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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Got demoted to gold. Panicked. Played a couple of games and beat a diamond -> back in platinum :)
Demoted cuz of inactivity or multiple losses?


ahmagadahmagadahmagad!!! :D:D:D:D


Lost placement to masters toss who mass tempested me, but beat my first diamond opponent and BAM straight to masters. After the entire of WoL being Diamond, finally being Masters feels sooo goood! :D
Joinin' the Swarm party!

...at least I would, had I not cocked up the Simply Games order and got my SG account flagged. Oh well, will be scrubbing it up with added Widowmines in the morning.
Not sure if anyone was following the lead up to the ladder reset last night in regards to Shoutcraft America. It's pretty cool how the tournament really gave motivation to players to ladder seriously and how dedicated some of them were for making it into the top 16. It also was amusing to see Idra give up earlier than a lot of other American players long before the reset. It's kind of sad how he can't even compete on a regional level.

Top 16 invited for Shoutcraft America: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap5lSBTuqANidDBFYXFwZVBvRmJwTjQ1VlhsMmtvd0E#gid=0

Even though the level of play will be a lot lower than what we're used to from something like GSL I'll be watching. I hope it proves to be successful for TB and Genna so they end up running it again.

Oh, and even though I had the beta for StarCraft II and I've been rigorously watching games since shortly after release, I never actually got into playing 1v1. I actually bought the game because I enjoyed the single player in SC/BW :O

That is, up until a couple weeks ago when after boredom+lots of pestering by an ex-wow friend to play that I started playing random team games with him + some 1vs AI. So, something like 1000+ days after Wings of Liberty's launch, I went through the five placement matches for 1v1 for the first time last night shortly before the ladder reset. Hooray!

Not sure I'd call it sad. Idra's problem seems to be that he is legitimately upset that he's not special in SC2, and that all that BW work apparently meant little. He acts like he's entitled to success because of how hard he worked in the past, and that nearly every non-Korean player who beats him sucks because they didn't do x/y/z 5 years ago. He also is constantly behind the meta game IMO. I remember last year when Stephano's three hatch roach play was dominating ZvP and was super late to jump on board; he also was very late on the heavy Infestor play later in the same matchup.

He doesn't seem interested in getting better, he'd rather complain about people not playing the right way, or Blizzard fucking zerg. Nevermind that zerg pretty much dominated much of 2012.

I predict he'll retire before the end of the year.


So back in silver, and I'm having fun. (maybe I was just playing above my skill level). Used infestors in all my games (except the two ZvZs), and they were kind of effective... they worked okay against the protoss voidray/colossus/stalker/immortal death ball, and they worked really good against the terran bio drops.

In the protoss match up, I'm just not sure what to build... I went pretty much mostly hydras, but they get destroyed by the colossus. I guess I need air cover in that match up, I don't know. Swarm hosts. But even when I go swarm hosts they don't seem to do that well.

The terran game was a lot of fun, going back and forth, I busted his front with some lings, lost a hatch to a drop, defended follow on drops until I like totally shut down 4 medivacs full of dudes with infestor/ultra. That was pretty cool, using fungal growth and tossing infested terran behind them.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Man I went like 1 and 7 today. I don't know what it was but I kept facing guys who were either currently Plat or were Plat in the past. Even some guys who were Diamond in the past. I just lost a 60 minute match to a guy who's Masters in team. Is this just because it's the first day of the new season? I'm hanging around in a lot of these games but I just wasn't able to win them. So frustrating man.


Man I went like 1 and 7 today. I don't know what it was but I kept facing guys who were either currently Plat or were Plat in the past. Even some guys who were Diamond in the past. I just lost a 60 minute match to a guy who's Masters in team. Is this just because it's the first day of the new season? I'm hanging around in a lot of these games but I just wasn't able to win them. So frustrating man.

I know how that feels. Maybe the player pool is getting smaller so compition level goes up?


ahmagadahmagadahmagad!!! :D:D:D:D

Lost placement to masters toss who mass tempested me, but beat my first diamond opponent and BAM straight to masters. After the entire of WoL being Diamond, finally being Masters feels sooo goood! :D

Grats dood! I played my placement last night and got promoted too! I forgot to take a screenshot though :[


Awesome for everyone getting promoted! Gratz all around.

Are there any other scrub leaguers left in this thread? =( cheese stands alone.

Also I played 8 games today. Had one funny one where he went mass reaper and I went mass speedling, he won =(
Stuck in Gold for now but with a few more matches I'll be back to Plat in no time. But right now I'm gonna nap to catch Group of Death at 5:10 AM.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Was high diamond last season often playing master league players...placed into plat this season...wtf blizz
I think platinum is the highest rank you can reach in HotS placement matches. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

edit: By the way, welcome back old-avatar-Corran :3!


Awesome for everyone getting promoted! Gratz all around.

Are there any other scrub leaguers left in this thread? =( cheese stands alone.

Also I played 8 games today. Had one funny one where he went mass reaper and I went mass speedling, he won =(

i'm silver. so we aren't alone.


Awesome for everyone getting promoted! Gratz all around.

Are there any other scrub leaguers left in this thread? =( cheese stands alone.

Also I played 8 games today. Had one funny one where he went mass reaper and I went mass speedling, he won =(

:( I just haven't had the time to play really. I've hopped on for a few of the failed GAF night attempts, but other then that, my interest has just been elsewhere the past couple weeks.



Amazing salty tears.

It was funny yesterday, I went mass phoenixes with cadreyn and Nate in 3v3 and went up against 2 Zerg and one Protoss. Let me tell you. Those Zerg had 0 overlords half way through and continued on killing any and all overlords throughout. At one point I wasn't even afraid of spores because of how many nixes+1 shotting overlords


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Keep posting all dem bmz! :D


I don't know if anybody here actually watches ATC, but the series today was quite good for Acer. Scarlett took two (one against Hyun), and then MMA took the ace match against Hyun convincingly, even though he had to pause midway through to evacuate his sickly and torrential bowels #sportsman

Seeing the French casters break champagne out on stream was also quite amazing.
This shit will never get old.

Did he really stay in the game until his last structure fell so he could badmouth you?

It's got to be the best feeling when playing an RTS. They're wasting their time staying in the game thinking they're making you mad when really you're just sitting there giggling to yourself.


It's actually pretty rare to have someone go crazy like that. Starcraft community is pretty manner compared to most other online game communities.

Protoss has always gotten under people's skin. Sometimes people just see this gigantic army a-moving over all their stuff with zero micro and lose their shit. They don't realize they lost the game 10 minutes ago when the Protoss out played them and took bases quicker than they should have, for example. A-moving is just P's reward for a game well played.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Love when people try and make me angry by staying in the game... More exp for me!


It's actually pretty rare to have someone go crazy like that. Starcraft community is pretty manner compared to most other online game communities.

Eh, I wouldn't say it's rare. One reason I've stopped replying to "glhf" at the beginning of a ranked match is because the nature of that phrase flies out the window as soon as the other player gets crazy.

What f0rk said is true, though: players tend to pop off right before they leave.
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