So I've been trying to use FilterSC's roach build and keep losing badly. Went from winning a couple games in Bronze to losing 6 games in a row. 3 of those were to protoss zealot/stalker/sentry (?) rush. My timing with drones seems to be on but it feels like every time I am just about to start pumping out roaches the enemy comes to my front door.
Man this game can be frustrating, but I want to keep playing it so.. there's that.
I tried this same build with similar results as yours, lots of losses. Filter's build follows the assumption that all Bronze players are slow to start and easy to roll over with a large army, which in my experience is simply not the case. Bronze league is filled with huge amounts of cheese and rushes, and Filter's 10 minute roach army is simply too slow out of the gate to deal with that. I've had much more success getting gas earlier around the 4:30 min mark, grabbing zerg speed, creating a small group of zerglings (say a dozen or so) and using them to harass and gain map control. Of course this slows down your drone production so that hitting Filter's benchmarks is impossible (55 drones at the 8 min mark) but you gain surviving the initial cannon rush / zealot push / 6 pool / bio push / reaper rush/ etc, etc, etc.
Fliter's build works great against the AI up to hard, but even against a harder or very hard AI it will tend to lose. I know, I've tried it several times, It's just too slow out of the gate IMHO.
rakkadakka, please post some replays as I'd like to help. I basically use FilterSC's roach build as my primary build. I have to be on my toes with scouting against zerg but against Terran and Protoss I usually don't have problems with early pressure.
Always have a zergling right outside their ramp so you can see when they leave, some things to look for when dealing with early pressure:
Against Protoss:
Did he Fast Expand? If so you
should be fine on following the build just don't forget to have your spines and spores and four queens around to deal with any drops or oracle harrasment.
If he didn't Fast Expand the next thing you want to check with your zergling is if he did two Gateways or Gateway then Cybercore. If it is two Gateways there is a chance he is rushing zealots, throw down a couple more spines at your natural and you should be good to hold it off, especially since you will have four queens to help. If you notice that he is committed to bringing a lot of zealots (remember to have your overlord at his ramp until the cybercore is made), go ahead and throw down the roach den a bit early and one gas.
If it is one base but Gateway/Cybercore you should be fine but be on the lookout for a fast 4-Gate if you see the Cybercore getting chronoboosted. But a couple of more spines at your natural and you should be fine until your roaches pop out doing the normal build.
Using your initial overlord and pair of zerglings will help you respond to early pressure.
Against Terran:
If you scout two barracks with your first pair of lings (made as soon as your pool is done), he might be coming with early marines. Just like with the zealots just throw down a couple more spines at your natural and you will be able to hold him off with spines and queens.
If you notice a factory with a reactor on it there is a good chance he might be coming with early hellions. No problem since you will already have two spines at your natural along with four queens. 2 of the queens will hold off the hellions while the other two are placed on 'hold' on your ramp to block them from getting to your main.
If there is no early pressure don't forget to make a spore at each of your mineral patches to deal with drops and those nasty widow mines! Make sure you have a spine at your main in addition to the ones at your natural. With those spines and the queens you should be in a pretty good position to deal with early drops.
Some general tips on the two base roach build:
At the 7:00 mark is when you make your buildings, make the roach den first since it takes the longest to build. Don't forget to make your lair as soon as you get that 100 gas!
As soon as your lair is finished, morph your first overlord (which should already be by the entrance of your opponent's base) into an Overseer and scout to see what he is doing (don't forget to hit 'C' to drop an additional spy in their base as well).
If you see Protoss or Terran are fast expanding, don't forget to take a third. I like to do this while I am cranking out those initial roaches. Also remember to transfer your drones over because if you are hitting your benchmarks (55 drones by 8 minutes), your first two bases will be oversaturated.
If you are executing the build properly, even with a couple of tanks or immortals in Bronze through Gold league you shouldn't have a problem still winning with an overwhelming roach force but if you see the opponent is turtled in pretty well, throw that infestor pit down asap and start teching appropriately depending on what you scouted with your Overseer. Against a Protoss fast expanding I like to still harrass with my roaches, a lot of times you can snipe a Cybercore or Forge since he is using those to wall off. Might as well put those roaches to use while teching and expanding.