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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away

Not Spaceghost

And you get a major spec ability at 10 now, which is nice. Not having to wait till 20 (or even 40) for shit like tracer missile and plasma brand is a good thing.

Oh my god thank fucking god, the worst thing about playing SWTOR while leveling is not having the CORE ABILITY TO YOUR CLASS UNTIL LEVEL 42.

It made leveling some classes like shadow totally weird.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I actually love the strongholds, but I only started using them with the expansion, I was just too tired of the old content.
I just wish they would involve it more in the game. what about reputation or experience bonus that comes with prestige? right now it only influences conquests, which is a great idea, too, but very poorly implenented. it needs more and much better rewards. something people care about.
similiar with starfighter. I played it every day in the last two weeks because I wanted the scout decoration, its incredible fun. but again, very poorly involved in the game, its basically completely separated. I was actually surprised people still played it.

stronghols and conquest are a great way to motivate content, but honestly the game needs more content and better balanced rewards. I am really upset that the best and fastest way to get the top tier gear at the moment is to do the easy mode of old operations over and over again. it's not like thats exactly what we were already tired of before the expansion.

Yeah, fair points. I'm not sure how they could integrate different systems without making people feel like they're forced to do them to complete some other objective. I guess it's good to give people variety of diverse activities though. Personally I'm hoping they add card games so I have a reason to invite people into my Stronghold to hang out.

Oh my god thank fucking god, the worst thing about playing SWTOR while leveling is not having the CORE ABILITY TO YOUR CLASS UNTIL LEVEL 42.

It made leveling some classes like shadow totally weird.

That's why they removed the old skill trees, with the level cap raise they would have had to move those skills even higher to prevent overpowered hybrids. Removing hybrids altogether meant they could give your signature skills early on.


I need this in my life.


The Verge


meh this server is just the same try hard premades stomping on pugs. Game has quickly lost any grip it had. Wish Bioware would just throw us a bone and at least give us a hint on what's in store, dont get why they have to keep it such a secret.

I realize I say this a lot, but sub cancelled. Done with this, it's not fun anymore. Company is completely inept. I should stop rewarding them with money.


Spent $20 worth of CC, plus some I had saved up.

My spoils:

Plus all the usual: jawa junk, certificates, rep tokens and companion gifts. Gonna make bankkkkkk.


Do new packs actually sell well right away?

E: Also, I did not notice you until that Warzone. I am basically not in the game while in queue. Why don't I get invites into your super cool dudes premades? :(

E2: Avatar qoute. Senpai pls.


I am so bad at this game right now. Always in the middle of the table. I am also always on objectives, but I mean, even on my Sorc I am mid level.

Feels bad, man.


Do people not use Ranked Solo queue?

Have to watch /2 or /cjoin imppvp. Near the end of the season, it popped almost every day. One of my guildies would get it going around 12pm cst or so. Just have to ask and people will usually get hype for it. No reason to do it right now other than comms.


Have to watch /2 or /cjoin imppvp. Near the end of the season, it popped almost every day. One of my guildies would get it going around 12pm cst or so. Just have to ask and people will usually get hype for it. No reason to do it right now other than comms.

Too bad someone is always doing pre-mades without me.



he's too good for us breh

Some guy was running his Savanna Vorantikus into whatever character I was playing at the time while I was doing something on my other monitor. When I noticed it, I told the guy:

"No one cares about your mount, go die alone" or something to that affect.

I later realized in a WZ that it was a Yooni alt.


Now I am dead to him.
I've been away from the game for over a month, and I see they added companion gear sets to one of the weeklies. Really fucking cool, IMO. Not that it looks cool, but it's nice to gear up companions of characters I didn't really have the chance to gear up before.

I kind of regret getting a full set of 186 gear for Xalek now, though.

I also noticed they fixed some of the companion weapons, namely the vibroswords and offhand saber. That took too fucking long.

Anyway, now to put some time on my Sent. To be honest, I feel kind of guilty playing her. She looks too young to be so slutty looking.


Not that I'm going to change it.

I'm actually thinking of using my double-white dye on her, then giving her some white saber crystals. That'll make her look more pure, r-right?


Too bad someone is always doing pre-mades without me.

he's too good for us breh

Some guy was running his Savanna Vorantikus into whatever character I was playing at the time while I was doing something on my other monitor. When I noticed it, I told the guy:

"No one cares about your mount, go die alone" or something to that affect.

I later realized in a WZ that it was a Yooni alt.


Now I am dead to him.



Well, my sub is officially out. If they ever decide to pull their heads out their ass I might consider giving them my money again.


Too bad someone is always doing pre-mades without me.

he's too good for us breh

This breh don't know no loyalty, fellas. He left me to rot a few times too and that's after I was the one who convinced him to come back. /tears

You know you can't compete with Ody.

Well, my sub is officially out. If they ever decide to pull their heads out their ass I might consider giving them my money again.

I know that feel. But it wasn't about them, it's more just the PVP rigmarole and mostly time to do something else.


This breh don't know no loyalty, fellas. He left me to rot a few times too and that's after I was the one who convinced him to come back. /tears

You know you can't compete with Ody.

I know that feel. But it wasn't about them, it's more just the PVP rigmarole and mostly time to do something else.



Looks like Powertech and Assasin tanks can still run around with their thumbs up their asses and easily outdamage and out protection Juggs in pvp.


Looks like Powertech and Assasin tanks can still run around with their thumbs up their asses and easily outdamage and out protection Juggs in pvp.

AP PTs and Hatred Sins are completely dumb right now, but their other dps specs are lacking. Juggs are no joke, so I don't see why what you're complaining about. You can literally live forever.


You know you do, bae. You miss those early morning groups and someone else who watches the Predators. Just a little.

I do... I have made plenty of friends, so groups aren't an issue anymore. Still, sucks. You always come and go, so it wasn't surprisingly in the least. Shin and Zabuza came back, along with Evo (who is a frequent of the SWTOR forums). Let me tell you how fun it is Op healing against 3 hatred sins. Sins and PTs to a lesser extent are running rampant right now. Reminds me of the Smashmonkey/Stunbub for everyone days. At least Bioware is making class changes already, although for PvE (not surprising). Right now they have announced that tank Sins/Shadows and tank Jugs/Guards are getting changed in a ~month, and a little after that they are gonna make changes to Maras/Sents, which desperately need some survivability. Sins/Shadows and PTs/VGs need to be nerfed pretty hard, and hopefully soon.

Definitely have taken a big liking to the Op though. I don't think you'd enjoy it after the "somewhat" nerf it got in 3.0.


Snipers/Slingers are so bad right now.

Yes, they definitely need some survivability. Why they removed the Evasion/Dodge purge, I have no idea. Some people like the changes, but most don't. If they brought that back and allowed them to roll while impaired, they'd be in a great spot. Of course, they would have to lose some of their burst. MM/SS is in a great spot, but the rest of the specs are lacking. Engi/Sabo especially.


AP PTs and Hatred Sins are completely dumb right now, but their other dps specs are lacking. Juggs are no joke, so I don't see why what you're complaining about. You can literally live forever.

Sorc damage is pretty damn wicked right now as well. I will reserve further judgement of my ol' Guardian until I'm fully min/maxed. Those three classes just eat right through me right now if I don't have pocket healz.


Basically just pulled a miracle out of my ass.

Arena match, mid bracket PVP. My team was a level 31 Sage Healer, level 32 Mando Healer, level 31 Mando DPS.

Imp team was 2x level 55 Jugg tanks, 1 level 55 op healer, and 1 level 51 op healer.

First round I ended with 400k+ dps. My whole team died at the last second, the only reason I won was because I rooted them outside when timer ran out and I force walked over to middle. Second round we spent more than half the match waiting each other out. We had no business winning this match.


Trolling your boys, Yooni. Why are they serious about this game? Ayyy lmao.

Who? And what were you doing?

Sorc damage is pretty damn wicked right now as well. I will reserve further judgement of my ol' Guardian until I'm fully min/maxed. Those three classes just eat right through me right now if I don't have pocket healz.

I find sorcs less of an issue now. Yeah, they have a lot of utility and good damage, but they're easily shut down. Force storm really needs a cd or damage nerf.


Who? And what were you doing?
I don't remember the names, but they are in that SIN UR IN guild, which I think you were in?

I was talking shit to some dude for rolling FOTM Madness instead of Deception and then like three dudes rose to his defense. They had this PT PM'ing me "I happen to know those guys, and they have been playing since launch! You'll get rekt." The one Sin was like "I'll respec and duel you right now, LET'S GO TO DK." He was really adamant that we go to DK and settle the score once and for all. He kept PM'ing me to go to DK over and over.

I was dying.

I tried to convince them to meet @ Hoth for this Epeen duel they wanted so bad but they didn't fall for it.


I find sorcs less of an issue now. Yeah, they have a lot of utility and good damage, but they're easily shut down. Force storm really needs a cd or damage nerf.

Yeah, I feel the same way, but a Skillstorm nerf is unnecessary. People need to either utilize their AoE mitigation talents, just not dance in it, or shut the sorcs down, as you said. One Jugg or Sin can achieve that nearly instantly.


I don't remember the names, but they are in that SIN UR IN guild, which I think you were in?

I was talking shit to some dude for rolling FOTM Madness instead of Deception and then like three dudes rose to his defense. They had this PT PM'ing me "I happen to know those guys, and they have been playing since launch! You'll get rekt." The one Sin was like "I'll respec and duel you right now, LET'S GO TO DK." He was really adamant that we go to DK and settle the score once and for all. He kept PM'ing me to go to DK over and over.

Xinika, Nobu or Evo? I was in it for a few hours, but it was a joke. They have been around forever, I just occasionally group with them. They are good, but they're also playing FOTM spec, so not like it matters. Deception is a poor man's Concealment atm.


Xinika, Nobu or Evo? I was in it for a few hours, but it was a joke. They have been around forever, I just occasionally group with them. They are good, but they're also playing FOTM spec, so not like it matters. Deception is a poor man's Concealment atm.

Those two, I think.

Fuck your ConOP btw.



Those two, I think.

Fuck your ConOP btw.


Ops are annoying as shit. They resist fucking everything.

But yeah Infiltration is by far still my favorite spec, but Balance is so much better that there's no reason to even keep doing Infil.


I do... I have made plenty of friends, so groups aren't an issue anymore. Still, sucks.

Definitely have taken a big liking to the Op though. I don't think you'd enjoy it after the "somewhat" nerf it got in 3.0.

I knew it! And yeah who knows. I didn't even try it out so I can't say. I thought the early claim was sorc healers were OP, what happened to that?
Thinking of giving this a go again from the beta/lvl15 trial days, do you get anything decent by buying a cheap copy of the box? I've never had anything attached to my account.


teehee got someone super angry at me. So this Sage in full 198 purple gear is in an arena match with me and he says, "They're going to kill me first." I respond, "Yeah, good teams usually will target those in full PvE gear." Somehow this sets him off about me being Elitist and how he is just fine because he is bolstered. I checked his gear he only had 981 Expertise, with bolster. So I just chuckle to myself. Unsurprisingly we lose the first round. He then gets even more angry for whatever reason, so I tell him if he really wants to PvP with PVE gear to at least get green 162s since they bolster the best and that way he won't get globaled. Well that sent him over the edge constantly calling me elitists. :lol

Needless to say we lost that arena match, and then queue pop and boy oh boy arena match with the same guy.

Except the Imp team all four had PVE gear. First round over, I had over 100k deeps, and 1 solo kill, while he got globaled of course. He then proceeds to tell me this:

"see jay, dont talk shit and we win"



I hate reps sometimes
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