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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike

Having so much fun on the ladder right now. Think i'm about to get my plat promotion and then it's back onto diamond. I bloody love coming back in games where i screw my cheese and get trash talks. When someone calls you a retard or ez and then you come back and win, oh man it's awesome.



I just won a game due to something similar where like 6 ultralisks got stuck trying to get out of my opponents natrual on frost.


While it's improved since BW, pathing can still be a bitch goddess. You're click clicking all over the place, and fail to notice your tanks took a different route from the marines that were supposed to be escorting them, and then the big flock of mutas come....


Finally ordered HotS. However I'm not so sure if I should play it right away. I haven't played Starcraft 2 in a very long time. I also want to get back into the multiplayer. Thinking that it might be better to run through Wings of Liberty again. I only played through the campaign once on hard before I got distracted by other things. I assume HotS doesn't have a tutorial for those that took a break from the game considering it's an expansion. Right?

If I play through the campaign does that get rid of my "completed" screen? Or will that still show?

Edit: Damn. I did lose the "completed screen". :(


Finally order HotS. However I'm no so sure if I should play it right away. I haven't played Starcraft 2 in a very long time. I also want to get back into the multiplayer. Thinking that it might be better to run through Wings of Liberty again. I only played through the campaign once on hard before I got distracted by other things. I assume HotS doesn't have a tutorial for those that took a break from the game considering it's an expansion. Right?

The first 3-4 missions are kind of tutorials.
Starting with "left-click to select Drone"...


Well when you have your sea legs I recommend you start looking at some general builds! Make sure to start learning the hotkeys and how to hotkey!

TYs sick timing against protoss Proleague

While it's improved since BW, pathing can still be a bitch goddess. You're click clicking all over the place, and fail to notice your tanks took a different route from the marines that were supposed to be escorting them, and then the big flock of mutas come....

Yeah the problem if how much the pathing prioritizes optimal travel distance. I guess the group taht splits off will get there faster sometimes than if they congo lined at the back of the main group, but dammit AI when I say that that path I mean take that path!



Going to start using this on ladder

Eww I've been doing terrible since I've come back.

TvZ is a nightmare for me right now. TvP is meh as long as I don't get to the lategame. TvT is all over the place. I did the most stupidest thing today by attempting to drop on a tank with 3 medivacs with marines nearby. There were only about 8 but all 3 medivacs got shot down.

It was embarrassing. I punched myself after winning the match which was shocking of itself. My opponent must be embarrassed lol.

Here is hope to me making Diamond and joining Samurai.

Here are a few replays for you guys to enjoy.

I played about a month ago and today. You can see how much rust I have on me.

All in on Habitation station Cannot believe it actually worked out

This guy was a BM Zerg who I proceeded to kill with a timing attack.

This game I dunno what I'm doing sometimes

MKP Greed style and then winning the match with it lol (really macro failure on my end)

Holding a Blink allin with 3 rax

Macro was shot to hell This is why TvZ is a nightmare for me. My Bomber styled macro has completely slipped. ;_; The zerg gave me this game

Winning a TvP with a Thor had a good amount of fun with this one as the Toss was a nice guy but ate too many emps.

Tank all in on Yeonsu I cannot believe it worked and it probably would have worked the first time if I pulled my SCVs with the push. Thank god he didn't have banelings lol.

Worst drop attempt ever This one was a huge facepalm moment for me. I seriously cannot believe how I managed to even win this game.

If there is one think you will notice in my replays is that I have let my macro slip most of the time. I really need it back under control. Also need to work on my unit control and splitting. Hotkeys need work too as I keep putting my Ghosts with my bio which messes up everything.

Most of these games it feels like my opponent gave them to me lol.

I have finally downloaded all of these replays and shall get back to you!

I know this might sounds lazy, but in the future I find that it is actually much easier for people to watch multiple replays if you just save them in order and put them all in a folder that has been sipped. That way we can just drop them into our SCII replay folder and go.

You can upload it to something like http://www.speedyshare.com/
Is it worth getting Heart of the Swarm? I want to play through the campaign and possibly some multiplayer. I am just not sure since one of my favorite strategies when I first played Starcraft 2 multiplayer doesn't seem to work anymore and I can't figure out new tactics whenever I try.


Is it worth getting Heart of the Swarm? I want to play through the campaign and possibly some multiplayer. I am just not sure since one of my favorite strategies when I first played Starcraft 2 multiplayer doesn't seem to work anymore and I can't figure out new tactics whenever I try.

Remember that if you ever will want Legacy of the Void, you will most certainly need HotS as well.
The campaign's fine, has some interesting concepts. A tad easier than WoL i think.

No comment on MP.
Going to start using this on ladder

I have finally downloaded all of these replays and shall get back to you!

I know this might sounds lazy, but in the future I find that it is actually much easier for people to watch multiple replays if you just save them in order and put them all in a folder that has been sipped. That way we can just drop them into our SCII replay folder and go.

You can upload it to something like http://www.speedyshare.com/

Thanks, yeah I don't like it personally so that speedyshare is a better way to share replays.


Is it worth getting Heart of the Swarm? I want to play through the campaign and possibly some multiplayer. I am just not sure since one of my favorite strategies when I first played Starcraft 2 multiplayer doesn't seem to work anymore and I can't figure out new tactics whenever I try.

The campaign is a lot better than WoL and so is the MP
The campaign is a lot better than WoL and so is the MP

This is basically true. I will say that having replayed the WoL campaign i kinda enjoyed it more. I feel like terran units are more suited to a campaign like that. That plus the zerg campaign was just so incredibly easy once you got some of the imbalanced upgrades.
I liked the WOL campaign better actually but maybe its because I'm Terran lol.

With Diablo III: RoS coming out soon and Hearthstone + their MOBA getting out of and into beta, we can see LOTV trailer soon. Maybe a 2015-16 release?


I want a tag give me a tag
I don't suppose any of you cats know if there is a Diablo 3 expansion launch party in Seoul? I can only find deets about one in America :(

I asked the d3 thread a while ago but no real responses.
I also preferred WoL's campaign more than HotS's. While there's no real missions I hate doing in HotS's campaign, it doesn't really give you any of the cool single player only units that you get in WoL.


Weird. I actually disliked the WoL campaign so much that I never bothered to finish the final two missions. It was mostly a meandering, decompressed, assortment of poorly designed gimmick missions that were largely trial and error to begin with and an idiotic Banjo man that ruined the mood of every level at the start. I did not care about getting to see how bad Blizzard actually was at doing NPC conversation trees, or the goofy cast that populated them. Additionally I did had a lot more fun upgrading Zerg units in Hots (and Kerrigan) to do cool things that are not possible in the MP than I had playing with boring units like the Diamond Back in WoL. That and Kerrigan provided a lot more fun than the stupid mission design in WoL ever did.

For all the sillyness that Hots campaign has (ESSENCEEEEE) (the retarded evolution of Kerrigan throughout the campaign), it was at least closer in spirit to keeping with the tone of Starcraft I and Broodwar, something that WoL missed the mark on even more because of the neutered drive to presentation and dialogue.
Both games stories and dialogue are so bad i've tried to wipe them from memory. They have managed to shit on everything from BW, can't way till the officially bring tassadar back to life.

In terms of gameplay i think kerrigan was the worst thing to happen to the campaign. Not really a fan of hero units or the effect she has on balancing the campaign. I just avoided using her when possible.


Kerrigan is essential and adds a lot of extra depth on the harder difficulty though, but I can see that. I was never a fan of Warcraft III, but I found Kerrigan to be a lot simpler than that, so I had no flashbacks.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Welllllll I just got SC2, and also Diablo 3. I have been focusing on playing the latter while learning about SC2 from watching pro matches. I played a bit into the WoL campaign, just finished some thing where you go out in the day and defend at night, although at the end of It I noticed that there is no reason to not go around killing at night if your base is solid enough to not need the extra help. Anyways, it's not far in but already the missions are fairly annoying. The one with lava that periodically rises was also just a dumb gimmick, and the escort mission with the IDIOTS who can't wait for your firebats to run up and kill the zerg and just drive right into them was horrid. As for the story, I know it's a terran-focused campaign but I find nothing about the terrans, as they are, interesting.
Kerrigan is essential and adds a lot of extra depth on the harder difficulty though, but I can see that. I was never a fan of Warcraft III, but I found Kerrigan to be a lot simpler than that, so I had no flashbacks.

I just felt like the campaign was way too easy when you used her (even on the hardest setting). In a way it doesn't bother me as you can get a bit more of a challenge not really using her.

I should probably give the HOTS campaign another try. There is a lot of variety there in terms of gameplay and it has been a while since i played it.


Welllllll I just got SC2, and also Diablo 3. I have been focusing on playing the latter while learning about SC2 from watching pro matches. I played a bit into the WoL campaign, just finished some thing where you go out in the day and defend at night, although at the end of It I noticed that there is no reason to not go around killing at night if your base is solid enough to not need the extra help. Anyways, it's not far in but already the missions are fairly annoying. The one with lava that periodically rises was also just a dumb gimmick, and the escort mission with the IDIOTS who can't wait for your firebats to run up and kill the zerg and just drive right into them was horrid. As for the story, I know it's a terran-focused campaign but I find nothing about the terrans, as they are, interesting.

Everyone has gotten hit with the bland stick in SCII, and brace yourself for the missions to not get any less gimmicky or annoying. Hots actually has a fun version or that Lava mission where the enemy forces freeze for a duration of time.

Post your username + friend ID so we can add you!


Get hype, guys:


Starts in about 20 hours... I'll have the OT up later tonight. And you can bet your ass I'm gonna fit "$100,000 Winner-Takes-All" somewhere in the title. We need everybody and their momma watching!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Senior Game Designer David Kim will be answering your questions about StarCraft II balance and design this afternoon

ITT, David Kim will be responding to your questions and comments about multiplayer balance, unit design, maps, and gameplay today starting at about 1:00 p.m. PDT.

Between now and then, feel free to use this as a space to prepare for that with your questions for Dayvie, and please upvote and downvote everything as you see fit so that we can make sure that we respond to as many of the most popular entries as possible.



Senior Game Designer David Kim will be answering your questions about StarCraft II balance and design this afternoon

ITT, David Kim will be responding to your questions and comments about multiplayer balance, unit design, maps, and gameplay today starting at about 1:00 p.m. PDT.

Between now and then, feel free to use this as a space to prepare for that with your questions for Dayvie, and please upvote and downvote everything as you see fit so that we can make sure that we respond to as many of the most popular entries as possible.


These answers are so depressing XD


That one answer was hilarious, completely avoiding addressing the actual question in any meaningful way...
EDIT the one about Starbow and other mod influence.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Suggestions to nerf Swarm Hosts is some bullshit that entirely misses why people end up using them so much.


David Kim said:
Not just maps, but in general we believe the smallest changes possible that have the biggest impacts are the better designs in SC2. And often times, new map mechanics are the opposite of this.
David Kim said:
We prefer not to make big changes due to careers being on the line in a game like Starcraft 2. We also mentioned we would prefer not to make design changes in patches because we don't think it's good for the game to change too much and confuse returning players or players who just don't keep up with every single change we make to the game.
David Kim said:
However, the most important thing to remember is that core mechanics are difficult to mess with in an expansion because we're talking about completely changing major parts of the game. There are people out there that want such major changes (which is sort of what the mod community is for), but there are also people out there who like the current core systems the way they are.

Also, the danger of doing something like this is that it's not as easy as just changing something. We know the ins and outs of how this game works through years of experience. It would be very difficult to simply change a core part of the game to something completely different, and still have it as polished as what we have now.
David Kim said:
Yes free units can have a place in RTS, and free doesn't mean it's OP. There's a cost to using Locusts and it's not completely free. You still need to make Swarm Hosts.
David Kim said:
For the Carrier, we believe the issue is that Carriers are mostly just A move capital ships. The main cool factor of this unit is that they see play once in a while. If they were seen often, We don't think 10+ Carriers being A moved is all that interesting to play with or watch.

Does DK even take himself seriously? He really needs to sit down and have somebody read this shit back to him out loud.

The responses from reddit to his answers and him getting eaten alive is perfect. Glad the community isn't just giving up and accepting this fuckery as logical reasons why Blizzard continues to be giant pansies when it comes to a very much needed revamp of the game while almost every other big online game out there has been getting it.
Starting to face diamonds again on the ladder :D. I'm on like 1200 points in plat so i think it's only a matter of time before i get promoted. Wish i had a cheese for TvT, right now i just quit when i get it (was doing double proxy reaper might try again). Luckily i win like 80%+ of my games so it doesn't matter.

Still coming up with more cheeses for each matchup. So far my favorite without question is 6 rax on one base in TvP, haven't lost with it yet (though i'm guessing i will hit a wall in diamond). My next favorite is building my forge and gateway in the zergs natural. Beat a few masters doing this build (face the occasional one who has tanked their rating).


I still feel kinda bad for David Kim. I don't think he actually believes some of the stuff he says, but Blizzard probably isn't giving him the freedom and ressources to do what needs to be done.
Getting my flow back with TvZ and dealing with Mutas. Zergs seem to have trouble with my tanks with bio lol. Too used to mech most likely.

TvT is come and go.

TvP is still a pain if you don't properly scout. Lots of 2 base 6 gates + robo and rushes galore sadly.
Anyone watching this open bracket with Jaedong players? It sucks so much we can't use the colour mods anymore. It looks fucking fantastic (banes especially).

TvP is still a pain if you don't properly scout. Lots of 2 base 6 gates + robo and rushes galore sadly.

See the key is to kill them before they get to 2 base :p.


Good news from the AMA is that in game tournaments are a high priority for them and should be in the expansion.
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