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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away


Man, Harbinger is just fucking dying today. Mail wasn't working, then I tried to travel to my stronghold and that just kind of froze everything. I was still able to move around and shit, but everyone around me stopped. Ended up just logging out.

EDIT: Apparently people are unable to connect to the server.


Harbinger has always had the reputation of the crashing and/or having issues. Not sure what it is with that one server. I rarely see anything from the others. If it did roll back your progress, that is pretty shitty.

In conquest news I managed to win a planet last week with my imp guild. Pub guild (where I'm mainly at) finished second. One out of two ain't bad, I guess. This week the top three guilds on the server (each has won a planet per week so far) are winning again.
Hey folks,

I know that some of you experienced a "rollback" after the downtime we experienced early this morning. I wanted to let you know it is possible you may see a small rollback after the downtime we are currently having. In fact, this is the exact reason the Harbinger came down. We worked to bring down the server immediately, which is why there was unfortunately no in-game messaging. If we had left it up we would have created an environment where rollbacks could have been even more severe and that is definitely not something we want you to experience.

Later today you will see a post from Tait announcing that we are going to be having a maintenance tomorrow morning. This maintenance will be in part to address server stability issues such as these. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. We are working to address the issue and to bring the Harbinger up as fast as we can. Thank you for your patience.

As a note, if you are on any other server, you will not be affected by this issue.


More downtime coming. Yay!
At recent Cantina Q&A they did acknowledge the issue of smaller guilds competing in conquests and they are looking at doing something, but right now that it's kinda experimental testing phase of the whole thing
West coast servers are back up. Doesn't seem like I lost anything.

Yeah, I was surprised that the things I ordered from the GTN while the mail was acting weird actually got to me.

I'm still a little leery of putting in too much time on any characters right now, though. Maybe after they do their maintenance tomorrow I'll put in some serious time, but for now I'm just going to do a FP or two. I got a Bounty Hunter that's on her way to finishing her story, but I'm on Corelia, and it's sort of taking it's toll on my patience. I really don't want to spend more time there than I have to, if there is a rollback again.
I'm pretty much entirely geared to power and willpower. Not sure why my endurance is so high, considering I've been mixing and matching pieces from different sets, solely to get those stats high (using healer, force lord, and stalker gear).

I use a shield just because nine times out of ten, whenever I get into tactical flashpoints I have to tank because there's always a DPS jugg that doesn't fucking feel like it. It's not optimal, but it works surprisingly well since I don't respec.

Should I be gearing for higher critical rating? It's certainly not too late to, since I've got plenty of things to upgrade, but this seems to be working really well for me.

EDIT: Oh boy, looks like the server crashed.

EDIT 2: Back up. Lost about an hour of work. What the fuck, is this game from 15 years ago or something?

I imagine you are deception spec, a couple of good guides about stat priority.


Haha, I know that feeling about ending up tanking tactical FP's.

Here's the toon I'm currently playing the most:


I think my gear level is very similar to yours, full 168, one 180 piece but only one set piece so far. Fully augmented to fine tune secondaries, happy with crit and surge, still need to hit 100% accuracy.

West coast servers are back up. Doesn't seem like I lost anything.

Looks like I went to bed at the right time, I finally got the Hammer Station Deco and didn't lose it in the rollback.
Doing a little research, it seems like my stats aren't too far from ideal. Need to get my accuracy up a bit, and maybe as I augment more stuff go for resolve augments instead of overkill to get crit up. Otherwise, I'm in the ballpark of where I should be. I just have a hard time justifying doing the resolve augments, since I have a character that can make the overkill ones.

The thought occurred to me that my endurance is so high because all the light armor gear has higher endurance than willpower. Even the force lord and healer gear.

Though, I overestimated how much 168 gear I had. I thought it was mostly 168, but I only have two pieces of that, plus a 180. I think my other 168 gear must have been my tank gear.

EDIT: Those guides are kind of interesting to me. They say Maul should be a pretty low priority attack for Deception build, but it's the one I deal high damage the most consistently with. Maybe I need to start using Voltaic Slash more.
Man, I just can't find a guild.

Asked around on the fleet, but the only people to reply to me were just asshole little kids giving joke answers. Anyone here know a good guild on Harbinger Imp side that doesn't allow little kids into their guild?


Man, I just can't find a guild.

Asked around on the fleet, but the only people to reply to me were just asshole little kids giving joke answers. Anyone here know a good guild on Harbinger Imp side that doesn't allow little kids into their guild?

Have you tried looking into the swtor forums? I think they have a server guild recruiting subforum. Or at the very least the server forum would probably be helpful.
Aw snap, didn't even think of that. I'll check it out.

It's gotta be better than asking on the Fleet. Was talking to some dude, asking him questions, when suddenly he just springs on me "lol, just joking. I was trying to set up a joke."

Not sure why some fucking people think it's so funny to give bullshit answers.
Is it Tuesday yet? I've hit my rep cap on two planets, and hit my elite comm cap. I've also done all the planet weeklies, plus the HM FP and TFP weeklies.

I even got my bounty hunter to 55, then hit up the same weeklies on her (except the HM FP one. Too undergeared for HM yet.).

It's kind of funny playing TFPs on my bounty hunter, because I'll be drastically undergeared compared to everyone else, yet still totally destroy. (Most of my gear is 140 or lower on her).

I need it all to reset, because I'm getting close to being able to buy a 180 chest piece for my assassin!

Also: Got the Manaan mount. This was a really busy week for me!

EDIT: Did an 8m Dread Palace run with my guild. We did really good, though we didn't beat it. We could have if we weren't running long, but too many people had to get to sleep.

For the first 4 bosses, we only wiped twice. I think on the council we wiped 4 times before we had to go. But we got the strategy down, so I'm eager to beat it later. I'm pretty proud of myself since I wasn't the cause of any wipes. lol

We actually had like 3 or 4 people who never did it before, so the guy who was leading us was super impressed we were doing so well.


Yep, new flashpoint, some balance changes for PVP (my sorc and sage heals are ready!) and most importantly...new decorations in packs. In particular, a badass sandcrawler centerpiece.

I'm also very curious how next week's conquests will go since it is (presumably) the PVP event. I wonder if that will shake up the leaderboards any.


So I finally decided to take the plunge and try this game. Seeing as I want the full experience of the game I also paid for one month of play time.

Man I am having fun. At first I was so conflicted on what faction to play because naturally I love The Sith, but my knowledge of playing previous MMOs and WoW for many years made it known to me that the "cooler looking" side gets more populated and the servers become very unbalanced so I was debating on being in the Republic, but alas my heart was not in it for the first run of the game. I do plan on playing each of the classes on both sides to completion if I continue in the game and then it will just come down to if I find a guild that is awesome and on the Republic side, I will stay there or vice versa.

But that is all possibles in an unsure future.

So far I am on a Sith Warrior and the story is great, I finally did a group quest with some randoms because I could not solo it, which was a fun dynamic, but I missed this Universe(KOTOR is one of my all time faves as a series) so all in all, well done Bioware.

Quick few questions,

When I was int he group one of the players ran off after it was done and beelined it to the quest giver. I was prompted to join his conversation and quickly hit No and left the group in fear of his choices affecting my outcome or my own decisions in the conversation.

How does this work exactly?

Also I tried some Starfighter and I was happy I did some damage, but I am utterly horrible.

Any tips?

And any other tips for a newcomer in general?

I have lurked this OT for a long time and I enjoy what I see, now I can finally see what the game is all about.

I must be off back to work now though, until next time GAF.


When I was int he group one of the players ran off after it was done and beelined it to the quest giver. I was prompted to join his conversation and quickly hit No and left the group in fear of his choices affecting my outcome or my own decisions in the conversation.

How does this work exactly?

yes, his decisions count. however, you get dark side and light side points based on YOUR decision. it doesnt matter who wins.
and there arent any consequences to those choices anyway, so it doesnt really matter.

except in class quests and they work differently, they are always instanced and others dont get to influence your decisions.


I'm pretty new to the game as well and finally digging into this game after trying a few times previous but things got in the way and I'm loving it. Now I'm just trying to find a good guide for a Jedi Knight Guardian DPS build for PvE. Anyone know where to find the best guides? Thanks
Quick few questions,

When I was int he group one of the players ran off after it was done and beelined it to the quest giver. I was prompted to join his conversation and quickly hit No and left the group in fear of his choices affecting my outcome or my own decisions in the conversation.

You might as well join the dialogue and you likely missed quest rewards for not doing so perhaps as they are often tied to completing that step. You can choose to not participate in the dialogue and wait for the other players to do it, but you will still get rewarded after it's all done, no need to leave the group or such.

Group quest dialogue doesn't affect anyone, there is some choices in some dialogues to make but they are not tied into players individual class storylines, they are kinda like side stories. Any choice you make doesn't affect the other players when it comes to light side or dark side. A dice is essentially rolled to determine who gets to choose/talk and that happens, other players who made a choice still get the light side/dark side points for their choice and are not affected by what the speaker does. Since who gets to speak at each prompt is random, the game basically tosses you a bonus in points for getting lucky on your roll.

So dont be afraid to jump into the group conversations.
When playing a pub character it's WAY too much fun to roll dark side options when everyone else rolls light side. Just cracks me up to see everyone go "AAAAH MAN" when you blow NPCs out the airlock on the first flashpoint.


Bull on a Donut
How often does bioware do double xp weekends? I only ever feel like playing this game to complete my remaining class stories during double xp :p.
Anytime they've done it while I've played, it's been around big content additions. They had a couple free weekends around the announcement of Strongholds, then they had one for the "May the forth be with you" deal. If they have a new expansion in the works, I imagine another double XP weekend isn't too far off.
I'm pretty new to the game as well and finally digging into this game after trying a few times previous but things got in the way and I'm loving it. Now I'm just trying to find a good guide for a Jedi Knight Guardian DPS build for PvE. Anyone know where to find the best guides? Thanks
Dulfy is the place to go to for class guides.

Here is the Guardian PvE DPS guide for instance:

Lots of good information there. Vigilance is the build you want to go with. It's pretty fun.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I'm pumped not just for the new flashpoint tomorrow but because it also means we should be getting info on the next expansion pretty soon.
Beat the council on Dread Palace. One-shot'ed them. We didn't even come close to wiping, the healers were that good.

Used my ultimate comms and bought this little guy:

Also got an Arkanian mainhand weapon, which I put some of the mods onto my CZ weapon since some of the stats were better.

Totally realized that I was playing my assassin like a damned noob by not using low slash or voltaic slash. Made a HUGE difference this time. Duplicity all the damned time.
Does the Rakata Prime FP set up the expansion it seems, or does it have a pretty definitive ending? No spoilers if possible!

Don't know if I'll get to try it, got Destiny to play tonight
Just got through the Rakata Prime flashpoint. Pretty easy to complete. I am excited though.

First time I did it it was really easy because it was 4 DPSs. Second time I did it, it was a pain because it was 2 heals and a sniper, so our damage output was low because I couldn't get backstabs. Still, pretty neat, and the area is really pretty.


yes, his decisions count. however, you get dark side and light side points based on YOUR decision. it doesnt matter who wins.
and there arent any consequences to those choices anyway, so it doesnt really matter.

except in class quests and they work differently, they are always instanced and others dont get to influence your decisions.

You might as well join the dialogue and you likely missed quest rewards for not doing so perhaps as they are often tied to completing that step. You can choose to not participate in the dialogue and wait for the other players to do it, but you will still get rewarded after it's all done, no need to leave the group or such.

Group quest dialogue doesn't affect anyone, there is some choices in some dialogues to make but they are not tied into players individual class storylines, they are kinda like side stories. Any choice you make doesn't affect the other players when it comes to light side or dark side. A dice is essentially rolled to determine who gets to choose/talk and that happens, other players who made a choice still get the light side/dark side points for their choice and are not affected by what the speaker does. Since who gets to speak at each prompt is random, the game basically tosses you a bonus in points for getting lucky on your roll.

So dont be afraid to jump into the group conversations.

Thank you both.

Did some PvP last night and I had a blast. I got yelled at by some people for not having my advanced spec selected yet, I actually didn't know how until I progressed that far in the story. Going Juggernaut as I always enjoyed Tanking as my main class and had subsequent DPS classes and healer afterwards.

I was actually taken aback by the Legacy system. If I am to understand it correctly it carries over to every additional character of mine on that server regardless of Faction? That is pretty sweet.

Although I have to force myself to limit my play time after last night. I was having so much fun I lost track of time and I should have put another hour into studying for my test on Wednesday.

Higher Education and having children(child for me) always ruins the fun, the bastards. :p


I really hope the expansion will get as interesting as it looks like now.

I always expected
revan to bring the end to SWTOR and the war between the sith empire and the republic by uniting them both.
I mean look at the symbols. in the movies the old republic and palpatines sith empire have the same symbol. first its good, then its bad.

in SWTOR, its the symbol of the sith empire.
now I completely understand this was done because they just wanted to use the symbols of the classic trilogy. still something needs to happen, the sith empire needs to disappear, but how? will the republic simply win? why would they use the sith symbol then? this always led me to believe that revan, as someone who has been on both the dark and the light side of the force will bring SWTORs war to a conclision by uniting them, instead of destroying one of them. this would also make him the most powerful mofo ever in star wars lore. but of course thats just wishful thinking, I doubt they will do that now already, and it would be lame to let him survive again, so I guess he will definitely die in the expansion.
there is also still vitate somewhere around.
I really hope the expansion will get as interesting as it looks like now.

I always expected
revan to bring the end to SWTOR and the war between the sith empire and the republic by uniting them both.
I mean look at the symbols. in the movies the old republic and palpatines sith empire have the same symbol. first its good, then its bad.

in SWTOR, its the symbol of the sith empire.
now I completely understand this was done because they just wanted to use the symbols of the classic trilogy. still something needs to happen, the sith empire needs to disappear, but how? will the republic simply win? why would they use the sith symbol then? this always led me to believe that revan, as someone who has been on both the dark and the light side of the force will bring SWTORs war to a conclision by uniting them, instead of destroying one of them. this would also make him the most powerful mofo ever in star wars lore. but of course thats just wishful thinking, I doubt they will do that now already, and it would be lame to let him survive again, so I guess he will definitely die in the expansion.
there is also still vitate somewhere around.

well depends where the new story goes but not sure they are going to end it. Though to me it also seems they are set up to bring back the emperor once again for a final where both sides have to come together, as the emperor was out for himself and was to destroy all with the empire or republic.


I got bored one day and randomly started playing this...

This is easy my favorite of the sandbox RPGs. Combat always felt super nice compared to something like Guild Wars 2 (which feels super floaty and with little to no feedback). Gonna to sub for a few months.

Any GAF players on Harbinger Empire side?


Any GAF players on Harbinger Empire side?
Yep! Though I haven't been playing much lately with classes starting up again. Gonna get back into it pretty soon, I played the Rakata Prime flashpoint tonight and it has me really excited for the full expansion.
Yep! Though I haven't been playing much lately with classes starting up again. Gonna get back into it pretty soon, I played the Rakata Prime flashpoint tonight and it has me really excited for the full expansion.

It's beautiful, an amazing amount of work must have gone into it. I was a bit disappointed in the mechanics of the boss fights i.e. not really any at all! Compared to Manaan, it felt a bit basic.

I got bored one day and randomly started playing this...

This is easy my favorite of the sandbox RPGs. Combat always felt super nice compared to something like Guild Wars 2 (which feels super floaty and with little to no feedback). Besided to sub for a few months.

Any GAF players on Harbinger Empire side?



It's beautiful, an amazing amount of work must have gone into it. I was a bit disappointed in the mechanics of the boss fights i.e. not really any at all! Compared to Manaan, it felt a bit basic!
Yeah agreed, but what has me really excited is finding out where the story is going.
I still find it odd that Manaan is an actual planet you fly to, but not Rakata. Really makes me think they are going to do something more with Manaan. I'm kind of hoping they'll put more quests there, plus strongholds, but I'm thinking it might be just strongholds.


Did the high res character models ever return? I remember it was a pretty big controversy before I stopped playing.

I can say the game definitely runs a lot better. I used mostly the same PC and the game runs a lot cooler, better performance and looks a bit better all around. Can't really tell if it's still using the same models as the in-game cinematic though.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Did the high res character models ever return? I remember it was a pretty big controversy before I stopped playing.

I can say the game definitely runs a lot better. I used mostly the same PC and the game runs a lot cooler, better performance and looks a bit better all around. Can't really tell if it's still using the same models as the in-game cinematic though.

It was high res textures that was the issue and yes, they got re-added relatively early on. They've done a couple of other graphics upgrade tweaks since then as well. Higher res shadows and colour grading enhancements.
The Rakata Prime FP is just gorgeous to look at and felt well made overall. Yup it lacks in difficulty but hoping it gets reused in the expansion.

I still find it odd that Manaan is an actual planet you fly to, but not Rakata. Really makes me think they are going to do something more with Manaan. I'm kind of hoping they'll put more quests there, plus strongholds, but I'm thinking it might be just strongholds.

I'm sure it's going to be part of the expansion in some form. Theres several hub like areas for no reason and there also corridors that go to areas that are blocked off also. I imagine these areas will be added or become instance entrances at some point.
Rakata Prime Flashpoint was fantastic. Really enjoyed the ending, even though i already knew what was going to happen that cutscene was fantastic.

Minimum expectations for new expansion:

- Level cap increase (5)
- New abilities
- New planet
- New operation
- New flashpoint (and some reused - tac flashpoints given HM variant)

Wishes for new expansion:

- 2+ New Planets (Give me Manaan as a daily/story planet... come on you build all that just to talk to theron? please...)
- Level Cap Increase of 10
Revan, Emperor and Scourge in same room. Do it.
- 6 companions on crew skills
- We already know Vette and Aric Jorgan are back. Give me Risha :p
- Class stories for even one planet (VERY unlikely but still... next expansion maybe)
- Bring back Theron, Lana, Jakarro.
finale of expansion, get revan to take off his mask to reveal that kephess is actually revan and that he becomes main ops boss in new ops story arc.


I should try it out before my sub lapses. By the way, anyone try Destiny? I'm personally disappointed. I tried the beta and the PvE missions were really letting me down, but I was hoping that the content would get better as soon as you left Earth.
It didn't.
I should try it out before my sub lapses. By the way, anyone try Destiny? I'm personally disappointed. I tried the beta and the PvE missions were really letting me down, but I was hoping that the content would get better as soon as you left Earth.
It didn't.
I played some Destiny last night. I don't have a clue what's going on with the story and the patrol missions are really boring.


I should try it out before my sub lapses. By the way, anyone try Destiny? I'm personally disappointed. I tried the beta and the PvE missions were really letting me down, but I was hoping that the content would get better as soon as you left Earth.
It didn't.

Overall it's disappointing game but I'm having some fun playing coop with a friend. Playing it solo I would imagine would be a bore.


The Jedi Knight class is really fun to play as, and I'm warming up to the overall tale. Pure light-side Jedi sucks though, I'm having a blast with him being morally grey (he has to be flirty as hell, screw no emotions!).
The Jedi Knight class is really fun to play as, and I'm warming up to the overall tale. Pure light-side Jedi sucks though, I'm having a blast with him being morally grey (he has to be flirty as hell, screw no emotions!).

Pure lightside jedi and consular are the most boring you can play the game as, it's essentially you being super goody good boring Jedi you see in the prequels. So yea mixing it up is good.

Rakata Prime Flashpoint was fantastic. Really enjoyed the ending, even though i already knew what was going to happen that cutscene was fantastic.

Minimum expectations for new expansion:

- Level cap increase (5)
- New abilities
- New planet
- New operation
- New flashpoint (and some reused - tac flashpoints given HM variant)

Wishes for new expansion:

- 2+ New Planets (Give me Manaan as a daily/story planet... come on you build all that just to talk to theron? please...)
- Level Cap Increase of 10
Revan, Emperor and Scourge in same room. Do it.
- 6 companions on crew skills
- We already know Vette and Aric Jorgan are back. Give me Risha :p
- Class stories for even one planet (VERY unlikely but still... next expansion maybe)
- Bring back Theron, Lana, Jakarro.
finale of expansion, get revan to take off his mask to reveal that kephess is actually revan and that he becomes main ops boss in new ops story arc.

I imagine it's going to be a copy of the Hutt Cartel style of setup, new planet, 5 levels, all the tacticals turned into HM's, possibly new ops launching around same time.

I just hope any major story stuff is not tied into raids, like them keeping it single player and FP content so it's accessible to all. I still kinda meh that I missed part of the Dread master story stuff since I could never get into raids for the last few ops.
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