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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away


Can anyone explain why all these MMO's refuse to tie toon names back to login accounts, which IMO would resolve this whole "unique to the server" naming issue? Why are we still dealing with this problem in 2012?

I'm still quite new to the game (only 50ish hours) but the possibility of having to change toon names is a bit off-putting.


I'm not sure how the consolidation is going to work. It seems like they're copying everybody from all those servers into a brand new server that has the name of a previous server. So even Jedi Covenant people will get transferred into the new Jedi Covenant Server.

Seriously though, losing names like this is going to piss off a ton of people again.


Saw this on Darth Hater:


Ewen Vowels said:
The new system provides full dynamic shadows. Simply stated, all characters, trees, and moving objects cast shadows onto the game world in Game Update 1.4. The previous system only generated dynamic shadows for characters. Moving through heavily treed planets such as Tython, the player will now see the subtle moving shadows cast by the leaves and trees.

The new system supports realistic self-shadowing. As the player runs around in the game world, they will see their arms, Lightsabers, or blasters casting shadows onto themselves. Droids and gun turrets also cast realistic shadows as they animate in the game world.

The new system has been also upgraded to generate softer-edged shadows. The shadows (particularly those around the player) will be far less blocky and pixelated than in the previous system.


As for names potentially being fucked over...

FAQ said:
Will I keep my name when my server is consolidated?

We are aware of how important character names are to our players and so we have taken a number of factors into consideration where naming conflicts occur as a result of consolidations. If it has been determined that your character needs to change their name you will see an exclamation point beside their name on the Character Select screen. When you log in with a character that has been identified as needing to be renamed you will be prompted to rename the appropriate character.

Go on....


We knew servers were merging (again) into higher capacity servers months ago, but fuck, That's your response?

Edit: That has been bugging me all day while at work. "new" = Knew!


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
At least we don't have reform our guilds again.
Elite Empire on JC needs a healer full time for one of their groups. I can't remember their raid times, exactly. Been sporadic lately since we've been farming HM EC for the past few months. HBroward would know more.

That is if you're geared, have done the fights, etc.

Word on the grapevine is our groups have been consolidated into 1 where 2 of the DPS rarely to never log in anymore (from what i've seen) me and Areoron healing, Boom and Cam tanking, Trev, Kaz, Doom and Atox DPS.

Im going to see how it goes over the next 2 weeks and bail if its a load of toss.

Like the extra 4 character slots tho, might make a merc healer to see how it is.


What's funny about these upcoming transfers is that I have a guy named Metzger on DPB, and a guy named Metzger on TH where apparently DPB is being sent to. I wonder which one will get to keep the name? I guess I will get my wish of getting all my characters on the same server after all, at any rate.


Didn't even know about these server merges, only just found out after trying to see what the maintenance was for today (and I still don't really know, twitter is as vague as always and the forums that the launcher tells you to go to are down for maintenance as well). Good job there BW. Now I can't even check what servers are being merged with what because the site is down too. Nice one. If I have to change my name AGAIN...
Didn't even know about these server merges, only just found out after trying to see what the maintenance was for today (and I still don't really know, twitter is as vague as always and the forums that the launcher tells you to go to are down for maintenance as well). Good job there BW. Now I can't even check what servers are being merged with what because the site is down too. Nice one. If I have to change my name AGAIN...

The Shadowlands (east coast PvE) - The Shadowlands, Corellian Run, Giradda the Hutt, Mind Trick, Elysium, Thana Vesh, Colonel Tobin, Krayt Dragon, The Razor, Tarro Blood, Anturi Reach, Firaxan Shark, Sith Meditation Sphere, ICE Breaker, Crevasse City, Darth Bandon, Shadow Hand, Sith Wyrm, Dreshdae Cantina, Grand Master Zym

Jedi Covenant (east coast PvE) - Jedi Covenant, Canderous Ordo, The Constant, Krayiss Obelisk, Kathol Rift, Whitebeam Run, Khoonda Militia, Ki-Ta Kren, Kaas City, Fort Garnik, Hanharr, Sedyn Kyne, Keetael, The Corsair, Nathema, Zez-Kai Ell, Shii-Cho, The Courageous, Assassins of Sion, Eidolon Security, Axial Park, Keller's Void, Master Dorak, Juyo, The Defenestrator, Telos Restoration Project

The Ebon Hawk (east coast RP-PvE) - The Ebon Hawk, Kath Hound, Rubat Crystal, Lord Adraas, Sanctum of the Exalted, Shien

Prophecy of the Five (east coast PvP - Prophecy of the Five, The Fatman, Firkrann Crystal, The Twin Spears, Anchorhead, Darth Malak, Bondar Crystal, Iron Citadel, Infinity Gate, Saber of Exar Kun, Naddist Rebels, Hedarr Soongh, Davik's Estate, Gardens of Talla , The Deadweight , Thendys Noori , Sword of Ajunta Pall, Terentatek, Vulkar Highway, Veela, Death Wind Corridor, Cho Mai, Port Nowhere, Kinrath Spider, Rwookrrorro , Belgoth's Beacon, Helm of Graush

Jung Ma (east coast RP-PvP) - Jung Ma, Ven Zallow, Ajunta Pall

The Harbinger (west coast PvE) - The Harbinger, Drooga's Pleasure Barge, Fa'athra, Veeboo Lunx, Master Gnost-Dural, Darth Xedrix, Gauntlet of Kressh, Zakkeg Beast, Perlemian Trade Route, Zaalbar, Empress Teta, Namadii Corridor, Kaiburr Crystal, Krath, Wall of Light, Vornskr, Soresu, Lord Praven, Master Zhar Lestin, Space Slug, Darth Sion, Hyperspace Cannon, Mask of Nihilus, The Jekk'Jekk Tarr

Begeren Colony (west coast RP-PvE) - Begeren Colony, Lord Ieldis, Vrook Lamar

The Bastion (west coast PvP) - The Bastion, The Crucible Pits, The Maw, Rakata Mind Prison, Nadd's Sarcophagus, Infinite Empire, Daragon Trail, Warriors of the Shadow, Black Vulkars, Shadowtown, The Swiftsure, Dark Reaper, Wound in the Force, Mandalore the Indomitable

T3-M4 (EU German PvE) - T3-M4, The Jedi Tower, Odacer-Faustin Academy, Lenico Gargantuan, Dreypa's Oubliette, Stereb Cities, Force Harvester, Opila Crystal, Murakami Orchid, The Cinzia, Sith Triumvirate, Handmaidens of Atris, Supreme Commander Stantorrs, Darth Andeddu, Exar Kun

The Red Eclipse (EU English PvE) - The Red Eclipse, Nightmare Lands, Dune Bantha, Goluud Corridor, Sluis Shipyards, Dxun Battle Circle, The Arkanian Legacy, Bacca's Blade, Eye of Ashlanae, Bao-Dur, Flames of the Crucible, Luka Sene, Rogue Moon, Kellian Jarro, Peragus Mining Facility, Ludo Kressh, Hydian Way, Sith'ari, Hidden Beks, Frostclaw

Mantle of the Force (EU French PvE) - Mantle of the Force, Kissai Caste, Vodo-Siosk Baas, Phateem Halls of Knowledge, Hssiss

Vanjervalis Chain (EU German RP-PvE) - Vanjervalis Chain, Zayne Carrick, Cassus Fett

The Progenitor (EU English RP-PvE) - The Progenitor, Shaltin Tunnels, Trask Ulgo

Battle Meditation (EU French RP-PvE) - Battle Meditation, Kessel Run

Jar'Kai Sword (EU German PvP) - Jar'Kai Sword, Brianna, Darth Traya, Exis Station, Gnawer's Roost, Loramarr, The Restoration Zone, Blotus the Hutt, Pius Dea, The Krath Enchanter, Darth Revan's Mask, Jen'jidai

Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU English PvP) - Tomb of Freedon Nadd, The Shadow Runner, Tott Doneeta, The Ravager, The Kumumgah, Hex Droid, Bloodworthy, Scepter of Ragnos, Ahto City, Basilisk Droid, Legions of Lettow, The Exile's Crystal, Starstorm One, Tassaa Bareesh, Ula Vii, Senator Contispex, Niman, Kai-kan, Chuundar, Trayus Academy, Uthar Wynn, Lord Calypho

Darth Nihilus (EU French PvP) - Darth Nihilus, Dol Grenn, Mecrosa Order, Atris, Princess Galia, Baron Deathmark, Hrakert Rift, Star Map, Huntmaster

(Australian servers remain unchanged.)


Word on the grapevine is our groups have been consolidated into 1 where 2 of the DPS rarely to never log in anymore (from what i've seen) me and Areoron healing, Boom and Cam tanking, Trev, Kaz, Doom and Atox DPS.

Im going to see how it goes over the next 2 weeks and bail if its a load of toss.

Like the extra 4 character slots tho, might make a merc healer to see how it is.

Because Doom, Atox, Cam and Areo log in on a regular basis? LOL. GG.
So did anyone test the new high servers? Along with the population increases did they increase instance caps for zones?

I logged into it and there was like 10 people on fleet... to be fair why would anyone really bother logging in to use it for more than 5 seconds unless there was some kind of reward for doing it / Bioware asked people to log in to the server at a similar time to stress test it?
This whole server merger has me super worried. I have a whole theme of names on Drooga's and changing just some.... well... I'm not too happy thinking about it.
This whole server merger has me super worried. I have a whole theme of names on Drooga's and changing just some.... well... I'm not too happy thinking about it.

Yea I lost nearly all my names when we were moved to Jedi Covenant, it does really suck, wish they had done it by a time spent on character to work out who deserved to keep the name when people were pretty much forcibly moved (unless you wanted to stay on a dead server)


Yea I lost nearly all my names when we were moved to Jedi Covenant, it does really suck, wish they had done it by a time spent on character to work out who deserved to keep the name when people were pretty much forcibly moved (unless you wanted to stay on a dead server)

I logged into it and there was like 10 people on fleet... to be fair why would anyone really bother logging in to use it for more than 5 seconds unless there was some kind of reward for doing it / Bioware asked people to log in to the server at a similar time to stress test it?

Yea I know, just wondering if any of the zones had enough to see a raise on instance caps perhaps. Cause otherwise were going to have lots of instances going on after today. We always had at least 2 instances of fleet going on CR and now we are being mixed with other servers and then F2P. More players per server is good, but want to know if they also will increase instance caps anymore, at least in world zones.

Post transfers it was great seeing the worlds populated and actually seeing players often out in the world as you adventured.


Shame I didn't realize sooner. I would've created a Kruul and Qruul that got fed into the new server, and (potentially) have taken my old name back because both of my names would've been doubled up. The person who has it is a pub who I've never seen. Then again, that may not have worked, but seems plausible.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I wonder how many people gamed the system and created characters on soon to be merged servers just to get past the 12 character limit? I logged in half an hour ago and had 14 characters, most of them placeholders I had made to save names when we didn't know where were going during the first round of transfers.

Maybe that's why they gave us such short notice?


Yea I know, just wondering if any of the zones had enough to see a raise on instance caps perhaps. Cause otherwise were going to have lots of instances going on after today. We always had at least 2 instances of fleet going on CR and now we are being mixed with other servers and then F2P. More players per server is good, but want to know if they also will increase instance caps anymore, at least in world zones.

Post transfers it was great seeing the worlds populated and actually seeing players often out in the world as you adventured.

I'm with you. I'd love to see 300 or 400 on fleet. Bring it on. We kept having 215ish and 100-130ish for a while in two instances. I'd loved to have them all together, on every planet. Getting to the PVP vendors and GTN might be a bit of a cluster though I suppose.
I'm with you. I'd love to see 300 or 400 on fleet. Bring it on. We kept having 215ish and 100-130ish for a while in two instances. I'd loved to have them all together, on every planet. Getting to the PVP vendors and GTN might be a bit of a cluster though I suppose.

For fleet it's not really important and I know there is performance issues. But for planets they can easily increase the instance caps.


So, LD50 Pubs from CO are apparently hackers claimed from many Imps. 4 on 1'd a Sentinel, he got 2 of us down to 50% before he died. There's no way. Absolutely no way.


Angel is going to have a field day with that legacy name Yooni. I can hear it now. Can't wait to get home and find out what names I've lost as well. Also sad to see the founders of Bioware leave, it is the end of an era. Well, technically I guess it ended in 2007 when they sold to EA, but it lingered for a while.


Haven't lost my names again, but, I wish they'd have implemented this smarter name thing before the first transfers. :|


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Only lost 1 name but it was a recent character, no big deal. The sad thing is our guild name was taken. It's a multi-game guild so I can't just change it to something else. I hyphenated it, screw the other guys who have the real one.


Are you kidding me, I'm about to leave and there is a queue already? How long will I have to wait to log in?

Barbie was like 120~ ish in queue, said 20 minutes and she was in like 3 minutes later. I don't think it's a big problem yet.

And BSW was taken on CO too, apparently. So we're BSW @ JC atm. Wtf.


Nice. 242 on fleet 1, 226 on fleet 2. There was a 3rd instance briefly. Pretty good stuff. Chat is atrocious though.

EDIT: Wow, there ARE 3 going strong on pub side.
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