But since this list is rather old, I'll give everyone until 8PM Pacific Standard time Wednesday 16 May to PM me if they want to stay on the list or be added. Anyone who doesn't PM me will be removed from the list and then we'll start working on brackets for the weekend!
I think that May 16th is too short a notice. This has been on and off for a while now and people might have just stopped paying attention, so I think catching people's attention in a better way—maybe even making a whole new tournament sign-up thread—would be ideal.
As for the rules/process, I'm thinking this:
A double elimination bracket sounds good. Not sure if it's worth the effort to seed by W/L ratio, but if it wouldn't be complicated then that'd be good. BO3 with semi-finals and finals possibly being BO5 is fine as long as you're not expecting this tournament to finish within a single day. For a shorter time frame: BO1 for matches before the S-F, BO3 for S-F and BO5 for Finals would be ideal.
Map pool sounds simple. I don't know about the stuff, but I'm sure one could just take a list of common tournament maps or we could just use the maps currently on ladder. The maps players will play on in any given match will either be established by the organizers on a per phase basis (for example, everyone in round 1 of the tournament will play their matches on Neo Planet S) or will be chosen by the players themselves. For the latter case, if players would not be able to come to a consensus on a map to play on, they would take turn vetoing maps from the pool until only one would remain, which would be the map they would play on.
Other than that, there aren't really any special rules... I guess, if a player drops from a match either you would decide on immediately disqualifying them, leaving it up to the opponent, restarting the match from a replay or restarting the entire match. Also, no cheating allowed and stuff.
To organize brackets, you would make sure each player signing up either has a Binary Beast account or a Challonge account based on the tournament manager you would be using.
Set a time, set a date (or several if the tournament spans multiple days), possibly organize casters and a stream, detail prizes if there are any, establish a location where players will be able to communicate (SC2 NeoGAF chat channel, an IRC or whatever) and done.