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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike



Hellz yeah! I was watching him earlier in the morning. Diamond chumps were straight up getting REKT. Every time a Protoss would try to pull some gimmicky shit they saw in a pro match, he would just be like "SO QUTE!!" and completely demoralize them. It was fantastic. haha

Then he didn't appreciate how long it was taking him to get to Master league as Terran so he switched to Protoss. EZ GAME EZ LIFE

I've been busy with exams this week, missed all the WCS matches. Any particularly awesome ones come to mind?

I got a list comin' yo way!

  • WCS America 2014 Ro32 Group C Revival vs Byul Game 3 (LEGIT GotY material here... for all the right AND wrong reasons! :D)
  • WCS America Ro32 Group D - Every match except Arthur vs Has (You'll probably want to take a shower after some of the games but all of them are pretty fun)
  • WCS Europe Ro32 Group D - Dayshi vs San and Dayshi vs Miniraser (You'll love 'em as a Terran brother)


I want a tag give me a tag
round of 16 dates announce!

lets see which ones i can go to when im in korea from the 17th to the 30th!

March 5, 2014 18:00 KST
March 7, 2014 18:00 KST
March 12, 2014 18:00 KST
March 14, 2014 18:00 KST

oh. :(


round of 16 dates announce!

lets see which ones i can go to when im in korea from the 17th to the 30th!

March 5, 2014 18:00 KST
March 7, 2014 18:00 KST
March 12, 2014 18:00 KST
March 14, 2014 18:00 KST

oh. :(

Sadly, there's definitely a couple of insane groups in this Ro16 that would be amazing to see live in person but the good news is the quarterfinals kick off on March 19th and the semifinals the following week on March 26th! You won't be able to catch the finals, but if you manage to catch three nights of GSL quarterfinals + semifinals those definitely shouldn't disappoint.
round of 16 dates announce!

lets see which ones i can go to when im in korea from the 17th to the 30th!

March 5, 2014 18:00 KST
March 7, 2014 18:00 KST
March 12, 2014 18:00 KST
March 14, 2014 18:00 KST

oh. :(

Nice bro enjoy! Semi usually turn out better than the Finals actually so it might not be all that bad. You also have Proleague to fall back on! :)

You can catch Prime vs Jin Air and Prime vs KT! :D


Were they exciting games? I've had a hard time gettign excited by Starbow matches, like the sweet spot is somewhere between regular SCII and Starbow.

last time i imba spoke escapingjail quit the thread

i was joking too.

Considering all your posts leading up to it were in a similar tone, you must have been playing one hell of a long con!


TOP's stream seriously deserves more viewers. 200-400 viewers on average is completely unacceptable for someone with this much swag.


YOLO TvZ style. XD

His stream never ceases to be entertaining. I don't know if he's currently looking for a team but he really deserves one. Top 100 GM on the KR ladder while playing just casually is pretty legit.


Undead: you are worse
than toss
fucking boring
pirce of shit
go die
you fucking idiot
waste of life
You: sooooooo
I should go bio next time
Undead: go jsut di
You: I hear neural is a nice spell
Undead: shut u
how does neural
in this shit
stupid fuck
jsut l2p
you umoron
You: well you certainly had enough infestors to cut down on about hafl my dps while getting your army in
Undead: they die instantly are you kidding fucktard just hsutu p
You: and redirect some on my you ran like 15 infestors into my bcs
Undead: dont talk to me you ahve no clue abozut this game
You: 15 neurals queeed would have helped
Undead: you are an idiot
You: masters last season and I go 1 rax expo tvt
I know how to play the game
Undead: no you dont
You: then why did I sucessfully expand a billion times without givng you an opening
Undead: because you played boring mech
you fucktards
Last Message 7:47 AM
You: hey just say your record honestly I might suggest taking a break watching streams for ideas and generally recharging
Undead: you
are a retard
just shut up
You: I was facing masters all the time about a month ago
and kind of burnt myself out
Undead: i am gm
You: soimetimkes it's jgood to just take a strep back and regen
Undead: on eu
I beat a GM! XD
Last Message 7:50 AM
You: Thanks for lettting me know
Undead: you are a waste of life
playing agaisnt you
has no
or anything
just fuck you
and leaave this game
You: I think I'm not so objectively that's what matters to my own quality of live
Undead: you are a fucking idiot
i really hope yo udie
You: seems sort of petty to hope that someone dies over a video game
Undead: no its not the video game
its your behavior
You: you said fuck you! and I offered you legit advice!
Undead: thres nothing
in it
you are pathetic
just shut
h8ßg4rw# bjo<rwgnbjp#VF E§Q
ni ß
p<rwg müknWGB %H
OK´qrc3ÜMO $§R VQT
Last Message 7:54 AM
You: Yoshi, is that you?
Legit kind of worried about you so I'll leave it here
Undead: pathetic
just te
jüo w5pk+

I love NA ladder. If not neural, he could have at least used fungal or dropped down a million infested terrans.


On a more serious note: For the first time in a long time, the 1v1 population of SCII is going up.


Also all of my terran brothers should check out this article on the recent mine buff.


I love NA ladder. If not neural, he could have at least used fungal or dropped down a million infested terrans.

Amazing. lol

"because you played boring mech" would've been hilarious if he was making Swarm Hosts. I lost it at the "Yoshi, is that you?" part. XD

Actually reminds me this fun little graphic that I stumbled upon while browsing reddit:

Innovation's TvT seems off. Just watched him lose 2 straight games on ladder. One going Mech vs bio/tank, the other trying to all-in going banshee into marine/tank push that didn't work, forcing him to sit back and make a 2nd CC while the guy he was playing has been on 2 orbitals for awhile, and eventually lost when the other guy pushed out.
Is it just me or has the APM of most players gone up heaps? I'm seeing players with 200 APM as low as gold or silver. When i used to ladder you wouldn't hit that until like masters. It's all spam mind you. Had one terran lose 9 scvs to a single ling runby when he was on one base.
Eww I've been doing terrible since I've come back.

TvZ is a nightmare for me right now. TvP is meh as long as I don't get to the lategame. TvT is all over the place. I did the most stupidest thing today by attempting to drop on a tank with 3 medivacs with marines nearby. There were only about 8 but all 3 medivacs got shot down.

It was embarrassing. I punched myself after winning the match which was shocking of itself. My opponent must be embarrassed lol.

Here is hope to me making Diamond and joining Samurai.

Here are a few replays for you guys to enjoy.

I played about a month ago and today. You can see how much rust I have on me.

All in on Habitation station Cannot believe it actually worked out

This guy was a BM Zerg who I proceeded to kill with a timing attack.

This game I dunno what I'm doing sometimes

MKP Greed style and then winning the match with it lol (really macro failure on my end)

Holding a Blink allin with 3 rax

Macro was shot to hell This is why TvZ is a nightmare for me. My Bomber styled macro has completely slipped. ;_; The zerg gave me this game

Winning a TvP with a Thor had a good amount of fun with this one as the Toss was a nice guy but ate too many emps.

Tank all in on Yeonsu I cannot believe it worked and it probably would have worked the first time if I pulled my SCVs with the push. Thank god he didn't have banelings lol.

Worst drop attempt ever This one was a huge facepalm moment for me. I seriously cannot believe how I managed to even win this game.

If there is one think you will notice in my replays is that I have let my macro slip most of the time. I really need it back under control. Also need to work on my unit control and splitting. Hotkeys need work too as I keep putting my Ghosts with my bio which messes up everything.

Most of these games it feels like my opponent gave them to me lol.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
"Yoshi, is that you?"



Sick new GCC entry: [FeedMe] Starcraft 2 Motivation

Eww I've been doing terrible since I've come back.

TvZ is a nightmare for me right now. TvP is meh as long as I don't get to the lategame. TvT is all over the place. I did the most stupidest thing today by attempting to drop on a tank with 3 medivacs with marines nearby. There were only about 8 but all 3 medivacs got shot down.

It was embarrassing. I punched myself after winning the match which was shocking of itself. My opponent must be embarrassed lol.

Here is hope to me making Diamond and joining Samurai.

Here are a few replays for you guys to enjoy.

I played about a month ago and today. You can see how much rust I have on me.

All in on Habitation station Cannot believe it actually worked out

This guy was a BM Zerg who I proceeded to kill with a timing attack.

This game I dunno what I'm doing sometimes

MKP Greed style and then winning the match with it lol (really macro failure on my end)

Holding a Blink allin with 3 rax

Macro was shot to hell This is why TvZ is a nightmare for me. My Bomber styled macro has completely slipped. ;_; The zerg gave me this game

Winning a TvP with a Thor had a good amount of fun with this one as the Toss was a nice guy but ate too many emps.

Tank all in on Yeonsu I cannot believe it worked and it probably would have worked the first time if I pulled my SCVs with the push. Thank god he didn't have banelings lol.

Worst drop attempt ever This one was a huge facepalm moment for me. I seriously cannot believe how I managed to even win this game.

If there is one think you will notice in my replays is that I have let my macro slip most of the time. I really need it back under control. Also need to work on my unit control and splitting. Hotkeys need work too as I keep putting my Ghosts with my bio which messes up everything.

Most of these games it feels like my opponent gave them to me lol.

Thanks, Crim! Will watch later! :D


Unexpected Growth in SC2 Player Base Could Prove Fatal

A recent study conducted over the past month has discovered an unexpected growth in StarCraft 2’s player base. The community thus far has reacted to the news with the typical combination of dread and self-hate, fearing that this growth may finally kill off SC2.

“We don’t know if this growth is benign or malignant,” said user aiurforceone. “Sometimes growth can become cancerous to the community.”

ESPORTS oncologists have urged fans and players not to panic, as the growth is almost entirely in the number of Protoss players on ladder. According to statistics, Zerg players are the most at-risk race for cancerous tumors, which are found spreading wildly in almost every Zerg match played.

“We believe StarCraft 2 could handle the treatment,” said SK Telecom team physician Kwun Oh Hyuk. “The community has lots of experience dealing with this level of toxicity.”

However, in spite of this expert advice, the community has already preparing for the worst.

“Irradiate doesn’t exist in SC2,” said user duckdeongoose. “Maybe there is some stim cell research or treatment.”

For the moment, the growth appears to be largely contained within the bronze ranks, but could metastasize to other leagues if left untreated.

The growth was initially discovered by Protoss player Samuli “elfi” Sihvonen, who had a medical check-up after watching the American comedy-drama film 50-50 starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogan. The film deals with cancer awareness, treatment, and survival.

“I thought the movie was about PvP,” said Sihvonen.

Glorious. hahaha


just wanted to find a chill game

got hit by an hour and 20 minutes ;_;

Edit: Just saw a game where flash went for bcs ;o
just wanted to find a chill game

got hit by an hour and 20 minutes ;_;

Edit: Just saw a game where flash went for bcs ;o

Dat MKP influence! :D I hope MKP plays Flash when Prime vs KT this round. Would be freaking epic.

Also Prime vs SKT1 today with the foreigner State vs Classic today.

BTW nice stream as always EJ. Wish I could play MMOs but they aren't my thing.


So apparently Apollo looks hot and would have been a lady killer all these years if he just cut his hair.

Maybe it's the filters but MC might be in love.
Damn, Bitterdam was one of my favorite caster duos. Guy who replaced him wasn't bad but still.

Speaking of which, what good players in WCS America are still alive besides Bomber? Jaedong got knocked out awhile ago and HerO got knocked out by a Chinese Zerg I never heard of tonight.

At most we can get 12 Koreans so at least 4 slots are saved for the foreigners. If we get some upsets we can even see an even split of 8 vs 8.
At most we can get 12 Koreans so at least 4 slots are saved for the foreigners. If we get some upsets we can even see an even split of 8 vs 8.

I'm really curious how far XiGua will go since he looked great against HerO. I missed the first game but the second game XiGua showed how Zerg should play against Stargate openers which most have failed at lately and the 3rd game XiGua held a borderline all-in from HerO by saving his 3rd and then overwhelmed him with Ling/Hydra/Corruptor.


This isn't of much use to me since I mech in TvP and TvZ, but I do recommend any Terrans out there do this practice routine to improve your splitting.

It only takes 10-15 minutes a day over two weeks.

I'm probably going to start doing it is so can more reliably go bio on the largest maps for TvZ.

Also Catz theorized that Marine Kings gold lift on Habitation Station isn't actually viable because of you scout directly across with the overlord you can pull all your drones before the Terran can complete a wall off. There's a vod for it, but I think if you cut even 1 SCV you'd be able to complete a wall off on time.

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