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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Can't find the fire rate of the new siege tank anywhere...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
No I know the buff theoretically but I want to see it in action! Dat .3 reduction!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Did Flash stream more than that one time?


Gaf help me, what are some good resources for how to deal with the roach bane ling timings and composition. I've barely won a TvZ over the past 2 days.


Gaf help me, what are some good resources for how to deal with the roach bane ling timings and composition. I've barely won a TvZ over the past 2 days.

I'm still playing WoL but I love using this Polt TvZ style that I think can still apply to HotS when it comes to early Zerg aggression.


It's a build designed to use early Marine/Marauder/Hellion aggression to kill the Zerg before they could turtle up to Winfestor+Brood Lord back in the day.

The beautiful thing about the build is that it can blindly be used to defend against cheesy Zerg all-ins. It really is a thing of beauty if you can hit all the timings and if your micro is at least half decent.

Hope it helps! :)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Still can't find 2.7 tank footage comparisons... Wtf.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Shit I just remembered, when the BC got a speedbuff, it was heavily used in GSL and whatnot... Why did they suddenly stop using it?
Just gotta work on the tan :p. Cool shirt btw.
Thanks man! The photo is custom made as well (my own Yoshi plushy :3)!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
So tired of seeing Destiny "play" SC2 on Twitch... to then realize he's talking to some random dude (and not playing SC2) for hours upon hours... and this is like the third time in a row this happens.

Screw that guy, seriously.


I'm still playing WoL but I love using this Polt TvZ style that I think can still apply to HotS when it comes to early Zerg aggression.


It's a build designed to use early Marine/Marauder/Hellion aggression to kill the Zerg before they could turtle up to Winfestor+Brood Lord back in the day.

The beautiful thing about the build is that it can blindly be used to defend against cheesy Zerg all-ins. It really is a thing of beauty if you can hit all the timings and if your micro is at least half decent.

Hope it helps! :)

Hey hey, I think it's basically this build right?


Thanks a bunch, I'm still practicing the 3CC style in customs because it really helps work on mechanics, but I've been doing your suggested build on ladder and it shot my win rate up to like 90% over the last two days. I lost once to a player that went 3 hatch before pool, speedlord for scout and then just made units, but that was also down to my mistakes with unit control that game.

So yeah thanks a ton :D


Hey hey, I think it's basically this build right?


Thanks a bunch, I'm still practicing the 3CC style in customs because it really helps work on mechanics, but I've been doing your suggested build on ladder and it shot my win rate up to like 90% over the last two days. I lost once to a player that went 3 hatch before pool, speedlord for scout and then just made units, but that was also down to my mistakes with unit control that game.

So yeah thanks a ton :D

Yup! That's essentially the same build with a Reaper opening mixed in. I do notice a difference in that it seems like his initial push hits without any upgrades... in the case of Polt's build, he attacks at ~10 minutes with +1 Infantry Weapons finished from building an early Engineering Bay. The second push (if even needed lol) comes later with +2/+2 after throwing down another E-Bay. The Reaper opening does give you early scouting information though.

Here's a screen cap from a document I made with Polt's build and timings when everything is perfect:


But yeah, this is WoL so take what you will from it. :p

That's awesome though! I'm glad to hear it's really working! :D


Thanks man, I'm going to be looking at textbook replays from both and seeing the strengths and weaknesses, try alternating etc.

Why are you still on WoL fyi?


Thanks man, I'm going to be looking at textbook replays from both and seeing the strengths and weaknesses, try alternating etc.

Why are you still on WoL fyi?

I started playing back in 2010 when it first came out, dropped it for a couple years, and picked it up again mid-late last year... I feel like it still has a lot of life for me. :p

I'll probably grab HotS once it hits $20 though.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Dat hardcore WoL

Damn son! Love it


Everybody that streams these days sucks and is boring. A few decent Koreans still do at odd hours but mostly just foreigners. Idra has gone stale etc.


None of the big names put any effort into their streams anymore. Demuslim barely streams for some reason and isn't putting in the same interaction with his viewers and Idra has shriveled away now that there's no controversy to sustain interest in him.

Destiny's stream is occasionally fascinated though.


Everything is moe to me
So tired of seeing Destiny "play" SC2 on Twitch... to then realize he's talking to some random dude (and not playing SC2) for hours upon hours... and this is like the third time in a row this happens.

Screw that guy, seriously.
you've watched destiny 3 times recently?

Yoshi pls.


DeMusliM just posted a long blog entry.

He mentions that it comes off as a rant, but it basically goes into why he hasn't been streaming as much and his overall outlook on StarCraft right now. He was just knocked out of WCS AM Challenger League today by Alicia and has to requalify next season.

I think this part, in particular is something we can all agree with him on:
I don't know what happened exactly, and I know this kinda play has been around since the start, but it seems so much more exaggerated now than ever. I can only assume and use what I know now to try and figure it out, and the only thing that really makes sense is the fact that most new features in HOTS rely on dealing damage faster than everything in WoL.

Every new feature that is used in HoTS, well everything I can think of right now just deals more damage and faster than what it's predecessor did, or just more easily.

Oracles for protoss - you now can whip in a mineral line, kill 6 scvs and live to tell the tale before a terran is able to have anything there to stop it. That is not fucking starcraft. (They also want to buff the oracle, because it's apparently too slow.)

I can run randomly on creep, plant down 6 widow mines randomly and win an engagement despite totally not deserving to thanks to 6 huge detonations, neither is that. (widow mines are actually getting nerfed, which is cool - but I don't really think many people in the pro scene are whining about those too much currently.)

Hellbats - well luckily their reign is over, though I have a feeling they'll be rearing their ugly heads sooner than we think again, since a healthy 30 damage shot or what ever it is, aoe with blue flame upgrade alone for 100 minerals is too good to not use frankly.

Baneling busts of any varying degree consist of running suicidal units at a wall, and an army, and everything behind it. (If you're wondering why this became so much more prominent in HoTS than WOL, which I've heard a lot of people in my stream chat talk about when I lose to this strategy, then remember the fact that mutas were slower, didn't regen health like they do now and just weren't used 1/10 as much as they are now, I've had games where I go pure bio and hellbat, and actually ended up losing vs the sheer amount of mutas without having widow mines.)

A huge rant this turned out to be, and I guess if you want the TL:DR it would go something like this:
I think units deal way too much damage in Starcraft, I also believe allins should not be half as strong as they are now. I want the game to be filled with good moves, on the fly decision making and well thought out strategies, I don't want cheap wins in which neither the doer or the receiver knew was happening.


Is it true that everything is OP in Starcraft, though? Blizzard's balance focus has been so narrow for so long that whole units just fall into irrelevance at any given time, and it takes them a huge quantity of time to address it.


"everything" is op is a bit of an exaggeration on my part

thats just how it feels because the "op" things get played the most and feel pretty ridiculous most of the time with their power spikes and how effective it is to mass them and the need for the opponent to "hard counter" them

its the "fotm" feeling you get in MOBAs and MMOs that shouldnt really exist in an RTS
but maybe this is BW rose tinted goggles speaking


Right, I just mean I'm skeptical of that same "broad and shallow" approach you get in Dota balancing not working, being that "narrow and deep" is almost always the approach taken with Starcraft (which tends to be a detriment to stuff like Carriers, or Reapers for the longest time). It may or may not work if tried in actuality.


I wish Blizzard could make all units viable. I wouldn't mind if they also scaled down the damage of the more punishing units like oracles and widow mines to give the other player the chance to recover. No more of this gotcha esports.


relies on auto-aim
DeMusliM just posted a long blog entry.

He mentions that it comes off as a rant, but it basically goes into why he hasn't been streaming as much and his overall outlook on StarCraft right now. He was just knocked out of WCS AM Challenger League today by Alicia and has to requalify next season.

I think this part, in particular is something we can all agree with him on:
Don't blame him. SC2 has been declining in enjoyment to watch because of it.

I do disagree on things being OP. Worked in BW, works in Dota. Give players the ability to counter the units or make big plays and force two people to have to do them AND SCOUT FOR IT.

Mines are horrible units to watch because they just get baited or the Zerg did something dumb. Having your tanks on a hotkey and shift queuing banes clumps was the shit.

I've seen an Orcale used like 3 times PvT and twice of that it was Rain using it smartly. It's an extremely strong unit, dunno why they are buffing it or it's so neglected.

Banes I dunno. Muta clumps I dunno. WTB Irradiate.
Bring back SK Terran.
dota style balancing where everything is op doesnt work in starcraft

I have to say I agree


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I watch more streams and play more than ever. I love HotS.
I'm reading some beginner openings. Am I reading stuff correctly? If it says "9 - Overlord", does that mean I just keep building more drones till I hit 9 supply? I tried this this earlier against a bot and ended up with so much mineral surplus that I had to turn them into crawlers since my larvae couldn't keep up. I think I had too many drones.

Also I tried binding my hatcheries to one hotkey. I thought pressing it again scrolls through the units but apparently not?


I'm reading some beginner openings. Am I reading stuff correctly? If it says "9 - Overlord", does that mean I just keep building more drones till I hit 9 supply? I tried this this earlier against a bot and ended up with so much mineral surplus that I had to turn them into crawlers since my larvae couldn't keep up. I think I had too many drones.

Also I tried binding my hatcheries to one hotkey. I thought pressing it again scrolls through the units but apparently not?

Are you performing Spawn Larva with your Queens on your Hatcheries?
Are you performing Spawn Larva with your Queens on your Hatcheries?

Not religiously admittedly. Still practicing. :S Do I generally just build a crapton of units and scout/harass the enemy if I end up with a surplus or do I just spend them on more buildings? Is there a general rule of thumb on the limit of drones?


Remembering how shitty some units were at a specific point in time, I take it back

Sc2 is nothing like everything op
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