The Trooper is what I want to play I'm pretty sure but mine is stuck at level 9 and won't is he up to 29?...I loved the shooting in the Prologue...what about the he good?
I loved him. The companion you get after Nar Shaddaa is amazing, and the companion you get after Taris is... interesting, to say the least.
But the combat is great. Enough CC in PvP, even though charging Force-characters still give me some trouble. The less mobile you have to be, the more damage you can do. I played a DPS Commando in PvP. This here is a pretty good video what a combat medic specced Trooper at level 16 can do:
I had enough abilities to make it fun, even if the talent trees are a bit boring (incremental stat boosts with a new spell every 10 levels). The assault cannon really makes you feel like a bad-ass. Some weapons even have a kickass BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM sound, while other sound weaker. Also found some purple items, which is nice since purple reliably dropped around level 60+ area in WoW. Getting questloot tailored to your class (kinda) is also a nice lesson learned from wow. And if you can't use anything, just take the badge reward for some nice blue loot at the end of the zone at the spacestation badge vendor.
Money is another thing that's nicely balanced. I bought two inventory expansions (5000 and 20000 credits) and have around 40k at level 25. Bought the speeder upgrade, which broke me, but I had enough credits to buy the mount itself two levels later.
Professions could use some more automation, but get better as the game progresses. I had Armstech, Scavenging and Investigation. Scavenging is done in the world, picking apart beaten droids or heaps of garbage. Then your companion (preferably not your fighting partner since he disappears) you send on Investigation missions for higher-tier crafting materials or companion appreciation items. These missions take about 3-5 minutes at the starter level, but ramp up to 15 minutes at the third level. It takes some credits, but not a lot. And they level your professions while you just play along. Crafting weapons for Armstech takes about 45 seconds and could be shorter, but at least you can queue up five at the same time. And you can reverse engineer those weapons for more models and some crafting materials back.
Level curve is pretty good as well, Taris took me a good few hours (5 to 6, maybe more), while Nar Shaddaa took me that same amount as well. Those 5 minute long spacefights also are nice, and the spaceship is a nice answer to having some persistant player housing (I hope you can decorate your ship later on).
All in all, I enjoyed it. It's a lot, a whole lot, like WoW. But it's different enough, the mechanics are solid, it's wonderfully bug-free, runs pretty well and when we can turn on AA the jaggies should be gone. Animations aren't great and the graphical fidelity is all pretty much to be expected from MMO's. It's no Skyrim, but it's all pretty acceptible.
However, it also never surprises you. PvP, especially Hutt Ball, was a bit chaotic and no teamtactics to be found. I have no clue how hard Flashpoints are (though above me they seems pretty hard) and raiding is an even larger unknown.