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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
So basically, idra is bailing out... why exactly?


So basically, idra is bailing out... why exactly?

Well after being let go by EG, they basically paid for his cost of living for a year as good will, no bad blood, and that year is basically up now isn't it? He has said publicly that he doesn't enjoy playing StarCraft II, and his stream numbers have decreased to the point that he's just a middle of the road streamer, so I doubt the money is all that great.

He's probably going to actually finish school now or something. Given his previous contracts with EG, I doubt he's hurting for money and probably hates everything to do with the 'scene'. The funny part is, all the negativity surrounding him, the haters, everything, are all basically his own doing. He set the circumstances in motion to gain tons of anti fans and then actively encouraged them throughout the years by being antagonistic, dismissive, and arrogant.


Hey, Crim!





Hahaha much love, Bisk! I had to bolt to take care of something. I thought you logged off too! I'm actually on my way back so I'll look for you if I jump back on. We gotta do this more often, bro! :-D
:( Hey guys if you play on SC2 Ladder or Arcade let us know in the thread. We can jump in. Unless you want to 1v1 for a while, then its understandable.


No man we actually talked about that tonight! We think it would be sweet to get SC2 GAF together for some arcade games and have some fun! The more the merrier; lord knows we need someone to carry me through nexus when I'm drunk hahaha.

Oh god take me away Freddie~


It's too late man I just started watching Queen at Live Aid 85. No stopping this now. Oh Freddie. <3
Oh god take me away Freddie~
Tell me this isn't the greatest live performance ever


Incredible. haha

:( Hey guys if you play on SC2 Ladder or Arcade let us know in the thread. We can jump in. Unless you want to 1v1 for a while, then its understandable.
No man we actually talked about that tonight! We think it would be sweet to get SC2 GAF together for some arcade games and have some fun! The more the merrier; lord knows we need someone to carry me through nexus when I'm drunk hahaha.

Yes, most definitely! I know Crimson was doing GAF nights before but I never got a chance to take part in them. Fridays and Saturdays would work best for me.

Missed the end of IEM. Sooooooo disappointed that bomber didn't end up qualifying for the big finals.

There's still IEM Cologne in a couple of weeks... hope he gets invited. ;_;

But I doubt he'll make it even then. Currently it's 5 Protoss, 2 Zerg and 0 Terran at Katowice. Polt and jjakji will be at Cologne so hopefully at least one of them can get in there. Then there's still the regional brackets and open bracket but I'm sure mostly Protoss will come out of those too. >_<



SC2 Balance Changes: Pros' Impressions

Team Liquid said:
Recently, Blizzard provided a set of proposed changes to StarCraft 2. As of right now the following changes have been made live on a balance test map.

Following in the footsteps of our DotA 2 and Hearthstone counterparts, the TeamLiquid Strategy team reached out to some professional players asking them about their first impressions on the proposed changes. Please keep in mind: these are impressions based on their experience and understanding of the game. Should any of these changes go through the impressions put forth here may change, as they explore the possibilities with each change.

A special thanks as well to Nathanias, who was able to contact many of these players and provide much of the feedback from Korean players seen here was collected through him.

Proposed Changes

Mothership Core:
  • Photon Overcharge duration decreased from 60 to 50 seconds.
  • Time Warp energy cost increased from 75 to 100.
  • Resonance Coil ground weapon damage increased from 30 to 30 + 30 vs. Structures.
  • Starting energy increased from 50 to 75.
  • The Moebius Reactor upgrade has been removed from the Ghost Academy.
  • Cost decreased from 100/50 to 100/25.

CranK (Protoss) said:
"I think it's kinda not bad that Mothership core is nerfed like that. But if they do the Ghost buff and MSC nerf both. It'll ruin PvT so much I think.

I can't really imagine that tempest but I'm pretty sure buff Hydralisk totally sucks."
Dear (Protoss) said:
"I dont know yet about ghost, I need [to play the] game after patch. I guess Terran will use ghost cheese in earlytime [unclear if this means early timing, or when patch is new].

Overcharge and timewarp are small nerfs to Protoss but its not a big deal.

Hydra patch - ZvP its really hard.

Tempest its good for Protoss but [I'll] need [to play a]game after patch but it also not a big deal (vs Zerg small advantage )"
desRow (Protoss) said:
"I'm looking forward to the mothershipcore change because it will greatly reduce defender's advantage for the photon overcharge.

As for the timewarp if that's what it takes for people to stop crying their hearts out, I can live with it.

The tempest change is really refreshing. I haven't had too much trouble with swarmhost but I also haven't played the Firecakes, stephanos and catzs of this world. It will also make players want to try more shenanigans like proxy or use tempest more in PvT so it will be fun. It won't be game breaking.

I don't think the ghost change will do anything other than help players with poor macro have ghost with enough energy for a battle. If you time your energy upgrade to sync with the ghost production, like how a Zerg would sync up the energy upgrade on his infestor, you don't have that problem therefore if you have good macro, the energy upgrade wasn't a problem before.lets take a look, a ghost takes 40 seconds to make and energy upgrade takes 80 seconds to research,so, you're saving 40 seconds but there are barely any games, if at all, that a Terran is dying because of a 40 second window with ghosts not being on the field.

The hydralisk change will break the game, hydralisk are extremely powerful but are vulnerable to collosus. a buff in the mineral cost could be an option but ling hydra into muta will just be way too strong if this goes through."
jjakji (Terran) said:
"[Mothership Core] TvP clearly , its Protoss nerf. But overcharge 10second it cant change something [much]. Time warp patch also cant do much, if Protoss use blink stalker, time warp just needed one time. Nothing will be changed .

About Ghost, blizzard said it will be helpful with mechanic [mech compositions] but i don't think its much help mechanic. I think it gives more power with bionic [bio - marine marauder] play. Its a nice patch but we need to see it for a while [if it is] good or not. [Against] high templar basic mana will be problem because player can use them after make unit but ghost need to walk they get mana between time so i dont know its over patch or so so. [the intention here is as follows: since when attacking, ghosts walk cross map they should already have energy for emp]

Hydra buff - crazy patch it shoud be removed.

Tempest - tempest's don't need patch its good enough damage x1.5 only bionic building (Zerg) its good enough to testing but x2 x3 its not good."
MMA (Terran) said:
"Mothership vision, please change.

The photon overcharge and time warp changes are very good, but not enough.

Ghost energy change is good :D"
Minigun (Protoss) said:
"Photon overcharge nerf will change PvP more than any other matchup, it's an extremely volitile matchup and it is already difficult enough to take a natural, this will just make it even harder. PvT it will help Terrans slightly, they can now do a push out, bait out photon overcharge, and then push in again only faster than before, but I don't think anyone thinks this is the best way to go about fixing PvT. Time warp nerf will help Terrans in general, overall good nerf, not too extreme one way or another, possibly will only have enough energy for one time warp doing a blink stalker all in instead of two, which is a big deal.

Tempests - seems just to be a bandaid to cover the actual problem, which is the unit design of the swarmhost. It will help toss be able to push forward faster, but doesn't fix anything.

Ghost buff - I don't see what prompted this buff, this is a decent nerf to ht openings, I personally stopped opening colossi due to scv pulls, but might have to switch back depending on how severe this actually is. I'd like to see it in play to get a feel for how big of a buff it is. IMO they are looking to buff/nerf areas that don't really make sense in trying to fix PvT.

Hydra buff - Scary buff for Zerg, ling/hydra into muta switches will be extremely scary, they will have quite a bit extra gas to work with. I don't see this buff going through.

When asked what fixes he would suggest to PvT Minigun replied as follows:

Mothership core vision nerf. It's absurdly high at the moment [currently 14], and this change would indirectly nerf quite a few Protoss all ins and allow them to play less greedy. Another nerf I saw was suggested was nerfing the range in which photon overcharge could be casted atm you can cast both photon overcharges from in between your two bases, if you had to be directly over the nexus, or very close that would be another viable nerf in my opinion. [The current cast range for Photon Overcharge is 10]"
Ryung (Terran) said:
"If they change 2 things in PvT like that, PvT will be so good for Terran.

I have no idea about hydralisk and tempest because I'm Terran."
TLO (Zerg) said:
"Photon Overcharge: I like this change, Protoss has been feeling a bit too strong in the defense lately and I like the approach of going small steps so this has my approval.

Time Warp: Definitely agree with this change as well, the MSC is incredibly strong throughout the game. Considering its low tech and relatively low price for such a powerful caster I welcome this change.

Ghosts: Not too sure about this, it's not like ghosts are hard to obtain as it is now and they're incredibly strong. Might create some timings that will be too tough for Protoss to hold and won't make Terran stronger in the late game. It's a purely timing based change, not a big fan.

Hydralisks: This is completely insane and won't make it into the game. Slashing the gas costs of a core unit into half is probably the biggest change to any unit we've seen in SC2 since beta. I'd prefer a much smaller buff, like reducing the costs of the both upgrades to 100/100, giving them an additional 10 hp or +1 armour.

Ling/hydra timings are already very powerful and I don't think Protoss will be able to hold against 25 gas hydras especially if MSC also gets a slight nerf. Follow that up with Muta and it's a completely nightmare for Protoss.
Might also make Roach/Hydra too strong in ZvT. But it would be cool if Zerg had a 2nd composition you can reliably play in that matchup.

Tempest: No Big opinion on this one, I'd much rather see Swarmhost nerf combined with a voidray/tempest nerf. And allow more dynamic unit compositions into late game."
Xenocider (Terran) said:
"Mothership Core: not relevant at all, one approach to making Terran early aggession viable is to nerf the mothership core (which is what Blizzard is doing), but since the reason why Terran can't be aggressive is because of 2base blink all-ins and oracle what they should really be focusing on is how to make those less viable. Time warp maybe decent because you can only time warp twice, and the 3rd one wont be available for a while after that, but usually the game is decided by the first 2 time warps.

Tempests: makes some niche proxy tempests in PvT better, like on Polar night where there's a huge amount of air space behind the main mineral line.

Ghosts: Seems like a redundant buff, Terran is only strong in the mid game (when they're not being all-ined) so it's making the strongest Terran point a little bit stronger (still doesn't have that much of an impact).

Hydralisks: lol"

Props to Zeromus and Nathanias for doing this.

I gotta say, MMA and Minigun know what's up. 14 range vision on the MSC is pretty freaking ridiculous. I know that it moves really slow so there has to be that compensation but come on. I think it'd be reasonable to take it down to a sight range of 11 (equivalent to the Observer).

I also really like Minigun's other suggestion of requiring the MSC to be almost directly over a Nexus in order to cast PO. It'll punish Protoss for being out of position and it would even give the opponent a chance to snipe the MSC.

The consensus seems to be that the Ghost and Tempest changes are useless and that Blizzard is fucking insane for even considering the Hydra buff.


I like the conspiracy theories on reddit and TL that the Hydra buff is intentionally made to be broken just so Blizzard can push in a ridiculous change later on without much complaining.


Another awesome idea for balancing the MSC that Blizzard dropped in the beta for some reason: Balance Suggestion: Make the MSC stick to the Nexus it gives Photon Overcharge too.

That would be absolutely perfect. It forces the Protoss player to really consider whether they should throw down Time Warps or use PO because they wouldn't be able to use both. Also, they would have to consider which Nexus they should use the PO on. It really forces much more tactical use out of the MSC and consideration of its abilities instead of just "lawlz spam time warps and POs all de timez"

Also, HotS is $20 at BestBuy today! :D


http://www.bestbuy.com/site/starcra...skuId=5223234&st=heart of the swarm&lp=1&cp=1

Finally time to get myself a copy. :3
Another awesome idea for balancing the MSC that Blizzard dropped in the beta for some reason: Balance Suggestion: Make the MSC stick to the Nexus it gives Photon Overcharge too.

That would be absolutely perfect. It forces the Protoss player to really consider whether they should throw down Time Warps or use PO because they wouldn't be able to use both. Also, they would have to consider which Nexus they should use the PO on. It really forces much more tactical use out of the MSC and consideration of its abilities instead of just "lawlz spam time warps and POs all de timez"

Also, HotS is $20 at BestBuy today! :D


http://www.bestbuy.com/site/starcra...skuId=5223234&st=heart of the swarm&lp=1&cp=1

Finally time to get myself a copy. :3

Do it! :D



So for those who haven't heard about it, there's a GOM eXP Creating Challenge (GCC) running from 1/15 through 3/12 where people who make the most creative gaming content based on views, likes and shares are rewarded prizes, with one lucky winner provided with flight tickets and a hotel in a trip to Korea to attend Award Ceremony at the 2014 GSL Season 1 Grand Finals.

Info here: http://www.gomexp.com/en/gcc/about_gcc.gom

There's actually some pretty awesome and hilarious videos. haha

Make sure you like and share the ones you like! :D


relies on auto-aim
$20 too expensive.

I'd agree on a Vision nerf to 9 or 10 and a shorter cast range on both MSC abilities.
TBH I was shocked that PO lasted 60 seconds, I knew it always seemed forever, but it's hilarious.
Considering the MSC usually can do two charges one after the other, it does feel like forever.

The MSC is building energy while the charge is on so it can possibly throw down a 3rd one. Which is why we sometimes see 3 timewarps in a row after a few seconds delay on the 2nd timewarp.


Having a movie studio sponsor an esports tournament is great. Did anyone see Ender's Game though? lol. Heard it was mediocre, but the trailer was neat. Maybe I'll buy the blu-ray to support this #dedgaem.


They're gonna test out a MSC sight range nerf! And the first few changes go live this week.


And thinning the ramp to the natural on Daedalus? Not bad, DK. No dicks for you this week.

Glad to hear they're trying to get those initial updates out this week since Code S is starting in a couple of days and SuperNova will be playing in a group with Trap and Zest later in the week.

It also shows a lot of promise that they do listen to the community + pro player feedback. MSC should not have vision range greater than 11. Once that is together with the Time Warp nerf, I'm really curious to see how much it'll change things because together those balance updates definitely should make Protoss all-ins slightly less viable in TvP.



IdrA just posted an addendum to this on TL: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=442589
IdrA said:
I tweeted a few days ago that I would no longer be streaming starcraft, I was going to leave it at that as I've barely done anything with the game the last month anyway, but there's been enough questions about it I figured I outa write something. Over the last 6 months or so streaming revenue has been nearly nonexistent, in part because of awful ad rates and in part because of continually declining viewership. Casting sc2 tournaments pays very poorly, when considered a significant part of a full time job. A couple thousand dollars for a weekend of talking about a game seems nice, but when it happens maybe once a month it is not a good way to live. There have also been continual job offers from various parts of the industry that always fail to materialize. If I wanted to continue to scrape out a living I probably could, by lowering standards, accepting donations, and whatever else. But I've never liked the game and I don't see that changing anytime soon so I see no reason to scrape by with no future just for the sake of staying with it.

I'll be going back to school. I have no plans to stream dota, or any other game right now, as I get very few viewers for it and I feel dumb inviting people to watch me be bad at something. It is possible I'll stream other games in the future, or be involved with esports in general if something interesting and practical pops up, but for the time being that's it for me. Thank you all.


I am shocked that popular streamers make any money. I can't imagine a half assed streamer like 2013 Idra makes anywhere near a living wage.
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