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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


Where do I watch this


Well shit I'm pretty drunk but you shouldn't tell people that because last couple times I was drunk I ended up in, uh, fist micro with some gents but that's not important they deserved it anyway I don't like fights but I had to because they were insulting my boyfriend haha yeah well there's your line ball to left field in group terms here we go
there is no spam
there is the force

Drunk Biskie is BEST Biskie! :D <3


Well it is what it is
I'm just gonna....... drink a bit more and forget this little conversation

Even though it's recorded now

I'm just gonna play out the night. I probably gave away everything though so well there ya go



I am diamond lol not too hot not too cold just right as my bf says good lord I shouldn't have said that I should not have said that
Todays WCS EU group is so depressing. I want all four players to advance. Also sucks because as much as i like vortix and as good as it is to see a foreigner in such good shape, i want all 3 terran to get through.


Red Bull is awesome as always:


Be sure to check out Bomber vs Xenocider on Heavy Rain (Game 2 or 3) if you haven't seen it! Inteeense!

Also, a samples of all of the wallpapers:

Each one that's included in the pack is 1920 x 1080 resolution.

I'm already pimpin' out dat Bomber wallpaper! :D <3

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Red Bull is awesome as always:


Be sure to check out Bomber vs Xenocider on Heavy Rain (Game 2 or 3) if you haven't seen it! Inteeense!

Also, a samples of all of the wallpapers:

Each one that's included in the pack is 1920 x 1080 resolution.

I'm already pimpin' out dat Bomber wallpaper! :D <3

They couldnt even get Bombers team right when he is on their own team? lol


We would like to officially announce today that we’re parting ways with Johan “NaNiwa” Lucchesi after over a year of service in our Alliance family.

Johan was more than just a player for us. He was a champion, an excellent training partner, and kept the foreign hope flame burning. Most importantly, he was a friend.

I remember when I first started managing him last year and during one of our talks he expressed an earnest desire to not only be the best foreign StaCraft II player, but the best in the world. That conversation stuck with me and today I am proud to call him not only one of the best foreign players that have ever competed, but truly one of the best that has ever played the game.

A few weeks ago shortly after withdrawing from ASUS ROG due to an illness, Johan came to me asking if he could take a break from StarCraft II for 4-6 months. During the last couple months, he was having a hard time finding motivation for the game and mentioned that he did not want to go to IEM. After some discussions we came to a mutual agreement that IEM World Championship in Katowice would be his last stage of his career for now as I felt he owed it to himself to compete after playing so hard at IEM New York. I urged him to take the next few days leading up to the event to practice in hopes he would rekindle his flame for the game since IEM is such a prestigious event. Sadly things didn’t go as any of us hoped, but we still gave it a shot.

Johan is without a doubt an extremely dedicated, hardworking, and talented player and I certainly believe he still has a lot left in him as a professional. But with his decision to take a break for at least six months to pursue another game, it will no longer be possible for Alliance to keep him on our StarCraft II squad. However, if he were to decide to return to competitive StarCraft II again, we would love to sit down and discuss another future together.

We at Alliance are extremely grateful for his contributions to our team and organization. He will always be part of our [A] family. Johan, we’ll definitely miss cheering for you and we wish you nothing but the best in your new adventures.


Kelly Ong Xiao Wei
Player and Account Manager for Alliance

Statements from Johan’s Teammates:

When me and Johan just joined Alliance, I didn’t really know the guy and I did not know what to expect. But after being on the same team with him for over a year, I have grown to respect him immensely and I have really got to see that he is a true competitor and he takes his game very seriously. In person he has never been anything but extremely respectful and friendly and I have come to realize that I will miss cheering for this boy.

Over the last year or two I’ve gotten to know Johan quite well. The community sees a lot of negative stuff around him which I think is sad. From my perspective there are a lot of good things about Johan and he’s one of the pro gamers I have the most respect for. Nothing is black and white and I wish him all the best in whatever he chooses to do from here.

3 facts about NaNiwa:
His dad is a doctor
He likes eating chocolate
He is a great flight partner to theory craft games with and actually has pretty good jokes.

Red Bull is awesome as always:


Be sure to check out Bomber vs Xenocider on Heavy Rain (Game 2 or 3) if you haven't seen it! Inteeense!

Also, a samples of all of the wallpapers:

Each one that's included in the pack is 1920 x 1080 resolution.

I'm already pimpin' out dat Bomber wallpaper! :D <3

Maru in Prime uniform.... ;_;

Prime right now would have been in the playoffs in Proleague.

Also sad news that MKP, State and Creator didn't make Code A, but at least the next qualifier is happening.


New Ladder Maps for 2014 Season 2

With 2014 Ladder Season 1 starting to wind down, we would like to take some time to preview our new maps for 2014 Ladder Season 2. The upcoming season will see ten new maps added across the 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 map pools. We’ve already published the new maps below to the Custom Games list, so after you’ve given them a quick look here, be sure to log in and get a few practice games on each before the season rolls at 12:01 a.m. PDT on Monday, April 14.

The 1v1 Map Pool

Our direction for the 1v1 map pool in Season 2 is to continue to find interesting, unique maps that will help provide variety in our map pool. We want more maps that show creative use of existing mechanics and provide different gameplay options from other maps already in the ladder pool. Habitation Station is a great example of a map that achieved this goal in Ladder Season 1 and we believe this was the best map addition in a really long time. Going forward, we’ll look to continue adding new maps that offer diverse gameplay.

For the 1v1 maps that we’ll be removing in Season 2, our goal is to reduce the amount of maps that heavily favor Blink all-in strategies. Other than that, we’re also looking to remove older maps that have been in the map pool for a while. Here are the maps we will be removing in Season 2.

1v1 Removals
Polar Night
Daedalus Point
Heavy Rain

1v1 Additions
King Sejong Station LE
King Sejong Station is a 1v1 map that is currently being used in Proleague. This map has proven to be quite interesting as it offers a variety of timings and strategies, which we feel are due to how the natural and the third expansions are set up. We have high confidence in this map both in terms of balance and the potential for diverse strategies based on the games we’ve been seeing in Proleague.

Overgrowth LE

This is a new two-player map created by GSL, with a fairly standard natural and third base set up. Overgrowth also features High Yield bases in the middle of the map with watchtowers nearby. We feel these features, combined with a more familiar expansion path, will create some exciting games.

Merry Go Round LE

Merry Go Round is another new GSL map, and also the first three-player map to join the ladder. While the weakness of three-player maps in general is that they’re naturally not symmetric, we believe any start location advantage on Merry Go Round is minimized by how late this asymmetric advantage kicks in. We’ll definitely be watching to see if this works as we hope, and any feedback from games played on this map will be helpful prior to heading into Season 2.


Waystation is a four-player map where you and your opponent can only spawn diagonal from one another. With this map, we are hoping to see players have to adapt based on the different strategic options offered by the different start locations. The top left and bottom right start locations will offer a more macro oriented game, while the top right and bottom left start locations will play quite differently. When starting in the top right and bottom left, the combination of a more normal rush distance, an open center path to your opponent, a slightly more difficult to defend third base, and island bases behind your main base will make this start location feel a lot more unique.

Complete 1v1 Map Pool for 2014 Season 2
Alterzim Stronghold TE
Frost LE
Habitation Station LE
King Sejong Station LE
Overgrowth LE
Merry Go Round LE

The 2v2 Map Pool

In the 2v2 map pool, we’re looking to add maps that allow for more macro oriented games. Both of the new maps in Season 2 will flow similar to a 1v1 map in that every player will get a natural base that is easier to access and defend, as well as a fairly easy to obtain third base. Due to these changes, the rush distances on the Season 2 maps will naturally be much longer than most 2v2 maps from Season 1. This change came as a result of feedback from the community, and we agree that it’ll be fun to see what happens on these types of maps. If you get a chance to play these maps, please let us know what you think.

2v2 Removals
Greystone Ravine
Hunting Ground

2v2 Additions

Crystal Pools


On Crystal Pools, your main and natural bases should be easy to defend. The third base layout is similar to standard 1v1 maps, but there’s also another option of breaking the rocks and taking the high yield early. Due to the distance to the high yield base from the natural expansion choke point, we believe this will be a viable macro route as well.

Katherine Square


This map features a shared starting location, and two well-protected expansions behind it. Defending solo against two players should be fairly easy on this map, meaning it’ll be possible to coordinate strategies that focus on early macro gains, similar to strategies we see on 1v1 maps.

The 3v3 Map Pool

For the 3v3 map pool, we’re exploring having more a more diverse map selection. For Season 2, we tried to focus on maps that play differently to existing maps.

3v3 Removals
Queen’s Nest
Vault of Secrets

3v3 Additions

Forbidden Sanctuary


Early games on Forbidden Sanctuary will feel similar to other rush-friendly fortress maps, except that defending the main ramp should be much easier. The map also features a long, alternate path to the opponent’s base by going around to the back side.

Frozen Fields


We expect that early aggression will be difficult on Frozen Fields due to the rocks blocking off the main ramps. The map also offers attack routes that require the team to commit to a chosen path, as they do not intersect. In the later stages of the game, we feel the positioning of the last expansions on the lower ground with overlooking Xel’Naga watchtowers will lead to some exciting late-game action.

The 4v4 Map Pool

As with our 3v3 map pool this season, we are looking to add interesting maps to our 4v4 map pool that will offer varied strategies.

4v4 Removals
Celestial Bastion
Volcanic Ridge

4v4 Additions



Conduit is a macro fortress map. There are multiple paths to attack from, and multiple ways to expand after the natural expansions. Depending on how each side is playing, where the action happens will vary greatly.

Sundered Isle


Allied starting locations are much more spread out on Sundered Isle, except for one location where two teammates can defend together. After the natural expansions, there are several high yield locations to expand to that are more difficult to hold. It will be important to scout for enemies who quickly expand to these bases, and finding the correct time to utilize these higher resource expansions will be a critical part of success on this map.

l ten of the new maps have already been published to the Custom Games list in order to give you a chance to check them out before the new season begins. Please feel free to grab some games on these maps and tell us what you think in the comment section below. All of these maps will also be available through the matchmaking queues when Season 2 begins at 12:01 a.m. PDT on Monday, April 14.

Good luck and have fun on the 2014 Season 2 ladder!


Our direction for the 1v1 map pool in Season 2 is to continue to find interesting, unique maps that will help provide variety in our map pool. We want more maps that show creative use of existing mechanics and provide different gameplay options from other maps already in the ladder pool. Habitation Station is a great example of a map that achieved this goal in Ladder Season 1 and we believe this was the best map addition in a really long time. Going forward, we’ll look to continue adding new maps that offer diverse gameplay.

For the 1v1 maps that we’ll be removing in Season 2, our goal is to reduce the amount of maps that heavily favor Blink all-in strategies. Other than that, we’re also looking to remove older maps that have been in the map pool for a while. Here are the maps we will be removing in Season 2.


"Variety" and "creativity.....right...........

I love how 3/4 of the new maps make Blink timings just as efficient as any of the maps in the current pool. Overgrowth is the only map I can see where Protoss won't Blink whore in PvT... but then it just falls apart after how pathetically easy it looks to take 3 bases + a high yield expansion... ALL ON THE HIGH GROUND!

Good fuck, Blizzard. At least have the decency to pretend you're trying here.

"Variety" and "creativity.....right...........

I love how 3/4 of the new maps make Blink timings just as efficient as any of the maps in the current pool. Overgrowth is the only map I can see where Protoss won't Blink whore in PvT... but then it just falls apart after how pathetically easy it looks to take 3 bases + a high yield expansion... ALL ON THE HIGH GROUND!

Good fuck, Blizzard. At least have the decency to pretend you're trying here.

Wut? Only map Blink all-ins look good on is Merry Go Round and Waystation if spawns are bottom left and top right.


They should really just rework blink or increase the research time slightly to soft nerf blink, allowing for more variation in map design. It would not be anywhere near as much of a problem if unlimited warp ins did not create a massive snowball issue.

Oh well I am down for trying the new maps.


Blink should cost shield energy like stim eats health, but change the cooldown back to 10secs. Also if the stalker has no shields left, they can still blink, but it would delay shield regen.


maybe they should nerf stalkers damage a lot but make blink baseline to push them into a scouting harass role

n then reintroduce dragoons

the versatility of an ability like blink on a core army unit is too dangerous imo


Wut? Only map Blink all-ins look good on is Merry Go Round and Waystation if spawns are bottom left and top right.

I personally really like King Sejong Station based on what I've seen of it from Proleague, but the only reason it hasn't been obvious how OP early Blink timings will be on that map is because there have only been like seven TvPs played on it and Protoss have opened Robo or Stargate every single game.

Check it out:

Protoss not only have free low-ground Blink access to the entirety of the ledge that makes up your main, but they can flank from two sides at once if they want and instantly be in your main mineral line.

If they edit the map and remove those backdoor low ground areas adjacent to the main then it should be fine... otherwise, look out for this map with TvPs next season. As bad as a lot of the maps are in the current map pool, Protoss don't yet have instant easy access to your main mineral line if they Blink.

Again, Blink and Stimpack currently have the same research times (170 seconds), which is total bull shit because Chronoboost exists. Either make Blink a base 230-240 seconds to research or increase its cost from 150/150 to 200/200 or 250/250. All Blizzard has to do is eliminate that timing where Protoss can hit with Blink before Terran finishes researching Stimpack and the timings automatically won't be as broken as they are now. And it still leaves Blink perfectly viable and effective in the mid and late game!


They should really just rework blink or increase the research time slightly to soft nerf blink, allowing for more variation in map design. It would not be anywhere near as much of a problem if unlimited warp ins did not create a massive snowball issue.

Oh well I am down for trying the new maps.
Taking damage knocks blink onto cooldown for 3 seconds.


Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Troof. What is it about Protoss that attracts the most banal shit to it from Blizzard? Even hots only amplified the problem.
Because blizzard doesn't like admitting they were wrong often by fixing a whole race. So what else to do? Make it crazier!


Hasn't a lot of the SCII team been working on Heroes of the Storm? I would assume that the SCII team between expansion ramp ups is like a couple people for backend Bnet features, and a few people for balance while a skeleton team works on the expansion before they need to call in more bodies.

Also I feel like Shoutcraft has been a sleeper hit that someone gets good numbers and no one talks about it. The fact that it uses tons of different (community) maps and also has a 2v2 match for every team face off is just wonderful to me. I thought I would start watching it, is it worth the time if I am watching for my fav teams? How have the 2v2s been going? I feel like 2v2 is a criminally under represented competitive format in SCII that has so much potential for interesting and entertaining games.


But you can watch all of the match on TBs youtube account

  • Interest and wide pool of maps constantly being updated from the community
  • 2v2 match in every team faceoff that is awesome

Can not complain, and as TB has said on Unfiltered and basically everywhere, the show is in the black for all stakeholders, it is making money and making back its investment.

But they need to include in game music or something, because the the game volume is so quiet when compared to the casters.

Sorry if I was kind of rambling, I am a little scatter brained today and am struggling to condense my thoughts on Shoutcraft, but I think if you have the time, they seem to be bringing a lot of fresh things to the table especially if people are bored by the same old timings and meta.

Apparently Xenocider was a part of an amazing 2v2 and while back, anyone have the link?

TeamLiquid Map Contest 4

We're very proud to announce the fourth edition of the Team Liquid Map Contest and another opportunity for the community to get maps into the ladder and WCS. This map contest will be looking for maps to be considered for use for WCS Season 3 -- if you missed Blizzard's announcement regarding the map pool for WCS Season 2 you can find that here. We're also including a team play map section for this seasons contest. The high placing maps in that contest will also be considered for use for on the ladder.

The TLMC has a very proud history of creating truly exceptional maps which have become tournament staples and which have served as a canvas for some of the best games in SC2's lifespan. Maps like Cloud Kingdom, Ohana, Frost, Yeonsu and Habitation Station all found their way into tournament use through the TLMC. We're excited to see what new and interesting maps the community will create for this contest.

For the 1v1 portion of the competition there is one very important restriction for this season -- maps with only two spawn positions will not be considered. This means we will only be considering maps with 3-5 spawn positions for this contest. Please consult the FAQ for more information about this restriction.


Please PM your map(s) files to TL Map Contest with the following format before Saturday, Apr 19 6:59am UTC (GMT+00:00):

Map Name:

Main to Main distance: (in game seconds using a worker from town hall to town hall)

Natural to Natural distance: (in game seconds using a worker from town hall to town hall)

Your maps download link

Entries not in this format may be excluded from consideration. Please do not send questions to the 'TL Map Contest' account; contact TLMC organizer Plexa instead.



...heh, you do look kind of like a Pineapple.

Well ksan is an intelligent bloke who has been posting in the Ukraine thread, apparently affectation for insulting you crosses some pretty big demographic segments!

u want soem??

I will have you know that google searching that under the auspice of my own curiosity to see it was some sort of meme brought up a buff naked man cooking dinner.



...heh, you do look kind of like a Pineapple.

Well ksan is an intelligent bloke who has been posting in the Ukraine thread, apparently affectation for insulting you crosses some pretty big demographic segments!

I think holden has heard more than enough of my stupid shit to know that the very opposite is true often as well!
At least your posts I've read in that thread are consistently good!

I will have you know that google searching that under the auspice of my own curiosity to see it was some sort of meme brought up a buff naked man cooking dinner.


That was not my intention :lol just writing some stupid shit
was probably thinking of "ay bb u want sum fuk?" when writing that... D:
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