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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I still can't understand the mindset of calling somebody a bad player when you lose.

What, so if the other person was a better player you would have won, or something?

Chris R

Does anyone know what would cause massive hitches in the game when I get certain buildings/tech? I'm talking like second or longer lag spikes :|


I love Malignant Creep so much. It spreads so ridiculously fast. I'm going to be so sad when I have to go back to regular creep if I ever play Zerg in multiplayer.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Speaking of Panda... I miss him so much :( june (?) can't come fast enough!


wow, 3 terran in a row. i can tell i barely played them. i guess i need banes lol. the one game i got them out early i destroyed.

speed, then banes and a roach warren after seemed to work.


Does anyone know what would cause massive hitches in the game when I get certain buildings/tech? I'm talking like second or longer lag spikes :|

I have no real clue to be clear, but in the arcade there is a program you can download, that when executed, loads all the animations, textures etc. So that when you build a new unit, or have massive explosions those textures, etc are already in memory and thus the game runs smoother. You might try that.

I am just throwing crap on the wall to see if it sticks to be honest.


I have no real clue to be clear, but in the arcade there is a program you can download, that when executed, loads all the animations, textures etc. So that when you build a new unit, or have massive explosions those textures, etc are already in memory and thus the game runs smoother. You might try that.

I am just throwing crap on the wall to see if it sticks to be honest.

I might have to try this as well.


I have no real clue to be clear, but in the arcade there is a program you can download, that when executed, loads all the animations, textures etc. So that when you build a new unit, or have massive explosions those textures, etc are already in memory and thus the game runs smoother. You might try that.

I am just throwing crap on the wall to see if it sticks to be honest.

What, that sounds like a lifesaver. I have a rather slow HDD at this point (with low free space on it as well), but 8gb ram ,and already play on all set low.... gotta check it out, thanks! :D


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I used to use that program as well, but since I formated my HDD, I can't seem to remember what it was called...


The "map" is called pre-loader or some such. Pretty high rated.

Seriously, does it really work?

That is the question :).

My performance is fine, so when I used it, it had no noticeable effect. I will be interested to see if it helps the gentleman who posted originally or V_Arnold.


I am going to have to replace a R.A.T. 7.. thing keeps bugging out on me. I liked that I could adjust the form factor but the build quality was unsurprisingly crap. It was my fault for taking the risk.

Anyways, I am looking for a mouse on the larger side, I don't want to cramp my hand up. I was looking at the DeathAdder. Anyone own this mouse and care to give their opinion of it?


I have a "steel series" mmo mouse that I got for cheap. It's from wow cataclysm expo... Probably why it was cheap. But I really like it.


I am going to have to replace a R.A.T. 7.. thing keeps bugging out on me. I liked that I could adjust the form factor but the build quality was unsurprisingly crap. It was my fault for taking the risk.

Anyways, I am looking for a mouse on the larger side, I don't want to cramp my hand up. I was looking at the DeathAdder. Anyone own this mouse and care to give their opinion of it?

I have bought some mice before and was never truly happy until I bought the Logitech G9x. Best mouse I ever had. The only downside is that the middle mouse button is rather hard to press without accidentially scrolling. But I don't need it so thats fine. Also, you have 2 different shells you can put on the mouse (or use it without one) so you can also somehow adjust it to your hand and liking. Have seen a lot of Korean pros using this mouse lately too (MKP, MC etc.)


I have a "steel series" mmo mouse that I got for cheap. It's from wow cataclysm expo... Probably why it was cheap. But I really like it.

I tried that mouse for like a week and I just couldn't get into it. It's massive (even for my big hands), and I realized I never used any of the extra buttons anyway. I use a Steelseries Sensei and really like it. Nice and simple.

Chris R

I have no real clue to be clear, but in the arcade there is a program you can download, that when executed, loads all the animations, textures etc. So that when you build a new unit, or have massive explosions those textures, etc are already in memory and thus the game runs smoother. You might try that.

I am just throwing crap on the wall to see if it sticks to be honest.

I'll try that, it just seems strange that it happens, because my rig is pretty beastly.

New keyboard should be arriving today (finally went mechanical), got to get used to it though before delving back into the ladder.


Microsoft IE3.0 is best mouse, Razer and that just fuck around with it too much to justify inflating the price.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Microsoft IE3.0 is best mouse, Razer and that just fuck around with it too much to justify inflating the price.
Can't quote this enough. As soon as they confirmed that they won't be producing any more IE3 mice, I bought 5 of them. I'm guaranteed that I'll be using them for at least another 5 years.
I didn't play the game, and I play on soon when I have the time but I am curious, did Blizz change the leaked ending or kept it as it is ? and if they did change it, was it for the best ?
Microsoft IE3.0 is best mouse, Razer and that just fuck around with it too much to justify inflating the price.

It is indeed a great mouse, but after using the Razer Naga for a while now, I will never be able to go back. Those extra buttons are AWESOME, for RTS, MMO, FPS, you name it.


Finished HotS campaign.
On Normal. Way too easy. That said, i couldn't finish the WoL campaign on hard (i think i got to final mission? Can't remember)... but this was easier on normal than WoL's was.

Anyway, mission design is top notch. Varied, fun missions.
Unfortunately they still suffer from the same issue WoL's missions had, the unit you get for the mission is the supreme unit for that mission usually. If not, spamming Hydralisks/Roaches works just fine.

Kerrigan's abilities and unit mutations are fun ideas but in practice i didn't use them much, i chose certain ones and stuck with those. Arguagbly result of the difficulty, higher difficulty might've forced me to use the alternatives more.
EDIT why no cloaking? Kerrigan's a Ghost. Would have been awesome. Also miss her Canister Rifle. And SC1 Infested Kerrigan melee attack. Much cooler than her boring psi-lightning in this game.

Unit evolutions are also a fun concept, but... well, i didn't find much use for them either.
Raptor zerglings and Hunter banelings are wonderful units in theory but the map design is such that there isn't much oppoturnities to use them as cliff-climbing raiders. Lurkers/Impalers and Swarm Hosts are just plain awkward to use, especially with a mass of other units. Again, higher difficulty might make them more useful. Or smaller scale, more akin to Warcraft 3's (i really prefer WC3's small scale battles to SC's massive armies).

Story... well, story is what began in WoL. IE nothing special, weak, cliche. Better than WoL a bit i think.
Some retcons, but that was to be expected with Blizzard. No surprise twists, at least i wasn't surprised by anything.
The game is entertaining but it doesn't have anything truly memorable or special like original Starcraft or Brood War had, at least not for me.
And most of all i'm still pissed off Blizzard made the universe much more "lighter" than in original SC, which was a dark place. In "human" way, no ancient evils and prophecies and other such.

Not sure i'm going to bother touching multiplayer.
EDIT two reasons: Not fan of big armies, and i don't know which race i like.


I wanted to thank everyone for the thoughts and suggestions on a mouse. I hooked up my old Logitech G5 and am using that until I find a suitable replacement.

I will look into all the mice mentioned.

Thanks again.

I am writing it down. Thanks rhfb.
One more mouse to mention if you want another to look at is the Sensei Raw. I love mine.


Hmm, just have a few points of disagreement.
I didn't find that the new unit was usually supreme in a given mission (there were definitely a few where that was the case). You're right about Roach/Hydra though. Generally that was a good composition.
Well, there were some, and that bothers me. Not as bad as WoL though.
Also not really liking this "get a new unit for each mission" as usually that means i have limited options earlier in the game. I know how they work, i don't need to be taught... Of course players has to be rewarded someway, not getting new units is also boring...
Yes, i want to have a cake and eat it too.
I agree to an extent in that many of the choices aren't always necessary or useful, but it's actually been a blast to go back and replay missions using different loadouts, and changing things up is absolutely necessary in Brutal (except for a few things, like Twin Drones always being the best option). In fact, it's been so much fun that I really hope they go back at some point and add a Master Archive to WoL. I'd love to go through some of those missions using different units and options.
Well, i gotta play the campaign again later. Maybe i'll appreciate them more then.
Oddly, I feel a bit different about this having gone back to play the OG Starcraft. It's fun, but the story isn't nearly as impressive as I remembered. I think I was comparing the real Starcraft II story to my idealized memory of the original story, and it suffered for the comparison. Now that I've gone back... I still have some complaints about the storyline, but I'm not as annoyed about it.
I admit SC1 story (specifically presentation) is not as impressive as one may remember (i played it relatively short time ago again) BUT it has completly different feel. SC2 is fun but it doesn't feel quite like Starcraft should in my opinion. I'm always very sensitive how something feels, it can make or break a game for me. Luckily SC2 doesn't drive me away, unlike, say Diablo series.
How something feels is very hard to describe though, for so many little things contribute to that, from writing to music to graphics to small details everywhere...

Most of all i'm pissed off how some characters are handled: In Brood War Jim Raynor swears to kill Kerrigan, in WoL he has forgotten that completly (came up in HotS which i liked). Zeratul was changed to... wimp. Well, maybe not wimp but completly wrong. And Kerrigan? She was the Queen Bitch of the Universe... and suddenly she's no more that.

If i had written SC2, i would have had Kerrigan to be the big bad (along with Duran and Hybrids), or one of them, and have Raynor really kill him. Mengsk would've stayed in power, Raynor wouldn't find any peace in revenge and... i don't know, maybe i would've brough UED back as well in some form? Would have been very different and darker than SC2 is, no enemy that unites quarreling factions, at most very short temporary alliances. EDIT also, Raynor's crew would have been more like pirates and mercs and thugs, not idealistic revolutionaries. Raynor would have tried to be good though, in a dark world. I like that in Raynor. And no Valerian, space Arthas-but-good.

And Starcraft 2 doesn't have single speech as cool and chilling as Mengsk's inauguration speech in the end of SC original terran campaign.
So umm GAF night is supposed to start now but I'm delaying it until 8:30 or 9 PM to let more people come.

Please get on Mumble as well so we can chat.


A multiplayer question:
What race would you recommend for casual beginner (who understands basics of Starcraft)?

I played WoL multiplayer a bit when the game came out but afterwards, i don't think i've played any. I think i used to play as Protoss mostly, but i don't really remember.
(The only thing i know for sure was that i once won with a zergling rush very early, just in 2-3 minutes, bottom (bronze?) league of course)

Don't have any go-to multiplayer at the moment so i guess i could give Starcraft a try.


I played my first game. I was terrible. I think I was overcautious in some ways given the size of the map (and particularly dumb for investing early in too much static defense). But I did get an achievement ... for playing a game. So there's that.

Oh, and I need to improve my pylon placement.

Oddly, I feel a bit different about this having gone back to play the OG Starcraft. It's fun, but the story isn't nearly as impressive as I remembered. I think I was comparing the real Starcraft II story to my idealized memory of the original story, and it suffered for the comparison. Now that I've gone back... I still have some complaints about the storyline, but I'm not as annoyed about it.

I really liked the backstory (in the manuals; you can also find them on your CD if you've lost or never had the physical manuals). And I really don't like all the retconning of the Zerg backstory (or the Xel'Naga, if I'm remembering things right); it just makes them less interesting. I also hate how literally they've taken the Zerg "purity of essence" (and the apparently forgotten Protoss' "purity of form") into this stupid "essence essence essence" mantra they had in HotS. The Overmind (and the Zerg) weren't "enslaved", and there were no primal zerg - the only "Zerg" in the beginning were those little proto-larvae creatures and they were given the ability to drive their own evolution, and the Zerg were designed from the start to have an overriding will because of the experiences the Xel'Naga had with the Protoss. It was so stupid when we suddenly had pack leaders and primal zerg going about their business on Zerus.



I really liked the backstory (in the manuals; you can also find them on your CD if you've lost or never had the physical manuals). And I really don't like all the retconning of the Zerg backstory (or the Xel'Naga, if I'm remembering things right); it just makes them less interesting. I also hate how literally they've taken the Zerg "purity of essence" (and the apparently forgotten Protoss' "purity of form") into this stupid "essence essence essence" mantra they had in HotS. The Overmind (and the Zerg) weren't "enslaved", and there were no primal zerg - the only "Zerg" in the beginning were those little proto-larvae creatures and they were given the ability to drive their own evolution, and the Zerg were designed from the start to have an overriding will because of the experiences the Xel'Naga had with the Protoss. It was so stupid when we suddenly had pack leaders and primal zerg going about their business on Zerus.


Summarizes neatly how i feel about the retcons in SC2.

What i've forgotton is how what xel'naga originally wanted. Did they just try to create something perfect? Or did they try to combine those two eventually, or is that the newer lore?
If the former, the latter doesn't make any sense no matter how much you spin it: Xel'naga saw protoss as a failure and left (which prompted the already violent protoss to attack them as well, IIRC).

Eh, why did the Overmind attack the protoss? I don't remember anymore. I know the zerg attacked humanity in order to obtain more protoss-like psionic power (in form of Kerrigan).
BTW, it was never really explained in Starcraft why the Overmind created Kerrigan, other than the zerg wanting/needing psionics.
If i recall correctly.

Anyway, the hybrid was supposed to be a real abomination. In SC2 it doesn't really make sense... The Xel'naga would create their progenitors by merging zerg and protoss, so how is somewhat artificially created hybrid abomination, twisted, etc.? I can't see the difference. Unless the issue is about some metaphysical Void/Khala/psionic hive mind thing?
Hmm well its good to see that GAF night ended up working out for most of you lol. I ended up laddering. Anyways this coming Wednesday will likely be the next one.


Summarizes neatly how i feel about the retcons in SC2.

What i've forgotton is how what xel'naga originally wanted. Did they just try to create something perfect? Or did they try to combine those two eventually, or is that the newer lore?
If the former, the latter doesn't make any sense no matter how much you spin it: Xel'naga saw protoss as a failure and left (which prompted the already violent protoss to attack them as well, IIRC).

Eh, why did the Overmind attack the protoss? I don't remember anymore. I know the zerg attacked humanity in order to obtain more protoss-like psionic power (in form of Kerrigan).
BTW, it was never really explained in Starcraft why the Overmind created Kerrigan, other than the zerg wanting/needing psionics.
If i recall correctly.

Anyway, the hybrid was supposed to be a real abomination. In SC2 it doesn't really make sense... The Xel'naga would create their progenitors by merging zerg and protoss, so how is somewhat artificially created hybrid abomination, twisted, etc.? I can't see the difference. Unless the issue is about some metaphysical Void/Khala/psionic hive mind thing?

The xel'naga created Zerg and Protoss to combine them into the next generation of xel'naga.
Purity of essence merging with the purity of form=xel'naga

It's how they reproduced. However now we have Chris metzen's twisted love story fucking up survival in space.


Summarizes neatly how i feel about the retcons in SC2.

What i've forgotton is how what xel'naga originally wanted. Did they just try to create something perfect? Or did they try to combine those two eventually, or is that the newer lore?
If the former, the latter doesn't make any sense no matter how much you spin it: Xel'naga saw protoss as a failure and left (which prompted the already violent protoss to attack them as well, IIRC).

Eh, why did the Overmind attack the protoss? I don't remember anymore. I know the zerg attacked humanity in order to obtain more protoss-like psionic power (in form of Kerrigan).
BTW, it was never really explained in Starcraft why the Overmind created Kerrigan, other than the zerg wanting/needing psionics.
If i recall correctly.

Anyway, the hybrid was supposed to be a real abomination. In SC2 it doesn't really make sense... The Xel'naga would create their progenitors by merging zerg and protoss, so how is somewhat artificially created hybrid abomination, twisted, etc.? I can't see the difference. Unless the issue is about some metaphysical Void/Khala/psionic hive mind thing?

The Overmind: Now shall the events set into motion so long ago be made complete. For the Protoss, too, were created by the Xel'Naga. They were the first creation, gifted with a purity of form. And we were the second creation, blessed with a purity of essence. Indeed, our two species are but opposite facets of a greater whole. Soon shall our two races be made as one. Thenceforth shall all feel the wrath of the eternal Swarm... For the hour of judgement is come!

I am a little confused on that point, since I know that since then there's been this whole "Well, the Zerg can't infest the Protoss" thing. I don't know why not - especially since the entire Zerg campaign in the original seems to be driving towards that point - but I'm not sure I'm supposed to make sense of it.

And yeah, the Terran's latent psionic potential was why the Overmind attacked the Koprulu sector - it was dismayed when it saw how powerful the Protoss were, in the backstory, so assimilating the Terran psionic potential combined with the Zerg's ability to drive their own evolution would eventually allow the Zerg to "compete" on even terms. Oh, and yes. The Protoss were seen as a failure, so the Xel'Naga left. It is specifically mentioned that they believed that the purity of form they "sought to create had been sullied by a conflict of essence and thus decreed that the Protoss were, in fact, a failed creation." They then tried making the Zerg with purity of essence (whatever that means) and an overriding will in the form of the Overmind. Eventually the Overmind outgrew their restraints, lured in the creatures that eventually became their ticket off-planet, cut the psychic link with the Xel'Naga and attacked their world ships. The "greater whole" of the Xel'Naga was consumed by the Swarm. When the Zerg attacked the Xel'Naga, the Overmind "processed thousands of sentient beings into itself, causing it to grow far more powerful than it had ever imagined" - this is how the Overmind learned of the Protoss.

... Did they even reread their own story before making SCII?


GGs to Ketch, mbmonk and Mumei!

Agreed! Those were some fun games! I failed miserably at Protoss, but it was cool trying it out though. Monk's gonna have nydus worm nightmares for a week!

Also, shout out to Zeke (Esquis), had some really fun matches there too!

Hmm well its good to see that GAF night ended up working out for most of you lol. I ended up laddering. Anyways this coming Wednesday will likely be the next one.

I have an idea for next GAF night. What if we did a 1v1 peep mode where we pair up 1 masters and 1 bronze for each team, where the bronze plays and the masters tells them what to do. We could send the "teams" to seperate mumble channels, where the masters can yell at the bronzes what to do while the rest of the observers hang out in the center channel and bet on which teacher/student combo they think is gonna win?

Probably a lot of fun for the player being coached, but maybe not so much for the coaches or everyone watching... I don't know, just a suggestion.


I don't really get the Master Archives. I thought I'd be able to pick and choose my abilities / army and replay missions with stuff from later in the campaign but I'm not seeing ... where I can do that.


You can replay with any unit or abilities that you could've had at that point in the campaign (i.e. assuming you played other levels first where applicable). You can't use everything in every level.

... Oh. When it said that you could replay levels with advanced units and abilities, it made it seem as if you would be able to, you know, replay levels with advanced units and abilities.

Oh well. :|


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
... Oh. When it said that you could replay levels with advanced units and abilities, it made it seem as if you would be able to, you know, replay levels with advanced units and abilities.

Oh well. :|
Yup, like a NG+. That's what I though too.


One amusing thing, after going back to the original, is seeing just how little material Blizzard took and stretched into eternal undying love. Raynor and Kerrigan's first interaction is her calling him a pig for checking out her ass or whatever, and while they become friendly before Mengsk's betrayal, there's nothing to suggest they had any kind of relationship.

Expanded universe, i think. Somehow the books made Raynor love Kerrigan... and for some reason Blizzard decided to base stuff on the books. Which aren't mostly even very good.
Heaven's Devils is pretty good but that's about it. Reading Dark Templar trilogy again, Protoss backstory is interesting but otherwise meh.

And... Isn't Xel'naga creating the protoss and the zerg to be new xel'naga the new lore? EDIT yeah, that's the new lore, originally: " [The Xel'naga] obsessed with fashioning the perfect life-form".

Need to get OG Starcraft manual, i never had it...

EDIT reading OG SC Manual: Original Zerg parasites burrowed in a host creature, and could control it, and later on change it (though this may have been after Xel'naga genetic engineering?). So Primal Zerg in SC2:HotS make sense if all the creatures labelled as Primal Zerg are actually controlled by Primal Zerg "larva".

EDIT didn't HotS imply Amon created the Overmind, not just enslaving it? That wouldn't make sense, since the xel'naga created it and the zerg collectively, not just one invidual...

EDIT from Zerg section in the manual: "The Overmind knew then that the Protoss and the Zerg would eventually be caught in an inevitable, apocalyptic conflict." Blizzard did read their own backstory, and twisted it in the process...
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