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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike

IEM World Championship in Katowice StarCraft II Open Qualifiers

So two invitees, three winners from each of the three respective regional qualifiers and one winner from a separate open bracket.

Should work but I'm not a fan of letting the Koreans participate in the American and European qualifier. Besides NaNiwa it's already gonna be all Koreans. A few foreigners would also be nice.

I wonder who the two invites will be... maybe two out of Soulkey, INnoVation and Jaedong? They were Top 3 in WCS Points last year. I could also see sOs and maybe Stephano.

I realise it's probably the wrong way of going about things but with the state of the game as it is now they should probably just invite 2 terrans. If not than i'd probably give the spots to foreigners. They want to bring in as many viewers as possible and that's the best way to do it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Looks like it's a copy of a Nike soccer commercial.


Edit: In this case, anyone can be good at Starcraft 2. As long as you play protoss.
just had a bad experience online o_O

I've cleared the campaign, and I've played the bots a bunch of times. Decided to see what a match was like with a real person.

So I go to matchmaking and get paired up with a dude.

The game starts up and I get a message from the guy


I have no clue what the hell he's talking about, so I'm like "what do you mean?"

He's like "OMG, fking noob i h8 blzrds matchmaking"

Then he proceeds to bitch me out about wasting his time and how I have no right to play online until I can beat bots on very hard, throwing in "fking noob" every time he addresses me.

I don't play games online often. The most I played was total war, but I never saw hostility like that
just had a bad experience online o_O

I've cleared the campaign, and I've played the bots a bunch of times. Decided to see what a match was like with a real person.

So I go to matchmaking and get paired up with a dude.

The game starts up and I get a message from the guy


I have no clue what the hell he's talking about, so I'm like "what do you mean?"

He's like "OMG, fking noob i h8 blzrds matchmaking"

Then he proceeds to bitch me out about wasting his time and how I have no right to play online until I can beat bots on very hard, throwing in "fking noob" every time he addresses me.

I don't play games online often. The most I played was total war, but I never saw hostility like that

Aww dude sorry you had to experience that. It really sucks that such a member is so toxic and messing with new players like that. :(

I hope you don't quit because of this. Not everyone is a douchebag like that guy.


just had a bad experience online o_O

I've cleared the campaign, and I've played the bots a bunch of times. Decided to see what a match was like with a real person.

So I go to matchmaking and get paired up with a dude.

The game starts up and I get a message from the guy


I have no clue what the hell he's talking about, so I'm like "what do you mean?"

He's like "OMG, fking noob i h8 blzrds matchmaking"

Then he proceeds to bitch me out about wasting his time and how I have no right to play online until I can beat bots on very hard, throwing in "fking noob" every time he addresses me.

I don't play games online often. The most I played was total war, but I never saw hostility like that

wtf? this is totally dota attitude lol. what do you care what league your opponents in

edit: also mother fucking mech is winning me all of my games. I think im the next flash


Megalosaro, maybe try unranked matches just to get the hang of playing with people in a more relaxed setting. Not saying the guy was right to go full retard on you, but there's less of a chance of that in unranked games lol.


just had a bad experience online o_O

I've cleared the campaign, and I've played the bots a bunch of times. Decided to see what a match was like with a real person.

So I go to matchmaking and get paired up with a dude.

The game starts up and I get a message from the guy


I have no clue what the hell he's talking about, so I'm like "what do you mean?"

He's like "OMG, fking noob i h8 blzrds matchmaking"

Then he proceeds to bitch me out about wasting his time and how I have no right to play online until I can beat bots on very hard, throwing in "fking noob" every time he addresses me.

I don't play games online often. The most I played was total war, but I never saw hostility like that

What a fucking clown. If he wasn't inept he would realize that your league is displayed around your character portrait whenever a map is loading.

I can only say that I'm sorry you had to be exposed to the lowest common denominator of ladder scum in your first online match. You can be assured that more often than not you'll run across well mannered people where the worst you'll get is a no gg ragequit... that is until you get to Master League where everyone is a regular prima donna and they'll be more than happy to take all the time out of their day to explain to you how horrible you are even after you thoroughly REKT them. ;)


What a fucking clown. If he wasn't inept he would realize that your league is displayed around your character portrait whenever a map is loading.

I can only say that I'm sorry you had to be exposed to the lowest common denominator of ladder scum in your first online match. You can be assured that more often than not you'll run across well mannered people where the worst you'll get is a no gg ragequit... that is until you get to Master League where everyone is a regular prima donna and they'll be more than happy to take all the time out of their day to explain to you how horrible you are even after you thoroughly REKT them. ;)

he was probably in placement so he didn't know.

But according to my experience almost every game i play right now is no gg ragequit, the zerg earlier gg'd since we both played excellent if i say so myself, he was just wrong on picking swarmhosts when i already got my tank raven set up
Megalosaro, maybe try unranked matches just to get the hang of playing with people in a more relaxed setting. Not saying the guy was right to go full retard on you, but there's less of a chance of that in unranked games lol.

That's the thing, it WAS a unranked match lol.

I have no intention of quitting though. Games too fun


As long as we're sharing ladder horror stories. XD

I've been opening hellions recently in TvP, since I mech. Reactor x2 hellion xmine expand. Seems to be working out fairly well for me as the hellions scout and I know if I need my mines back at my base for oracles or what not.

Game 1: Protoss will only say gg to me, I need to pause the game at around 14 supply to talk with my girlfriend and ask him if it's ok if I pause, he says sure.

I come 20 seconds latter to see him having unpaused and spamming 'waited 5 seconds'.

So because my mines are late his proxy oracle kills my scvs and I gg amid his taunts.

Game 2: I say

"I Hope that you're not a Protoss like the last guy I faced"
"He cheated"

"Oh no no no"
"I don't cheat"

"gl hf man"
"I honestly have more fun when I'm not facing protoss :\"


"They feel a little strong"

"Haha no way"
"I main T, TvP is ezpz"


We exchange gl hfs and I do my hellion opening. He has the watch tower on Polar Night so he builds 3 pylons to block his main and cancels one, blocking with stalker. turns out he went 1 base oracle but kept it behind to defend when he saw the hellions.

So I play that out, and group up with my 2 hellions and 2 mines and get into his base when his stalker is out of position. I kill 17 probes and only a few SCVs to his oracle. I play it out and kill him with ease when he's trying to take a greedy 4th (after already over extending with his third).

He quits with no gg, I msg him after a minute and say gg, gl in his games.

He then proceeds to launch slurs at me, calls me pathetic and says that I'm a child who complains about balance but then cheeses in TvP. I point out that I only said Protoss was a little strong when he asked. He says that I'm a pathetic faggot etc. I point out that I never cheesed him, he scouted the factory opening and he went 1 base oracle. He says I'm boring and people who play like me are boring and I'm a pathetic child who cries about balance. I ask him how what his feelings are on people who cry after they lose and offer to face him 1v1 tvt if he says I suck ass at Terran.

He says "No you dumb faggot, so you can just cheese me? You're the type of Terran who only got where they are off of cheese". I say "Go look at my match history and you can see that I only 1 rax expand in tvt and will even double expand off one rax and when it comes to TvZ I only play MMMM bio (or thor hellbat), flash mech, and kretoc style.

He says "You do realize that the good Terrans beat protoss right?" I bring up the Proleague and GSL stats, he claims that I pulled them from my ass. I link them, he says so little terrans in Code S because they were knocked out by Zerg, I link the stats again and the reddit thread showing how the only Ts who could advance didn't face a Protoss. He says that Blizzard doesn't see an issue with Protoss, I link the balance changes. He call devolves to just typing lmfao?

Between those two games and winning every TvZ. I had a great night ^^


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
If you go on the ladder telling people you think their race is imbalanced and gg them after they rage quit you're going to experience that type of thing a lot. I don't think you did anything wrong and that guy was a dick but that's just how people react to stuff like that. Balance is a pretty hot topic which seems to bring out the rage pretty damn quickly on the ladder.

Also any reference to GSL or proleague level of games when talking about low level balance is totally out of place (i know he brought it up which was just silly). Personally i'm not a fan of any discussion of balance below like GM league because frankly i think it has little to no impact and i haven't seen much evidence that things are actually imbalanced.

Edit: Personally i think the hardest matchups at low levels is generally playing against zerg, especially ZvT which is really hard. Not saying it's imbalanced either that's just my experience.


Yea typing gg through pm after a game usualy doesn't yield a positive response :D

I don't do it unless it was really a tense game, he didn't seem like a BM kind of guy and actualy gg'd.
Yea typing gg through pm after a game usualy doesn't yield a positive response :D

I don't do it unless it was really a tense game, he didn't seem like a BM kind of guy and actualy gg'd.

I'll be honest i do it all the time. I enjoy reading the rage people post on the ladder and it just boggles my mind. The amount of racial taunts i've received (without them knowing my race lol) along with death threats to myself and my family and all sorts of things is just amazing. Even though typing gg after a game is really done with good intentions. People really need to calm down on the ladder.


I'll be honest i do it all the time. I enjoy reading the rage people post on the ladder and it just boggles my mind. The amount of racial taunts i've received (without them knowing my race lol) along with death threats to myself and my family and all sorts of things is just amazing. Even though typing gg after a game is really done with good intentions. People really need to calm down on the ladder.

Couldn't agree more.

I even gg every single game, even if I get cheesed like 5 times in a row.


Well the thing is he mains T ( so he says ) and I even wished him gl hf in his other games. If he wants to act like that, that's on him. XD

I'll be honest i do it all the time. I enjoy reading the rage people post on the ladder and it just boggles my mind. The amount of racial taunts i've received (without them knowing my race lol) along with death threats to myself and my family and all sorts of things is just amazing. Even though typing gg after a game is really done with good intentions. People really need to calm down on the ladder.

I'll cop to going after games sometime to get a reaction, but I legitimately gg'd with good intentions that game! Everything you posted is so true but especially the bolded. XD
Couldn't agree more.

I even gg every single game, even if I get cheesed like 5 times in a row.

Same, cheesing is a legit strat and i engage in it myself a bit so fair game. It's all fun and i like when things get crazy.

Well the thing is he mains T ( so he says ) and I even wished him gl hf in his other games. If he wants to act like that, that's on him.

It doesn't really matter what you said he shouldn't act like that. I'm just saying that in general people don't react well to that stuff even if it is well intentioned, it's like their just looking for something to complain about.

Personally i don't understand the obsession with the players online wanting to tell me i'm terrible. I know i'm crap as are 90% of the people on ladder. We all only win 50-55% essentially and if you're facing me you're either tanking your rating (in which case lol at raging at a loss) or you're on my level so it makes no sense to call me bad. It should all be for fun.

I'll cop to going after games sometime to get a reaction, but I legitimately gg'd with good intentions that game! Everything you posted is so true but especially the bolded. XD

Online gaming is serious business lol. I haven't really tried my hand at MOBA's but i can online imagine the sort of rage you would find there. Shit i've seen how people act in even friendly team arcade games.
My friend and i have been just playing around with some really dumb strats in 2v2 (planetary rushes and just stupid stuff). We're in bronze/silver at the moment. Anyway we found a fun strat we like. We both go protoss and build our first pylon in their mineral line (just behind) and then when they try and kill them we block their mineral line with gateways and forges. We often win without building a unit.

So we decided to try and see what league we could get to doing this just for a bit of fun (and because we probably shouldn't be sitting in bronze). We come up against some diamond guy with his friend trolling. We say gl hf and they start trash talking and being arseholes in general. We just continue with the build. In the end we won the game and the guy raged out calling us cheesing pricks. Then he started insulting us heaps after the game challenging us to 1v1's.

I feel bad doing that to bronze players and i know i shouldn't but that game felt damn good. Going to aim for gold+ doing this build if we can.

1v1 i'm trying to switch to terran. Got to get used to the positioning when going mech. The hardest part is trying to defend all the different bases you have, it's pretty frustrating when you get caught out of position by mutas or a warp prism. It's really hard to reposition to stop them.

I think i need a more solid early game build order especially for TvT. Right now i sorta just build stuff when i want which i know won't cut it. Shame i probably can't play for a few days.


Same, cheesing is a legit strat and i engage in it myself a bit so fair game. It's all fun and i like when things get crazy.
Personally i don't understand the obsession with the players online wanting to tell me i'm terrible. I know i'm crap as are 90% of the people on ladder. We all only win 50-55% essentially and if you're facing me you're either tanking your rating (in which case lol at raging at a loss) or you're on my level so it makes no sense to call me bad. It should all be for fun.
I sort of understand the impulse to occasionally complain to people about them / their strategy being terrible IdrA -style. (Not that the complaining helps anyone.) For instance, if I blindly do some weird cheese that will fail miserably 60% of the time and crush the opponent 40% of the time, then I'm kind of wasting the opponent's time. In lower leagues you can't expect people to be able to identify many builds, and it's not reasonable to train to defeat one particular weird cheese that no one playing reasonably will use. So the result ends up being a coinflip and whoever wins, the players aren't learning much.

I never go full tilt rage, but I do remember one game where I got pissed because the opponent literally won due to playing badly. He did a bunker rush which I barely deflected, and then followed up with a totally blind four (five?) rax all-in off one base. I explicitly considered the possibility of an all in, and decided he can't be going for one just yet because my overlord scouted a refinery with SCVs on it. Therefore I didn't add spines, and got overrun. Due to the refinery, his all-in was very weak and would have been crushed by most things I could have been doing. Now, showing that refinery would have been a really funny troll play by him if it was deliberate, but he didn't know about my overlord so it was just a massive build mistake.


I think i need a more solid early game build order especially for TvT. Right now i sorta just build stuff when i want which i know won't cut it. Shame i probably can't play for a few days.

It's a very old build from WoL and it's not very exciting but it's simple to pull off and is optimized to get out as many Marines as physically possible by the 10:00 mark and allows for a smooth transition into a Marine-Tank-Medivac composition.

ThorZaIN's TvT
It's a very old build from WoL and it's not very exciting but it's simple to pull off and is optimized to get out as many Marines as physically possible by the 10:00 mark and allows for a smooth transition into a Marine-Tank-Medivac composition.

ThorZaIN's TvT

Will use. I like bomber style openings in TvT and TvP with lots of early marines and i enjoy marine tank. Still deciding which matchups i will be going mech or bio in, it's a hard choice.

I sort of understand the impulse to occasionally complain to people about them / their strategy being terrible IdrA -style. (Not that the complaining helps anyone.) For instance, if I blindly do some weird cheese that will fail miserably 60% of the time and crush the opponent 40% of the time, then I'm kind of wasting the opponent's time. In lower leagues you can't expect people to be able to identify many builds, and it's not reasonable to train to defeat one particular weird cheese that no one playing reasonably will use. So the result ends up being a coinflip and whoever wins, the players aren't learning much.

I never go full tilt rage, but I do remember one game where I got pissed because the opponent literally won due to playing badly. He did a bunker rush which I barely deflected, and then followed up with a totally blind four (five?) rax all-in off one base. I explicitly considered the possibility of an all in, and decided he can't be going for one just yet because my overlord scouted a refinery with SCVs on it. Therefore I didn't add spines, and got overrun. Due to the refinery, his all-in was very weak and would have been crushed by most things I could have been doing. Now, showing that refinery would have been a really funny troll play by him if it was deliberate, but he didn't know about my overlord so it was just a massive build mistake.

But is the purpose of playing at a low level to get better and learn something? Most players at the bottom don't usually move up far and it should really be about having fun game to game.

That plus over time the more you face cheese the better you get at holding it. Sure you can't know all of them but eventually you learn the basics of what you need to do to hold most stuff. If most players didn't cheese than when you face someone who does you're pretty much fucked.

I definitely understand the frustration and it's why i don't really worry when someone rages at me on the ladder. Sometimes people take it too far.
Tried ladder again and had a really friendly game with another Zerg for once. We agreed on no cheese and I was surprised he didn't. Could tell he was kind of new because of his timing on his pool and Hatchery and his lack of scouting. He went mass mutas and I tried to counter with Mutas of my own plus Infestors, but I sucked at fungaling his Mutas and lost most of my main before his mutas died at my natural (had 4 spores at each of my 3 bases). He tried going mass mutas again but didn't have as many because I kept denying a 3rd with Roaches. After his second attack I was able to get my Lair back up and went mass mutas again since I had a massive bank. I found that he did have a 3rd but not for very long. Quickly took care of it and killed him. Told him he should get a much quicker 3rd next time and he said thanks.

Why can't all games be like this?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Busy with work, and spending most of the free time I have playing DOTA 2 with friends.
Toss really soured me on playing SC2....

How's things Yoshi?
Ah the same usual thing.

Protoss makes me want to kill myself.
Blizzard can't make good games for shit.
I broke a Dual Shock 3 two weeks ago.
I am raging at Hearthstone.

Yep, all is good :D


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


You make me sick. Playing np in doto is just like you playing toss

Only half kidding

Truth be told, I have not played NP yet! I just like the avatar combined with my username.

Yoshichan said:
Ah the same usual thing.

Protoss makes me want to kill myself.
Blizzard can't make good games for shit.
I broke a Dual Shock 3 two weeks ago.
I am raging at Hearthstone.

Yep, all is good :D

What game did you break it for?

For some reason playing dota does not make me rage anymore. I guess its just because I'm playing with friends and that makes me a more relaxed person.

Also, my girlfriend returned from Sweden today, she liked it a lot, so we'll probably take a vaction together there in the future.


Truth be told, I have not played NP yet! I just like the avatar combined with my username.

What game did you break it for?

For some reason playing dota does not make me rage anymore. I guess its just because I'm playing with friends and that makes me a more relaxed person.

Also, my girlfriend returned from Sweden today, she liked it a lot, so we'll probably take a vaction together there in the future.

i'm going to sweden in april, join me :D


This image is hideous, just like the race
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