I got a bunch of Operatives mad at me tonight. :lol
They got through the first set of doors on Voidstar, and since they were either free cast healing or just tearing my team a new one. I started force pulling them to the edge and force pushing out. Eventually a Sage on my team caught on and started force pushing them for me so that there wasn't a delay to give them a chance to roll away. Needless to say a tank and a healer did what 6 DPS couldn't. Kill the Ops.
We still lost, couldn't get past the first set of doors, even though I almost stealth capped in the beginning, but no one CCed the Sorc for me. Was worth it though.
I didn't know you were on that night. I was on imp side playing with a friend, we could've came back to the pubs to join you.
I've noticed the influx of operatives/scoundrels is hit and miss. At night, they seem to be everywhere. At least one or two on each side per game it feels like. In the day time, I don't see them quite as often after the first couple days. It is ridiculous fun, though.
I still have no clue for a sustained damage rotation but I do put out pretty good numbers. It seems like there's always this awkward gap every so often where you have no Blaster Whip, Back Blast, Sabotage Charge, or Sucker Punch due to the cooldowns (and exhausted Upper Hand charges). I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do there and I feel it costs me a decent sliver of DPS. Should I just spam my regular shot?