them any weekly passes they need using community credits. As with most games, if your going into endgame content, being in a guild is almost a must as dealing with pugs is just going to give you headaches and lots of waiting around for a group that is willing to take a random with them.

I'll be honest, I'm not impressed with endgame right now, all I hear is nonstop complaining about poorly geared pugs in guild chat and the boards.

I'll just agree to disagree with you on the state of the basic comm gearing.


How does the relatively low number of subscribers affect the end game? I'm having fun going through the single player and playing my characters story, but what keeps the max level guys around?

I'm relatively new to the game, only been playing two months so thats basically whats keeping me around end game. The ops are enjoyable for me, while I wish there were more I am no where near geared and have a while to go until I get there. Really not sure what I'll do once I am geared up though.

I found it hard to break into end game pvp so I've never really done that either. Wish they'd give us a new PvP board, that would be nice of them.

I think what is really keeping me around is making money on my smuggler to deck out my alts with. I've only played one class story to completion and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people stick around to play different classes.
I'll be honest, I'm not impressed with endgame right now, all I hear is nonstop complaining about poorly geared pugs in guild chat and the boards.

I'll just agree to disagree with you on the state of the basic comm gearing.

What does pugs have to do with anything? Pugs have and always suck in all games when it comes to endgame content. PUGs doing content they shouldn't be doing? No surprise there, it's been less than 2 weeks since the changes and folks have no idea they can't handle the new FP's. At least PUGs can't touch the new ops, nor do they matter for daily end game stuff. Play with a PUG in any mmo, you take a chance of what your going to get.


What does pugs have to do with anything? Pugs have and always suck in all games when it comes to endgame content. PUGs doing content they shouldn't be doing? No surprise there, it's been less than 2 weeks since the changes and folks have no idea they can't handle the new FP's. At least PUGs can't touch the new ops, nor do they matter for daily end game stuff. Play with a PUG in any mmo, you take a chance of what your going to get.

If pugs didn't mean shit there would be no need for groupfinder; they do have one. And now it's a completely unpleasant experience.

Look at the industry leader in Wow, and how they're adapting to a declining player base (lfg/lfr; scenarios); that were specifically introduced to increase accessibility of gameplay options.

The gameplay options that are closed out to alot of people in Old Republic; I'm sorry but I just don't think they expanded end game enough. I don't like archaelogy (or the GSI stuff) but I do appreciate that they added something, but it's not enough for me.
If pugs didn't mean shit there would be no need for groupfinder; they do have one. And now it's a completely unpleasant experience.

Look at the industry leader in Wow, and how they're adapting to a declining player base (lfg/lfr; scenarios); that were specifically introduced to increase accessibility of gameplay options.

The gameplay options that are closed out to alot of people in Old Republic; I'm sorry but I just don't think they expanded end game enough. I don't like archaelogy (or the GSI stuff) but I do appreciate that they added something, but it's not enough for me.

I've used the group finder to great success many times. But again, it's always going to be a gamble in any MP game when you have a matchmaking system with random people. You do sometimes get bad apples or messed up groups. No matter how accessible you make said content, doing it with select people will always be more enjoyable and likely a smoother experience.

Not liking what currently in the game is another matter though than how hard it is to get into any of the content. I would love to see more activities added to the game, they did some of that with the expansion which is great, and hopefully they add more variety and such to the game with future content. I still hope for them to add Pazaak to the game as another activity to do. But I would never consider it endgame content since that has essentially been put down into the high end gear grinds.

Course the original question was about how well it's going and such with comments on the population concerns. As it is the population is more than healthy and if you want to get into end game, it's fairly easy to, and tons of guilds always will help you along with open arms.

Frankly they have really made end game more accessibly with how you get gear. Yea you got to grind, but you have multiple avenues to earn gear with getting compensation for multiple activities now. Course you always have the "hardcore" whiners on the forums whining how easy they are making it for the rest of players and that by becoming too accessible, it just brings in worse players into endgame, while also having the content dumbed down or made easier as well.


The next "big" update is supposedly mostly all Quality of life improvements, so in another 4 weeks or so we may see all those things, Probably not though. :)
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