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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
-Housing: In the works, on the wall of crazy.
Why would you want/need a house when you fly your house already? Customization options for those would be nice. New colors, new ships, fuzzy dice... I'd pay cash money for that, even if it's just a novelty I fiddle with for a day or two.

It might be nice if they designed a Fleet Brothel with its own subchat for all the ERP freaks to go. Otherwise, they're crazy if they think I'm gonna buy beachfront property on Quesh so I can raise little mutant kids. I already get impatient with having to wait for crap to load or having to travel through things like the "pre-planet" space stations. I'm not going to add another section of travel to the mix, especially when they put in nice little buttons at the fleet that take you right to daily areas anyway.

When they say negatively affect subs, I believe they mean removing the cap would have some people stop subbing and go to preferred instead.
That's my read as well. They're not worried about the subs losing quality of life. They don't want to give anyone a reason to say, "well, all I do is PVP or run raids, so I don't need to be a subscriber any more, yay".

Yes, there are people blowing 200$+ everytime a new pack comes out so that they can get everything out of it but I think a majority of players (or at least very close to half) toss in money for a couple packs everytime a new one comes out.
I have bought a couple of the outfits and would buy others if they look cool and I otherwise haven't found a customizable one that fits with how I want my dude to look. The dye packs will go another long way to giving me options for this stuff.

I'll never buy the slot machines, but I'm pathologically adverse to gambling. I'd rather run some dailies to build up cash and then buy off the GTN after the price spikes have passed.


Welp. I think the recent patch screwed up all female Togrutas. Found another one in Nar Shaddaa that is just as screwed up as the one in my Taris picture.

Had the same thing happen to me and my gf in Taris. At first she was aqua color with "TRIAL" written all over her face. After finishing the cut scene and getting her quest, she looked exactly like the pic you posted here a bit ago. Mind you that has been the only one I've ran across.


If I had to pick the class with the best story, which one would it be? I really don't care about the traditional MMO aspects or it's viability in PVP or PVE.


If I had to pick the class with the best story, which one would it be? I really don't care about the traditional MMO aspects or it's viability in PVP or PVE.

Imp Agent is considered the best with Warrior Second. Smuggler/Jedi Knight republic side. Avoid Inquisitor/consular.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Aiming for server xfers with 2.2.

This is why I hate the official forums:

Eric - "We're aiming to have transfers out with patch 2.2"
Idiot poster - "I hope there's a lot more to 2.2 than that.....like....content?!"



Thinking about jumping back into TOR to finish up my Imperial Agent. Did Bioware ever remove that XP limiter for prefer players?
Thinking about jumping back into TOR to finish up my Imperial Agent. Did Bioware ever remove that XP limiter for prefer players?

No, they eased up the xp restrictions at lower levels a bit. Being in a guild also now gives you a passive 5% xp bonus.

Any time you complete a step of your class storyline, planetary storyline, and some extras like some of the bonus series now award 25% xp bonus reward items as well now.


So, I was hit by the ban hammer today. What reddit/official forums have determined us that this is somehow related to unlocking crystals in collections.

In my case, all the collections crystals I have were unlocked in CM packs AND I unlocked the crystals in collections (at anywhere from 60CC to ~240CC per unlock). I then duped the crystals and stored them on character for which they had been unlocked.

I did not transfer duped crystals and I did not vendor cheap weapons with duped crystals inserted.

Because I spent real money to buy and subsequently unlock CM items using SWTOR's collection system, I received a one week ban. WTF?!?

Edited to add- and because I posted a question about being banned in a thread discussing the bans, I get permabanned from the forums (no real loss there, though).
So, I was hit by the ban hammer today. What reddit/official forums have determined us that this is somehow related to unlocking crystals in collections.

In my case, all the collections crystals I have were unlocked in CM packs AND I unlocked the crystals in collections (at anywhere from 60CC to ~240CC per unlock). I then duped the crystals and stored them on character for which they had been unlocked.

I did not transfer duped crystals and I did not vendor cheap weapons with duped crystals inserted.

Because I spent real money to buy and subsequently unlock CM items using SWTOR's collection system, I received a one week ban. WTF?!?

Edited to add- and because I posted a question about being banned in a thread discussing the bans, I get permabanned from the forums (no real loss there, though).
Wait. I thought this was what the collections system was supposed to do. Being able to give other characters on your legacy the same gear you've unlocked on one.


My thought as well. The first day collection were released some people were duping crystals, inserting them in cheap weapons, and selling them to the vendor.

I did not do this. The CM has finally posted that he is "looking into it". We shall see.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Eric is strongly hinting that in 2.1.1 they are adding the ability to see quest rewards before doing the mission. Nice QOL addition.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
And the wave of unbannings has occurred. I was given a credit of 3 days game time.

Ah nice. Is that just to make up the time you were banned or did they give you extra?

In other news they are going to be putting out info on 2.2 tomorrow along with stuff about what's beyond 2.2 apparently.
Wow so 2.2 sounds lame right now... pretty much only thing being added is nightmare mode TFB op and a few qol improvements. That cantina tour info was bunk. 2.3 which is not till August is when we are going to see a big update apparently? With PVP not seeing anything really till 2.4 which will likely be be October?

People who were pissed about 2.1 are not going to be satisfied with this news about 2.2 and having to wait another 8 weeks for general populace content.

They seem to be going back and making the same mistakes they made when the game first launch with these huge gaps between content. They are going to put a bunch of new stuff in 2.3 in August? What happened to more frequent small updates? This sounds like a repeat of the 4 month wait we had for 1.2. After that they changed their minds to smaller more frequent updates, now they seem to be going backwards.
Didn't they say Open World pvp would be revamped in January?

They never really said that, but they added the recurring gree event on Illum is what they were talking about. While that has brought in quite a bit of open pvp action, always seems to be guilds fighting it out there.
I'm pretty disappointed that it's going to take that long just to see some new content.

I really hope new flashpoints isn't just old flashpoints reworked into 55 content.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Yeah, when I saw what they mentioned for 2.2 I went "that's it?". Not that I'm cancelling or upset (I still have a lot to keep me busy) I just expected more. 2.3 looks more meaty. Summer is a slow time for MMOs anyway.

My feeling is the lead time on content in this game is very long. They probably have a lot of stuff in the works after free to play success but it might take them many months to get it out the door. There was a tweet yesterday from one of the writers about Jennifer Hale recording new dialogue for the game this week so we know it's coming eventually.
They are just repeating 1.2 with big gaps and doing big content updates. Again why? And why is it that they are going to launch a new game event at the same time they are having a big content update? Again this is all a giant repeat of what happened with 1.2 and having huge gaps of nothing and then blowing their load at one time. People were happy with the more frequent smaller updates. Why the hell would you release an event with an update patch? Events should be between the permanent content to keep people interested in playing. Raiders got a new op with 2.0, 8 weeks later they are getting already another tier of gear and mode? Then another operation 4 weeks after that?

So for everyone else whose not high end raiders, thats 4 month wait for actual content.

Why multiple flashpoints and a new daily hub in august? Why not a flashpoint tossed our way before that instead of multiple at one time. How about a new event instead of just repeating the gree one now? What happened to the Rackghoul event? Why not revamp that one for some variety? Doing multiple fps and a new daily hub at same time screams 1.2 with how they added all new tier of gear for the "casuals". Is this going to be a new tier of hardmodes like the mistake with Lost Island? Lvl 55's are supposed to repeat the same 4 flashpoints for another 11 weeks now?

They got some success again and now they are going back to the old ways.


Basically Bioware told pvpers to unsub for the next 4 months or so. Between this lack luster news today, and the upcoming server transfers, things are going to get pretty bad I believe. I'm even giving play to the thought of taking a break after the transfers if things get bad. It's just so stale, and the only new content coming soon are the nightmare modes. What a let down. It seems most people who pvp are going to transfer, so it's a choice between staying with my raid group on a server with shit for pvp or leaving pve behind. Neither choice ideal.
Basically Bioware told pvpers to unsub for the next 4 months or so. Between this lack luster news today, and the upcoming server transfers, things are going to get pretty bad I believe. I'm even giving play to the thought of taking a break after the transfers if things get bad. It's just so stale, and the only new content coming soon are the nightmare modes. What a let down. It seems most people who pvp are going to transfer, so it's a choice between staying with my raid group on a server with shit for pvp or leaving pve behind. Neither choice ideal.

I'm not even heavy pvp player and feel like unsubbing for the next several months. Only thing being released are two nightmare operation modes? Only the hardcore raiders do this content, so huge chunk of the game population is not going to see anything new till august?

Saving everyone for August, so why should I keep paying for the next few months? Oh yay the gree event is coming back.... again. The only exciting news to come out of the whole post is the double xp weekends lol

Funniest reply on the forum to the post was something along the lines of "I bet you thought you would get kudos for this exciting post". Look at our big plans! *angry mob*


I think communication has really improved, that said, they just aren't saying what people want to hear. None of this occurs in a vacuum. With the upcoming console launches and new MMO's coming on line later this year, they really need a strong summer to keep people engaged. 2.2 doesn't really have any new content, just a harder version of a current raid that drops new gear, that 90% of the player base won't be able to complete until it is inevitably nerfed months later. They really hyped 2.2 as having all the content while 2.1 was purely cartel based, and I would hardly say what they announced today lives up to the expectations they fostered. It's a shame, but they have no one to blame but themselves. And don't even get me started on the reset of your cc break when you die. It's another change to satisfy the casuals always complaining about how many stuns there are in pvp, without the repercussions being considered. People can just /stuck and reset it whenever they want. It's going to be hell playing with good groups of people now and trying to cap, just stalemate city. /rant


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Basically Bioware told pvpers to unsub for the next 4 months or so. Between this lack luster news today, and the upcoming server transfers, things are going to get pretty bad I believe. I'm even giving play to the thought of taking a break after the transfers if things get bad. It's just so stale, and the only new content coming soon are the nightmare modes. What a let down. It seems most people who pvp are going to transfer, so it's a choice between staying with my raid group on a server with shit for pvp or leaving pve behind. Neither choice ideal.

Why should PVPers unsub? I still enjoy the 5 maps they have as each match is always going to give you unique results. The only time I get annoyed with PVP is when one team clearly outclasses the other. Even when it's my side outclassing the other it can just be boring. For example Huttball between two equally matched teams is always fun. PVP much more than PVE doesn't require constant new content, it's more like sports, it's not about the rules as much as it is about the competition. Look at how long people played the original Startcraft.


New statement on PVP.

PvP players! I’d love to be able to tell you more about what’s coming in 2.4 and we’ll have more details to share as we get closer. To be clear on the scope of what I was hinting at, we are not going to get closer and just say ‘huzzah, a new Warzone!’ We are working very hard on larger PvP features that everyone will enjoy but are especially targeted at our more hardcore PvP community.

Sounds good, still need to hear more though. I just wish they would have introduced cross server pvp, it was one of the largest factors causing people to want to switch servers.

Patch notes for 2.2 are up now.

Really was expecting more for 2.2, this is most likely the least content for a .X release we have seen for the average player. The pvp backfilling changes slightly worry me though, Novare you can still win with only 2% left on your side, this just seems to be encouraging people to give up. I have seen amazing come from behind games, and I hope this doesn't prevent those from happening now.
PVPers have taken over that thread.

This just compounds the complaint I had before in that subscribers have gotten nothing since the Gree event back in Feb. Everything else has required us to fork out extra money for, so what the hell are we getting out of our sub? Monthly coins? $15 a month for about $5 in coins? Wheres are actual content?

It's going to be until August that we get actual new content in the game? Thats fucking 6 months.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
PVPers have taken over that thread.

This just compounds the complaint I had before in that subscribers have gotten nothing since the Gree event back in Feb. Everything else has required us to fork out extra money for, so what the hell are we getting out of our sub? Monthly coins? $15 a month for about $5 in coins? Wheres are actual content?

It's going to be until August that we get actual new content in the game? Thats fucking 6 months.

It's not exactly exclusive to BW. Blizzard released zero new content for WoW for 9 months, then you had to pay $50 for the expansion.
It's not exactly exclusive to BW. Blizzard released zero new content for WoW for 9 months, then you had to pay $50 for the expansion.

And because of that WoW lost several million players in that period. You dont release content you lose players in any mmo. BW had made a point of them realizing that back in the fall of last year when they switched to their more regular update schedule. They seem to have quickly forgotten the lessons they had learned.


New statement on PVP.

Sounds good, still need to hear more though. I just wish they would have introduced cross server pvp, it was one of the largest factors causing people to want to switch servers.

Patch notes for 2.2 are up now.

Really was expecting more for 2.2, this is most likely the least content for a .X release we have seen for the average player. The pvp backfilling changes slightly worry me though, Novare you can still win with only 2% left on your side, this just seems to be encouraging people to give up. I have seen amazing come from behind games, and I hope this doesn't prevent those from happening now.

Stunbreaks coming back up every life is a pretty big deal in WZs.

I wonder what "visual improvements" means in regards to BH Flamethrower. One of my favorite moves... I hope it isn't like the "visual improvements" made to Oil Slick.


Stunbreaks coming back up every life is a pretty big deal in WZs.

I wonder what "visual improvements" means in regards to BH Flamethrower. One of my favorite moves... I hope it isn't like the "visual improvements" made to Oil Slick.

Or Project. RIP awesome Project animation :(

2.2 notes are hell of disappointing.

On an unrelated note, Jennifer Hale was recording new lines for SWTOR yesterday apparently.


PVPers have taken over that thread.

This just compounds the complaint I had before in that subscribers have gotten nothing since the Gree event back in Feb. Everything else has required us to fork out extra money for, so what the hell are we getting out of our sub? Monthly coins? $15 a month for about $5 in coins? Wheres are actual content?

It's going to be until August that we get actual new content in the game? Thats fucking 6 months.

God, I remember when increasing the level cap in an MMO was a momentous occasion and people decided to be grateful for it instead of whining.
God, I remember when increasing the level cap in an MMO was a momentous occasion and people decided to be grateful for it instead of whining.

It's amazing how times have changed along with standards eh? There is tons of competition out there now for players compared to a decade ago, and it's up to these companies to fight for our money. Heck other f2p games are doing monthly updates to their games even. I don't even pay a sub to them and they are giving me more content than a game I'll be paying 6 months for.

Yea "whining" for nothing.


It's amazing how times have changed along with standards eh? There is tons of competition out there now for players compared to a decade ago, and it's up to these companies to fight for our money. Heck other f2p games are doing monthly updates to their games even. I don't even pay a sub to them and they are giving me more content than a game I'll be paying 6 months for.

Yea "whining" for nothing.

So, stop paying? I don't see the issue here, I just can't help but notice how much you complain in this thread about it. I'm, personally, content with what we've gotten from the game and I'm also aware that expansions, like the one we got, cost money so that shouldn't count against them in your whole "6 month" thing.
So, stop paying? I don't see the issue here, I just can't help but notice how much you complain in this thread about it. I'm, personally, content with what we've gotten from the game and I'm also aware that expansions, like the one we got, cost money so that shouldn't count against them in your whole "6 month" thing.

OK thanks for that helpful advice.
After leveling a Jugg to almost 39 I'm thinking of rolling a Guardian on the Republic side. I'll continue with my Sage but I'm really loving the role of tanking a lot more than I anticipated. Until now I've been strictly a DPS-minded player.


After leveling a Jugg to almost 39 I'm thinking of rolling a Guardian on the Republic side. I'll continue with my Sage but I'm really loving the role of tanking a lot more than I anticipated. Until now I've been strictly a DPS-minded player.

Do you have a sent or mara? I love tanking too but it would be a travesty if you haven't experienced their brand of DPS.
Do you have a sent or mara? I love tanking too but it would be a travesty if you haven't experienced their brand of DPS.

Yeah I have a Lv50 Sent but on he's on The Shadowlands. Originally was my main but haven't played him in months. Hoping to bring him to Jedi Covenant whenever server transfers are available.

Also have a mara but he's only around Lv28 or so.


Anytime :)

Seriously though, drop to preferred, then you won't have anything to complain about and you won't be missing much, right?

Dude, Battlemonkey has been one of the most positive backers of this game. Like it or not his complaints are valid, and it was all about improving the game.

And I think they butchered how they handled this mini xp the end game is beyond pathetic now, and it's not 1999 anymore or 2007. They ran into this problem when the base game launched (they didn't expect people to hit 50 so fast), it's kinda stupid that they ran into that same exact problem again.


The 2.2 patch notes are underwhelming again for PvPers.

  • 15% speed increase for my Vigi Gaurdian
  • Increased XP (yay more alts...)
  • And some changes to PvP that make sense for the most part, but the resetting of stun breaks on death is going to break Huttball even further for classes that are already OP in that map mode to begin with.

Aside from that? Nothing. Again.

PvP players! I’d love to be able to tell you more about what’s coming in 2.4 and we’ll have more details to share as we get closer. To be clear on the scope of what I was hinting at, we are not going to get closer and just say ‘huzzah, a new Warzone!’ We are working very hard on larger PvP features that everyone will enjoy but are especially targeted at our more hardcore PvP community.

Ok, well... that's almost nothing at all. Been waiting for them to make PvP deep and compelling since launch.

Here is what has been achieved:

  • Delayed as fuck Ranked Warzones.
  • Two new Warzones. The last of which was introduced last year.
  • And they turned Ilum into a daily hub.

I know things are subject to change, and they are afraid of not meeting goals, but they should be more afraid of losing players that rightfully do not want to wait EIGHT MONTHS FOR PVP CONTENT and if they are going to ask for that then they better do everything to make the wait worth their while.

When making a road map, how do they not have the foresight to please their playerbase beyond PvE players?

I will just say… apart from minor tweaks (like stunbreak abilities cooldown being reset on death in 2.2) you should look forward to Game Update 2.4. /rubshands

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