... according to senior vice president of game design, Pardo,.... has also revealed that the development team "don't have any plans to support LAN" (Local Area Networking), and clarified saying "we will not support it." This is an interesting statement, since the easy LAN functionality of the original game is one of the reasons it became so big in the first place. Current communities like iCCup, using StarCraft mods to host games are considered "pirate servers" by Blizzard, and Pardo wants to see those services shut down.
Lame Blizzard. Even more lame. iCCup is the only place to play high level StarCraft Broodwar in LAN latency, with a functioning ladder, and where everyone isn't a bad mannered hacker.
If they mean they don't want iCCup for Starcraft 2, I understand that, and iCCup wouldn't bother since it'll be a new game with an active Battle.net ladder, but they better not touch it for Broodwar, since Blizzard doesn't even support it with a Ladder anymore.